Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

It looks like the Obamabots have either forgotten, or are just plain ignorant to the fact people went to Prison over Watergate and Iran/Contra. Obama & Holder will have to be held accountable for Fast & Furious. Period, end of story.

Did you forget that the ATF gun program started in 1996 under the Bush Administration?? It was called Operation Wide Receiver. And remember the Hernandez case in 2007 and the Medrano case in 2008??

Why wasn't anybody from the Bush administration held accountable for that?? Republicans are not trying to hold anybody accountable for anything. They could not care less about fast and furious, either then or now.They are trying to get to the president. Since they have not been able to destroy the prez, Holder is the next best thing. And a few months before the general election, too!!! Works out great for them!!

But it is not going to work, people. Thank God that the majority of Americans can see through this little charade like an xray machine. It is going to backfire big time. The Reublican party is showing the country what evil, coniving people they are. They do nothing with pure hearts and they will be sorry. Wonder what Willard will be doing next year??? Maybe he can take Ann on a really nice cruise!!! :D
It looks like the Obamabots have either forgotten, or are just plain ignorant to the fact people went to Prison over Watergate and Iran/Contra. Obama & Holder will have to be held accountable for Fast & Furious. Period, end of story.

Did you forget that the ATF gun program started in 1996 under the Bush Administration?? It was called Operation Wide Receiver. And remember the Hernandez case in 2007 and the Medrano case in 2008??

Why wasn't anybody from the Bush administration held accountable for that?? Republicans are not trying to hold anybody accountable for anything. They could not care less about fast and furious, either then or now.They are trying to get to the president. Since they have not been able to destroy the prez, Holder is the next best thing. And a few months before the general election, too!!! Works out great for them!!

But it is not going to work, people. Thank God that the majority of Americans can see through this little charade like an xray machine. It is going to backfire big time. The Reublican party is showing the country what evil, coniving people they are. They do nothing with pure hearts and they will be sorry. Wonder what Willard will be doing next year??? Maybe he can take Ann on a really nice cruise!!! :D

Nice try. Holder murdered hundreds of Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. Shame on you for defending him. I'll ask you the same thing i asked the other Democratic Party Bootlickers. What has the Democratic Party ever really done for you that would make you defend this awful travesty? Why such worship?
The only people lying are the scoundrel Issa and Pub hypocrites, as always.

Dems give us honesty, end of wars and pub depressions, ACA, financial reform, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, workers comp, minimum wage, everything good.

Pubs: lies, the Pub propaganda machine, loudmouth dupes, depressions, chickenhawk STUPID wars, bloated rich, witch hunts, ruined nonrich and country. Change the channel.

Defending this is even low for you. Seriously, whay such a loyal Democratic Party Bootlicker? Explain what they've done for you that would make you want to defend this terrible travesty? I'm willing to listen.

I just did. They make me proud of my country.

This is Pub political theatre. They should be investigating the ATF who never told ANYONE what they were doing. Terry would have been killed if F+F had never happened. You are sorely duped. Total Pubcrappe. Change the channel.

If it were true, I would be with you. IT NEVER IS. Seriously- The GOP is a scam and a disgrace since Nixon.
The only people lying are the scoundrel Issa and Pub hypocrites, as always.

Dems give us honesty, end of wars and pub depressions, ACA, financial reform, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, workers comp, minimum wage, everything good.

Pubs: lies, the Pub propaganda machine, loudmouth dupes, depressions, chickenhawk STUPID wars, bloated rich, witch hunts, ruined nonrich and country. Change the channel.

Defending this is even low for you. Seriously, whay such a loyal Democratic Party Bootlicker? Explain what they've done for you that would make you want to defend this terrible travesty? I'm willing to listen.

I just did. They make me proud of my country.

This is Pub political theatre. They should be investigating the ATF who never told ANYONE what they were doing. Terry would have been killed if F+F had never happened. You are sorely duped. Total Pubcrappe. Change the channel.

If it were true, I would be with you. IT NEVER IS. Seriously- The GOP is a scam and a disgrace since Nixon.

'They make you proud of your country?' How so? Eric Holder murdered countless Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. How can you be proud of that? Seriously, what has the Democratic Party done for you specifically that has made you such a loyal Bootlicker? Just curious.
Nice try. Holder murdered hundreds of Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. Shame on you for defending him. I'll ask you the same thing i asked the other Democratic Party Bootlickers. What has the Democratic Party ever really done for you that would make you defend this awful travesty? Why such worship?

Nice deflection and complete misrepresentation of the facts. Oh, and the hyperbole. Grade A stuff :thup:

Now, why don't you tell us all why Bush and his Justice Dept weren't held accountable for their gun running operation?
Defending this is even low for you. Seriously, whay such a loyal Democratic Party Bootlicker? Explain what they've done for you that would make you want to defend this terrible travesty? I'm willing to listen.

I just did. They make me proud of my country.

This is Pub political theatre. They should be investigating the ATF who never told ANYONE what they were doing. Terry would have been killed if F+F had never happened. You are sorely duped. Total Pubcrappe. Change the channel.

If it were true, I would be with you. IT NEVER IS. Seriously- The GOP is a scam and a disgrace since Nixon.

'They make you proud of your country?' How so? Eric Holder murdered countless Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. How can you be proud of that? Seriously, what has the Democratic Party done for you specifically that has made you such a loyal Bootlicker? Just curious.

Holder didn't murder anybody. You're a complete idiot.
Nice try. Holder murdered hundreds of Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. Shame on you for defending him. I'll ask you the same thing i asked the other Democratic Party Bootlickers. What has the Democratic Party ever really done for you that would make you defend this awful travesty? Why such worship?

Nice deflection and complete misrepresentation of the facts. Oh, and the hyperbole. Grade A stuff :thup:

Now, why don't you tell us all why Bush and his Justice Dept weren't held accountable for their gun running operation?

I'm being serious. What has the Democratic Party done for you specifically, that makes you want to defend this awful travesty? Why such loyal Bootlicking? Will you defend anything your Democrats do?
Who said it was an excuse. You have to look at the reasons in the first place. I can assure you - and you know yourself - that the people who instigated F&F didn't do so to put more guns on the street or to get more people killed. That is your end argument, and it is beyond pathetic. Mind you, it is you putting these ideas forwrd...

Whatever the fracking justification of Fast and Furious was in the minds of the idiots that approved the plan the end result was putting more gns into the hands of violent criminals and getting people killed. The simple fact that it would have happened regardless, which is the only reason to mention it at all, is not an excuse. Your attempt to justify your defense by trying to make me look bad is so far beyond pathetic that calling it pathetic would be an insult to pathetic.

I'm not even defending Fast and Furious to the degree you think I am....

You are trying to claim that it isn't as bad as it actually is, probably because you prefer to pretend that governments are not inherently evil entities.
I just did. They make me proud of my country.

This is Pub political theatre. They should be investigating the ATF who never told ANYONE what they were doing. Terry would have been killed if F+F had never happened. You are sorely duped. Total Pubcrappe. Change the channel.

If it were true, I would be with you. IT NEVER IS. Seriously- The GOP is a scam and a disgrace since Nixon.

'They make you proud of your country?' How so? Eric Holder murdered countless Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. How can you be proud of that? Seriously, what has the Democratic Party done for you specifically that has made you such a loyal Bootlicker? Just curious.

Holder didn't murder anybody. You're a complete idiot.

He supplied the weapons to the assholes who murdered countless Mexican Citizens and Brian Terry. They would still be alive today if not for Eric Holder and this disgrace. He is responsible.
Dupe. lol

Yeah, not surprising you don't give a shit about Brian Terry and his Family. All you care about is your beloved Democratic Party. Don't know why you're such a Bootlicker though. What has the Democratic Party ever really done for you? How can you defend this awful travesty?

But is it? A travesty that is? If you libertarians and neocon whackjobs chose your battles instead of frothing at the mouth every time Obama opened his, you might have a shread of credibility....

Funny, I don't recall you responding to any of the posts where I pointed out the obvious misstatements of fact from Holder and the Department of Justice. I am not aware of the DOJ ever formally withdrawing a letter they sent in response to a Congressional inquiry because they later determined that the contents of the letter were exactly the opposite of the facts.
Yeah, not surprising you don't give a shit about Brian Terry and his Family. All you care about is your beloved Democratic Party. Don't know why you're such a Bootlicker though. What has the Democratic Party ever really done for you? How can you defend this awful travesty?

But is it? A travesty that is? If you libertarians and neocon whackjobs chose your battles instead of frothing at the mouth every time Obama opened his, you might have a shread of credibility....

This should really disturb you too. If you're not disturbed, you really are lost. Loyalty to a particular Political Party should only go so far. Brian Terry and countless Mexican Citizens would still be alive today if not for Eric Holder and this disgrace. No one should be defending it. And it's incredibly disappointing seeing Obama cover it up this way. There has to be justice. It's time.

I'm not even going to start on the number of people who would be alive - and the number of terrorists realised - due to the farce that was Iraq....And yet, Bush, Cheney and Wolfowitz - the main instigators - all walk free.
It looks like the Obamabots have either forgotten, or are just plain ignorant to the fact people went to Prison over Watergate and Iran/Contra. Obama & Holder will have to be held accountable for Fast & Furious. Period, end of story.

Did you forget that the ATF gun program started in 1996 under the Bush Administration?? It was called Operation Wide Receiver. And remember the Hernandez case in 2007 and the Medrano case in 2008??

Why wasn't anybody from the Bush administration held accountable for that?? Republicans are not trying to hold anybody accountable for anything. They could not care less about fast and furious, either then or now.They are trying to get to the president. Since they have not been able to destroy the prez, Holder is the next best thing. And a few months before the general election, too!!! Works out great for them!!

But it is not going to work, people. Thank God that the majority of Americans can see through this little charade like an xray machine. It is going to backfire big time. The Reublican party is showing the country what evil, coniving people they are. They do nothing with pure hearts and they will be sorry. Wonder what Willard will be doing next year??? Maybe he can take Ann on a really nice cruise!!! :D

Did you forget that Clinton was president in 1996?
But is it? A travesty that is? If you libertarians and neocon whackjobs chose your battles instead of frothing at the mouth every time Obama opened his, you might have a shread of credibility....

This should really disturb you too. If you're not disturbed, you really are lost. Loyalty to a particular Political Party should only go so far. Brian Terry and countless Mexican Citizens would still be alive today if not for Eric Holder and this disgrace. No one should be defending it. And it's incredibly disappointing seeing Obama cover it up this way. There has to be justice. It's time.

I'm not even going to start on the number of people who would be alive - and the number of terrorists realised - due to the farce that was Iraq....And yet, Bush, Cheney and Wolfowitz - the main instigators - all walk free.

So fuck Brian Terry and his Family? Seriously, i really do think you will defend anything your Democrats do. And that's just so sad and ignorant.
Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Not any worse than the Bush Justice Dept's similar gun running operation.

So screw Brian Terry and his Family? Man, i don't get you Bootlickers. Why so loyal to the Democratic Party? Why defend them, when you know they're wrong? What has the Democratic Party really ever done for you?

I don't think you are getting it.

Either it's wrong or it isn't.

THis APPEARS to be your argument:

Operation Wide Receiver was Ok because nobody died
Fast and furious wrong because somebody died

I'm saying that both were wrong. That somebody died is irrelevent in that either an operation is fine, or it is not.

It appears to be that some are not putting either operation in context, but rather which politician is ultimately responsible for each operation.

Bush + Repub + Wide Receiver = OK
Obama + Dem + F&F = impeach/imprison/hang/draw (insert emotive adjective here)

To which I say: bollocks..
Not any worse than the Bush Justice Dept's similar gun running operation.

So screw Brian Terry and his Family? Man, i don't get you Bootlickers. Why so loyal to the Democratic Party? Why defend them, when you know they're wrong? What has the Democratic Party really ever done for you?

I don't think you are getting it.

Either it's wrong or it isn't.

THis APPEARS to be your argument:

Operation Wide Receiver was Ok because nobody died
Fast and furious wrong because somebody died

I'm saying that both were wrong. That somebody died is irrelevent in that either an operation is fine, or it is not.

It appears to be that some are not putting either operation in context, but rather which politician is ultimately responsible for each operation.

Bush + Repub + Wide Receiver = OK
Obama + Dem + F&F = impeach/imprison/hang/draw (insert emotive adjective here)

To which I say: bollocks..

'That somebody died is irrelevant?' Yeah, tell that to the countless Mexican Families and Brian Terry's Family. It's irrelevant to you only because it's a Democrat pulling the trigger. You really are very sad and ignorant.
So screw Brian Terry and his Family? Man, i don't get you Bootlickers. Why so loyal to the Democratic Party? Why defend them, when you know they're wrong? What has the Democratic Party really ever done for you?

I don't think you are getting it.

Either it's wrong or it isn't.

THis APPEARS to be your argument:

Operation Wide Receiver was Ok because nobody died
Fast and furious wrong because somebody died

I'm saying that both were wrong. That somebody died is irrelevent in that either an operation is fine, or it is not.

It appears to be that some are not putting either operation in context, but rather which politician is ultimately responsible for each operation.

Bush + Repub + Wide Receiver = OK
Obama + Dem + F&F = impeach/imprison/hang/draw (insert emotive adjective here)

To which I say: bollocks..

'That somebody died is irrelevant?' Yeah, tell that to the countless Mexican Families and Brian Terry's Family. It's irrelevant to you only because it's a Democrat pulling the trigger. You really are very sad and ignorant.

You know, I've never interacted with you much. Now I know why. Just another partisan hack....
I don't think you are getting it.

Either it's wrong or it isn't.

THis APPEARS to be your argument:

Operation Wide Receiver was Ok because nobody died
Fast and furious wrong because somebody died

I'm saying that both were wrong. That somebody died is irrelevent in that either an operation is fine, or it is not.

It appears to be that some are not putting either operation in context, but rather which politician is ultimately responsible for each operation.

Bush + Repub + Wide Receiver = OK
Obama + Dem + F&F = impeach/imprison/hang/draw (insert emotive adjective here)

To which I say: bollocks..

'That somebody died is irrelevant?' Yeah, tell that to the countless Mexican Families and Brian Terry's Family. It's irrelevant to you only because it's a Democrat pulling the trigger. You really are very sad and ignorant.

You know, I've never interacted with you much. Now I know why. Just another partisan hack....

'That somebody died is irrelevant' is your absurd comment. You're the partisan hack. You'll defend anything your Democrats do.

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