Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder

In 2006, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Justice Department launched the first of a series of misguided “gunrunning” schemes that eventually led to the death of federal Agent Brian Terry. Rather than look to ways to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, however, House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) spent his tenure as a committee chair trying unsuccessfully to embarrass Attorney General Eric Holder.

Next week, Issa plans to escalate this witchhunt by holding an committee vote on a resolution to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress. Here’s what you need to know about this vote:

1. Issa Has No Case

2. Reagan’s Justice Department Agreed With Holder

3. Law Enforcement Rejects Issa’s Witchhunt

4. Even Top Republicans Think Issa Goes Too Far

5. Issa Is Fixated On A Conspiracy Theory

Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder | ThinkProgress
Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder

In 2006, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Justice Department launched the first of a series of misguided “gunrunning” schemes that eventually led to the death of federal Agent Brian Terry. Rather than look to ways to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, however, House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) spent his tenure as a committee chair trying unsuccessfully to embarrass Attorney General Eric Holder.

Next week, Issa plans to escalate this witchhunt by holding an committee vote on a resolution to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress. Here’s what you need to know about this vote:

1. Issa Has No Case

2. Reagan’s Justice Department Agreed With Holder

Law Enforcement Rejects Issa’s Witchhunt

4. Even Top Republicans Think Issa Goes Too Far

5. Issa Is Fixated On A Conspiracy Theory

Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder | ThinkProgress

Good post....

With the rare exception, you have to look at who you're posting to on here. Huge majority of partisan hacks/loons...
Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder

In 2006, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Justice Department launched the first of a series of misguided “gunrunning” schemes that eventually led to the death of federal Agent Brian Terry. Rather than look to ways to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, however, House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) spent his tenure as a committee chair trying unsuccessfully to embarrass Attorney General Eric Holder.

Next week, Issa plans to escalate this witchhunt by holding an committee vote on a resolution to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress. Here’s what you need to know about this vote:

1. Issa Has No Case

2. Reagan’s Justice Department Agreed With Holder

3. Law Enforcement Rejects Issa’s Witchhunt

4. Even Top Republicans Think Issa Goes Too Far

5. Issa Is Fixated On A Conspiracy Theory

Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder | ThinkProgress

and Brian Terry isn't dead is he? it's all just made up by the evil Republicans.


fucking fat assed libtard.
Watergate was worse, though not as bad as the Bush admin lying to the american people with the fabricated "they have WMD's and we know where they are" BS to go to war with Iraq.

Watergate was a pimple on an Elephant's ass.

Fast and Furious is vastly bigger than Watergate.

(The stale old lib lie that we went to Iraq over a booooosh lie about WMDs is such monumental horseshit that it's not worth refuting for the umpteenth time. No wonder all the usual lib suspects applaud it like trained seals.)

Nobody died in Watergate. The coverup WAS worse than the third rate burglary. Nixon deserved what he got to a large extent.

But people DID die because of the massive idiocy of the Obama Administration's DoJ Fast and Furious program. And it was SUCH a massive clusterfuck of imbecility that Pres. Obama donned his Nixon mask to duplicate the disingenuous actions of Pres. Nixon.

The main stream liberal propagandist media -- handmaiden to and not-officially-designated but actual rooting section for the Obama Administration and the liberal Democrat Parody -- will OF COURSE fail to "investigate" the coverup like they did against a Republican in the Oval Office.

But here's the good news. It doesn't matter. People with observational skills and integrity don't buy the distortions of the Lame Stream Media anymore. There are now alternative sources.

What Holder and the President did today will NOT go unnoticed and will not be permitted to be swept under a rug.
The most sense you've made all thread....

that won't get you anywhere. :lol:

so, the links on the Terry shooting, they make sense?

Oh, no. You get me wrong. I think once the investigation is complete, then the axe should swing.

What I find amusing is:
Bush: "the intel was wrong on WMDs, I'm sorry"
Neocon Whackjobs: "Ok Georgie Boy. We don't mind our sons and daughters being sent to war over something that didn't exist".

Holder: "I had no idea how far or deep this went and I'll find out what happened, bear me out"
Neocon Whackjobs: "We don't fucken care you useless motherfucker. The buck stops with you!! We want to know now! An election is coming up and we this timing is perfect to smear Obama and throw ammo his way!! We want to know now!!! (stamps feet)"

Only in America...pathetic all round really...

that is one way of looking at it. Another way is that Holder has publicly admitted that he lied to Congress twice.

Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious |
Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder

In 2006, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Justice Department launched the first of a series of misguided “gunrunning” schemes that eventually led to the death of federal Agent Brian Terry. Rather than look to ways to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, however, House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) spent his tenure as a committee chair trying unsuccessfully to embarrass Attorney General Eric Holder.

Next week, Issa plans to escalate this witchhunt by holding an committee vote on a resolution to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress. Here’s what you need to know about this vote:

1. Issa Has No Case

2. Reagan’s Justice Department Agreed With Holder

3. Law Enforcement Rejects Issa’s Witchhunt

4. Even Top Republicans Think Issa Goes Too Far

5. Issa Is Fixated On A Conspiracy Theory

Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder | ThinkProgress
Reagan’s Justice Department Agreed With Holder
What would jeopardize national security by releasing the documenmts in question?

The courts have consistently held that executive privilege is not absolute and can be “overcome by an adequate showing of need.” This is a flexible standard and does not lend itself to clear predictions about whether a particular assertion of executive privilege will be upheld, but the courts have provided some guidelines to govern claims of executive privilege. The Supreme Court held in United States v. Nixon, for example, that a claim of executive privilege will normally be defeated when the privileged information is needed to provide evidence in a criminal trial—although the strong presumption against revealing information that would jeopardize national security would control even in this instance.
Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder

In 2006, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Justice Department launched the first of a series of misguided “gunrunning” schemes that eventually led to the death of federal Agent Brian Terry. Rather than look to ways to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, however, House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) spent his tenure as a committee chair trying unsuccessfully to embarrass Attorney General Eric Holder.

Next week, Issa plans to escalate this witchhunt by holding an committee vote on a resolution to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress. Here’s what you need to know about this vote:

1. Issa Has No Case

2. Reagan’s Justice Department Agreed With Holder

3. Law Enforcement Rejects Issa’s Witchhunt

4. Even Top Republicans Think Issa Goes Too Far

5. Issa Is Fixated On A Conspiracy Theory

Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder | ThinkProgress

Stink Progress Fluff...

Get a real source, and maybe you would get a discussion...
Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder

In 2006, during the presidency of George W. Bush, the Justice Department launched the first of a series of misguided “gunrunning” schemes that eventually led to the death of federal Agent Brian Terry. Rather than look to ways to prevent such a tragedy from happening again, however, House Oversight Chair Darrell Issa’s (R-CA) spent his tenure as a committee chair trying unsuccessfully to embarrass Attorney General Eric Holder.

Next week, Issa plans to escalate this witchhunt by holding an committee vote on a resolution to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress. Here’s what you need to know about this vote:

1. Issa Has No Case

2. Reagan’s Justice Department Agreed With Holder

3. Law Enforcement Rejects Issa’s Witchhunt

4. Even Top Republicans Think Issa Goes Too Far

5. Issa Is Fixated On A Conspiracy Theory

Five Things To Know About The Republican Witchhunt Against Attorney General Holder | ThinkProgress

Think Progress? You can't be serious!
You should only have a problem with it if you think they had some magic mechanism to prevent the guns from killing people.

I think they should have done the same thing they did under Bush, take reasonable precautions to make sure the guns did not actually get used in a crime. Then again, I have standards.

But they didn't do that under Bush. It just happened that no one got killed.

You don't think the effort to involve the Mexican government in tracking the weapons after they got to Mexico was a reasonable precaution? Is it actually possible that you are a partisan hack?
As this moves forward, expect to hear more mindless cries of "witch hunt!" and eventually "racism!"

I wouldn't be surprised if some addle-brained libs (over 50, with ponytail) start crying about it being nobody's business who he has sex with, in their excitement and confusion.
Watergate was worse, though not as bad as the Bush admin lying to the american people with the fabricated "they have WMD's and we know where they are" BS to go to war with Iraq.

Watergate was a pimple on an Elephant's ass.

Fast and Furious is vastly bigger than Watergate.

(The stale old lib lie that we went to Iraq over a booooosh lie about WMDs is such monumental horseshit that it's not worth refuting for the umpteenth time. No wonder all the usual lib suspects applaud it like trained seals.)

Nobody died in Watergate. The coverup WAS worse than the third rate burglary. Nixon deserved what he got to a large extent.

But people DID die because of the massive idiocy of the Obama Administration's DoJ Fast and Furious program. And it was SUCH a massive clusterfuck of imbecility that Pres. Obama donned his Nixon mask to duplicate the disingenuous actions of Pres. Nixon.

The main stream liberal propagandist media -- handmaiden to and not-officially-designated but actual rooting section for the Obama Administration and the liberal Democrat Parody -- will OF COURSE fail to "investigate" the coverup like they did against a Republican in the Oval Office.

But here's the good news. It doesn't matter. People with observational skills and integrity don't buy the distortions of the Lame Stream Media anymore. There are now alternative sources.

What Holder and the President did today will NOT go unnoticed and will not be permitted to be swept under a rug.

As this moves forward, expect to hear more mindless cries of "witch hunt!" and eventually "racism!"

I wouldn't be surprised if some addle-brained libs (over 50, with ponytail) start crying about it being nobody's business who he has sex with, in their excitement and confusion.

It definitely a witch hunt. Racism would be a stretch, because they'd going after a white Democrat on similar trumped up charges.
Watergate was worse, though not as bad as the Bush admin lying to the american people with the fabricated "they have WMD's and we know where they are" BS to go to war with Iraq.

Watergate was a pimple on an Elephant's ass.

Fast and Furious is vastly bigger than Watergate.

(The stale old lib lie that we went to Iraq over a booooosh lie about WMDs is such monumental horseshit that it's not worth refuting for the umpteenth time. No wonder all the usual lib suspects applaud it like trained seals.)

Nobody died in Watergate. The coverup WAS worse than the third rate burglary. Nixon deserved what he got to a large extent.

But people DID die because of the massive idiocy of the Obama Administration's DoJ Fast and Furious program. And it was SUCH a massive clusterfuck of imbecility that Pres. Obama donned his Nixon mask to duplicate the disingenuous actions of Pres. Nixon.

The main stream liberal propagandist media -- handmaiden to and not-officially-designated but actual rooting section for the Obama Administration and the liberal Democrat Parody -- will OF COURSE fail to "investigate" the coverup like they did against a Republican in the Oval Office.

But here's the good news. It doesn't matter. People with observational skills and integrity don't buy the distortions of the Lame Stream Media anymore. There are now alternative sources.

What Holder and the President did today will NOT go unnoticed and will not be permitted to be swept under a rug.

No one died because of Watergate, but it was part of a larger culture of corruption in the Nixon administration that did result in deaths. Or are you going to claim no one died in Cambodia?

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