Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Do they need that authority? Sounds like it was an ATF sting.

So let me get this straight - all over America, right now, there are sting operations going on. Field supervisors in many police and LE departments are giving the OK for monies, drugs and probably weapons to be used in these sting operations. And you want Holder and Obama to sign off on every one? Is that what you are saying?

Talk about big government and micro management. Sheesh...

The stings are always controlled. This was designed to be uncontrolled for the purpose of creating a high body count, blaming the gun dealers (who were strongarmed into making these sales in the first place) and using that as an excuse to repeal or limit the second amendment.

Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

yes holder like all gun control freaks wanted a high body count
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...


Gump, you're such a joke.

Selling or providing weapons to known criminal is a violation of federal law. Use of said weapons in commission of a crime makes the provider an accomplice under the law.

Watergate is a joke, a political hatchet job from a more civilized era, G rated hijinx. Fast and Furious is hardcore porn level - if not snuff films. (Using analogies you can grasp.)

Holder is culpable in numerous deaths. This isn't trying to find out what the other guy is doing, this is putting weapons in the hands of the most vicious gangsters in the world.

Obama's bid for reelection is over. What you think is irrelevant, Obama is done.

Move along folks, no partisan hackery here, just move along...
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Watergate was a two bit burglary that never hurt anyone and it brought down a coniving president. Fast and Furious was a major league failure of selling arms to criminals, failing to track them, leading to deaths af many people including the death of on of our own border patrol agents.

Both of the crimes were covered up by, as we have seen through the Executive Privilege, the Whitehouse intending to stop the investigation. By far, this is more serious and SHOULD bring this president DOWN just as the coverup brought down Nixon.
The stings are always controlled. This was designed to be uncontrolled for the purpose of creating a high body count, blaming the gun dealers (who were strongarmed into making these sales in the first place) and using that as an excuse to repeal or limit the second amendment.

Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

yes holder like all gun control freaks wanted a high body count

Exhibit A: Why the left, normals and independents don't take right-wing loons seriously.
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Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...


Gump, you're such a joke.

Selling or providing weapons to known criminal is a violation of federal law. Use of said weapons in commission of a crime makes the provider an accomplice under the law.

Watergate is a joke, a political hatchet job from a more civilized era, G rated hijinx. Fast and Furious is hardcore porn level - if not snuff films. (Using analogies you can grasp.)

Holder is culpable in numerous deaths. This isn't trying to find out what the other guy is doing, this is putting weapons in the hands of the most vicious gangsters in the world.

Obama's bid for reelection is over. What you think is irrelevant, Obama is done.

Move along folks, no partisan hackery here, just move along...
move along Americans this is not an American^^^^^^^^^
Do they need that authority? Sounds like it was an ATF sting.

So let me get this straight - all over America, right now, there are sting operations going on. Field supervisors in many police and LE departments are giving the OK for monies, drugs and probably weapons to be used in these sting operations. And you want Holder and Obama to sign off on every one? Is that what you are saying?

Talk about big government and micro management. Sheesh...

The stings are always controlled. This was designed to be uncontrolled for the purpose of creating a high body count, blaming the gun dealers (who were strongarmed into making these sales in the first place) and using that as an excuse to repeal or limit the second amendment.

Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

Exactly what I'm saying. 2,000 high powered weapons were handed off to the cartels for the purpose of killing more and more people. Had there not been a whistleblower, it would be going on today.
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Watergate was a two bit burglary that never hurt anyone and it brought down a coniving president. Fast and Furious was a major league failure of selling arms to criminals, failing to track them, leading to deaths af many people including the death of on of our own border patrol agents.

Both of the crimes were covered up by, as we have seen through the Executive Privilege, the Whitehouse intending to stop the investigation. By far, this is more serious and SHOULD bring this president DOWN just as the coverup brought down Nixon.

You are mentally and morally insane if you truly believe that nonsense. You have no love for America if you believe that about Watergate.
The stings are always controlled. This was designed to be uncontrolled for the purpose of creating a high body count, blaming the gun dealers (who were strongarmed into making these sales in the first place) and using that as an excuse to repeal or limit the second amendment.

Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

Exactly what I'm saying. 2,000 high powered weapons were handed off to the cartels for the purpose of killing more and more people. Had there not been a whistleblower, it would be going on today.

Watergate was a two bit burglary that never hurt anyone and it brought down a coniving president. Fast and Furious was a major league failure of selling arms to criminals, failing to track them, leading to deaths af many people including the death of on of our own border patrol agents.

Both of the crimes were covered up by, as we have seen through the Executive Privilege, the Whitehouse intending to stop the investigation. By far, this is more serious and SHOULD bring this president DOWN just as the coverup brought down Nixon.

Nixon was the kid cheating on his math exam.

Obama is Klebold and Harris on a rampage.
I find it funny that liberals care about illegals but don't give a damn about Mexicans, in Mexico
Occupy Wall Street was another that we've been connecting the dots on. He also had a hand in the Democracy Movement in Egypt. The CIA is working with Syrian Rebels.

With the exception of OWS, the rest sounds like Business as Usual as far as US policy goes...

OWS is something new. An SEIU run operation. Former SEIU president Andrew Stern works in the Obama Administration since 2010.

Obama's community organizers. Founded in Chicago.

Service Employees International Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

» Occupy Wall Street ‘Stands In Solidarity’ With Obama Front Group Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
The stings are always controlled. This was designed to be uncontrolled for the purpose of creating a high body count, blaming the gun dealers (who were strongarmed into making these sales in the first place) and using that as an excuse to repeal or limit the second amendment.

Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

Exactly what I'm saying. 2,000 high powered weapons were handed off to the cartels for the purpose of killing more and more people. Had there not been a whistleblower, it would be going on today.

Because, God forbid, there wasn't any killing going on before amongst the cartels, right?
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...

Highlight above^: Maybe as an afterthought, their primary reason was to deceive the American People and later "discover" those weapons came from the U.S. as another reason for attaching more strings to the Second Amendment... Too bad the White House didn't foresee those guns being used in the Homicide of a Border Patrol agent, among others, and everyone involved needs to be held responsible for the crime that it was.
Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

Exactly what I'm saying. 2,000 high powered weapons were handed off to the cartels for the purpose of killing more and more people. Had there not been a whistleblower, it would be going on today.

Because, God forbid, there wasn't any killing going on before amongst the cartels, right?

holder and obama knew about it so they could push their anti gun agenda.
Tell me I'm wrong bitch.
Watergate was a two bit burglary that never hurt anyone and it brought down a coniving president. Fast and Furious was a major league failure of selling arms to criminals, failing to track them, leading to deaths af many people including the death of on of our own border patrol agents.

Both of the crimes were covered up by, as we have seen through the Executive Privilege, the Whitehouse intending to stop the investigation. By far, this is more serious and SHOULD bring this president DOWN just as the coverup brought down Nixon.

Nixon was the kid cheating on his math exam.

Obama is Klebold and Harris on a rampage.

Uncensored: The King of Hyperbole....
This thread is slowly deteriorating to a point where it is going to be shifted to the Conspiracy Theory Folder...

Did the word go out to all and sundry in America's right-wing loon land that this board was about Conspiracy Theories..

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