Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

As long as we have this drug program, we will have dead Mexicans and Americans, because of addictions to guns, money, and drugs.
Do you have any idea what 50 cal rifles can do?

The Obama administration wanted a massive body-count. Armored pearcing 50 cal rounds killing cops, choppers, APCs, massive potential for destruction.

This is seriously reckless behavior.
And, um, who started that operation?

Eric Holder.

Hint, it wasn't Holder.

Holding your breath until you turn blue won't change reality.

He put a stop to it.

That's a lie. Holder started the operation in hopes of inflaming public opinion so that the administration could revoke the second amendment.

That aside, I actually think the premise behind the idea was not a bad one.

Of course you do, but then, you're a leftist thug.

If the Federal Agent had not been killed it might be interesting to see where it had gone.

You mean, see if it could have subverted the constitution? Dare to dream..

That aside again, the chances of the person who killed the agent being armed at the time with a weapon from another source is very, very high...

Rounds fired at the agent came from F&F weapons - this is already established. Whether the fatal shot did is all that is in question.
As long as we have this drug program, we will have dead Mexicans and Americans, because of addictions to guns, money, and drugs.
Do you have any idea what 50 cal rifles can do?

The Obama administration wanted a massive body-count. Armored pearcing 50 cal rounds killing cops, choppers, APCs, massive potential for destruction.

This is seriously reckless behavior.

Yes they murdered countless innocent Mexican Citizens, and an American Border Patrol Agent. They will have to be held accountable. There will be justice for Brian Terry and his Family. I believe that.
Watergate started under Nixon and ended under Nixon.

Fast and Furious started under Obama and with any luck, will end with Holder in federal prison.

Fast and Furious started under Bush in 2006

Lying won't help you, it just makes you looks stupid - which you are.

and lasted years under Bush until Obama was "stuck with another failed Bush Operation".

Sigh, more fucking lies from Deany the Weenie..
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

The difference is that the Obama fluffers will defend Obama until they drag him away in handcuffs, and even after that.

Not this one. I will defend him against the disgusting lies and allegations coming from the right. If he commits a crime, I won't support that act.

But at this point, the insipidness and inanity of the right wing speculation, accompanied by the ignorance of the difference between the invoking of executive privilege by Nixon and Obama is astounding. It's like the right wing just puts on a collective tin foil sombrero at the start of each day, and comes up with more ridiculous connect the dots games for their political end. There's not an ounce of honesty or intelligence in this latest conspiracy theory.

Yeah, sure you wont support him. The problem is they wont turn over documents, because of national security? If they're so worried about it, why do we know about kill lists and computer viruses to hit Iran? So we have no leaking from the AG? Something doesnt add up.
IF this is the case, why not put all of our defense secrets in the Justic Department, they seem alot more secure.
Watergate started under Nixon and ended under Nixon.

Fast and Furious started under Bush in 2006 and lasted years under Bush until Obama was "stuck with another failed Bush Operation".

I would argue the original programme started under Bush, but it was reinstated under Obama....

However, to hold Holder responsible is nothing more than political partisan hackery. Once he found out about the situation he put a stop to it.

They seem to think somehow that Holder was in charge of the operation. Using that analogy, then Bush is responsible for misleading the public with regard to WMDs in Iraq that has lead to thousands of US servicemen and 10s of 1000s of civilian deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The "I didn't know" excuse seems to work with righties when it comes to Bush, whereas, somehow Holder, and then vicariously Obama, need to be held accountable.

Partisan hackery at its worst. If these people calling for Holder's head are also calling for Bush's, then c'est la vie and thanks for the consistency. If not, STFU Hacks....

Wrong neither program were alike

According to McCarthy, "Operation Wide Receiver" involved "not gun-walking but controlled delivery."

He explains that "controlled delivery is a very common law enforcement tactic."

Basically, the agents know the bad guys have negotiated a deal to acquire some commodity that is either illegal itself (e.g., heroin, child porn) or illegal for them to have/use (e.g., guns, corporate secrets). The agents allow the transfer to happen under circumstances where they are in control — i.e., they are on the scene conducting surveillance of the transfer, and sometimes even participating undercover in the transfer. As soon as the transfer takes place, they can descend on the suspects, make arrests, and seize the commodity in question — all of which makes for powerful evidence of guilt.

"Fast and Furious," on the other hand, "involved uncontrolled deliveries — of thousands of weapons."

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee blames Fast and Furious on George W. Bush - Spokane Conservative |
Whatever earlier studies and programs may have been in the Bush admin, F and F began in the fall of 2009 in Obama's administration.
All this coverage, for well over a full year now and STILL America doesn't care and are not having the reaction you radical and very partisan RWers want them to have.

Get a clue's a farce.

I know you're scared, and you're right to be scared.

This is WAY bigger than Watergate, with Obama not looking good already. When Obama loses in November, the lid will blow off this thing, and there is a very REAL chance Holder will go to prison.
Watergate was worse, though not as bad as the Bush admin lying to the american people with the fabricated "they have WMD's and we know where they are" BS to go to war with Iraq.
Ha Ha Ha. Bush was correct, obamaturd is a liar, and holder is an idiot.
Are there any good & decent Democrats left? Why haven't more stood up for Brian Terry and Justice? Democrats need to do some serious soul-searching.
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I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

I doubt 95% of the liberals out there actually know what "crimes" were commited in the Watergate scandal.

The Hussein has already demonstrated he is far more corrupt than Nixon ever was. He pisses on the Constitution at every chance, and he appoints partisan thugs like Holder.

Its just laughable that libs would argue that Watergate was worse, and use that as a good reason to re-elect Obama.
I understand partisan politics, but come on? This is a heinous injustice. Shame on all Democrats defending this.
As long as we have this drug program, we will have dead Mexicans and Americans, because of addictions to guns, money, and drugs.

As long as we have this president, we will have corruption and contempt for the law.

As we did under the Bush regime.

We need a real change,and I think Romney will bring that which is needed, among which is the exclusion of the far right and the from left from policy making.
Are there any good & decent Democrats left? Why haven't more stood up for Brian Terry and Justice? Democrats need to do some serious soul-searching.

In all fairness, Fakey Jake acknowledged that F&F started under Obama. So ONE democrat has grudgingly acknowledged the basic facts of the case.

I am a Republican and you are a wannabee GOP: simple as that.

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