Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

You go ahead and pretend to be an expert on Iran Contra. Pontificate for us.

But do it in the right thread.

HERE is the wrong thread.

As you know. Deflection and off topic commentary is not productive.

Now, then, back on topic. Watergate: no deaths. F&F, deaths.

Coverup: wrong in both.

Executive CLAIM of "Executive Privilege" = bullshit in EACH case.

F&F is worse than Watergate.

Changeout the word "Watergate" with "Iran Contra" and see what you come up with...


But feel free to start another thread, mkay?

This thread has morphed. I thought you would have seen that...shrug...

I find it funny that the senate went after roger Clemons for doing the same thing.

The bipartisan House committee in front of which Clemens appeared, citing seven apparent inconsistencies in Clemens' testimony, recommended that the Justice Department investigate whether Clemens lied under oath about using performance-enhancing drugs.

Roger Clemens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bipartisan does not mean what you seem to think it means.
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?
nobody died because of Water gate ...and the president is fighting tooth snd nail to keep the truth from getting out !! yes it is much worse !!
Am I the only one, who when looking into this, has found that these guns were found at the scene of the fire fight Terry had with these goons. There doesn't seen to be any indication that one of the firearms for F&F actually killed him...just that they were at the scene....
I find it funny that the senate went after roger Clemons for doing the same thing.

The bipartisan House committee in front of which Clemens appeared, citing seven apparent inconsistencies in Clemens' testimony, recommended that the Justice Department investigate whether Clemens lied under oath about using performance-enhancing drugs.

Roger Clemens - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bipartisan does not mean what you seem to think it means.

She still doesn't get it.The senate dealing with something they had no business messing with but with holder something they have control over they don't want to touch
This was started by that nut who said, break their windows. Are you fucking kidding me?
Am I the only one, who when looking into this, has found that these guns were found at the scene of the fire fight Terry had with these goons. There doesn't seen to be any indication that one of the firearms for F&F actually killed him...just that they were at the scene....

Forensic bullet match. You said you were a police officer isn't that correct?
The reason we know.obama is your guns, is because he has done nothing to take away your.guns. its so obvious.
Am I the only one, who when looking into this, has found that these guns were found at the scene of the fire fight Terry had with these goons. There doesn't seem to be any indication that one of the firearms for F&F actually killed him...just that they were at the scene....

Forensic bullet match. You said you were a police officer isn't that correct?

See the bolded part (do you know what the word 'seem' means?). I have searched for the forensic aspect you mention. Do you have a link...
Am I the only one, who when looking into this, has found that these guns were found at the scene of the fire fight Terry had with these goons. There doesn't seen to be any indication that one of the firearms for F&F actually killed him...just that they were at the scene....

Forensic bullet match. You said you were a police officer isn't that correct?

got a link, buckwheat?
Am I the only one, who when looking into this, has found that these guns were found at the scene of the fire fight Terry had with these goons. There doesn't seem to be any indication that one of the firearms for F&F actually killed him...just that they were at the scene....

Forensic bullet match. You said you were a police officer isn't that correct?

See the bolded part (do you know what the word 'seem' means?). I have searched for the forensic aspect you mention. Do you have a link...

stick with your Australasian justice system and I will still with the American Justice system. I can't even believe you're going there.
Am I the only one, who when looking into this, has found that these guns were found at the scene of the fire fight Terry had with these goons. There doesn't seen to be any indication that one of the firearms for F&F actually killed him...just that they were at the scene....

Forensic bullet match. You said you were a police officer isn't that correct?

got a link, buckwheat?

ok there was no one killed hows that?
From the right wing loons hero Issa - the source being Fox News no less:

Justice Department Accuses Issa of 'Mischaracterizing' Evidence in Probe of Operation Fast and Furious | Fox News

"One weapon has a '2,' one has a '3,' on it. There's no '1,'" Issa said on CBS. "When agents who were at Brian Terry's funeral made statements to his mother indicating that there were three weapons, when the two weapons that they have tested don't conclusively match up [to the bullet that killed Terry], then you look and say, 'Well, was there a third weapon at the scene?'"

How do you spell F-A-I-L BigTurd...
got a link, buckwheat?

ok there was no one killed hows that?

Did they really say noone was killed in Fast and Furious? If by noone two border agents and a pile of Mexicans. I forgot liberals dont view them as people, just as votes.

I don't see anybody, any where saying that....

You know, most right-wing loons on this board are an advertisement as to why aspects of your education system are failing....

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