Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

I doubt 95% of the liberals out there actually know what "crimes" were commited in the Watergate scandal.

The Hussein has already demonstrated he is far more corrupt than Nixon ever was. He pisses on the Constitution at every chance, and he appoints partisan thugs like Holder.

Its just laughable that libs would argue that Watergate was worse, and use that as a good reason to re-elect Obama.

For the libs, corruption and greed are FINE in gov't, but BAD in business. They don't notice their corrupt politicians slinking into the corporate management (where suddenly, they become BAD).
This thread is slowly deteriorating to a point where it is going to be shifted to the Conspiracy Theory Folder...

Did the word go out to all and sundry in America's right-wing loon land that this board was about Conspiracy Theories..

Just say the word I am wrong about obama and holder using fast and the furious to push their gun control agenda.
I fucking dare you.
Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

Exactly what I'm saying. 2,000 high powered weapons were handed off to the cartels for the purpose of killing more and more people. Had there not been a whistleblower, it would be going on today.

Because, God forbid, there wasn't any killing going on before amongst the cartels, right?

Of course there was, The Big O & Co. just wanted to find a way to bump up the numbers and tie it to American gun shops instead of the MIC. A GREAT way to push for a new assault weapons ban, dontchaknow...
Yeah, okay. Whatever you do, don't try to learn anything or use your comprehension skills. Just believe Fox News. Then you can just watch game shows and read comic books.

There is nothing to learn from hate sites.

You're like the adolescent who when caught watching hardcore porn claims to be studying anatomy.

There is nothing legitimate on ThinkProgress, it's a cesspool.

Anything that does not spout extreme right wing rhetoric is a hate site, is that it??? You are a hopeless case, destined to wallow in your pool of falsehoods and half truths. Sad.
I am a far better Republican than you could ever hope to be.

That's why MarcATL and the other far left nut sacks are the one repping and thanking you....

You have no idea who is repping and thanking me, Uncensored. I get pos reps regularly from the right and the sensible libertarians to the left, regularly.

Your type of influence will be discounted in a Romney administration. Discounted will be that associated with Bachmann, Cain, Perry, Santorum, etc. Those days will soon be over.

If those people are "discounted", it will be another Bush administration where it appears he cares, but will continue spending the country into oblivion. You better hope and pray, he has some fiscal conservative influencing him....
Thanks. If I ever start thinking Maddow is an actual journalist I can look back at this to remind myself that real journalists don't work at MSNBC.

None of you are willing to learn anything. What a bunch of dopes you are.

Let me tell you why I rejected her theory in the second paragraph.

The idea that there is a bifurcated society where one group gets its information from a highly biased source and everyone else gets their information from a wide range of balanced sources is absurd. MSNBC just got caught editing a video to make Romney look clueless, journalists don't do that. Journalists do not look at the network they are working for when they edit videos to favor one side and claim that they are working for the good guys.

Anything she says after that is highly suspect because she has proven that she is not a reputable journalist. There are reasons I don't listen to idiots like Rush, Limbaugh, and Beck. Those same reasons apply to Maddow and everyone at MSNBC who refuses to condemn the editing of a video that is designed to influence an election.

I find Rachel to be quite truthful and I think she works hard at it. So you and I do not agree at all about her or MSNBC. But I will give you credit for one thing. At least you were willing to discuss it and tell me what you think, like in a normal conversation. Thanks. :) It was kind of cool!!!
This thread is slowly deteriorating to a point where it is going to be shifted to the Conspiracy Theory Folder...

Did the word go out to all and sundry in America's right-wing loon land that this board was about Conspiracy Theories..

Just say the word I am wrong about obama and holder using fast and the furious to push their gun control agenda.
I fucking dare you.

I dare you....
No way. It's simply a distraction from where the real firepower is coming from. Just part of the circus.

The fact is that the bulk of the arms used by the Mexican drug cartels did not - and do not originate from gun shop sales in the U.S., but from U.S. government sponsored programs that sell weapons and ammunition to the Mexican military as well as other third-world nations. Many of the weapons used in Mexico are actually from Central American countries with programs administered by the Pentagon and with the knowledge of the U.S. State Department.

Confirmation of the government’s programs and knowledge by government officials was made public by the release of State Department cables published by Wikileaks.

All modern American administrations have been involved in that. Think Issa will hold some hearings on that?

So you don't think that this scandal, where people have died and been murdered directly by the weapons involved, is not worse than watergate? Really?

Who died in watergate again?

Who was impeached for Iran/Contra?

That would be the person that did not cooperate with Congress.
Nope, because I don't go by your stupid standard. But by any reasonable standard, I've yet to see a crime committed. I've yet to see anywhere that Obama or Holder approved of the operation. What I did see is that Holder asked for an IG investigation within a month of hearing about it. What I did see was even top level ATF agents were blindsided by it.

So you're insipid logic, that this is worse than Watergate because someone was killed falls flat. Like I've said before, cops can do some pretty damn stupid things, that result in good guys or innocents being killed.

You're too partisan to understand that, since you even tried to pin Ruby Ridge on Clinton. So here, again, is a bit more insight on who knew what and when:

Here's some perspective, from an article published last December:

Angry former ATF chief blames subordinates for Fast and Furious

Found in the article is the fact that Holder ordered the IG investigation within a month of learning about it. Also found in the article is even top ATF officials were unaware of it. Tying this to Holder and Obama is bullshit. Pelosi is right. This is political payback for the DOJ stopping some voter suppression initiatives.

Dude your link is moot since obama use executive privilege. When obama did this he admitted he knew about fast and the furious.

No it's not, since the over 7,000 pages of documentation already provided has the key dates and decisions. What Issa wants is to ball break for internal brain farting memos that might be lying around.

Nope, this is just a case of the GOP wanting to ball break Holder for enforcing voting rights.

They supenoed over 100,000 documents. Holder supplied less than 10%.
This thread is slowly deteriorating to a point where it is going to be shifted to the Conspiracy Theory Folder...

Did the word go out to all and sundry in America's right-wing loon land that this board was about Conspiracy Theories..

Just say the word I am wrong about obama and holder using fast and the furious to push their gun control agenda.
I fucking dare you.

I dare you....
You haven't said I was wrong.
Still waiting.
None of you are willing to learn anything. What a bunch of dopes you are.

Let me tell you why I rejected her theory in the second paragraph.

The idea that there is a bifurcated society where one group gets its information from a highly biased source and everyone else gets their information from a wide range of balanced sources is absurd. MSNBC just got caught editing a video to make Romney look clueless, journalists don't do that. Journalists do not look at the network they are working for when they edit videos to favor one side and claim that they are working for the good guys.

Anything she says after that is highly suspect because she has proven that she is not a reputable journalist. There are reasons I don't listen to idiots like Rush, Limbaugh, and Beck. Those same reasons apply to Maddow and everyone at MSNBC who refuses to condemn the editing of a video that is designed to influence an election.

I find Rachel to be quite truthful and I think she works hard at it. So you and I do not agree at all about her or MSNBC. But I will give you credit for one thing. At least you were willing to discuss it and tell me what you think, like in a normal conversation. Thanks. :) It was kind of cool!!!

@Tw Rachel is anything but truthful she is so moronic I watched bits and pieces of her last night. Don't be concerned was her great message. She lied about every single thing she said last night in the 10 minutes here and there I managed to stomach. :razz:

@quantum Rush is great when he reads the liberals news and destroys them with it. Its entertainment and a very great conservative look imo. Lol Beck at least is the only great conservative reporter the other died, Brietbart.
But they did over WMD and I'm betting dollars to donuts there are Nicaraguans who are no longer alive today as a direct result of Iran Contra

Congress voted to give Bush the "authority" to go into Iraq. Who "gave" Obama/Holder the "authority" to give guns to the Mexicans?

Do they need that authority? Sounds like it was an ATF sting.

So let me get this straight - all over America, right now, there are sting operations going on. Field supervisors in many police and LE departments are giving the OK for monies, drugs and probably weapons to be used in these sting operations. And you want Holder and Obama to sign off on every one? Is that what you are saying?

Talk about big government and micro management. Sheesh...

Just pointing out your "dance". You want to say Bush is sooo bad, but when I point out that he had authority, you want to go back to: this President doesn't "need" authority.....
Nope, because I don't go by your stupid standard. But by any reasonable standard, I've yet to see a crime committed. I've yet to see anywhere that Obama or Holder approved of the operation. What I did see is that Holder asked for an IG investigation within a month of hearing about it. What I did see was even top level ATF agents were blindsided by it.

So you're insipid logic, that this is worse than Watergate because someone was killed falls flat. Like I've said before, cops can do some pretty damn stupid things, that result in good guys or innocents being killed.

You're too partisan to understand that, since you even tried to pin Ruby Ridge on Clinton. So here, again, is a bit more insight on who knew what and when:

Here's some perspective, from an article published last December:

Angry former ATF chief blames subordinates for Fast and Furious

Found in the article is the fact that Holder ordered the IG investigation within a month of learning about it. Also found in the article is even top ATF officials were unaware of it. Tying this to Holder and Obama is bullshit. Pelosi is right. This is political payback for the DOJ stopping some voter suppression initiatives.

Dude your link is moot since obama use executive privilege. When obama did this he admitted he knew about fast and the furious.

No it's not, since the over 7,000 pages of documentation already provided has the key dates and decisions. What Issa wants is to ball break for internal brain farting memos that might be lying around.

Nope, this is just a case of the GOP wanting to ball break Holder for enforcing voting rights.

That kind of completely transparent bullshit is not going to get Holder out of this one.
Maddow is a Rhodes scholar, and tell me where she lied. Most of Pub propaganda is total BS. If Obama and Holder want to go after Gunshops and gunshows selling ANYTHING to anyone it's a great idea.

ATF didn't tell anyone about what they were doing, and should be investigated, a legacy of out of control Bush agencies like the GSA. This is a hypocritical witch hunt, like Whitewater. Only Obama didn't get a bj. Pub dupes!
I wonder what the illiterate idiot said in that post that no one will read?
This thread is slowly deteriorating to a point where it is going to be shifted to the Conspiracy Theory Folder...

Did the word go out to all and sundry in America's right-wing loon land that this board was about Conspiracy Theories..

Only in your mind.
Congress voted to give Bush the "authority" to go into Iraq. Who "gave" Obama/Holder the "authority" to give guns to the Mexicans?

Do they need that authority? Sounds like it was an ATF sting.

So let me get this straight - all over America, right now, there are sting operations going on. Field supervisors in many police and LE departments are giving the OK for monies, drugs and probably weapons to be used in these sting operations. And you want Holder and Obama to sign off on every one? Is that what you are saying?

Talk about big government and micro management. Sheesh...

Just pointing out your "dance". You want to say Bush is sooo bad, but when I point out that he had authority, you want to go back to: this President doesn't "need" authority.....

That's not what I'm saying at all...
This thread is slowly deteriorating to a point where it is going to be shifted to the Conspiracy Theory Folder...

Did the word go out to all and sundry in America's right-wing loon land that this board was about Conspiracy Theories..

Only in your mind.

He's a chicken shit bastard I dared him to tell me I was wrong, he hasn't yet.

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