Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

I am sorry, have you seen the Holder evidence?

You are guessing at this point.

Franco, do you REALLY think that eaves dropping on a political opponent is worse than supplying weapons to the Mexican drug cartel in hopes of subverting the constitution, resulting in the murder of a Federal Agent?

Are you really this much of a mindless, fucking hack?

Have you seen the documents? Until then, you are guessing.
Any patriotic American from left to right knows at this point that Wategate was far more serious in light of what we have right now.

Time will tell.

I am sorry, who died in the watergate scandal?

I am sorry, have you seen the Holder evidence?

You are guessing at this point.

I am guessing that Terry was killed by an F&F weapon?

IF holder has proof that that didn't happen, he can present do you think we are taking about:lol:
since reagan helped his pal saddam with biological and chemical weapons, of course we knew he had them. But cheney's and condi's etc's gloom and doom about mushroom clouds was bs. In the months before the iraq war, amid the jingoistic hysteria of the bushies, it was political suicide to not say the above. Great job pubbies. France was

show a little respect for the first black woman to serve as national security advisor and secretary of state.....or, are you a typical democrat that feels entitled to smack a black woman around when she wanders off the plantation?

right lol isn't holder the first black ag?

I am sorry, have you seen the Holder evidence?

You are guessing at this point.

Franco, do you REALLY think that eaves dropping on a political opponent is worse than supplying weapons to the Mexican drug cartel in hopes of subverting the constitution, resulting in the murder of a Federal Agent?

Are you really this much of a mindless, fucking hack?

Have you seen the documents? Until then, you are guessing.

no, some apparently is using exec. privilege so we don't...hello, wtf, are you drunk or what?
I am sorry, have you seen the Holder evidence?

You are guessing at this point.

Franco, do you REALLY think that eaves dropping on a political opponent is worse than supplying weapons to the Mexican drug cartel in hopes of subverting the constitution, resulting in the murder of a Federal Agent?

Are you really this much of a mindless, fucking hack?

And, um, who started that operation? Hint, it wasn't Holder. He put a stop to it. That aside, I actually think the premise behind the idea was not a bad one. If the Federal Agent had not been killed it might be interesting to see where it had gone.

That aside again, the chances of the person who killed the agent being armed at the time with a weapon from another source is very, very high...
Watergate was worse, though not as bad as the Bush admin lying to the american people with the fabricated "they have WMD's and we know where they are" BS to go to war with Iraq.
He didn't lie about it. That is propaganda.

This is much worse than Watergate.

How many people died in Watergate? I forget...
Franco, do you REALLY think that eaves dropping on a political opponent is worse than supplying weapons to the Mexican drug cartel in hopes of subverting the constitution, resulting in the murder of a Federal Agent?

Are you really this much of a mindless, fucking hack?

Have you seen the documents? Until then, you are guessing.

no, some apparently is using exec. privilege so we don't...hello, wtf, are you drunk or what?

And neither should you until the investigation has run its course....
I am sorry, have you seen the Holder evidence?

You are guessing at this point.

Franco, do you REALLY think that eaves dropping on a political opponent is worse than supplying weapons to the Mexican drug cartel in hopes of subverting the constitution, resulting in the murder of a Federal Agent?

Are you really this much of a mindless, fucking hack?

And, um, who started that operation? Hint, it wasn't Holder. He put a stop to it. That aside, I actually think the premise behind the idea was not a bad one. If the Federal Agent had not been killed it might be interesting to see where it had gone.

That aside again, the chances of the person who killed the agent being armed at the time with a weapon from another source is very, very high...

how do you know holder didn't start it, or know about it?

Oh and who did start it?

hey wait a minute, I thought we had to wait until the investigation was over?

That aside again, the chances of the person who killed the agent being armed at the time with a weapon from another source is very, very high..

Wilkinson responded to Burke shortly thereafter and said the incident was “tragic.” “I’ve alerted the AG [Holder], the Acting DAG, Lisa, etc.”

Then, later that day, Burke followed up with Wilkinson after Burke discovered from officials whose names are redacted that the guns used to kill Terry were from Fast and Furious. “The guns found in the desert near the murder BP officer connect back to the investigation we were going to talk about – they were AK-47s purchased at a Phoenix gun store,” Burke wrote to Wilkinson.

“I’ll call tomorrow,” Wilkinson responded.’s-murder-on-day-border-agent-died/


I thought you were up on all of the news in the US when it came to highly charged political events?
Franco, do you REALLY think that eaves dropping on a political opponent is worse than supplying weapons to the Mexican drug cartel in hopes of subverting the constitution, resulting in the murder of a Federal Agent?

Are you really this much of a mindless, fucking hack?

And, um, who started that operation? Hint, it wasn't Holder. He put a stop to it. That aside, I actually think the premise behind the idea was not a bad one. If the Federal Agent had not been killed it might be interesting to see where it had gone.

That aside again, the chances of the person who killed the agent being armed at the time with a weapon from another source is very, very high...

how do you know holder didn't start it, or know about it?

Oh and who did start it?

hey wait a minute, I thought we had to wait until the investigation was over?
All the evidence leads to the ATF and DOJ...the subpena was only to find out who signed off on it.

Amazing how they seem to want to keep that part secret.
This is a horrible and tragic situation if Holder knew anything about Fast and Furious he needs to step down and be arrested. Also whit the way this thing is going this might be the worse thing since watergate and I'm for one I'm not glad to say these words
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And, um, who started that operation? Hint, it wasn't Holder. He put a stop to it. That aside, I actually think the premise behind the idea was not a bad one. If the Federal Agent had not been killed it might be interesting to see where it had gone.

That aside again, the chances of the person who killed the agent being armed at the time with a weapon from another source is very, very high...

how do you know holder didn't start it, or know about it?

Oh and who did start it?

hey wait a minute, I thought we had to wait until the investigation was over?
All the evidence leads to the ATF and DOJ...the subpena was only to find out who signed off on it.

Amazing how they seem to want to keep that part secret.

I don't think they do....They are just awaiting for their investigation to be complete. Just because partisan hacks want to make a political point out of an agent's death doesn't mean Holder wants to...
Watergate started under Nixon and ended under Nixon.

Fast and Furious started under Bush in 2006 and lasted years under Bush until Obama was "stuck with another failed Bush Operation".
Watergate started under Nixon and ended under Nixon.

Fast and Furious started under Bush in 2006 and lasted years under Bush until Obama was "stuck with another failed Bush Operation".
Fast and furious is a brainchild of Obama. He dreamed up the entire operation, signed off on the guns walking to criminals, and laughed when a border agent was killed.
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Even today, the media gives more coverage (or rather homage to their coverage) to Watergate than Fast And Furious. I mean I hadn't even pondered whether it rose to that level yet.

But now that I'm seeing that Fast And Furious likely goes up to Obama then yes and easily. Obama intentionally gave caches of weapons to our enemies and then sought to cover it up. And people have died as a result. I'm sorry, but what was Watergate? A third rate break-in to look for Democrat strategies? How does that even compare?

I think It's well worse and if for some reason Obama wins a second term then he should be impeached. It'll be fun with Biden times LMAO.
Watergate started under Nixon and ended under Nixon.

Fast and Furious started under Bush in 2006 and lasted years under Bush until Obama was "stuck with another failed Bush Operation".

I would argue the original programme started under Bush, but it was reinstated under Obama....

However, to hold Holder responsible is nothing more than political partisan hackery. Once he found out about the situation he put a stop to it.

They seem to think somehow that Holder was in charge of the operation. Using that analogy, then Bush is responsible for misleading the public with regard to WMDs in Iraq that has lead to thousands of US servicemen and 10s of 1000s of civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The "I didn't know" excuse seems to work with righties when it comes to Bush, whereas, somehow Holder, and then vicariously Obama, need to be held accountable.

Partisan hackery at its worst. If these people calling for Holder's head are also calling for Bush's, then c'est la vie and thanks for the consistency. If not, STFU Hacks....
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Watergate started under Nixon and ended under Nixon.

Fast and Furious started under Bush in 2006 and lasted years under Bush until Obama was "stuck with another failed Bush Operation".

Did you somehow miss today's headline about Holder retracting Fast And Furious starting under Bush?

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