Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Not true. You hate Think Progress for the same reason you right wing nuts hate Rachel Maddow.

More Keith Olbermann. Maddow is the lefts version of Ann Coulter, she pushes the buttons of the opposition, but sticks to the fact. ThinkProgress openly fabricates stories and prints libel as it's primary function.

They tell the truth and you people are allergic!!!

Actually, ThinkProgress regularly lies.

I notice you did not tell me what was incorrect in what Think Progress said.

They are not a credible source, I don't bother with them.

You have the DNC press, CNN, NBC, NY Times, Washington Post - if you can't make your case with the party press and must fall to the hate sites, then you don't have a legitimate point.
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

At least 2 Americans and who knows how many Mexicans were killed with the guns from fast and furious.

That, to me, makes this scandal way worse than watergate.
[ame=]Pelosi: Contempt vote really about stopping Holder from fighting voter suppression in our country - YouTube[/ame] Pelosi telling us what its about in her own retarded way.
Yeah right, that is so much bull it is getting stinky. Holder and obamaturd are the perpetrators of fast and furious, if they are investigating it , it is only to cover their sorry asses.

An Inspector General doesn't cover anyone's ass. Can you give me a reason why an operation like this would be made at the highest level? Do you know what information Holder had? Do you know what information Obama had?

As I understand it, it involved selling 2,000 weapons to a drug cartel, with the intent of busting some of their leaders. It's not like what we saw in Iran/Contra, when the Contras were running guns and drugs to LA street gangs, while the CIA, DEA, and ATF turned a blind eye. All this, while Reagan claimed they were "freedom fighters, like our founding fathers."

The former was an attempt to catch some bad guys. Yes, it seems, at this point, to have gone wrong. But it was an attempt to enforce the law. The latter was our allowing, and even enabling criminal activity.

On the job training gets dead border patrol agents and many uncounted Mexicans. Shame of you for even trying to defend the incompetence of this gun running operation. Not only did they get a bunch of people killed but they keep on lying and lying about it. Now the president has invoked his signature, he's just not done with Holder yet. There's more to come between now and November, he needs Holder to hang on for yet more illegal stuff. When he's ready, it's bye-bye Holder take the fall for me. :badgrin:

Here's the thing. I'm not defending anyone's incompetence. I want more details, and a full and unbiased report. I'm not the one who's jumping to conclusions. Based on what I know, I have the following facts. Holder caught wind of the operation, and asked for IG investigation. I know that Obama has released over 7,000 pages of documentation, and declared executive privilege on others.

You seem to be the one piling the faggots to burn the witches, without even knowing if a crime was committed. I agree, that sometimes stupidity ought to be a crime, like our invasion and occupation of Iraq, but it's not. I know there's strong evidence that a border patrol agent was killed, allegedly by one of the guns used in the sting operation.

We got some pretty good reports from Iran/Contra, and our CIA, DEA, and ATF turning their heads on the Contra drug and gun running to LA street gangs. Were you more outraged with what the Reagan Administration, knowing let happen, when they clearly were turning a blind eye to major crime? Want to still defend Ollie?
You, sir, a dumber than I thought you were. Way, WAY, dumber.

This is quickly shaping up to be the biggest political scandal since the civil war.

The fear that gnaws at you is legitimate, your Messiah® is in deep shit. He's standing on a land mine, I don't see how he gets out of this in one piece. After what you did to Scooter Libby, the GOP will be looking to put Holder in prison. The evidence suggests that he very well could end up there.
I know you're scared, and you're right to be scared.

This is WAY bigger than Watergate, with Obama not looking good already. When Obama loses in November, the lid will blow off this thing, and there is a very REAL chance Holder will go to prison.
You, sir, a dumber than I thought you were. Way, WAY, dumber.


Who died during Watergate? Who was using a gun running program to be able to push for more support of new gun laws?

Yes this does fit you


Are you claiming that Obama and Holder shot that agent? Sometimes cops do stupid things, that wind up getting good guys killed. I'm not sure what happened here yet, and where the fault should go.
I am a far better Republican than you could ever hope to be.

That's why MarcATL and the other far left nut sacks are the one repping and thanking you....

You have no idea who is repping and thanking me, Uncensored. I get pos reps regularly from the right and the sensible libertarians to the left, regularly.

Your type of influence will be discounted in a Romney administration. Discounted will be that associated with Bachmann, Cain, Perry, Santorum, etc. Those days will soon be over.
You are a far right extremist wack, and I don't care what you believe. Your kind will destroy the party if not checked and put down, and I am thrilled to know that Romney will exclude such types and such nonsense from policy making. That's why he won't have Santorum anywhere near him: smart Romney.

You are a Republican about as much as rdean or joeb is.

I am a far better Republican than you could ever hope to be.

Drop the little act, no one is buying it.
You have no idea who is repping and thanking me, Uncensored.

Unlike you, I'm literate; thus I simply read the names of your supporters. Rdean, Jillian, Rati, Klansman MarcATL, RightWinger, Blind Boo, Shallow, etc...

You're a far left nutburger and in the clique of the far left nutburgers,

I get pos reps regularly from the right and the sensible libertarians to the left, regularly.

Just like you're a Republican..

You get repped by far left nutburgers, period.

Your type of influence will be discounted in a Romney administration. Discounted will be that associated with Bachmann, Cain, Perry, Santorum, etc. Those days will soon be over.

Yawn.. Sure comrade...
Your type is the white male marginalized in our society and culture, somehow thinking you have not achieved what is due to you. You may in fact have education and a good job, but your self obsession is such that your believe somehow you have been deprived of what is yours.

It's always a clear sign that dim-wits like you have nothing of substance to say when you start playing 'guessing games' like this. Go play with your dollies, lefty.
You have no idea who is repping and thanking me, Uncensored.

Unlike you, I'm literate; thus I simply read the names of your supporters. Rdean, Jillian, Rati, Klansman MarcATL, RightWinger, Blind Boo, Shallow, etc...

You're a far left nutburger and in the clique of the far left nutburgers,

I get pos reps regularly from the right and the sensible libertarians to the left, regularly.

Just like you're a Republican..

You get repped by far left nutburgers, period.

Your type of influence will be discounted in a Romney administration. Discounted will be that associated with Bachmann, Cain, Perry, Santorum, etc. Those days will soon be over.

Yawn.. Sure comrade...

MarcATL dick tuck and plamaballs are his biggest supporters.
You, sir, a dumber than I thought you were. Way, WAY, dumber.


Who died during Watergate? Who was using a gun running program to be able to push for more support of new gun laws?

Yes this does fit you


Are you claiming that Obama and Holder shot that agent? Sometimes cops do stupid things, that wind up getting good guys killed. I'm not sure what happened here yet, and where the fault should go.

Well Obama did say he killed bin Laden, even though he was thousands of miles away. So if he could kill bin laden, then sure he could kill Brian Terry.
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

At least 2 Americans and who knows how many Mexicans were killed with the guns from fast and furious.

That, to me, makes this scandal way worse than watergate.

No way. It's simply a distraction from where the real firepower is coming from. Just part of the circus.

The fact is that the bulk of the arms used by the Mexican drug cartels did not - and do not originate from gun shop sales in the U.S., but from U.S. government sponsored programs that sell weapons and ammunition to the Mexican military as well as other third-world nations. Many of the weapons used in Mexico are actually from Central American countries with programs administered by the Pentagon and with the knowledge of the U.S. State Department.

Confirmation of the government’s programs and knowledge by government officials was made public by the release of State Department cables published by Wikileaks.

All modern American administrations have been involved in that. Think Issa will hold some hearings on that?
Your type is the white male marginalized in our society and culture, somehow thinking you have not achieved what is due to you. You may in fact have education and a good job, but your self obsession is such that your believe somehow you have been deprived of what is yours.
It's always a clear sign that dim-wits like you have nothing of substance to say when you start playing 'guessing games' like this. Go play with your dollies, lefty.
Mine above was to the 'guessing game' of Unkotare from above: "You are a Republican about as much as rdean or joeb is." He simply did not have the guts to include it.

This is why I laugh at you and those like you. Romney's nomination will be a rebuke to you and your kind, and his election this fall will be a rebuke to extremists on any side that you guys are no longer wanted.
Who died during Watergate? Who was using a gun running program to be able to push for more support of new gun laws?

Yes this does fit you


Are you claiming that Obama and Holder shot that agent?

Are you pulling a rabbit out of your ass?

It's your argument that it's worse than Watergate because someone was killed. Lots of stupid stuff that cops do result in good guys being killed. Are they all worse than Watergate?
You have no idea who is repping and thanking me, Uncensored.

Unlike you, I'm literate; thus I simply read the names of your supporters. Rdean, Jillian, Rati, Klansman MarcATL, RightWinger, Blind Boo, Shallow, etc...

You're a far left nutburger and in the clique of the far left nutburgers,

Just like you're a Republican..

You get repped by far left nutburgers, period.

Your type of influence will be discounted in a Romney administration. Discounted will be that associated with Bachmann, Cain, Perry, Santorum, etc. Those days will soon be over.

Yawn.. Sure comrade...

MarcATL dick tuck and plamaballs are his biggest supporters.

And you far righties continue to reveal your disorientation with reality. :lol:

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