Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

“Until now, everyone believed that the decisions regarding `Fast and Furious’ were confined to the Department of Justice. The White House decision to invoke executive privilege implies that White House officials were either involved in the `Fast and Furious’ operation or the cover-up that followed,” said Boehner’s press secretary Brendan Buck. “The administration has always insisted that wasn’t the case. Were they lying, or are they now bending the law to hide the truth?”

Obama asserts executive privilege in Fast and Furious probe -
Watergate was worse, though not as bad as the Bush admin lying to the american people with the fabricated "they have WMD's and we know where they are" BS to go to war with Iraq.

Watergate was a pimple on an Elephant's ass.

Fast and Furious is vastly bigger than Watergate.

(The stale old lib lie that we went to Iraq over a booooosh lie about WMDs is such monumental horseshit that it's not worth refuting for the umpteenth time. No wonder all the usual lib suspects applaud it like trained seals.)

Nobody died in Watergate. The coverup WAS worse than the third rate burglary. Nixon deserved what he got to a large extent.

But people DID die because of the massive idiocy of the Obama Administration's DoJ Fast and Furious program. And it was SUCH a massive clusterfuck of imbecility that Pres. Obama donned his Nixon mask to duplicate the disingenuous actions of Pres. Nixon.

The main stream liberal propagandist media -- handmaiden to and not-officially-designated but actual rooting section for the Obama Administration and the liberal Democrat Parody -- will OF COURSE fail to "investigate" the coverup like they did against a Republican in the Oval Office.

But here's the good news. It doesn't matter. People with observational skills and integrity don't buy the distortions of the Lame Stream Media anymore. There are now alternative sources.

What Holder and the President did today will NOT go unnoticed and will not be permitted to be swept under a rug.

No one died because of Watergate, but it was part of a larger culture of corruption in the Nixon administration that did result in deaths. Or are you going to claim no one died in Cambodia?

The absurd attempt to "link" Watergate and Cambodia is one of the shrillest limpest lamest dopiest dumb-ass things I have EVER enjoyed reading from you, Polky.

You guys are beyond pathetic on this topic.

(Quick, find TdM to tell us how my post, here, is RACIST!, too.)
Watergate was a pimple on an Elephant's ass.

Fast and Furious is vastly bigger than Watergate.

(The stale old lib lie that we went to Iraq over a booooosh lie about WMDs is such monumental horseshit that it's not worth refuting for the umpteenth time. No wonder all the usual lib suspects applaud it like trained seals.)

Nobody died in Watergate. The coverup WAS worse than the third rate burglary. Nixon deserved what he got to a large extent.

But people DID die because of the massive idiocy of the Obama Administration's DoJ Fast and Furious program. And it was SUCH a massive clusterfuck of imbecility that Pres. Obama donned his Nixon mask to duplicate the disingenuous actions of Pres. Nixon.

The main stream liberal propagandist media -- handmaiden to and not-officially-designated but actual rooting section for the Obama Administration and the liberal Democrat Parody -- will OF COURSE fail to "investigate" the coverup like they did against a Republican in the Oval Office.

But here's the good news. It doesn't matter. People with observational skills and integrity don't buy the distortions of the Lame Stream Media anymore. There are now alternative sources.

What Holder and the President did today will NOT go unnoticed and will not be permitted to be swept under a rug.

No one died because of Watergate, but it was part of a larger culture of corruption in the Nixon administration that did result in deaths. Or are you going to claim no one died in Cambodia?

The absurd attempt to "link" Watergate and Cambodia is one of the shrillest limpest lamest dopiest dumb-ass things I have EVER enjoyed reading from you, Polky.

You guys are beyond pathetic on this topic.

(Quick, find TdM to tell us how my post, here, is RACIST!, too.)

You're not exactly innocent when giving out a 'free pass' to the right on such issues....

Forget Watergate, what about Iran Contra. You think those none of those weapons given over were fired in anger at anybody?
Watergate was a pimple on an Elephant's ass.

Fast and Furious is vastly bigger than Watergate.

(The stale old lib lie that we went to Iraq over a booooosh lie about WMDs is such monumental horseshit that it's not worth refuting for the umpteenth time. No wonder all the usual lib suspects applaud it like trained seals.)

Nobody died in Watergate. The coverup WAS worse than the third rate burglary. Nixon deserved what he got to a large extent.

But people DID die because of the massive idiocy of the Obama Administration's DoJ Fast and Furious program. And it was SUCH a massive clusterfuck of imbecility that Pres. Obama donned his Nixon mask to duplicate the disingenuous actions of Pres. Nixon.

The main stream liberal propagandist media -- handmaiden to and not-officially-designated but actual rooting section for the Obama Administration and the liberal Democrat Parody -- will OF COURSE fail to "investigate" the coverup like they did against a Republican in the Oval Office.

But here's the good news. It doesn't matter. People with observational skills and integrity don't buy the distortions of the Lame Stream Media anymore. There are now alternative sources.

What Holder and the President did today will NOT go unnoticed and will not be permitted to be swept under a rug.

No one died because of Watergate, but it was part of a larger culture of corruption in the Nixon administration that did result in deaths. Or are you going to claim no one died in Cambodia?

The absurd attempt to "link" Watergate and Cambodia is one of the shrillest limpest lamest dopiest dumb-ass things I have EVER enjoyed reading from you, Polky.

You guys are beyond pathetic on this topic.

(Quick, find TdM to tell us how my post, here, is RACIST!, too.)

Why? It's part of the same culture of coverup and conspiracy.

(As an aside, I actually think Nixon took the right action in Cambodia, but that doesn't change the fact that it was illegal.)
As this moves forward, expect to hear more mindless cries of "witch hunt!" and eventually "racism!"

I wouldn't be surprised if some addle-brained libs (over 50, with ponytail) start crying about it being nobody's business who he has sex with, in their excitement and confusion.

It definitely a witch hunt.

There we go. Start the ball rolling. I'm sure there are a lot of victims' families who will appreciate the CYA diversion and doublespeak that lies ahead.
No one died because of Watergate, but it was part of a larger culture of corruption in the Nixon administration that did result in deaths. Or are you going to claim no one died in Cambodia?

Wow. The shamelessness of lefty shills is stunning.
As this moves forward, expect to hear more mindless cries of "witch hunt!" and eventually "racism!"

I wouldn't be surprised if some addle-brained libs (over 50, with ponytail) start crying about it being nobody's business who he has sex with, in their excitement and confusion.

It definitely a witch hunt.

There we go. Start the ball rolling. I'm sure there are a lot of victims' families who will appreciate the CYA diversion and doublespeak that lies ahead.

Sometimes people are injured, or even killed, in the line of duty. That doesn't mean other officers were doing something illegal.
No one died because of Watergate, but it was part of a larger culture of corruption in the Nixon administration that did result in deaths. Or are you going to claim no one died in Cambodia?

The absurd attempt to "link" Watergate and Cambodia is one of the shrillest limpest lamest dopiest dumb-ass things I have EVER enjoyed reading from you, Polky.

You guys are beyond pathetic on this topic.

(Quick, find TdM to tell us how my post, here, is RACIST!, too.)

You're not exactly innocent when giving out a 'free pass' to the right on such issues....

Forget Watergate, what about Iran Contra. You think those none of those weapons given over were fired in anger at anybody?

I think Iran Contra WAS a plan to get around mindless interference from a partisan Congress interjecting itself improperly into foreign affairs.

I am quite sure the plan there was to get guns into the hands of those who sided against our enemies.

I kind of assume some of them WERE fired in anger. But, unlike the idiocy occasioned by the Obama Administration and his corrupt DoJ, the shots were not directed AT Americans.

Stop being such a mindless drone apologist for what even you must know is WRONG behavior -- all the way around -- by DoJ, the Obama Adminsitration and AG Holder.
Can someone explain the difference of eric holder thumbing his nose at congress and rednec right wing patriots from the Bush administration doing the exact same thing years ago? Is this just another case of republicans complaining because a colored person did it?
Oh that's why he claimed Executive Privilege. Thanks. :cuckoo:

Bush claimed executive privilege HUNDREDS of times...So did Cheney..big whoop!

Yeah, i figured you didn't give a shit about Brian Terry and his Family. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt though.

Of course I morn the loss of those that fight the good fight. I certainly wouldn't use thier passing as political pawns. Shame on you all.
Can someone explain the difference of eric holder thumbing his nose at congress and rednec right wing patriots from the Bush administration doing the exact same thing years ago? Is this just another case of republicans complaining because a colored person did it?

In fairness, it's not about race. They'd be complaining if a white Democrat did it.
You bet your ass I think FF is worse than Watergate.

Fast & Furious leaves hundreds of dead in its wake. One of whom was a US Border Patrol Agent.

I hope heads roll on this.

Agreed-not only 1 U.S border agent was killed with these guns--but we have Mexican judges, elected officials--Mexican miltia, Mexican police--and innocent Mexican civilians that have been killed in the cross-fire by these guns. God only knows how many.

And it's stupid to believe that Watergate (a simple break-in at a campaign office) even comes close in comparison, to fast and furious.
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The absurd attempt to "link" Watergate and Cambodia is one of the shrillest limpest lamest dopiest dumb-ass things I have EVER enjoyed reading from you, Polky.

You guys are beyond pathetic on this topic.

(Quick, find TdM to tell us how my post, here, is RACIST!, too.)

You're not exactly innocent when giving out a 'free pass' to the right on such issues....

Forget Watergate, what about Iran Contra. You think those none of those weapons given over were fired in anger at anybody?

I think Iran Contra WAS a plan to get around mindless interference from a partisan Congress interjecting itself improperly into foreign affairs.

I am quite sure the plan there was to get guns into the hands of those who sided against our enemies.

I kind of assume some of them WERE fired in anger. But, unlike the idiocy occasioned by the Obama Administration and his corrupt DoJ, the shots were not directed AT Americans.

Stop being such a mindless drone apologist for what even you must know is WRONG behavior -- all the way around -- by DoJ, the Obama Adminsitration and AG Holder.

Iran Contra worked out SO WELL for us, don't you think?
The absurd attempt to "link" Watergate and Cambodia is one of the shrillest limpest lamest dopiest dumb-ass things I have EVER enjoyed reading from you, Polky.

You guys are beyond pathetic on this topic.

(Quick, find TdM to tell us how my post, here, is RACIST!, too.)

You're not exactly innocent when giving out a 'free pass' to the right on such issues....

Forget Watergate, what about Iran Contra. You think those none of those weapons given over were fired in anger at anybody?

I think Iran Contra WAS a plan to get around mindless interference from a partisan Congress interjecting itself improperly into foreign affairs.

I am quite sure the plan there was to get guns into the hands of those who sided against our enemies.

I kind of assume some of them WERE fired in anger. But, unlike the idiocy occasioned by the Obama Administration and his corrupt DoJ, the shots were not directed AT Americans.

Stop being such a mindless drone apologist for what even you must know is WRONG behavior -- all the way around -- by DoJ, the Obama Adminsitration and AG Holder.

I think you, and a lot of others, are missing a key point: "wrong behavior" in the sense that the operation was botched, does not equal criminal behavior.

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