Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

From the right wing loons hero Issa - the source being Fox News no less:

Justice Department Accuses Issa of 'Mischaracterizing' Evidence in Probe of Operation Fast and Furious | Fox News

"One weapon has a '2,' one has a '3,' on it. There's no '1,'" Issa said on CBS. "When agents who were at Brian Terry's funeral made statements to his mother indicating that there were three weapons, when the two weapons that they have tested don't conclusively match up [to the bullet that killed Terry], then you look and say, 'Well, was there a third weapon at the scene?'"

How do you spell F-A-I-L BigTurd...

Two weapons that were used in the fast and the furious operation were found at the scene, Terry was killed with a rifle caliber weapon like those picked up at the sense.
No one was killed it was all a fabrication :eusa_whistle:
From the right wing loons hero Issa - the source being Fox News no less:

Justice Department Accuses Issa of 'Mischaracterizing' Evidence in Probe of Operation Fast and Furious | Fox News

"One weapon has a '2,' one has a '3,' on it. There's no '1,'" Issa said on CBS. "When agents who were at Brian Terry's funeral made statements to his mother indicating that there were three weapons, when the two weapons that they have tested don't conclusively match up [to the bullet that killed Terry], then you look and say, 'Well, was there a third weapon at the scene?'"

How do you spell F-A-I-L BigTurd...

Two weapons that were used in the fast and the furious operation were found at the scene, Terry was killed with a rifle caliber weapon like those picked up at the sense.
No one was killed it was all a fabrication :eusa_whistle:

And the forensic evidence you were talking about?? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
From the right wing loons hero Issa - the source being Fox News no less:

Justice Department Accuses Issa of 'Mischaracterizing' Evidence in Probe of Operation Fast and Furious | Fox News

"One weapon has a '2,' one has a '3,' on it. There's no '1,'" Issa said on CBS. "When agents who were at Brian Terry's funeral made statements to his mother indicating that there were three weapons, when the two weapons that they have tested don't conclusively match up [to the bullet that killed Terry], then you look and say, 'Well, was there a third weapon at the scene?'"

How do you spell F-A-I-L BigTurd...

Two weapons that were used in the fast and the furious operation were found at the scene, Terry was killed with a rifle caliber weapon like those picked up at the sense.
No one was killed it was all a fabrication :eusa_whistle:

And the forensic evidence you were talking about?? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

A copy of the FBI document shows ballistics tests did not rule out the Fast and Furious guns in the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry.
Fast and Furious: FBI report at odds with ATF claim on weapons - Los Angeles Times
Two weapons that were used in the fast and the furious operation were found at the scene, Terry was killed with a rifle caliber weapon like those picked up at the sense.
No one was killed it was all a fabrication :eusa_whistle:

And the forensic evidence you were talking about?? :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

A copy of the FBI document shows ballistics tests did not rule out the Fast and Furious guns in the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry.
Fast and Furious: FBI report at odds with ATF claim on weapons - Los Angeles Times

B-b-b-but you said there was a forensic match?? :eusa_whistle:

So there wasn't a forensic match? Is that what you are saying?
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

I see no scandal; I see yet another branch of the legislature more concerned with showboating than their JOBS. I note it has been Republican branches intent on finding 'contempt' & 'impeachment' despite reality, and the serious problems facing the nation. Useless critters are they.

How can you see no scandal? The DOJ decided that putting Mexican nationals and Americans along the southern border at grave risk was a fair trade off if they ultimately got stricter gun control laws passed. Can you imagine the OUTRAGE if they'd done the same thing to an inner city neighborhood in Detroit or Washington, DC? Quite frankly, it boggles my mind that even a group of ideologues as removed from reality as much of the Obama White House IS would not have realized that Operation Fast & Furious was the wrong thing to do on MULTIPLE levels. How could they have been THAT stupid?
You're not exactly innocent when giving out a 'free pass' to the right on such issues....

Forget Watergate, what about Iran Contra. You think those none of those weapons given over were fired in anger at anybody?

I think Iran Contra WAS a plan to get around mindless interference from a partisan Congress interjecting itself improperly into foreign affairs.

I am quite sure the plan there was to get guns into the hands of those who sided against our enemies.

I kind of assume some of them WERE fired in anger. But, unlike the idiocy occasioned by the Obama Administration and his corrupt DoJ, the shots were not directed AT Americans.

Stop being such a mindless drone apologist for what even you must know is WRONG behavior -- all the way around -- by DoJ, the Obama Adminsitration and AG Holder.

I think you, and a lot of others, are missing a key point: "wrong behavior" in the sense that the operation was botched, does not equal criminal behavior.

Lying to Congress is a crime, even if it shouldn't be.
Here's a recap in case anyone wants to save themselves 38 pages of reading.

Liberal: No. Watergate was the worst. The media has told us that Richard Nixon is the most evil president in our lifetimes. Not that we believe in evil, but if we did anyhow.

Conservative: Of course it's Fast And Furious. The president gave caches of automatic weapons to gangs of murdering thugs crossing our borders.
Am I the only one, who when looking into this, has found that these guns were found at the scene of the fire fight Terry had with these goons. There doesn't seen to be any indication that one of the firearms for F&F actually killed him...just that they were at the scene....

The guy got into a firefight with multiple suspects, ended up dead, and all the recovered weapons were linked to Fast and Furious. Don't worry though, the bullet that actually killed Terry couldn't be linked to either gun because a) it was too badly damaged and b) ballistics is mostly bullshit anyway.

You, for some obscure reason, want to believe that this means we can't be sure the guns that shot at him actually hit him. Apparently we are supposed to believe the bullet was fired from a magic gun that disappeared after the firefight, or something like that.

I take it back, the reason isn't obscure at all, you are a lying sack of shit that defends people you know nothing about because you get your kicks from acting like an idiot.
Am I the only one, who when looking into this, has found that these guns were found at the scene of the fire fight Terry had with these goons. There doesn't seen to be any indication that one of the firearms for F&F actually killed him...just that they were at the scene....

The guy got into a firefight with multiple suspects, ended up dead, and all the recovered weapons were linked to Fast and Furious. Don't worry though, the bullet that actually killed Terry couldn't be linked to either gun because a) it was too badly damaged and b) ballistics is mostly bullshit anyway.

You, for some obscure reason, want to believe that this means we can't be sure the guns that shot at him actually hit him. Apparently we are supposed to believe the bullet was fired from a magic gun that disappeared after the firefight, or something like that.

I take it back, the reason isn't obscure at all, you are a lying sack of shit that defends people you know nothing about because you get your kicks from acting like an idiot.

Great, some Neville Nobody Dweeb on the internet says the science of ballistics is now bullshit. Wonder how many dangerous felons are doing time who got rightly convicted on evidence of said 'bullshit'...

No, you are supposed to follow due process and the evidence. At the moment there is a lot of hoo ha about how an F&F gun killed Terry. Now, it turns out - ballistically - they can't prove it, or there might have been a third gun. But, no! Neville Know-all, the Windbag, says "fuck finding evidence! I'm a blowhard partisan hack. Making Holder and Obama looks like shitheads is far important than evidence"..

So many Morons, so little time....
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The contempt resolution will have little practical effect on Holder or the Obama administration. The Democratic-controlled Senate will not take action on a contempt resolution. The issue has been percolating in Congress since Republicans took control of Congress in 2011, but the timing of the vote in an election year has further injected politics into the debate.

More: House panel votes to cite Eric Holder for contempt of Congress - USA Today

The Senate has no power here. Once the house passes the resolution which they are certain to do--it will go to civil court in D.C. and Obama will have to explain page per page--as to why he felt it neccessary to invoke executive privilege.

Does anyone remember when Eric Holder played the RACE CARD?

Attorney General Eric Holder accused his growing chorus of critics of racist motivations in a Sunday interview published in the New York Times. When reached by The Daily Caller Monday morning, the Department of Justice provided no evidence to support the attorney general’s claims.

Holder said some unspecified faction — what he refers to as the “more extreme segment” — is driven to criticize both him and President Barack Obama due to the color of their skin. Holder did not appear to elaborate on who he considered to make up the “more extreme segment.”

“This is a way to get at the president because of the way I can be identified with him,” Holder said, according to the Times. “Both due to the nature of our relationship and, you know, the fact that we’re both African-American.”

The White House hasn’t returned requests for comment on whether President Barack Obama agrees with his top law enforcement officer’s allegations of racial motivations.

Holder’s accusations come as resignation calls mount from a growing list of 60 congressmen, two senators, every major Republican presidential candidate and two sitting governors, spurred on by the congressional investigation into Operation Fast and Furious.
Justice Dept. silent as Holder charges critics with racism | The Daily Caller

So I guess if you're a black attorney general of the United States you can get away with anything. And if you have a black POTUS who is willing to cover your ASS--you've really got it made.

I believe you are correct about that.

House panel votes 23-17 to place Holder in contempt of Congress -
Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Dewhurst's campaign did not respond to our requests for information supporting his campaign's claim that ballistics information confirmed Terry's killing by a Fast and Furious weapon.

We reviewed news reports, congressional reports and public testimony, which indicated that two Fast and Furious guns were recovered from the scene of Terry's shooting. However, we found no federal ballistics information confirming that the bullet that killed Terry was fired from one of the guns.

By all accounts, Fast and Furious weapons were found at the scene of a U.S. agent's death. Dewhurst's campaign was emphatic, though, that ballistics tests confirmed that the weapons killed the agent. We found no information indicating that's so. Dewhurst's statement rates False.


More: PolitiFact Texas | Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst says ballistics tests have confirmed border agent was killed by Fast and Furious weapon

Brian Terry's family deserves answers to what happened to their son. So do hundreds, perhaps more Mexican families. So do the American people. Executive privilege cannot be used to cover up wrong doing. We can thank Nixon for getting that cleared up.
More liberal hypocrisy. They called for Bush to be brought up on war crimes for his miscalculation on WMDs, but Congress probing into this illegal weapons program that cost the lives of hundreds of Mexicans and a border patrol agent is just "playing politics".
More liberal hypocrisy. They called for Bush to be brought up on war crimes for his miscalculation on WMDs, but Congress probing into this illegal weapons program that cost the lives of hundreds of Mexicans and a border patrol agent is just "playing politics".

Bush and the GOP flat out lying to the nation about Iraq having WMD's and that they were in the process of planning an attack on the US is a "miscalculation"? You right wingers are too much,..
More liberal hypocrisy. They called for Bush to be brought up on war crimes for his miscalculation on WMDs, but Congress probing into this illegal weapons program that cost the lives of hundreds of Mexicans and a border patrol agent is just "playing politics".

Bush and the GOP flat out lying to the nation about Iraq having WMD's and that they were in the process of planning an attack on the US is a "miscalculation"? You right wingers are too much,..
Yes, it was a miscalculation. I've never been convinced that Bush was knowingly dishonest about Iraq having WMDs, nor has there ever been any proof of such dishonesty. At best he had differing intel and it came down to a judgment call.
More liberal hypocrisy. They called for Bush to be brought up on war crimes for his miscalculation on WMDs, but Congress probing into this illegal weapons program that cost the lives of hundreds of Mexicans and a border patrol agent is just "playing politics".

Bush and the GOP flat out lying to the nation about Iraq having WMD's and that they were in the process of planning an attack on the US is a "miscalculation"? You right wingers are too much,..
Yes, it was a miscalculation. I've never been convinced that Bush was knowingly dishonest about Iraq having WMDs, nor has there ever been any proof of such dishonesty. At best he had differing intel and it came down to a judgment call.

And you think Holder and Obama have been knowingly dishonest about F&F. From what I've seen, Holder is livid about the program....
Bush and the GOP flat out lying to the nation about Iraq having WMD's and that they were in the process of planning an attack on the US is a "miscalculation"? You right wingers are too much,..
Yes, it was a miscalculation. I've never been convinced that Bush was knowingly dishonest about Iraq having WMDs, nor has there ever been any proof of such dishonesty. At best he had differing intel and it came down to a judgment call.

And you think Holder and Obama have been knowingly dishonest about F&F. From what I've seen, Holder is livid about the program....
I don't know if they're being dishonest or not. I do know they're being cagey as hell, and Holder, instead of giving up the ghost, tried to get Obama to use the executive privilege to save his own ass. Plus Pelosi, someone who was at the helm when the WMD thing blew up in Bush's face and whose party directly benefited from it, is being totally disingenuous when she acts like she doesn't see the point in holding Obama and Holder accountable for this illegal gunrunning.

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