Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

See the other thread we are arguing in for your answer. Youve made the same mistake in both.

You made an accusation. Support it or crawl away with your tail between your legs.

The more you thump your chest, the more you look like the idiot you are. ou didged away from the point over a capitalization issue. LOL moron. Walking away from stupid isnt crawling away its knowing youve already won. So go ahead bang your head into the wall for all the good it will do you.

No, no you made an accusation about logic. Address that accusation if you have any character at all.
You made an accusation. Support it or crawl away with your tail between your legs.

The more you thump your chest, the more you look like the idiot you are. ou didged away from the point over a capitalization issue. LOL moron. Walking away from stupid isnt crawling away its knowing youve already won. So go ahead bang your head into the wall for all the good it will do you.

No, no you made an accusation about logic. Address that accusation if you have any character at all.

LOL Bang bang bang

I already did. The fact that youre too dense to have understood it only makes this all the more funny.
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The more you thump your chest, the more you look like the idiot you are. ou didged away from the point over a capitalization issue. LOL moron. Walking away from stupid isnt crawling away its knowing youve already won. So go ahead bang your head into the wall for all the good it will do you.

No, no you made an accusation about logic. Address that accusation if you have any character at all.

I already did.

No, you did not (quote your address of the issue if you really want to go with this). I understand why you are afraid to be held accountable to your own words when they were so poorly chosen, but the easiest way to get your embarrassment over with is to face it now.
Uh, he lied to Congress in an official letter and he lied under oath in front of Congress......they are hiding crimes.

One has to be an idiot to not see Holder and Obamination are criminals in this case.

Obamination claimed he had nothing to do with it, but at the last minute steps in and says it deals with internal Executive messages.....uh he just committed a crime by lying to Congress and the American public.

FYI...there are over 100,000 documents involved and Holder only handed over around 8,000 with blacked out paragraphs. you are fucking clueless.

no insanity is giving in to the conspiracy theories that this was more than it was...a major fuck up.

Hey, you want Holder gone? So do I. He should resign, in my opinion.

Its the ridiculous claims that this was all done to attack the 2nd amendment Im railing against.

To answer your original the hell is this "less worse" ( love the command of the language there btw ) than Watergate...Fast and Furious ( if you believe Holder ) was done intending to bring criminals to justice. Watergate was commited to commit fraud on the American public.

Now IF unrefutable evidence is found that the administration did all of this to actually attack the 2nd amendment, Ill join your side in the outrage. But lacking that evidence, I refuse to fall for the chicken little tactics that come from the NRA every damned election cycle.

Lying to congress, and failing to provide supenoed documents is intentionally deceiving the nation (fraud). But keep using tunnel vision, Pol Pot will thank you (before the execution).
You war loving Repubs are pathetic losers.

We are in a "War On Drugs". You rethugs remember that don't you?
It is basically your war.

What happens when a war goes on? People get killed. And some operations suck.

As was the case with this operation. It sucked and people got killed.

Fuking deal with it. Losers.
You war loving Repubs are pathetic losers.

We are in a "War On Drugs". You rethugs remember that don't you?
It is basically your war.

What happens when a war goes on? People get killed. And some operations suck.

As was the case with this operation. It sucked and people got killed.

Fuking deal with it. Losers.

Go smoke a bowl and play world of Warcraft in your mommies basement cause we are talking adult things here and it seems to be far above your fried brain.
Uh, he lied to Congress in an official letter and he lied under oath in front of Congress......they are hiding crimes.

One has to be an idiot to not see Holder and Obamination are criminals in this case.

Obamination claimed he had nothing to do with it, but at the last minute steps in and says it deals with internal Executive messages.....uh he just committed a crime by lying to Congress and the American public.

FYI...there are over 100,000 documents involved and Holder only handed over around 8,000 with blacked out paragraphs. you are fucking clueless.

no insanity is giving in to the conspiracy theories that this was more than it was...a major fuck up.

Hey, you want Holder gone? So do I. He should resign, in my opinion.

Its the ridiculous claims that this was all done to attack the 2nd amendment Im railing against.

To answer your original the hell is this "less worse" ( love the command of the language there btw ) than Watergate...Fast and Furious ( if you believe Holder ) was done intending to bring criminals to justice. Watergate was commited to commit fraud on the American public.

Now IF unrefutable evidence is found that the administration did all of this to actually attack the 2nd amendment, Ill join your side in the outrage. But lacking that evidence, I refuse to fall for the chicken little tactics that come from the NRA every damned election cycle.

And if that evidence lies within those withheld documents???
The CON$ never, never, never learn....the keep reaching, reaching and overreaching. Every. single. time.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.


And winning.

Until the Dems stop being such pussies, the Cons will continue. After all, why should they change whats working for them?

Yikes, there really are americans who still think government isn't growing fast enough and isn't squashing liberties fast enough.
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You war loving Repubs are pathetic losers.

We are in a "War On Drugs". You rethugs remember that don't you?
It is basically your war.

What happens when a war goes on? People get killed. And some operations suck.

As was the case with this operation. It sucked and people got killed.

Fuking deal with it. Losers.

It seems to me the Harrison Act and Prohibition were on Woodrow Wilson, a D-rat, who let US WWI vets eat shit, while building up a cop-shop.

It seems to me the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938 were the work of FDR's thugs, who passed the HSTA in 15 minutes, whereupon FDR signed the illegal fucker. They stepped all over Henry Ford, for making hemp-ethanol and indestructible hemp-plastic, see YouTube and, about Henry's hemp products, since the Model-T.

When the HSTA was finally ruled unconstitutional, in 1972, Nixon established the DEA, and THEN the pubs were guilty, of thuggism. And who could forget Nancy Nono? EVERYBODY forgot the shit out of Henry Ford, but the drug war soldiered on, through times of crime pays, to times of BIG CRIME, ALL THE TIME.

But when it came time, for Al Gore to discuss climate change, he sold a book and got out of office, while consistently opposing legal hemp and marijuana. He did a movie, went back to Congress, and said it was an "emotional moment." When you're a SHITHEAD, you screw up, and you get emotional!!

When it came time, for Bill Clinton to legalize drugs, he deregulated energy, banks, and courts, which all screwed up on us. When it came time, for BHO to legalize anything, he bailed the banks and copied white Obamneycare, and he shoved it down everybody's throats. Black Obamney killed with drones, busted pot clubs, and he let frackers stay unregulated.

AND, OF COURSE, the D-rats copied pubsies' Project Gunrunner and Op.Wide Receiver, to eat Fast and Furious shit, since when you copy white Obamneycare, in 2008, you lose the US House, in 2010, so the House now will bust your shit, for screwing up, and guess who screws up? Would that be D-rats? Duh, yup.

But after 2010, the D-rats or Ron Paul or somebody tried to pass CO2-neutral biomass research, and it lost, 2012. Now just what the fuck could anybody be thinking, who won't understand, how THE DRUG WAR IS BI-PARTISAN?

Black Obamney promised to prioritize climate change, in 2008, 2010, and 2012, if he gets re-elected. Meanwhile, he is in a sack-race, with his left leg, in the same sack, with white Obamney's right leg, and they are hippity-hopping, for President. What a display, of idiotic, redundant buffoonery! They both have CRS, and white Obamney just got to 44%, vs. black Obamney's 45%, in Iowa. They ought to get married.
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You war loving Repubs are pathetic losers.

We are in a "War On Drugs". You rethugs remember that don't you?
It is basically your war.

What happens when a war goes on? People get killed. And some operations suck.

As was the case with this operation. It sucked and people got killed.

Fuking deal with it. Losers.

It seems to me the Harrison Act and Prohibition were on Woodrow Wilson, a D-rat, who let US WWI vets eat shit, while building up a cop-shop.

It seems to me the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938 were the work of FDR's thugs, who passed the HSTA in 15 minutes, whereupon FDR signed the illegal fucker. They stepped all over Henry Ford, for making hemp-ethanol and indestructible hemp-plastic, see YouTube and, about Henry's hemp products, since the Model-T.

When the HSTA was finally ruled unconstitutional, in 1972, Nixon established the DEA, and THEN the pubs were guilty, of thuggism. And who could forget Nancy Nono? EVERYBODY forgot the shit out of Henry Ford, but the drug war soldiered on, through times of crime pays, to times of BIG CRIME, ALL THE TIME.

But when it came time, for Al Gore to discuss climate change, he sold a book and got out of office, while consistently opposing legal hemp and marijuana. He did a movie, went back to Congress, and said it was an "emotional moment." When you're a SHITHEAD, you screw up, and you get emotional!!

When it came time, for Bill Clinton to legalize drugs, he deregulated energy, banks, and courts, which all screwed up on us. When it came time, for BHO to legalize anything, he bailed the banks and copied white Obamneycare, and he shoved it down everybody's throats. Black Obamney killed with drones, busted pot clubs, and he let frackers stay unregulated.

AND, OF COURSE, the D-rats copied pubsies' Project Gunrunner and Op.Wide Receiver, to eat Fast and Furious shit, since when you copy white Obamneycare, in 2008, you lose the US House, in 2010, so the House now will bust your shit, for screwing up, and guess who screws up? Would that be D-rats? Duh, yup.

But after 2010, the D-rats or Ron Paul or somebody tried to pass CO2-neutral biomass research, and it lost, 2012. Now just what the fuck could anybody be thinking, who won't understand, how THE DRUG WAR IS BI-PARTISAN?

Black Obamney promised to prioritize climate change, in 2008, 2010, and 2012, if he gets re-elected. Meanwhile, he is in a sack-race, with his left leg, in the same sack, with white Obamney's right leg, and they are hippity-hopping, for President. What a display, of idiotic, redundant buffoonery! They both have CRS, and white Obamney just got to 44%, vs. black Obamney's 45%, in Iowa. They ought to get married.

Wow! A bobgnote post that I can understand, mostly... :cool:
It seems to me the Harrison Act and Prohibition were on Woodrow Wilson, a D-rat, who let US WWI vets eat shit, while building up a cop-shop.

Prohibition was an amendment to the Constitution. Therefore, Wilson had little say in the matter.

But who were the people pushing for it in the first place?

Hmmm, let's check the Wiki:

Prohibition was a major reform movement from the 1840s into the 1920s, and was sponsored by evangelical Protestant churches, especially the Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians, Disciples and Congregationalists. Kansas and Maine were early adopters. The Women's Christian Temperance Union, founded in 1874, and the Prohibition Party were major players until the early 20th century, when the movement was taken over by the Anti-Saloon League. By using pressure politics on legislators, the Anti-Saloon League achieved the goal of nationwide prohibition during World War I, emphasizing the need to destroy the political corruption of the saloons, the political power of the German-based brewing industry, and the need to reduce domestic violence in the home.

In other words, the type people who supported prohibition are now all Republicans. Because government control of morality is a Conservative position.

Not to mention the fact that prohibition was then repealed under FDR. Of course it was also an amendment to the Constitution, but, since you brought it up I thought I'd point that out.

It seems to me the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938 were the work of FDR's thugs, who passed the HSTA in 15 minutes, whereupon FDR signed the illegal fucker. They stepped all over Henry Ford, for making hemp-ethanol and indestructible hemp-plastic, see YouTube and, about Henry's hemp products, since the Model-T.

How is putting a tax on hemp any part of the war on drugs? Just because two products are made from the same plant does not give them the same legal definition. And FDR didn't make hemp or pot illegal, now did he?

And again, Prohibition was repealed under FDR.

When the HSTA was finally ruled unconstitutional, in 1972, Nixon established the DEA, and THEN the pubs were guilty, of thuggism. And who could forget Nancy Nono? EVERYBODY forgot the shit out of Henry Ford, but the drug war soldiered on, through times of crime pays, to times of BIG CRIME, ALL THE TIME.

That's right, Nixon started the war on drugs. Mainly, one would imagine, to give himself a way to jail all those hippies he hated so much.

But when it came time, for Al Gore to discuss climate change, he sold a book and got out of office, while consistently opposing legal hemp and marijuana. He did a movie, went back to Congress, and said it was an "emotional moment." When you're a SHITHEAD, you screw up, and you get emotional!!

When it came time, for Bill Clinton to legalize drugs, he deregulated energy, banks, and courts, which all screwed up on us. When it came time, for BHO to legalize anything, he bailed the banks and copied white Obamneycare, and he shoved it down everybody's throats. Black Obamney killed with drones, busted pot clubs, and he let frackers stay unregulated.

You're blaming the Democrats for the War on Drugs, because they didn't do enough to stop it???

And you're giving Reagan and Bush a free pass???

(snipped due to rambling unintelligible content)

And this is about where you slip back into free association...
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You war loving Repubs are pathetic losers.

We are in a "War On Drugs". You rethugs remember that don't you?
It is basically your war.

What happens when a war goes on? People get killed. And some operations suck.

As was the case with this operation. It sucked and people got killed.

Fuking deal with it. Losers.

Oh, it's pretty much a bipartisan war.

Whose idea was it to shoot bean bag shots first anyway?

Yeah it sucks.
You war loving Repubs are pathetic losers.

We are in a "War On Drugs". You rethugs remember that don't you?
It is basically your war.

What happens when a war goes on? People get killed. And some operations suck.

As was the case with this operation. It sucked and people got killed.

Fuking deal with it. Losers.

It seems to me the Harrison Act and Prohibition were on Woodrow Wilson, a D-rat, who let US WWI vets eat shit, while building up a cop-shop.

It seems to me the Hemp Stamp Tax Act of 1938 were the work of FDR's thugs, who passed the HSTA in 15 minutes, whereupon FDR signed the illegal fucker. They stepped all over Henry Ford, for making hemp-ethanol and indestructible hemp-plastic, see YouTube and, about Henry's hemp products, since the Model-T.

When the HSTA was finally ruled unconstitutional, in 1972, Nixon established the DEA, and THEN the pubs were guilty, of thuggism. And who could forget Nancy Nono? EVERYBODY forgot the shit out of Henry Ford, but the drug war soldiered on, through times of crime pays, to times of BIG CRIME, ALL THE TIME.

But when it came time, for Al Gore to discuss climate change, he sold a book and got out of office, while consistently opposing legal hemp and marijuana. He did a movie, went back to Congress, and said it was an "emotional moment." When you're a SHITHEAD, you screw up, and you get emotional!!

When it came time, for Bill Clinton to legalize drugs, he deregulated energy, banks, and courts, which all screwed up on us. When it came time, for BHO to legalize anything, he bailed the banks and copied white Obamneycare, and he shoved it down everybody's throats. Black Obamney killed with drones, busted pot clubs, and he let frackers stay unregulated.

AND, OF COURSE, the D-rats copied pubsies' Project Gunrunner and Op.Wide Receiver, to eat Fast and Furious shit, since when you copy white Obamneycare, in 2008, you lose the US House, in 2010, so the House now will bust your shit, for screwing up, and guess who screws up? Would that be D-rats? Duh, yup.

But after 2010, the D-rats or Ron Paul or somebody tried to pass CO2-neutral biomass research, and it lost, 2012. Now just what the fuck could anybody be thinking, who won't understand, how THE DRUG WAR IS BI-PARTISAN?

Black Obamney promised to prioritize climate change, in 2008, 2010, and 2012, if he gets re-elected. Meanwhile, he is in a sack-race, with his left leg, in the same sack, with white Obamney's right leg, and they are hippity-hopping, for President. What a display, of idiotic, redundant buffoonery! They both have CRS, and white Obamney just got to 44%, vs. black Obamney's 45%, in Iowa. They ought to get married.

Wow! A bobgnote post that I can understand, mostly... :cool:

The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 placed a prohibitively high tax on the sale of cannabis\hemp. It shut down the Hemp industry (with an exception during the next war) and gave H. J. Anslinger a reason to bust Mexicans......

Hemp Historian/Industrial Quotes
F&F body count > WG body count

which makes the former far worse to anyone with at least a shred of decency.
You war loving Repubs are pathetic losers.

We are in a "War On Drugs". You rethugs remember that don't you?
It is basically your war.

What happens when a war goes on? People get killed. And some operations suck.

As was the case with this operation. It sucked and people got killed.

Fuking deal with it. Losers.

The Democrats had control of the House, the Senate and the Presidency for two years. If it is a Republican thing, why didn't they end the war on drugs then, cockbreath!
F&F body count > WG body count

which makes the former far worse to anyone with at least a shred of decency.

I'm not aware of anyone dying as a result of F&F.

I am aware of people dying in spite of efforts by agents involved in F&F.

As has been pointed out many, many times in this thread.

Unless you have some proof that members of F&F shot the border patrol agent.

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