Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

The difference is that the Obama fluffers will defend Obama until they drag him away in handcuffs, and even after that.
how do you know holder didn't start it, or know about it?

Oh and who did start it?

hey wait a minute, I thought we had to wait until the investigation was over?
All the evidence leads to the ATF and DOJ...the subpena was only to find out who signed off on it.

Amazing how they seem to want to keep that part secret.

I don't think they do....They are just awaiting for their investigation to be complete. Just because partisan hacks want to make a political point out of an agent's death doesn't mean Holder wants to...
Holder wants to stay out of jail...Anyone who had half a brain cell can see that if there was no incriminating evidence on who gave the green light for this program, then this disaster for the Obama administration would not even be happening.

The reality is, someone at DOJ knew about this, kew the border agent was killed because of this, and are hiding their tracks.

Any other position is partisan bullshit.
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Watergate started under Nixon and ended under Nixon.

Fast and Furious started under Bush in 2006 and lasted years under Bush until Obama was "stuck with another failed Bush Operation".
Fast and furious is a brainchild of Obama. He dreamed up the entire operation, signed off on the guns walking to criminals, and laughed when a border agent was killed.

I see credibility going down the drain...
No one died because of Watergate. Fast and Furious is much worse

Since the only measure of what is worse, Watergate or F&F, we must concluded the invasion and occupation of Iraq was over 4,500 times worse than F&F.

How Shallow and VAPID are you?

WAR was declared and blessings given BY the Congress...yeah...even Democrats.

WHO gave the blessings for the murders for F&F?


Don't think so...

Try again FlySnatcher.
Can someone please ask the important question here?

How many people died because of Watergate?

I just can't believe that nobody has thought to ask that yet.
Here, Uncensored, read carefully.

Because we don't know yet. Once (if) the documentation is released, we can decide.

But right now, we can't compare: we don't have the evidence.

Threaten impeachment or file with SCOTUS. Force BHO to give the evidence.
If the subpoenaed information would clear AG holder and Justice, why has it not been provided?
Do you understand that a contempt citation is the next logical step in getting to the truth? Or would you congratulate Mr. holder if he appointed another "Special Prosecutor"
Watergate started under Nixon and ended under Nixon.

Fast and Furious started under Bush in 2006 and lasted years under Bush until Obama was "stuck with another failed Bush Operation".

Again you are a dishonest Hack. The Cover Up is all Obama. There lies the Crime.

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