Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

With a snake like Issa, I certainly don't blame Holder for being "cagey"...

I don't give a rat's ass about Holder's view of Issa or your view of him. As far as I'm concerned, he probably is a snake in the grass. But none of that means that somehow we don't deserve to know the truth about F & F. It's clear that Holder is lying and hiding and that's unacceptable.

And btw, libs. You ever hear of Iran Contra Affair? How about you start being consistent. You demanded answers then. Hell, you held weeks of intense trials on it.
With a snake like Issa, I certainly don't blame Holder for being "cagey"...

I don't give a rat's ass about Holder's view of Issa or your view of him. As far as I'm concerned, he probably is a snake in the grass. But none of that means that somehow we don't deserve to know the truth about F & F. It's clear that Holder is lying and hiding and that's unacceptable.

And btw, libs. You ever hear of Iran Contra Affair? How about you start being consistent. You demanded answers then. Hell, you held weeks of intense trials on it.

You really are a dumb little fuck.
More liberal hypocrisy. They called for Bush to be brought up on war crimes for his miscalculation on WMDs, but Congress probing into this illegal weapons program that cost the lives of hundreds of Mexicans and a border patrol agent is just "playing politics".

Who is "the left" in your dopey comment here? Is it President Obama? Is it Holder? Who exactly called for Bush to be brought up on war crimes?

You are a tool. Being used.
Yes, it was a miscalculation. I've never been convinced that Bush was knowingly dishonest about Iraq having WMDs, nor has there ever been any proof of such dishonesty. At best he had differing intel and it came down to a judgment call.

And you think Holder and Obama have been knowingly dishonest about F&F. From what I've seen, Holder is livid about the program....
I don't know if they're being dishonest or not. I do know they're being cagey as hell, and Holder, instead of giving up the ghost, tried to get Obama to use the executive privilege to save his own ass. Plus Pelosi, someone who was at the helm when the WMD thing blew up in Bush's face and whose party directly benefited from it, is being totally disingenuous when she acts like she doesn't see the point in holding Obama and Holder accountable for this illegal gunrunning.

Pelosi was at the helm when Bush was caught lying?
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Dewhurst's campaign did not respond to our requests for information supporting his campaign's claim that ballistics information confirmed Terry's killing by a Fast and Furious weapon.

We reviewed news reports, congressional reports and public testimony, which indicated that two Fast and Furious guns were recovered from the scene of Terry's shooting. However, we found no federal ballistics information confirming that the bullet that killed Terry was fired from one of the guns.

By all accounts, Fast and Furious weapons were found at the scene of a U.S. agent's death. Dewhurst's campaign was emphatic, though, that ballistics tests confirmed that the weapons killed the agent. We found no information indicating that's so. Dewhurst's statement rates False.


More: PolitiFact Texas | Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Politifact is full of shit
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Dewhurst's campaign did not respond to our requests for information supporting his campaign's claim that ballistics information confirmed Terry's killing by a Fast and Furious weapon.

We reviewed news reports, congressional reports and public testimony, which indicated that two Fast and Furious guns were recovered from the scene of Terry's shooting. However, we found no federal ballistics information confirming that the bullet that killed Terry was fired from one of the guns.

By all accounts, Fast and Furious weapons were found at the scene of a U.S. agent's death. Dewhurst's campaign was emphatic, though, that ballistics tests confirmed that the weapons killed the agent. We found no information indicating that's so. Dewhurst's statement rates False.


More: PolitiFact Texas | Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Politifact is full of shit

Oh, so you have proof of a ballistics match? Please share it with us.
ok there was no one killed hows that?

stupid, like everything you post.

i was hoping that you had some proof one way or the other.

silly of me

This coming from a bird brain bitch? Really del grow the fuck up.

They are coming to harsh realization and we will have to hear all kinds of ignorance from the Obamabot lemmings who never paid attention to the fact their hero is an ideologies willing mg to do anything.g for his kind of 'change'.
ok there was no one killed hows that?

stupid, like everything you post.

i was hoping that you had some proof one way or the other.
silly of me

This coming from a bird brain bitch? Really del grow the fuck up.

They are coming to harsh realization and we will have to hear all kinds of ignorance from the Obamabot lemmings who never paid attention to the fact their hero is an ideologies willing to do anything for his kind of 'change'.
stupid, like everything you post.

i was hoping that you had some proof one way or the other.

silly of me

This coming from a bird brain bitch? Really del grow the fuck up.

They are coming to harsh realization and we will have to hear all kinds of ignorance from the Obamabot lemmings who never paid attention to the fact their hero is an ideologies willing mg to do anything.g for his kind of 'change'.

Well said, Salem. Very well said.
"Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was shot with one bullet and died shortly after. One of the suspected illegal aliens, later identified as Manuel Osorio-Arellanes, was also shot."

Two firearms were recovered at the scene that are believed to belong to the suspects, the documents say. Officials were planning to take Osorio-Arellanes' fingerprints to compare with those found on the two weapons.

This week, the Terry family received the autopsy report, which shows that Terry was shot once in the lower back, about 29 inches down from the right shoulder, Kent Terry said. Brian Terry was trying to turn, likely for cover, when he was shot, Kent Terry said. The bullet found inside his body was one used with AK-47s, he said.

And here the kicker in the gut to you ass hats.
The summary provided in the search warrants is only a snapshot and does not include all facts known by investigators, FBI agents wrote in the three separate search-warrant requests filed in U.S. District Court in late December.

Killed with a bullet from an AK 47 ruled not friendly fire.
This week, the Terry family received the autopsy report, which shows that Terry was shot once in the lower back, about 29 inches down from the right shoulder, Kent Terry said. Brian Terry was trying to turn, likely for cover, when he was shot, Kent Terry said. The bullet found inside his body was one used with AK-47s, he said.

The report gave the family some closure, and it erased any doubt about friendly fire being a possibility in the fatal shooting, because agents don't use AK-47s, Kent Terry said. The FBI announced in mid-February that it had ruled out friendly fire, but Kent Terry remained skeptical because he hadn't seen the autopsy.
Records show agents fired beanbags in fatal border gunfight
on Junes 20, 2012 obama invokes executive privilege meaning he had knowledge fast and the furious. and is covering up the operation. When obama did this what Terry was killed with became MOOT.

What is the reason for a lack of bullet match? ... ...

Oh yeah, the bullets were both too badly mangled, but the weapon walked in Fast & Furious had been recently fired.
Is watergate now? No, it is not. But F&F is. They are both wrong, and the only one we can do shit about is F&F right now. Obama proved by executive order that he knew what was going on, he is the turd at the top of the punch bowl in this, and that is the only reason he issued an executive protection order against releasing documents. He knew that if the contempt order went through that his ass would be grass for being complicit. He is a worthless turd.
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Politifact is full of shit

Oh, so you have proof of a ballistics match? Please share it with us.

What is the reason for a lack of bullet match? ... ...

Oh yeah, the bullets were both too badly mangled, but the weapon walked in Fast & Furious had been recently fired.

All this is moot since obama invoke executive privilege, do this obama just said he knew something about fast and the furious and is covering it up.
Obama may very well be covering up, but Congress now must either go to federal court or impeach.
Remember how the Left kept telling us that Nixon's greatest crime was "Lying to the American people"? That's what Obama lives on
I don't know about Obama lying, but I do know the far right and the far left lie as a matter of policy.

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