Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Let me tell you why I rejected her theory in the second paragraph.

The idea that there is a bifurcated society where one group gets its information from a highly biased source and everyone else gets their information from a wide range of balanced sources is absurd. MSNBC just got caught editing a video to make Romney look clueless, journalists don't do that. Journalists do not look at the network they are working for when they edit videos to favor one side and claim that they are working for the good guys.

Anything she says after that is highly suspect because she has proven that she is not a reputable journalist. There are reasons I don't listen to idiots like Rush, Limbaugh, and Beck. Those same reasons apply to Maddow and everyone at MSNBC who refuses to condemn the editing of a video that is designed to influence an election.

I find Rachel to be quite truthful and I think she works hard at it. So you and I do not agree at all about her or MSNBC. But I will give you credit for one thing. At least you were willing to discuss it and tell me what you think, like in a normal conversation. Thanks. :) It was kind of cool!!!

@Tw Rachel is anything but truthful she is so moronic I watched bits and pieces of her last night. Don't be concerned was her great message. She lied about every single thing she said last night in the 10 minutes here and there I managed to stomach. :razz:

@quantum Rush is great when he reads the liberals news and destroys them with it. Its entertainment and a very great conservative look imo. Lol Beck at least is the only great conservative reporter the other died, Brietbart.

Like what???? Damn, you people are irritating!!!
caught the last little bit of maddcow on MSNBC. She's still trying to push Fast and the furious as a right wing their going to get our guns conspiracy theory. Saying this is all foxes doing. Never once mentioning why obama using executive privilege not once did she mention that obama admitted to having knowledge of fast and the furious when he used it. Also she failed to mention all the times MSNBC fabricated their bullshit to fit their narrative. Shame on you Maddcow for misleading your viewers.
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...

I only see one, relatively minor, problem with your assessment, Fast and Furious was not designed to catch bad guys doing anything. The intent of the program was to allow known straw purchasers to ship gins to known drug dealers in an attempt to track the routes. Normally stings arrest the straw purchasers when they transfer the guns to the people in Mexico, that was deliberately not done here.

Now that I think about it I can see this is not a minor point after all. In summary, this was not a sting, it was a flat out stupid idea, which is why so many field agents spoke out against it, and why they decided to go public to stop it when it was apparent how massive a failure it was. That, in any rational world, is a lot worse than a botched burglary, which makes the coverup of the operation worse than the coverup of Watergate.

Perhaps you should stick to commenting about politics down under since you really are completely ignorant about what is happening in the rest of the world.
Do they need that authority? Sounds like it was an ATF sting.

So let me get this straight - all over America, right now, there are sting operations going on. Field supervisors in many police and LE departments are giving the OK for monies, drugs and probably weapons to be used in these sting operations. And you want Holder and Obama to sign off on every one? Is that what you are saying?

Talk about big government and micro management. Sheesh...

The stings are always controlled. This was designed to be uncontrolled for the purpose of creating a high body count, blaming the gun dealers (who were strongarmed into making these sales in the first place) and using that as an excuse to repeal or limit the second amendment.

Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

Are you saying Holder knew about Fast and Furious and approved it from the beginning?
Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

Exactly what I'm saying. 2,000 high powered weapons were handed off to the cartels for the purpose of killing more and more people. Had there not been a whistleblower, it would be going on today.

Because, God forbid, there wasn't any killing going on before amongst the cartels, right?

How does that excuse giving them more weapons?
[ame=]WH Press Secretary Forgets Name of Slain Border Patrol Agent - YouTube[/ame]
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...

I only see one, relatively minor, problem with your assessment, Fast and Furious was not designed to catch bad guys doing anything. The intent of the program was to allow known straw purchasers to ship gins to known drug dealers in an attempt to track the routes. Normally stings arrest the straw purchasers when they transfer the guns to the people in Mexico, that was deliberately not done here.

Now that I think about it I can see this is not a minor point after all. In summary, this was not a sting, it was a flat out stupid idea, which is why so many field agents spoke out against it, and why they decided to go public to stop it when it was apparent how massive a failure it was. That, in any rational world, is a lot worse than a botched burglary, which makes the coverup of the operation worse than the coverup of Watergate.

Perhaps you should stick to commenting about politics down under since you really are completely ignorant about what is happening in the rest of the world.

Your opinion is noted..

Care to point out even one piece of evidence that suggest Holder thought it was a good idea?
The stings are always controlled. This was designed to be uncontrolled for the purpose of creating a high body count, blaming the gun dealers (who were strongarmed into making these sales in the first place) and using that as an excuse to repeal or limit the second amendment.

Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

Are you saying Holder knew about Fast and Furious and approved it from the beginning?

What does the above have to do with my assertion? Hint: very little to nothing...
Exactly what I'm saying. 2,000 high powered weapons were handed off to the cartels for the purpose of killing more and more people. Had there not been a whistleblower, it would be going on today.

Because, God forbid, there wasn't any killing going on before amongst the cartels, right?

How does that excuse giving them more weapons?

Who said it was an excuse. You have to look at the reasons in the first place. I can assure you - and you know yourself - that the people who instigated F&F didn't do so to put more guns on the street or to get more people killed. That is your end argument, and it is beyond pathetic. Mind you, it is you putting these ideas forwrd...
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...

I only see one, relatively minor, problem with your assessment, Fast and Furious was not designed to catch bad guys doing anything. The intent of the program was to allow known straw purchasers to ship gins to known drug dealers in an attempt to track the routes. Normally stings arrest the straw purchasers when they transfer the guns to the people in Mexico, that was deliberately not done here.

Now that I think about it I can see this is not a minor point after all. In summary, this was not a sting, it was a flat out stupid idea, which is why so many field agents spoke out against it, and why they decided to go public to stop it when it was apparent how massive a failure it was. That, in any rational world, is a lot worse than a botched burglary, which makes the coverup of the operation worse than the coverup of Watergate.

Perhaps you should stick to commenting about politics down under since you really are completely ignorant about what is happening in the rest of the world.

Your opinion is noted..

Care to point out even one piece of evidence that suggest Holder thought it was a good idea?

Care to point out where the frack I said Holder thought it was a good idea?
Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

Are you saying Holder knew about Fast and Furious and approved it from the beginning?

What does the above have to do with my assertion? Hint: very little to nothing...

What does your assertion have to do with the post you responded to?

Hint, jack squat.

Your problem is you can dish it out, but you can't take it.
Are you saying Holder knew about Fast and Furious and approved it from the beginning?

What does the above have to do with my assertion? Hint: very little to nothing...

What does your assertion have to do with the post you responded to?

Hint, jack squat.

Your problem is you can dish it out, but you can't take it.

You're the one going off on tangents Windy...

I do not know if Holder approved or knew about F&F from the beginning. Neither do you...
I only see one, relatively minor, problem with your assessment, Fast and Furious was not designed to catch bad guys doing anything. The intent of the program was to allow known straw purchasers to ship gins to known drug dealers in an attempt to track the routes. Normally stings arrest the straw purchasers when they transfer the guns to the people in Mexico, that was deliberately not done here.

Now that I think about it I can see this is not a minor point after all. In summary, this was not a sting, it was a flat out stupid idea, which is why so many field agents spoke out against it, and why they decided to go public to stop it when it was apparent how massive a failure it was. That, in any rational world, is a lot worse than a botched burglary, which makes the coverup of the operation worse than the coverup of Watergate.

Perhaps you should stick to commenting about politics down under since you really are completely ignorant about what is happening in the rest of the world.

Your opinion is noted..

Care to point out even one piece of evidence that suggest Holder thought it was a good idea?

Care to point out where the frack I said Holder thought it was a good idea?

Oh, so you think he thought it was a bad idea? Thanks for the update...

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