Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Seriously Trajan, how many threads on this board have neocon loons asked for Obama to be impeached, flung out of office, whatever...

There are just so many it is ridiculous. I thought the hate for Clinton was pathological...these past four years is a whole new level. And it is a type of person/poster too - uneducated, not too bright, think they know the law (not saying you are this type BTW - this is Stephanie, BIg Red, Mr T, - frickin loons)....

But the left's never ending hatred of Bush was justified? OK Forrest you're right. Stupid is as stupid does.

Never said it was...
He was an awful president though...worst ever...

But their hatred was OTT IMO...

I would not say worst ever.. hell, not even worst in my lifetime.. that would b Carter... but I would say Obamalama is worse as well, and I am no Bush II fan
Never said it was...
He was an awful president though...worst ever...

But their hatred was OTT IMO...

How in the fuck would you know this kangaroo fucker? You don't live here in America and you have no say about who was the worse American President.

Christ almighty, what is that smell of shit that permeates the air? WTF is that. Smells like a dead rat...


...oh, Hi BigTurd......

Since nothing I do can be smelled by you it must be the smell of that kangaroo shit on your dick.
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But the left's never ending hatred of Bush was justified? OK Forrest you're right. Stupid is as stupid does.

Never said it was...
He was an awful president though...worst ever...

But their hatred was OTT IMO...

I would not say worst ever.. hell, not even worst in my lifetime.. that would b Carter... but I would say Obamalama is worse as well, and I am no Bush II fan

Each to their own I guess...shrug..
But the left's never ending hatred of Bush was justified? OK Forrest you're right. Stupid is as stupid does.

Never said it was...
He was an awful president though...worst ever...

But their hatred was OTT IMO...

How in the fuck would you know this kangaroo fucker? You don't live here in America and you have no say about who was the worse American President.
He's an expert impartial observer put on earth to advise the United States.
Draws his salary from the UN, as I remember.
How in the fuck would you know this kangaroo fucker? You don't live here in America and you have no say about who was the worse American President.

Christ almighty, what is that smell of shit that permeates the air? WTF is that. Smells like a dead rat...


...oh, Hi BigTurd......

Since nothing I do can be smelled by you it must be the smell of that kangaroo shit on your dick.

Whoa! What a comeback! :clap2:
What exactly is the scandal??? Besides another attempt by Republicans to discredit the prez and his administration?? And you are trying to compare this to Watergate??? :cuckoo:

Providing weapons to the Mexican drug cartel in hopes that the resultant crimes would result in subversion of the constitution, resulting in the murder of a border patrol agent and hundreds of Mexican citizens.

Sure, it doesn't rise to the level of eaves dropping on your political opponent, but still......

I get what your cuckoo party is saying. Where is the proof that Holder broke the law?? What does Issa have on him?? Nothing that I'm aware of.
And, um, who started that operation? Hint, it wasn't Holder. He put a stop to it. That aside, I actually think the premise behind the idea was not a bad one. If the Federal Agent had not been killed it might be interesting to see where it had gone.

That aside again, the chances of the person who killed the agent being armed at the time with a weapon from another source is very, very high...

How did Holder put a stop to an operation that ended in 2007?

Read the first sentence in post 299...

That sentence still does not back up your statement that Holder put a stop to it.. the FACT is that he did not... it was already halted well BEFORE Bush II left office
Never said it was...
He was an awful president though...worst ever...

But their hatred was OTT IMO...

How in the fuck would you know this kangaroo fucker? You don't live here in America and you have no say about who was the worse American President.
He's an expert impartial observer put on earth to advise the United States.
Draws his salary from the UN, as I remember.

You say that like it's a bad thing...:cool:
Never said it was...
He was an awful president though...worst ever...

But their hatred was OTT IMO...

How in the fuck would you know this kangaroo fucker? You don't live here in America and you have no say about who was the worse American President.
He's an expert impartial observer put on earth to advise the United States.
Draws his salary from the UN, as I remember.

He's got his own president to talk shit about.
Watergate started under Nixon and ended under Nixon.

Fast and Furious started under Bush in 2006 and lasted years under Bush until Obama was "stuck with another failed Bush Operation".

Wide Receiver, which was the Bush program, involved the Mexican government, and was discontinued because the Mexican government was loosing track of the guns, ended before Obama was elected. Even Holder admits that.

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