Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Get a grip you dopes.

Cops unfortunately get murdered every day..

I have seen no evidense that anyone in the ATF acted in bad faith.

Screwed up? Maybe. Commited a crime? Hardly.

Actually the one guy that should be in jail is the asshole that ratted out the ongoing sting and investigation.

Tipping off the criminals that thier weapons were being tracked was the only criminal element to the governments case against the ATF.

So why is your Dear Leader claiming Executive Privilege? If him & Holder did nothing wrong, why not just release all the information tomorrow?

My bad I thought you were an American..

Maybe he just thinks Issa is an asshole...I do.

Oh that's why he claimed Executive Privilege. Thanks. :cuckoo:
terrorists? :lol:


The Contras targeted and attacked civilian targets as a matter of course as part of a campaign of psychological warfare, including attacking hospitals and murdering children.

That makes them terrorists.

Is there something about the definition of the word "terrorist" that I'm missing?

no, they did not systemically do so, stop reading garbage.

and you should ask the UN, they still cannot define it....:lol:

All part of being a Pub dupe- not knowing or, it appears, wanting to know. Well thank God the cold war is over so Pubs don't feel they have to ally us to TOTAL a-hole dictators. The contras probably were supported by about 30% of the country, the plutocrats and US Corps. They still support them, like against Chavez etc, but now they have democracy. Those horrible Sandanistas are just socialists, not the commie demons Reagan portrayed them as. WHEW!
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Nothing to hide? Just release all information tomorrow. It's as simple as that. Why Executive Privilege?

Pushing weapons across the border to enemies of the mexican Government that results in death of thier innocent citizens in my mind is an act of war...

is it not?
Get a grip you dopes.

Cops unfortunately get murdered every day..

I have seen no evidense that anyone in the ATF acted in bad faith.

Screwed up? Maybe. Commited a crime? Hardly.

Actually the one guy that should be in jail is the asshole that ratted out the ongoing sting and investigation.

Tipping off the criminals that thier weapons were being tracked was the only criminal element to the governments case against the ATF.

Really? the government who would love nothing better than to have a reason to create a gun ban should be allowed to do this?
That was the plan for fast and the furious use it to get support for a gun ban. I am glad the rats were told on.

WOW!~ You are one delusional motherfucker. Where have you seen the tinyest scrap of information that Obama intends to ban guns?

SOOOOooo...THIS is what THIS is all about? You have officially lost your mind.
Really? the government who would love nothing better than to have a reason to create a gun ban should be allowed to do this?
That was the plan for fast and the furious use it to get support for a gun ban. I am glad the rats were told on.

Reb, you need to take off that tinfoil hat.
This is a witch hunt just like Whitewater...Pubs a just lying fugging a-holes. Pub dupes...
Get a grip you dopes.

Cops unfortunately get murdered every day..

I have seen no evidense that anyone in the ATF acted in bad faith.

Screwed up? Maybe. Commited a crime? Hardly.

Actually the one guy that should be in jail is the asshole that ratted out the ongoing sting and investigation.

Tipping off the criminals that thier weapons were being tracked was the only criminal element to the governments case against the ATF.

Really? the government who would love nothing better than to have a reason to create a gun ban should be allowed to do this?
That was the plan for fast and the furious use it to get support for a gun ban. I am glad the rats were told on.

Sooooo. how's that gun ban coming along?
I'll answer that. No he does not. I've had enough convo's with him to tell you as much.

As I have. I know the answers to the questions I asked. I want to see if Jake has even a shred of honesty in there somewhere.

Ernie and TGG don't like me because I point out the truth to them. Until we know what the documents are and who has done what (which we don't), then the far right flacks can run around wringing their hands. No one cares what your small, insignificant group thinks guys. You are not important.

Wrong Jake I don't like you because you are intellectually dishonest and devoid of integrity. In your zeal to appear fair and balanced you forget to have any stable, rational morality. Your values fit the moment and your position du jour.
There can be no justice as long as Barack Obama and Eric Holder are in power. They gotta go. Make it happen America. Get out there in November.
That's why I said the Bush admin lying to go to war with Iraq was the worst. Over 4,000 US troops dead because of the scumbag Bush and the GOP shitheads.

How many were killed with Obama in charge? You don't hear the numbers, now. More people were killed in Chicago in the last year than Afganistan. Will you count those numbers against him? He is trying to turn the USA into Chicago, and his koolaid drinkin' followers are saying: its okay if he is totally corrupt, does not uphold his "oath of office", is not enforcing the laws, is a fraud, is a liar, cause I BELIEVE! Can I get an AMEN!?

Funny to watch the lynch mobs (for republicans) roll over with their bellies exposed when it is a liberal that is breaking the law.

He was voted President, not King.

When you have to dig at crime statistics to get a death number higher than past Republican's quite the fail....:lol:

"Crime statistic"? Chicago had more murders than troops died in Afganistan in the last year. I would say that IS WAR. This President is supposed to be protecting citizens. His attorney general is supposed to be enforcing the law. It appears neither of them think their job is important enough to actually do it. It is the citizens' duty to remove the incompetent workers, and replace them with the more industrious.
humor me then please.

I don't recall how the gop is being hypocritical here, by virtue of your posts.Is obama being hypocritical? Holder?

Because you are going after somebody who allegedly has committed perjury and should be strung up over a border agent being killed.

Marry that with Bush saying "I didn't know" with regard to lack of WMDs in Iraq and the free pass he was given - no investigation, no nothing - then I find it hyper hypocritical that some on the right are calling for Holder's head - the main plank being the death of a border agent - when there are 4500+ US service men and women dead over something that never existed. Not even going to mention the deaths of civilians and the wounded...

Knowing you, you will try and argue the minutiae of both cases, but on the whole, the big picture - to me - is the same: Bush - free pass; Obama: impeach/imprision/whatever

Seriously Trajan, how many threads on this board have neocon loons asked for Obama to be impeached, flung out of office, whatever...

There are just so many it is ridiculous. I thought the hate for Clinton was pathological...these past four years is a whole new level. And it is a type of person/poster too - uneducated, not too bright, think they know the law (not saying you are this type BTW - this is Stephanie, BIg Red, Mr T, - frickin loons)....

But the left's never ending hatred of Bush was justified? OK Forrest you're right. Stupid is as stupid does.
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