Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Depends, do the Drug cartels have access and are they killing innocent people with F-4 Jets? :slap: :slap:

Obama sold guns to criminal organizations - despite your partisan idiocy, that is a far cry from sales to allied governments.

You know this, you're just in a panic trying to cover for your Messiah®, who got caught balls deep in the dog.

Reagan sold weapons to criminal organizations, in this case, governments.

Come up with a better argument plese.

Under Obama, Holder and Co, the United States government could be considered a criminal organization.
The cartels get most of their US made weapons from the Mexican and other Latin American governements who purchase them from us.

Utterly irrelevant. Holder provided guns directly to the drug cartels, in violation of federal law.

The violence is the result of the war on Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

Utterly irrelevant. Holder provided guns directly to the drug cartels, in violation of federal law.

It's a win for the arms manufacturers.

Utter bullshit. Bad press destroys any small profit gained by additional sales. Note that Obama viewed this as a way to subvert the constitution. Far from being a boon to gun makers, this was intended to crush the second amendment. It just blew up in Obama's face - after all, he IS one incompetent boob.

They keep selling the majority of the weapons that end up in the hand of the Cartels and nobody blames them for anyones deaths.

Utterly irrelevant. Holder provided guns directly to the drug cartels, in violation of federal law.

Issa's investigation is just another example of the GOP's failing "Little boy who cried wolf" strategy.

Your Messiah® was caught balls deep in the dog. Screaming about Issa, trying to distract with Iran-Contra, and all the rest of the smoke you blow, won't change the fact that he screwed the pooch.
Sure.....we sold F-4 Phantoms to foreign militarily in the 70s.

Wanna hold hearings on that too???? :slap:

Depends, do the Drug cartels have access and are they killing innocent people with F-4 Jets? :slap: :slap:

Guess my point went over your head.

You can't seem to tell the difference between selling weapons to a foreign militarily and selling them directly to drug-cartels. Yet you still condone F&F.

I think you're confused.

Feel free to post a link to my post condoning F&F!

Most of the US made weapons the cartels have come from the foriegn military's we sell too.

F&F was stupid and the tactic should be condemned. However F&F is not comparible to Nixon's Watergate.
No way. It's simply a distraction from where the real firepower is coming from. Just part of the circus.

The fact is that the bulk of the arms used by the Mexican drug cartels did not - and do not originate from gun shop sales in the U.S., but from U.S. government sponsored programs that sell weapons and ammunition to the Mexican military as well as other third-world nations. Many of the weapons used in Mexico are actually from Central American countries with programs administered by the Pentagon and with the knowledge of the U.S. State Department.

Confirmation of the government’s programs and knowledge by government officials was made public by the release of State Department cables published by Wikileaks.

All modern American administrations have been involved in that. Think Issa will hold some hearings on that?

Distraction? C'mon, Boo...the person that is attempting to distract attention away from a botched program supported by this Administration that led to the death of Brian Terry is YOU. Fast & Furious is one of those things that stupid people did thinking that the end justifies the means. People in the Obama Administration thought that putting people's lives at risk was justified if it brought about changes they felt should be made to our nation's gun control laws. Only when a US Border Patrol agent was killed with two of those guns being recovered at the scene, did the folks that pushed Fast & Furious realize what a shit storm they had left themselves open for and did their level best to stonewall the ensuing investigation, first lying outright to Congress and denying any knowledge of the "gun walking" scheme and then deliberately withholding documents that showed quite clearly that high ranking DOJ officials knew about Fast & Furious LONG before they had admitted. Since then they have played a cat & mouse game with the Congressional committee investigating Fast & Furious, dumping 75,000 documents on them in order to claim that they were complying with the investigators all the while withholding documents related to who knew what and when they knew it.

If F & F did not happen and the ATF agents raided the same party in the same way, Brian Terry would still have been shot.

Distraction? Of course, from the real cause of the violence, and the real source of the weapons used in the violence.

This isn't about violence in Mexico or where the drug cartels can buy their weapons from, Boo...this is about some extremely misguided people in this Administration that felt that selling weapons to drug cartels would better their chances to get stricter gun control laws passed.

Brian Terry's death may very well have happened whether the ATF sold weapons through Fast & Furious but that doesn't make the program any more defensible. Think about this...the DOJ ENCOURAGED the sale of thousands of weapons to dangerous drug cartels...totally disregarding the safety of both Mexican nationals and Americans along the southern border...because they wanted stricter gun control laws. Who the heck would do something THAT reckless and why haven't they been punished for their irresponsible behavior?
Stop. No one believes that.
You are a far right extremist wack, and I don't care what you believe. Your kind will destroy the party if not checked and put down, and I am thrilled to know that Romney will exclude such types and such nonsense from policy making. That's why he won't have Santorum anywhere near him: smart Romney.

You are a Republican about as much as rdean or joeb is.

Wow!!! So you have to lie and be unreasonable to be a Republican, I guess.
All this coverage, for well over a full year now and STILL America doesn't care and are not having the reaction you radical and very partisan RWers want them to have.

Get a clue's a farce.

I know you're scared, and you're right to be scared.

This is WAY bigger than Watergate, with Obama not looking good already. When Obama loses in November, the lid will blow off this thing, and there is a very REAL chance Holder will go to prison.
You, sir, a dumber than I thought you were. Way, WAY, dumber.


But, Marc, is that even possible??? :D
"The Lord's Newsletter" isn't a far left hate site that is notorious for biased and dishonest propaganda.

ThinkProgress is.

Not true. You hate Think Progress for the same reason you right wing nuts hate Rachel Maddow. They tell the truth and you people are allergic!!!

I notice you did not tell me what was incorrect in what Think Progress said.

Think progress and Rachel Maddow left the truth at the door when obama became a presidential candidate and have yet to return to pick it back up.

Oh, please. You are such a typical Fox News dope that your mind is totally closed.
Nah jobs matter more to people. Everyday people don't give a shit about mexicans. Only to us amateur political junkies does this even get talked about.

You're right to panic, this is huge.

Oh you'll lie and do your duty for your shameful party. Hell, Obama could rape a small boy on TV and them murder his mother, and you'd blame Bush and demand we focus of jobs. But you're mindless sycophant.

Even ABC had this as their lead story this morning - it's out. The genie can't be put back in the bottle.

Obama would be wise to fire Holder and distance himself from the fallout, but he appears too stupid to grasp the situation.
"The Lord's Newsletter" isn't a far left hate site that is notorious for biased and dishonest propaganda.

ThinkProgress is.

Not true. You hate Think Progress for the same reason you right wing nuts hate Rachel Maddow. They tell the truth and you people are allergic!!!

I notice you did not tell me what was incorrect in what Think Progress said.
Congrats for being as dumb a shit as those who claim FNN reports accurately all the time.

Only dumbshits such as you have so succinctly illustrated yourself to be, again, blindly use a single source for facts.

Why don't you quit sending responses that say nothing and give some real information for a change?? Like some facts!!! Not just stupid right wing rhetoric. What was incorrect in the Think Progress article, big mouth??? If you can't answer that than STFU.
Nah jobs matter more to people. Everyday people don't give a shit about mexicans. Only to us amateur political junkies does this even get talked about.

You're right to panic, this is huge.

Oh you'll lie and do your duty for your shameful party. Hell, Obama could rape a small boy on TV and them murder his mother, and you'd blame Bush and demand we focus of jobs. But you're mindless sycophant.

Even ABC had this as their lead story this morning - it's out. The genie can't be put back in the bottle.

Obama would be wise to fire Holder and distance himself from the fallout, but he appears too stupid to grasp the situation.

Im not panicking, stop projecting. Wow you sure have some deep insight into how I think, of course you have zero evidence of this nazi.

Im not saying we need to focus on jobs. I am saying that is more important to people right now.

Oh please you don't give twp shit about dead mexicans or the federal agent. That's the prop you need to attack a man you hate, because of your own ignorance.

Moral high ground you do not have.

Lay off the bottle gramps, you are killing what little brains you have left.
The cartels get most of their US made weapons from the Mexican and other Latin American governements who purchase them from us.

Utterly irrelevant. Holder provided guns directly to the drug cartels, in violation of federal law.

The violence is the result of the war on Americans who use non-government approved recreational substances.

Utterly irrelevant. Holder provided guns directly to the drug cartels, in violation of federal law.

Utter bullshit. Bad press destroys any small profit gained by additional sales. Note that Obama viewed this as a way to subvert the constitution. Far from being a boon to gun makers, this was intended to crush the second amendment. It just blew up in Obama's face - after all, he IS one incompetent boob.

They keep selling the majority of the weapons that end up in the hand of the Cartels and nobody blames them for anyones deaths.

Utterly irrelevant. Holder provided guns directly to the drug cartels, in violation of federal law.

Issa's investigation is just another example of the GOP's failing "Little boy who cried wolf" strategy.

Your Messiah® was caught balls deep in the dog. Screaming about Issa, trying to distract with Iran-Contra, and all the rest of the smoke you blow, won't change the fact that he screwed the pooch.

Melt down?


Here let me finish it for you.

Did not. Did too. Did not. Did too. Fuck you. No, fuck you.
Distraction? C'mon, Boo...the person that is attempting to distract attention away from a botched program supported by this Administration that led to the death of Brian Terry is YOU. Fast & Furious is one of those things that stupid people did thinking that the end justifies the means. People in the Obama Administration thought that putting people's lives at risk was justified if it brought about changes they felt should be made to our nation's gun control laws. Only when a US Border Patrol agent was killed with two of those guns being recovered at the scene, did the folks that pushed Fast & Furious realize what a shit storm they had left themselves open for and did their level best to stonewall the ensuing investigation, first lying outright to Congress and denying any knowledge of the "gun walking" scheme and then deliberately withholding documents that showed quite clearly that high ranking DOJ officials knew about Fast & Furious LONG before they had admitted. Since then they have played a cat & mouse game with the Congressional committee investigating Fast & Furious, dumping 75,000 documents on them in order to claim that they were complying with the investigators all the while withholding documents related to who knew what and when they knew it.

If F & F did not happen and the ATF agents raided the same party in the same way, Brian Terry would still have been shot.

Distraction? Of course, from the real cause of the violence, and the real source of the weapons used in the violence.

This isn't about violence in Mexico or where the drug cartels can buy their weapons from, Boo...this is about some extremely misguided people in this Administration that felt that selling weapons to drug cartels would better their chances to get stricter gun control laws passed.

Brian Terry's death may very well have happened whether the ATF sold weapons through Fast & Furious but that doesn't make the program any more defensible. Think about this...the DOJ ENCOURAGED the sale of thousands of weapons to dangerous drug cartels...totally disregarding the safety of both Mexican nationals and Americans along the southern border...because they wanted stricter gun control laws. Who the heck would do something THAT reckless and why haven't they been punished for their irresponsible behavior?

Sorry but I reject that NRA talking point. If anything foreigners with weapons invading our territory makes me want less gun restrictions. But then again my idea of gun control is being able to take the saftey on or off, load, fire, clean and properly store your weapon.

Gun ownership is a constitutional right in this country and only a constitutional amendment will be able to take it away.
This isn't about violence in Mexico or where the drug cartels can buy their weapons from, Boo...this is about some extremely misguided people in this Administration that felt that selling weapons to drug cartels would better their chances to get stricter gun control laws passed.

That is a complete conspiracy theory, and doesn't even make sense.

Obviously you can't find a motivation as to why they would have lost the guns on purpose (which was obviously not the case, nor was it when Bush did it), so you're desperately reaching to make one up.

Brian Terry's death may very well have happened whether the ATF sold weapons through Fast & Furious but that doesn't make the program any more defensible. Think about this...the DOJ ENCOURAGED the sale of thousands of weapons to dangerous drug cartels...totally disregarding the safety of both Mexican nationals and Americans along the southern border...because they wanted stricter gun control laws. Who the heck would do something THAT reckless and why haven't they been punished for their irresponsible behavior?

The DOJ encouraged said behavior for the same reason the Bush administration encouraged said behavior: To attempt to catch criminals.

Was the Bush Administration also trying to "get stricter gun control" laws in place when they ran what was basically the exact same program?

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