Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Because, God forbid, there wasn't any killing going on before amongst the cartels, right?

How does that excuse giving them more weapons?

Who said it was an excuse. You have to look at the reasons in the first place. I can assure you - and you know yourself - that the people who instigated F&F didn't do so to put more guns on the street or to get more people killed. That is your end argument, and it is beyond pathetic. Mind you, it is you putting these ideas forwrd...

Whatever the fracking justification of Fast and Furious was in the minds of the idiots that approved the plan the end result was putting more gns into the hands of violent criminals and getting people killed. The simple fact that it would have happened regardless, which is the only reason to mention it at all, is not an excuse. Your attempt to justify your defense by trying to make me look bad is so far beyond pathetic that calling it pathetic would be an insult to pathetic.
What does the above have to do with my assertion? Hint: very little to nothing...

What does your assertion have to do with the post you responded to?

Hint, jack squat.

Your problem is you can dish it out, but you can't take it.

You're the one going off on tangents Windy...

I do not know if Holder approved or knew about F&F from the beginning. Neither do you...

The difference is I am not the one that implied that holder knew about it from the beginning. I have pointed out that he obviously knew about it before Terry was killed, and didn't stop it until after the whistle blowers made the whole fiasco public, which is not what he said in Congressional testimony, but you keep pretending the facts don't prove that.

Keep commenting on things you don't know about, it makes me more credible.
How does that excuse giving them more weapons?

Who said it was an excuse. You have to look at the reasons in the first place. I can assure you - and you know yourself - that the people who instigated F&F didn't do so to put more guns on the street or to get more people killed. That is your end argument, and it is beyond pathetic. Mind you, it is you putting these ideas forwrd...

Whatever the fracking justification of Fast and Furious was in the minds of the idiots that approved the plan the end result was putting more gns into the hands of violent criminals and getting people killed. The simple fact that it would have happened regardless, which is the only reason to mention it at all, is not an excuse. Your attempt to justify your defense by trying to make me look bad is so far beyond pathetic that calling it pathetic would be an insult to pathetic.

I'm not even defending Fast and Furious to the degree you think I am....
It looks like the Obamabots have either forgotten, or are just plain ignorant to the fact people went to Prison over Watergate and Iran/Contra. Obama & Holder will have to be held accountable for Fast & Furious. Period, end of story.
Dupe. lol

Yeah, not surprising you don't give a shit about Brian Terry and his Family. All you care about is your beloved Democratic Party. Don't know why you're such a Bootlicker though. What has the Democratic Party ever really done for you? How can you defend this awful travesty?
Dupe. lol

Yeah, not surprising you don't give a shit about Brian Terry and his Family. All you care about is your beloved Democratic Party. Don't know why you're such a Bootlicker though. What has the Democratic Party ever really done for you? How can you defend this awful travesty?

But is it? A travesty that is? If you libertarians and neocon whackjobs chose your battles instead of frothing at the mouth every time Obama opened his, you might have a shread of credibility....
Very sorry for Mr. Terry, but law enforcement is dangerous and Mexican Gangs have guns coming out of their ears whether out of control Bush legacy ATF was "watching" a couple thousand or not. It's obvious to everyone but dupes that the ATF didn't tell Bush or Holder about their idiocy...and this is total Pubcrappe for the dupes. But carry on...
Dupe. lol

Yeah, not surprising you don't give a shit about Brian Terry and his Family. All you care about is your beloved Democratic Party. Don't know why you're such a Bootlicker though. What has the Democratic Party ever really done for you? How can you defend this awful travesty?

But is it? A travesty that is? If you libertarians and neocon whackjobs chose your battles instead of frothing at the mouth every time Obama opened his, you might have a shread of credibility....

This should really disturb you too. If you're not disturbed, you really are lost. Loyalty to a particular Political Party should only go so far. Brian Terry and countless Mexican Citizens would still be alive today if not for Eric Holder and this disgrace. No one should be defending it. And it's incredibly disappointing seeing Obama cover it up this way. There has to be justice. It's time.
Very sorry for Mr. Terry, but law enforcement is dangerous and Mexican Gangs have guns coming out of their ears whether out of control Bush legacy ATF was "watching" a couple thousand or not. It's obvious to everyone but dupes that the ATF didn't tell Bush or Holder about their idiocy...and this is total Pubcrappe for the dupes. But carry on...

You don't sound like you're very sorry for Brian Terry and his Family. You just sound like you're willing to do or say anything to defend your beloved Democratic Party. And i really don't understand why you're such a Bootlicker. Seriously, what has the Democratic Party ever really done for you? Why such worship?
Very sorry for Mr. Terry, but law enforcement is dangerous and Mexican Gangs have guns coming out of their ears whether out of control Bush legacy ATF was "watching" a couple thousand or not. It's obvious to everyone but dupes that the ATF didn't tell Bush or Holder about their idiocy...and this is total Pubcrappe for the dupes. But carry on...

Yep, and it is of course perfectly ok for Holder to Lie about it, and Obama to Invoke a BS EP claim to Protect him in your mind right.

The only people lying are the scoundrel Issa and Pub hypocrites, as always.

Dems give us honesty, end of wars and pub depressions, ACA, financial reform, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, workers comp, minimum wage, everything good.

Pubs: lies, the Pub propaganda machine, loudmouth dupes, depressions, chickenhawk STUPID wars, bloated rich, witch hunts, ruined nonrich and country. Change the channel.
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Fucking illiterate clown. That little high school in the woods really let you down.
The only people lying are the scoundrel Issa and Pub hypocrites, as always.

Dems give us honesty, end of wars and pub depressions, ACA, financial reform, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, workers comp, minimum wage, everything good.

Pubs: lies, the Pub propaganda machine, loudmouth dupes, depressions, chickenhawk STUPID wars, bloated rich, witch hunts, ruined nonrich and country. Change the channel.

Defending this is even low for you. Seriously, whay such a loyal Democratic Party Bootlicker? Explain what they've done for you that would make you want to defend this terrible travesty? I'm willing to listen.
Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Not any worse than the Bush Justice Dept's similar gun running operation.

So screw Brian Terry and his Family? Man, i don't get you Bootlickers. Why so loyal to the Democratic Party? Why defend them, when you know they're wrong? What has the Democratic Party really ever done for you?

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