Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Your deflections are wandering.

Since you brought it up, people went to jail in Iran/Contra. Why should this be any different?

The point of the entire thread is to compare "Fast and Furious" to Watergate.

Iran-Contra is a much more apt comparison.

How is that exactly a "deflection" or "wandering"?
If Obama and Holder have nothing to hide, why not just turn over all the information tomorrow? Why Executive Privilege? I'm still not getting how anyone can defend this disgrace. Many people are dead because of Fast & Furious. It's time for those responsible to be held accountable.
You should only have a problem with it if you think they had some magic mechanism to prevent the guns from killing people.

I think they should have done the same thing they did under Bush, take reasonable precautions to make sure the guns did not actually get used in a crime. Then again, I have standards.

But they didn't do that under Bush. It just happened that no one got killed.

It Also just so happens to be completely Irrelevant as to whether or not Holder is lying to Congress.
If Obama and Holder have nothing to hide, why not just turn over all the information tomorrow? Why Executive Privilege? I'm still getting how anyone can defend this disgrace. Many people are dead because of Fast & Furious. It's time for those responsible to be held accountable.

Yeah, Normally the Left is always against the President using EP. Pretty Funny.

They acted like Bush did it more than anyone. He did it 6 Times, Clinton 9. lol
Watergate was just the tip of the iceberg of Nixon's corrupt and paranoid administration.

How many people were killed in El Salvador and Nicaragua because of Irangate? In Iraq? Chile? Pub travesties never end...

Quite a few arrest and convictions were made because of F+F. And Holder ENDED it, a continuation of Bush policy. Who made no arrests...

Change the channel- it's reported as Pubcrappe propaganda run wild. The dupes need medication after days of bought off demagogery...LOL

How many people have been killed in Libya, Sudan, Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, and Mexico under this guys appalling leadership?

Nixon is a fairly good comparison to corrupt, paranoid and lawless administration. He resigned in disgrace. Why are you "elevating" a person that acts in a similar manner?
Your deflections are wandering.

Since you brought it up, people went to jail in Iran/Contra. Why should this be any different?

The point of the entire thread is to compare "Fast and Furious" to Watergate.

Iran-Contra is a much more apt comparison.

How is that exactly a "deflection" or "wandering"?

There both Valid Comparisons because in Both Cases the worst Offense as far as our laws were concerned, were all connected to an attempt to Cover up the Original fuck up.
Appears? To you? In what way? Who died as a result of Watergate?
Are you always so obtuse? Do you even know what intellectual honesty is?

I'll answer that. No he does not. I've had enough convo's with him to tell you as much.

As I have. I know the answers to the questions I asked. I want to see if Jake has even a shred of honesty in there somewhere.

Ernie and TGG don't like me because I point out the truth to them. Until we know what the documents are and who has done what (which we don't), then the far right flacks can run around wringing their hands. No one cares what your small, insignificant group thinks guys. You are not important.
Your deflections are wandering.

Since you brought it up, people went to jail in Iran/Contra. Why should this be any different?

The point of the entire thread is to compare "Fast and Furious" to Watergate.

Iran-Contra is a much more apt comparison.

How is that exactly a "deflection" or "wandering"?

There both Valid Comparisons because in Both Cases the worst Offense as far as our laws were concerned, were all connected to an attempt to Cover up the Original fuck up.

You're right, they are both valid comparisons.

However, Iran-Contra is a more apt comparison, as both involved arms sales to foreign elements, and people getting killed because of them.
If my memory serves me, the Contras were fighting the Sandinistas, who were Communists. Reagan was prohibited from using US dollars to fund his fight against international communism by the Boland Amendment(s) passed by the Democrat controlled Senate.

Reagan didn't think having a Communist takeover in Central America was a very good idea. Apparently you do.

The arms sold to Iran were brokered through (gasp) Israel and were last years models and were never used against the US.

So, you believe that terrorist actions are A-OK, as long as they are in support of a philosophy you believe in?

Reagan broke TWO laws there. One was the arms embargo against Iran, and the other was the embargo against funding the Contra Terrorists.

Do you feel that the "last year's model" arms that were intentionally sold to the Iranians were more, or less, dangerous than the small arms sold to various Mexican criminals with the intention of catching them?

To answer your first question, not yes but Hell yes!
Since the arms were brokered through Israel, they, not Reagan broke the arms embargo law and the money from the sale and used to support the Contras was not US taxpayers money as prohibited by Boland.

Try again.
Nothing in that article points out they did forensics on bullets retrieved from the body that are linked to any guns that they can connect to the operation.

Bullets have unique markings that can be traced back to the gun it was fired from.

That sort of evidence hasn't been produced.
Could it be because investigators were directed to not test the bullets?
I want to see ballistic test results.

A death in the desert

Late on the evening of Dec. 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and other officers were patrolling Peck Canyon, in the Arizona desert about 11 miles inside the Mexican border. The region was a hotbed for bandits who ambushed illegal immigrants.
Nicknamed “Superman” for his good looks and strength, the 40-year-old Terry was planning to fly to Michigan for Christmas with his family after his shift ended.

Suddenly, the group got into a firefight with five suspected illegal immigrants. At first, Terry and the officers fired “less than lethal’’ beanbag guns, an FBI report said. But the suspects fired assault weapons. Then the agents resorted to live ammunition.
Terry was fatally shot in the melee. Investigators made four arrests and found two AK-47 semiautomatic rifles nearby.

Within hours, the news spread inside ATF: The serial numbers on the two rifles matched guns bought by one of the Fast and Furious suspects a year before outside Phoenix. The bullet that killed Terry was so damaged that neither of the firearms could be definitively linked to his killing, according to a law enforcement official in the case

Operation Fast and Furious: A gunrunning sting gone wrong - The Washington Post

I guess you won't be getting your ballistic test results.

Forgive me if I don't think Justice has ANY credibility regarding Fast and Furious. Send the bullets to Horatio Cain in Miami. I trust him to be a whole lot more honest and capable than Justice or ATF at this point
Why are Democratic Attorney Generals such Anti-American pieces of shit? What happened to that Party?
This BS is all about ATF agents getting out of control under Bush, and it being ended under Obama's greater transparency- much like the GSA conferences going from $90k to 700k under Booosh, and THAT being discovered under Obama.

Of course, both were made into a tidal wave of BULLSHYTTE by the Pub propaganda machine. Nixon would be so proud. Pub dupes!
Neither of these hold a candle to Iran-Contra.

Reagan sold arms to Iran, who was under an embargo, and funded the Contras, a group of known terrorists, at the same time.

terrorists? :lol:

So the Contras weren't terrorists to the Nicaraguan people?

no, they weren't.

They were freedom fighters right? As was OBL who wanted infidels out of Saudi Arabia? Who wanted the corrupt House of Saud put to the sword? Right?

Does not matter that far right extremist flacks try to change the narrative.

The truth remains. Iran-Contra was a violation of American law, Ollie lied and got caught, and Reagan got away with it.

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