Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

But again, you're not proving causation here.

Just noting the interplay that's all. Having Napolitano's lapdog back home and in charge of Fast and Furious is interesting. Just think for a moment how absurd this operation was . . .

The Arizona AG's office was charged with implementing the revamped prosecution scheme that suspended prosecution of all Title 18 federal firearm purchase and transfer offenses (which is the domain of ATF). Instead of their normal role, Asst. AG Burke and Asst. US Attrorney Hurley demanded Phoenix ATF instead bring indictable evidence of Title 22 international gun trafficking offenses (Dept of State) against unknown individuals in the Sinaloa Cartel living and operating in Mexico. There's some problems with that.

Problem #1: The State Department is in charge of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and ITAR is completely beyond ATF's scope of jurisdiction. ICE, a department of DHS are the enforcers of ITAR but they were told to stand down and defer to ATF for anything to do with guns in the border areas of Arizona.

Putting aside the international hurdles and potential violation of international treaty, to expect ATF to be the lead investigators for ITAR violations is as absurd as a US Attorney demanding ATF bring him cases of currency counterfeiting or tax evasion or mail fraud . . . There are reasons why law enforcement duties are compartmentalized and contained and assigned within the agency charged with that area of law and why those agencies protect their turf so vigorously.

Problem #2: Operationally, Phoenix ATF was keeping the ATF agents authorized to work in Mexico completely out of the loop. Within two months of the start of F&F, when the first large seizures of F&F guns began, the ATF agents in Mexico found their access to the results of traces they ran on the recovered guns, DISABLED! (page 16) Of course the agents actually in Mexico were not expected to do any investigation/tracking of the guns as they came across the border, they weren't told who they should be looking for . . . So the cover-story that F&F intended to 'track the weapons to cartel big wigs AND TAKE THEM DOWN!' is just bullshit.

The only "tracking" of the guns was to put a pin on a map where they were recovered with a little flag with the body count. A question . . . If nobody knew the guns were immediately flowing into criminal hands, why enter the serial numbers into the Suspect Gun Database as soon as Fast & Furious strawbuyers bought them?

As I said, this onion needs to be peeled because it is simply not possible that this was just a rogue operation of a handful of field agents of Group VII in Phoenix ATF and nobody in DC knew what was going on . . . Really, not only is that just ridiculous we know that upper echelon DoJ/ATF knew gun walking was going on, at least from Jan 5th 2010 (page 20) and most certainly in March when the wiretap applications made their way through Main Justice citing Title 22 USC 2278 as a crime Phoenix ATF and Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division Lanny A. Breuer[/URL] believed was occurring and would be revealed by the wiretap.

How the DOJ could present an affidavit to a judge that F&F strawbuyers were violating international gun trafficking laws while "nobody knew nothing" in DoJ/ATF about the guns bought by F&F strawbuyers being trafficked internationally :dunno: :eusa_whistle:, requires mental gymnastics my old noggin just can't perform.

As I said, Fast and Furious was an operation engineered to "fail" as a "law enforcement" initiative because it's only real intention was placing thousands of guns sourced from US FFL's, into the hands of Sinaloa Cartel narco-terrorists.

The man was stupid for retaliating against as whistle blower, but not if the whistle blower in question was giving out sensitive information on an ongoing criminal investigation to the public, which is exactly what happened, endangering the investigation and the lives of the agents involved.

There was no "investigation" to compromise. The straw buyers were known FBI informants and within two months of the operation's start-up it was clear, simply by the weapon seizures that occurred in November and December that those specific buyers were the conduits for the Sinaloa Cartel. (pages 17 & 18)

There was no investigation done to establish the players beyond that ring of cultivated, nurtured and coddled straw buyers; the "investigation" consisted of just allowing these dozen or so buyers to purchase as many guns as they could as fast as they could and then take those guns and vanish into the wind.

Now the Terry case being sealed is most probably due to the fact that they want to keep any fugitive defendants from knowing about the case.

Fugitive aliens who retreated back to Mexico, who even if they returned to the USA and are encountered/captured by law enforcement in Arizona, their identity/immigration status can not be checked and if checked, DHS will not give the info to state or local authorities??? Those guys? Yeah, I can see why the "integrity" of the investigation must be preserved.
The Democrats had control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency for two years. If it is a Republican thing, why didn't they end the war on drugs then, cockbreath!

Ahh, so Republican STARTED the war on drugs, and pretty much made all the laws that enforce the war on drugs.

And the war on drugs has been ongoing for about 40 years now....

But, because Democrats had some years in which they could have attempted to end it, but didn't get enough votes to pursue it, the War on Drugs is now all the Democrat's fault too?

Tell me, do you also consider Watergate to be the Democrat's fault?

How about Iran/Contra? Was that the Democrats too?
F&F body count > WG body count

which makes the former far worse to anyone with at least a shred of decency.

I'm not aware of anyone dying as a result of F&F.

I am aware of people dying in spite of efforts by agents involved in F&F.

As has been pointed out many, many times in this thread.

Unless you have some proof that members of F&F shot the border patrol agent.

Do you live in cave?
You war loving Repubs are pathetic losers.

We are in a "War On Drugs". You rethugs remember that don't you?
It is basically your war.

What happens when a war goes on? People get killed. And some operations suck.

As was the case with this operation. It sucked and people got killed.

Fuking deal with it. Losers.

Go smoke a bowl and play world of Warcraft in your mommies basement cause we are talking adult things here and it seems to be far above your fried brain.

Can I skip Mommys basement and just play in my fully decked out man cave?
Uh, he lied to Congress in an official letter and he lied under oath in front of Congress......they are hiding crimes.

One has to be an idiot to not see Holder and Obamination are criminals in this case.

Obamination claimed he had nothing to do with it, but at the last minute steps in and says it deals with internal Executive messages.....uh he just committed a crime by lying to Congress and the American public.

FYI...there are over 100,000 documents involved and Holder only handed over around 8,000 with blacked out paragraphs. you are fucking clueless.

To answer your original the hell is this "less worse" ( love the command of the language there btw ) than Watergate...Fast and Furious ( if you believe Holder ) was done intending to bring criminals to justice. Watergate was commited to commit fraud on the American public.

Now IF unrefutable evidence is found that the administration did all of this to actually attack the 2nd amendment, Ill join your side in the outrage. But lacking that evidence, I refuse to fall for the chicken little tactics that come from the NRA every damned election cycle.

And if that evidence lies within those withheld documents???

Then that sucks.

Look I dont think Obama or ANY president should be able to claim EP on matters he himself was not privy to at the time. Ive already stated that this sets a dangerous precedent and I dont think it should stand. If it does stand it means Executive privilege is now extended to the ENTIRE executive branch and that, as I see it, sets the Executive branch up as untouchable. The checks and balance system would therefore be completely broken.

That being said, the claim is that some of the documents relate to ongoing investigations. And sorry but ongoing investigation means we cant make that information public...and theyd be VERY public the moment Congress gets their hands on them. And that puts MORE agents at risk.

Holder has acknowledged that Fast and Furious was a mistake. He has turned over more than 7,600 documents relating to the botched operation. He has personally testified on Capitol Hill about the matter on nine occasions.

The death of Terry is tragic. But to put other agents at risk in order to find the "truth" is, at least in my opinion, not desirable either.

Shouldnt there be a way for Congress to see the documents under the condition that they would still be kept secret, provided no criminal action had taken place?
The CON$ never, never, never learn....the keep reaching, reaching and overreaching. Every. single. time.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.


And winning.

Until the Dems stop being such pussies, the Cons will continue. After all, why should they change whats working for them?

Yikes, there really are americans who still think government isn't growing fast enough and isn't squashing liberties fast enough.

All the liberties I see being squashed are being squashed by people with an R after their name.
It seems to me the Harrison Act and Prohibition were on Woodrow Wilson, a D-rat, who let US WWI vets eat shit, while building up a cop-shop.

Prohibition was an amendment to the Constitution. Therefore, Wilson had little say in the matter.

But who were the people pushing for it in the first place?

Hmmm, let's check the Wiki:

Prohibition was a major reform movement from the 1840s into the 1920s, and was sponsored by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples and Congregationalists. Kansas and Maine were early adopters. The Women's Christian Temperance Union, founded in 1874, and the Prohibition Party were major players until the early 20th century, when the movement was taken over by the Anti-Saloon League. By using pressure politics on legislators, the Anti-Saloon League achieved the goal of nationwide prohibition during World War I, emphasizing the need to destroy the political corruption of the saloons, the political power of the German-based brewing industry, and the need to reduce domestic violence in the home.

In other words, the type people who supported prohibition are now all Republicans. Because government control of morality is a Conservative position.

Not to mention the fact that prohibition was then repealed under FDR. Of course it was also an amendment to the Constitution, but, since you brought it up I thought I'd point that out.

How is putting a tax on hemp any part of the war on drugs? Just because two products are made from the same plant does not give them the same legal definition. And FDR didn't make hemp or pot illegal, now did he?

And again, Prohibition was repealed under FDR.

That's right, Nixon started the war on drugs. Mainly, one would imagine, to give himself a way to jail all those hippies he hated so much.

But when it came time, for Al Gore to discuss climate change, he sold a book and got out of office, while consistently opposing legal hemp and marijuana. He did a movie, went back to Congress, and said it was an "emotional moment." When you're a SHITHEAD, you screw up, and you get emotional!!

When it came time, for Bill Clinton to legalize drugs, he deregulated energy, banks, and courts, which all screwed up on us. When it came time, for BHO to legalize anything, he bailed the banks and copied white Obamneycare, and he shoved it down everybody's throats. Black Obamney killed with drones, busted pot clubs, and he let frackers stay unregulated.

You're blaming the Democrats for the War on Drugs, because they didn't do enough to stop it???

And you're giving Reagan and Bush a free pass???

(snipped due to rambling unintelligible content)

And this is about where you slip back into free association...

I dont think thats fair. People often forget what it was like BEFORE prohibition. My wife and I watched a great PBS program on it on Netflix not too long ago and i was astounding how unruly people really were. Understand that pre prohibition, mixed drinks were essentially unheard of. You drank alcohol, straight. You got rip roaring falling down beating your wife and kids drunk until you were out of money.

Prohibition changed all of that. The attitude toawrds drinking actually changed during those years ( and the depression years as well ) Sure we still have excess, but no where near what it was back then.
You war loving Repubs are pathetic losers.

We are in a "War On Drugs". You rethugs remember that don't you?
It is basically your war.

What happens when a war goes on? People get killed. And some operations suck.

As was the case with this operation. It sucked and people got killed.

Fuking deal with it. Losers.

The Democrats had control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency for two years. If it is a Republican thing, why didn't they end the war on drugs then, cockbreath!

That is one of the most ill informed short sighted misguided dumbass posts Ive seen in at least a day. Grats! You get to wear the stupid hat today.
I dont think thats fair. People often forget what it was like BEFORE prohibition. My wife and I watched a great PBS program on it on Netflix not too long ago and i was astounding how unruly people really were. Understand that pre prohibition, mixed drinks were essentially unheard of. You drank alcohol, straight. You got rip roaring falling down beating your wife and kids drunk until you were out of money.

Prohibition changed all of that. The attitude toawrds drinking actually changed during those years ( and the depression years as well ) Sure we still have excess, but no where near what it was back then.

Hmm, I think you have a good point there. Perhaps Prohibition did help in it's own little way, but I think it certainly might have been overkill as far as dealing with the situation went.

It would still be a moral argument to try and ban it though.

However, I was just pointing out that his argument about Wilson, Prohibition, and the war on drugs were faulty.
I dont think thats fair. People often forget what it was like BEFORE prohibition. My wife and I watched a great PBS program on it on Netflix not too long ago and i was astounding how unruly people really were. Understand that pre prohibition, mixed drinks were essentially unheard of. You drank alcohol, straight. You got rip roaring falling down beating your wife and kids drunk until you were out of money.

Prohibition changed all of that. The attitude toawrds drinking actually changed during those years ( and the depression years as well ) Sure we still have excess, but no where near what it was back then.

Hmm, I think you have a good point there. Perhaps Prohibition did help in it's own little way, but I think it certainly might have been overkill as far as dealing with the situation went.

It would still be a moral argument to try and ban it though.

However, I was just pointing out that his argument about Wilson, Prohibition, and the war on drugs were faulty.

Oh I agree with you on that.

BTW, side note: look at the historical context of Charles Dickens A Christmas THAT with "Bring us some figgy pudding, we wont go until we get some" and get back to me. Totally off subject but most people have no idea the actual context of A Christmas Carol and how it was used to change a very violent holiday into the commercialized monster it is today. Ill take the monster over the mobs anyday hehe. ( I dont know why but the two must be filed away next to each other in my brain because I cant think of one without thinking of the other as well )
Let's just introduce this, by noting BOTH major political parties in the US are owned by AIPAC, Israel, and an assortment of conspiratorial special interest groups, including petrochemical, prison, law enforcement, war, and any dirt-doing special industry, or we wouldn't be involved with any drug or other wars.

Prohibition was an amendment to the Constitution. Therefore, Wilson had little say in the matter.

But who were the people pushing for it in the first place?

Not to mention the fact that prohibition was then repealed under FDR. Of course it was also an amendment to the Constitution, but, since you brought it up I thought I'd point that out.

It turns out, Woodrow Wilson vetoed the Volstead Act, which enforced Prohibition, but the veto was over-ridden. But the Harrison Act was named after Francis Harrison, a member of the Wilson Administration.

How is putting a tax on hemp any part of the war on drugs? Just because two products are made from the same plant does not give them the same legal definition. And FDR didn't make hemp or pot illegal, now did he?

And again, Prohibition was repealed under FDR.

Another poster, I believe Blind Boo named Harry Anslinger, who was waging a war on people, while WWII led to suspension, of enforcement of hemp laws, since the crop was vital, to the war effort. But then the war ended.

That's right, Nixon started the war on drugs. Mainly, one would imagine, to give himself a way to jail all those hippies he hated so much.

But when it came time, for Al Gore to discuss climate change, he sold a book and got out of office, while consistently opposing legal hemp and marijuana. He did a movie, went back to Congress, and said it was an "emotional moment." When you're a SHITHEAD, you screw up, and you get emotional!!

When it came time, for Bill Clinton to legalize drugs, he deregulated energy, banks, and courts, which all screwed up on us. When it came time, for BHO to legalize anything, he bailed the banks and copied white Obamneycare, and he shoved it down everybody's throats. Black Obamney killed with drones, busted pot clubs, and he let frackers stay unregulated.

You're blaming the Democrats for the War on Drugs, because they didn't do enough to stop it??? And you're giving Reagan and Bush a free pass???

(snipped due to rambling unintelligible content)

And this is about where you slip back into free association...

Uh, hey MO, I don't know how much you've actually had to do, with Democrats, over years and years, but I have had a bit, to do with them, and let me assure you, they SUCK. I don't know why all the black Obamney supporters can't see through him, but NOT ONE OF YOU SEES THROUGH HIM:

AND, OF COURSE, the D-rats copied pubsies' Project Gunrunner and Op.Wide Receiver, to eat Fast and Furious shit, since when you copy white Obamneycare, in 2008, you lose the US House, in 2010, so the House now will bust your shit, for screwing up, and guess who screws up? Would that be D-rats? Duh, yup.

But after 2010, the D-rats or Ron Paul or somebody tried to pass CO2-neutral biomass research, and it lost, 2012. Now just what the fuck could anybody be thinking, who won't understand, how THE DRUG WAR IS BI-PARTISAN?

Black Obamney promised to prioritize climate change, in 2008, 2010, and 2012, if he gets re-elected. Meanwhile, he is in a sack-race, with his left leg, in the same sack, with white Obamney's right leg, and they are hippity-hopping, for President. What a display, of idiotic, redundant buffoonery! They both have CRS, and white Obamney just got to 44%, vs. black Obamney's 45%, in Iowa. They ought to get married.

Is there something "unintelligible," about the truth, even if I use comic comparison, of the two candidates, vis-a-vis "black Obamney" and "white Obamney?"

MORE truth, which you and your fellow D-rats have trouble with: Democrats are 2nd-team Republicans, is all.

If George Marshall had not flummoxed Tom Dewey, in 1944, to convince Dewey, not to accuse FDR of sedition, after FDR arranged with General Marshall, to suppress all intel, about the impending Japanese attack, into Pearl Harbor, some Republican might have edged into the White House, past that schmuck, FDR, and his establishment of the trend, for the US President to be manipulative and corrupt, to such a degree, FDR is now suspected, of not suffering from polio, at all, but rather, from ALCOHOLISM.

If you modern D-rats weren't so goddamn DRUNK, on your ability to be more numerous than pubsies, but you are 2nd-team fascists, who sometimes get a majority in Congress, and sometimes, you get into the White House, you'd notice VALUE, rather than trying to assess COSTS, on the rest of us, which would save us, from the pubsies, but hey.

You aren't heroes. You just make excuses and turn vadgy on me. "Snippy-snip."

You LOSER! You can't break free, of your cultic admiration, for copycats, who copy FASCISTS, or like FDR, D-rats are fascists, under the skin.

Jimmy Carter would have been a great President, IF he had put Ralph Nader in his cabinet, but the D-rats started losing Ralph, in the Carter Administration, and they infiltrated Nader 2004, and sued the campaign, to keep Ralph off ballots.

John Kerry lost, anyway, since he was like Al Gore, a LOSER, who let Republicans take initiative away, from him. Shit, Al Gore won the popular vote, in 2000, and he wouldn't sue over Florida irregularities, since he didn't really want to win.

8 of 15 responding occupations reported D-rats attempted to co-opt the occupation, but that story was removed from OWS-DC's blog, since OWS tends to support D-rat trolls.

So, black Obamney is in danger of LOSING the upcoming election, since he has gathered LOSERS, to support his black-copycat tactics, which losers I presume includes YOU and your increasingly sorry excuses, for black Obamney's administration, which has withheld documents, for years, from both Congress and the Bradley Manning defense, since black Obamney knows stonewalling, as well as Nixon did.

D-rats learned more from the Watergate burglars, than they learned from Ron Paul. Too bad, but D-rats have such poor choice, of Republicans, to copy.

The reason white Obamney could win is he's in a sack-race, with a SUCKA, who won't pull out of the sack and run, on his better legs. Hey, LOSER! Just sayin' . . .
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The Democrats had control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency for two years. If it is a Republican thing, why didn't they end the war on drugs then, cockbreath!

Ahh, so Republican STARTED the war on drugs, and pretty much made all the laws that enforce the war on drugs.

And the war on drugs has been ongoing for about 40 years now....

But, because Democrats had some years in which they could have attempted to end it, but didn't get enough votes to pursue it, the War on Drugs is now all the Democrat's fault too?

Tell me, do you also consider Watergate to be the Democrat's fault?

How about Iran/Contra? Was that the Democrats too?

and pretty much made all the laws that enforce the war on drugs.

Smoke another, you are not quite there yet.

On a side note I would like to thank the democrats for stepping up drug prosecutions for blacks.

Great stuff.
Look people. There are a LOT of things you can blame on Democrats.

They're not perfect. They've fucked up a bunch of times.

But the War on Drugs? Seriously?

I'm thinking you people are taking way to many of the drugs they've been waging this war on.

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Look people. There are a LOT of things you can blame on Democrats.

They're not perfect. They've fucked up a bunch of times.

But the War on Drugs? Seriously?

I'm thinking you people are taking way to many of the drugs they've been waging this war on.

Your denial level is typical, of black Obamney's cultic followers, VastDDD. Democrats passed the following, during Democratic Presidential administrations:

1. Harrison Act, 1915, a narcotics tax act
2. Hemp Stamp Tax Act, 1938 (ruled unconstitutional 1972)

Nixon founded the DEA, when SCOTUS ruled the HSTA unconstitutional, 1972. This was the start, of the media campaign, leading to the use of the term, "War on Drugs."

Nancy Reagan popularized the phrase, "Just say NO, to drugs."

But support for the multi-trillion failure, generally known as the drug war is BI-PARTISAN, like support for the apartheid, minority-tyranny regime, in the State of Israel.

The legal media for the drug war was initiated and all of it is sustained, by D-rats, despite your awesome level of denial. No other course is considered, even if legal hemp would keep punkass pubs at bay, with CO2-neutral biomass media. D-rats won't support industrial hemp OR relief, from the drug war.

Maybe you have "fucked up a bunch of times" confused, with NO GODDAMNED GOOD.

Pragmatic reduction or overdue end of THE STUPID DRUG WAR would mean backing off all kinds of scams, such as prison industry, which pumps costs onto the US public, which as 5% of the world's population fund 25% of the world's prison population, directly, but via the War on Drugs, the US issues billions of dollars of military and other aid, to war-dependent nations.

And all of the corruption re-circulates, into GDPs, distorting value, while pumping punk inflation, into real estate and other agency difficulties. Without the drug war, we wouldn't have gangs and cartels, in all directions, while DDD-rats keep DDDenying, how they started the drug war, and DDD-rats refused to finish it, EVERY CHANCE THEY HAD, particularly, in 2008, with black Obamney in the White House and majorities, in both houses, of Congress.

DDD-rats have no intention, of freeing us, from petroleum, by practical advocacy, of CO2-neutral biomass, of any kind. DDD-rats will always run a straw-controversy, to lock up, with the Republicans, rather than issue any practical media. This way, lawyers and trashy bureaucrats proliferate and profiteer.

DDD-rats have no intention, to abate the drug war, as I write this. "Democrats aren't perfect?!!" They are NO GODDAMNED GOOD. WAKE UP, VastDDD!

Hey, left-wing geeks, which are carbon-copies of right-wing geeks are responsible, for how historic leftist media won't attack the US drug war because the former Soviet Union, including Russia exports a lot of petroleum, so these former Marxist nations won't admit anybody on the left needs to cut his carbon footprint, particularly by legalizing and growing a lot of HEMP. Smarten the fuck up, but hey, you are typical.

DDD-rats are 1st team idiots, 1st team toads, and 2nd team Republicans:

Democratic Party on the Issues

Democrats and the Drug War | Friends of Justice

Why Democrats Support the Drug War Status Quo

Black Obamney smoked pot, "frequently." He allegedly did crack, in NYC. So he did manage to sign sentence reform, for crack possession. Whoop-de-fucking-do.
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Look people. There are a LOT of things you can blame on Democrats.

They're not perfect. They've fucked up a bunch of times.

But the War on Drugs? Seriously?

I'm thinking you people are taking way to many of the drugs they've been waging this war on.

Your denial level is typical, of black Obamney's cultic followers, VastDDD. Democrats passed the following, during Democratic Presidential administrations:

1. Harrison Act, 1915, a narcotics tax act
2. Hemp Stamp Tax Act, 1938 (ruled unconstitutional 1972)

Nixon founded the DEA, when SCOTUS ruled the HSTA unconstitutional, 1972. This was the start, of the media campaign, leading to the use of the term, "War on Drugs."

Nancy Reagan popularized the phrase, "Just say NO, to drugs."

But support for the multi-trillion failure, generally known as the drug war is BI-PARTISAN, like support for the apartheid, minority-tyranny regime, in the State of Israel.

The legal media for the drug war was initiated and all of it is sustained, by D-rats, despite your awesome level of denial. No other course is considered, even if legal hemp would keep punkass pubs at bay, with CO2-neutral biomass media. D-rats won't support industrial hemp OR relief, from the drug war.

Maybe you have "fucked up a bunch of times" confused, with NO GODDAMNED GOOD.

Pragmatic reduction or overdue end of THE STUPID DRUG WAR would mean backing off all kinds of scams, such as prison industry, which pumps costs onto the US public, which as 5% of the world's population fund 25% of the world's prison population, directly, but via the War on Drugs, the US issues billions of dollars of military and other aid, to war-dependent nations.

And all of the corruption re-circulates, into GDPs, distorting value, while pumping punk inflation, into real estate and other agency difficulties. Without the drug war, we wouldn't have gangs and cartels, in all directions, while DDD-rats keep DDDenying, how they started the drug war, and DDD-rats refused to finish it, EVERY CHANCE THEY HAD, particularly, in 2008, with black Obamney in the White House and majorities, in both houses, of Congress.

DDD-rats have no intention, of freeing us, from petroleum, by practical advocacy, of CO2-neutral biomass, of any kind. DDD-rats will always run a straw-controversy, to lock up, with the Republicans, rather than issue any practical media. This way, lawyers and trashy bureaucrats proliferate and profiteer.

DDD-rats have no intention, to abate the drug war, as I write this. "Democrats aren't perfect?!!" They are NO GODDAMNED GOOD. WAKE UP, VastDDD!

Hey, left-wing geeks, which are carbon-copies of right-wing geeks are responsible, for how historic leftist media won't attack the US drug war because the former Soviet Union, including Russia exports a lot of petroleum, so these former Marxist nations won't admit anybody on the left needs to cut his carbon footprint, particularly by legalizing and growing a lot of HEMP. Smarten the fuck up, but hey, you are typical.

DDD-rats are 1st team idiots, 1st team toads, and 2nd team Republicans:

Democratic Party on the Issues

Democrats and the Drug War | Friends of Justice

Why Democrats Support the Drug War Status Quo

Black Obamney smoked pot, "frequently." He allegedly did crack, in NYC. So he did manage to sign sentence reform, for crack possession. Whoop-de-fucking-do.

You being a racist invalidates anything you say.
You're no different than the nazi's
Your denial level is typical, of black Obamney's cultic followers, VastDDD. Democrats passed the following, during Democratic Presidential administrations:

1. Harrison Act, 1915, a narcotics tax act
2. Hemp Stamp Tax Act, 1938 (ruled unconstitutional 1972)

Nixon founded the DEA, when SCOTUS ruled the HSTA unconstitutional, 1972. This was the start, of the media campaign, leading to the use of the term, "War on Drugs."

Nancy Reagan popularized the phrase, "Just say NO, to drugs."

But support for the multi-trillion failure, generally known as the drug war is BI-PARTISAN, like support for the apartheid, minority-tyranny regime, in the State of Israel.

The legal media for the drug war was initiated and all of it is sustained, by D-rats, despite your awesome level of denial. No other course is considered, even if legal hemp would keep punkass pubs at bay, with CO2-neutral biomass media. D-rats won't support industrial hemp OR relief, from the drug war.

Maybe you have "fucked up a bunch of times" confused, with NO GODDAMNED GOOD.

Pragmatic reduction or overdue end of THE STUPID DRUG WAR would mean backing off all kinds of scams, such as prison industry, which pumps costs onto the US public, which as 5% of the world's population fund 25% of the world's prison population, directly, but via the War on Drugs, the US issues billions of dollars of military and other aid, to war-dependent nations.

And all of the corruption re-circulates, into GDPs, distorting value, while pumping punk inflation, into real estate and other agency difficulties. Without the drug war, we wouldn't have gangs and cartels, in all directions, while DDD-rats keep DDDenying, how they started the drug war, and DDD-rats refused to finish it, EVERY CHANCE THEY HAD, particularly, in 2008, with black Obamney in the White House and majorities, in both houses, of Congress.

DDD-rats have no intention, of freeing us, from petroleum, by practical advocacy, of CO2-neutral biomass, of any kind. DDD-rats will always run a straw-controversy, to lock up, with the Republicans, rather than issue any practical media. This way, lawyers and trashy bureaucrats proliferate and profiteer.

DDD-rats have no intention, to abate the drug war, as I write this. "Democrats aren't perfect?!!" They are NO GODDAMNED GOOD. WAKE UP, VastDDD!

Hey, left-wing geeks, which are carbon-copies of right-wing geeks are responsible, for how historic leftist media won't attack the US drug war because the former Soviet Union, including Russia exports a lot of petroleum, so these former Marxist nations won't admit anybody on the left needs to cut his carbon footprint, particularly by legalizing and growing a lot of HEMP. Smarten the fuck up, but hey, you are typical.

DDD-rats are 1st team idiots, 1st team toads, and 2nd team Republicans:

Democratic Party on the Issues

Democrats and the Drug War | Friends of Justice

Why Democrats Support the Drug War Status Quo

Black Obamney smoked pot, "frequently." He allegedly did crack, in NYC. So he did manage to sign sentence reform, for crack possession. Whoop-de-fucking-do.

And another rambling rant, saying the same thing you said a few pages ago.

Please refer to my answer to THAT rambling rant for a response to this one.
And another rambling rant, saying the same thing you said a few pages ago. Please refer to my answer to THAT rambling rant for a response to this one.

Since you didn't read either of my posts, without forgetting the words, before you responded, I can conclude you aren't reading Blind Boo or Abatis or anyone else worth reading, so why don't you 69 it, with bigretardedqueenofcalinkey, and you retards can bite each other, until November?

Tell you what, VastDDD, the only thing with more denial than you and the rest of black Obamney's cultists is a load of Gomer and Goober's test-tube babies, who crawled off, to some state of climate change denial, which would be any old red state.

Look what has his big head up your asshole, but bigretardedqueenofcalinkey! He can't read, neither can you, and you both bite the big one . . . could this be the making of a boondoggle? You suck, he sucks, you both suck, so work something out.

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