Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

bigrebnc as used similiar tactics when talking about deaths in Afghanistan and Chicago and butthole, WY, so no one is impressed with the above by him.
This is why I laugh at you and those like you. Romney's nomination will be a rebuke to you and your kind, and his election this fall will be a rebuke to extremists on any side that you guys are no longer wanted.

Laugh all you want, comrade. You're not fooling anyone.
Are you pulling a rabbit out of your ass?

It's your argument that it's worse than Watergate because someone was killed. Lots of stupid stuff that cops do result in good guys being killed. Are they all worse than Watergate?

You're the one who interjected something that was not implied, so can you pull a rabbit out of your ass?

You're still the one who stated that the reason Fast and Furious is worse than Watergate is because someone was murdered. That's a pretty silly argument, given the known facts at this point.
Who died during Watergate? Who was using a gun running program to be able to push for more support of new gun laws?

Yes this does fit you


Are you claiming that Obama and Holder shot that agent? Sometimes cops do stupid things, that wind up getting good guys killed. I'm not sure what happened here yet, and where the fault should go.

Well Obama did say he killed bin Laden, even though he was thousands of miles away. So if he could kill bin laden, then sure he could kill Brian Terry.

"A small team of Americans carried out the operation," Obama said. "After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body."

Brian Terry was killed because he was instructed to bring bean bags to a gun fight.

Who is responbsible for that policy?
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I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

At least 2 Americans and who knows how many Mexicans were killed with the guns from fast and furious.

That, to me, makes this scandal way worse than watergate.

No way. It's simply a distraction from where the real firepower is coming from. Just part of the circus.

The fact is that the bulk of the arms used by the Mexican drug cartels did not - and do not originate from gun shop sales in the U.S., but from U.S. government sponsored programs that sell weapons and ammunition to the Mexican military as well as other third-world nations. Many of the weapons used in Mexico are actually from Central American countries with programs administered by the Pentagon and with the knowledge of the U.S. State Department.

Confirmation of the government’s programs and knowledge by government officials was made public by the release of State Department cables published by Wikileaks.

All modern American administrations have been involved in that. Think Issa will hold some hearings on that?

Distraction? C'mon, Boo...the person that is attempting to distract attention away from a botched program supported by this Administration that led to the death of Brian Terry is YOU. Fast & Furious is one of those things that stupid people did thinking that the end justifies the means. People in the Obama Administration thought that putting people's lives at risk was justified if it brought about changes they felt should be made to our nation's gun control laws. Only when a US Border Patrol agent was killed with two of those guns being recovered at the scene, did the folks that pushed Fast & Furious realize what a shit storm they had left themselves open for and did their level best to stonewall the ensuing investigation, first lying outright to Congress and denying any knowledge of the "gun walking" scheme and then deliberately withholding documents that showed quite clearly that high ranking DOJ officials knew about Fast & Furious LONG before they had admitted. Since then they have played a cat & mouse game with the Congressional committee investigating Fast & Furious, dumping 75,000 documents on them in order to claim that they were complying with the investigators all the while withholding documents related to who knew what and when they knew it.
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You are a silly, unbalanced extremist far right fool, who fools only himself.

This is why I laugh at you and those like you. Romney's nomination will be a rebuke to you and your kind, and his election this fall will be a rebuke to extremists on any side that you guys are no longer wanted.

Laugh all you want, comrade. You're not fooling anyone.

None of this makes your obvious lie any more believable, comrade.
"A small team of Americans carried out the operation," Obama said. "After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body."

Well, that negates any crime and coverup...

Brian Terry was killed because he was instructed to bring bean bags to a gun fight.

Who is responbsible for that policy?

Well BOOOOOOSH of course, he was the last grown up in the presidency. Little dumb Barry isn't responsible for his own actions...
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

At least 2 Americans and who knows how many Mexicans were killed with the guns from fast and furious.

That, to me, makes this scandal way worse than watergate.

No way. It's simply a distraction from where the real firepower is coming from. Just part of the circus.

The fact is that the bulk of the arms used by the Mexican drug cartels did not - and do not originate from gun shop sales in the U.S., but from U.S. government sponsored programs that sell weapons and ammunition to the Mexican military as well as other third-world nations. Many of the weapons used in Mexico are actually from Central American countries with programs administered by the Pentagon and with the knowledge of the U.S. State Department.

Confirmation of the government’s programs and knowledge by government officials was made public by the release of State Department cables published by Wikileaks.

All modern American administrations have been involved in that. Think Issa will hold some hearings on that?

Sure.....we sold F-4 Phantoms to foreign militaries in the 70s.

Wanna hold hearings on that too???? :slap:
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What far right wack extremists think about me does not concern me personally. Your lying narratives about our history, culture, charters of government and politics do concern. For 20 years, we have been able to keep your off the school boards in our region. This was a hard fight, but has become easier in the last two years, particularly since the GOP primary electorate turned its collective back (finally!) against your ways. A Romney election will finish your influence except at the very local levels, and I will know then that victory has come for the GOP good guys.

You are a silly, unbalanced extremist far right fool, who fools only himself.
Laugh all you want, comrade. You're not fooling anyone.
None of this makes your obvious lie any more believable, comrade.
At least 2 Americans and who knows how many Mexicans were killed with the guns from fast and furious.

That, to me, makes this scandal way worse than watergate.

No way. It's simply a distraction from where the real firepower is coming from. Just part of the circus.

The fact is that the bulk of the arms used by the Mexican drug cartels did not - and do not originate from gun shop sales in the U.S., but from U.S. government sponsored programs that sell weapons and ammunition to the Mexican military as well as other third-world nations. Many of the weapons used in Mexico are actually from Central American countries with programs administered by the Pentagon and with the knowledge of the U.S. State Department.

Confirmation of the government’s programs and knowledge by government officials was made public by the release of State Department cables published by Wikileaks.

All modern American administrations have been involved in that. Think Issa will hold some hearings on that?

Distraction? C'mon, Boo...the person that is attempting to distract attention away from a botched program supported by this Administration that led to the death of Brian Terry is YOU. Fast & Furious is one of those things that stupid people did thinking that the end justifies the means. People in the Obama Administration thought that putting people's lives at risk was justified if it brought about changes they felt should be made to our nation's gun control laws. Only when a US Border Patrol agent was killed with two of those guns being recovered at the scene, did the folks that pushed Fast & Furious realize what a shit storm they had left themselves open for and did their level best to stonewall the ensuing investigation, first lying outright to Congress and denying any knowledge of the "gun walking" scheme and then deliberately withholding documents that showed quite clearly that high ranking DOJ officials knew about Fast & Furious LONG before they had admitted. Since then they have played a cat & mouse game with the Congressional committee investigating Fast & Furious, dumping 75,000 documents on them in order to claim that they were complying with the investigators all the while withholding documents related to who knew what and when they knew it.

If F & F did not happen and the ATF agents raided the same party in the same way, Brian Terry would still have been shot.

Distraction? Of course, from the real cause of the violence, and the real source of the weapons used in the violence.
At least 2 Americans and who knows how many Mexicans were killed with the guns from fast and furious.

That, to me, makes this scandal way worse than watergate.

No way. It's simply a distraction from where the real firepower is coming from. Just part of the circus.

The fact is that the bulk of the arms used by the Mexican drug cartels did not - and do not originate from gun shop sales in the U.S., but from U.S. government sponsored programs that sell weapons and ammunition to the Mexican military as well as other third-world nations. Many of the weapons used in Mexico are actually from Central American countries with programs administered by the Pentagon and with the knowledge of the U.S. State Department.

Confirmation of the government’s programs and knowledge by government officials was made public by the release of State Department cables published by Wikileaks.

All modern American administrations have been involved in that. Think Issa will hold some hearings on that?

Sure.....we sold F-4 Phantoms to foreign militaries in the 70s.

Wanna hold hearings on that too???? :slap:

Depends, do the Drug cartels have access and are they killing innocent people with F-4 Jets? :slap: :slap:
"A small team of Americans carried out the operation," Obama said. "After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body."

Well, that negates any crime and coverup...

Brian Terry was killed because he was instructed to bring bean bags to a gun fight.

Who is responbsible for that policy?

Well BOOOOOOSH of course, he was the last grown up in the presidency. Little dumb Barry isn't responsible for his own actions...

Actually it negates Naturegirls claim of "Well Obama did say he killed bin Laden...."

But I'm sure you knew that.
No one died because of Watergate. Fast and Furious is much worse

What does that standard then say about invading Iraq to secure WMDs that were never there?

Oh hell, that story changed early on. The line changed from WMD to "the Iraqis deserve democracy", something like that.

I'm told that our cost - thousands of young American soldiers DEAD, many thousand more PERMANENTLY MAIMED, thousands of American military families DESTROYED, many thousand more children missing their PARENT, daily military SUICIDES - well, that's all been "worth it".

Don't you know that?

Am I the only one, who when looking into this, has found that these guns were found at the scene of the fire fight Terry had with these goons. There doesn't seen to be any indication that one of the firearms for F&F actually killed him...just that they were at the scene....

The guy got into a firefight with multiple suspects, ended up dead, and all the recovered weapons were linked to Fast and Furious. Don't worry though, the bullet that actually killed Terry couldn't be linked to either gun because a) it was too badly damaged and b) ballistics is mostly bullshit anyway.

You, for some obscure reason, want to believe that this means we can't be sure the guns that shot at him actually hit him. Apparently we are supposed to believe the bullet was fired from a magic gun that disappeared after the firefight, or something like that.

I take it back, the reason isn't obscure at all, you are a lying sack of shit that defends people you know nothing about because you get your kicks from acting like an idiot.

Great, some Neville Nobody Dweeb on the internet says the science of ballistics is now bullshit. Wonder how many dangerous felons are doing time who got rightly convicted on evidence of said 'bullshit'...

No, you are supposed to follow due process and the evidence. At the moment there is a lot of hoo ha about how an F&F gun killed Terry. Now, it turns out - ballistically - they can't prove it, or there might have been a third gun. But, no! Neville Know-all, the Windbag, says "fuck finding evidence! I'm a blowhard partisan hack. Making Holder and Obama looks like shitheads is far important than evidence"..

So many Morons, so little time....

I thought you were the expert on all things regarding forensics.

Terry was killed, that is a fact. It is also a fact that they captured everyone who was in the party that fired upon him and his fellow agents. Another fact is that the weapons recovered at the scene were conclusively linked to Fast and Furious. You can play with those facts all day long and never come up with a magic gun that disappears after it kills someone.

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