Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

You, sir, a dumber than I thought you were. Way, WAY, dumber.

This is quickly shaping up to be the biggest political scandal since the civil war.

The fear that gnaws at you is legitimate, your Messiah® is in deep shit. He's standing on a land mine, I don't see how he gets out of this in one piece. After what you did to Scooter Libby, the GOP will be looking to put Holder in prison. The evidence suggests that he very well could end up there.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Yeah, right....On in rightwing wetdream land.
You heard of Iran/Contra? Or about those WMDs in Iraq?
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Is F&F worse then Watergate? Hell ya. No one died as a result of Watergate.

But they did over WMD and I'm betting dollars to donuts there are Nicaraguans who are no longer alive today as a direct result of Iran Contra

Congress voted to give Bush the "authority" to go into Iraq. Who "gave" Obama/Holder the "authority" to give guns to the Mexicans?
You, sir, a dumber than I thought you were. Way, WAY, dumber.

This is quickly shaping up to be the biggest political scandal since the civil war.

The fear that gnaws at you is legitimate, your Messiah® is in deep shit. He's standing on a land mine, I don't see how he gets out of this in one piece. After what you did to Scooter Libby, the GOP will be looking to put Holder in prison. The evidence suggests that he very well could end up there.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Yeah, right....On in rightwing wetdream land.
You heard of Iran/Contra? Or about those WMDs in Iraq?

Some of those guns are WMDs.

The cops will be defenseless against them.

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Is F&F worse then Watergate? Hell ya. No one died as a result of Watergate.

But they did over WMD and I'm betting dollars to donuts there are Nicaraguans who are no longer alive today as a direct result of Iran Contra

Congress voted to give Bush the "authority" to go into Iraq. Who "gave" Obama/Holder the "authority" to give guns to the Mexicans?

Do they need that authority? Sounds like it was an ATF sting.

So let me get this straight - all over America, right now, there are sting operations going on. Field supervisors in many police and LE departments are giving the OK for monies, drugs and probably weapons to be used in these sting operations. And you want Holder and Obama to sign off on every one? Is that what you are saying?

Talk about big government and micro management. Sheesh...
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...

Let's see if I can explain this to someone who has no vested interested in America, someone who doesn't even have a right to vote in America.
holder allowing guns to leave the country without the knowledge of the Mexican government is worse than Watergate
Now if you don't accept this shut this fuck up kangaroo fucker.
But they did over WMD and I'm betting dollars to donuts there are Nicaraguans who are no longer alive today as a direct result of Iran Contra

Congress voted to give Bush the "authority" to go into Iraq. Who "gave" Obama/Holder the "authority" to give guns to the Mexicans?

Do they need that authority? Sounds like it was an ATF sting.

So let me get this straight - all over America, right now, there are sting operations going on. Field supervisors in many police and LE departments are giving the OK for monies, drugs and probably weapons to be used in these sting operations. And you want Holder and Obama to sign off on every one? Is that what you are saying?

Talk about big government and micro management. Sheesh...

Well, Fast and Furious wasn't just a sting operation. It was going to be used to push an agenda.

It came from the top. They just got caught.

There are other operations that have taken place that were designed to help Obama push an agenda. BP was one of them. We just haven't caught them in the act like we did in this one.

Occupy Wall Street was another that we've been connecting the dots on. He also had a hand in the Democracy Movement in Egypt. The CIA is working with Syrian Rebels.
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No one died because of Watergate, but it was part of a larger culture of corruption in the Nixon administration that did result in deaths. Or are you going to claim no one died in Cambodia?

The absurd attempt to "link" Watergate and Cambodia is one of the shrillest limpest lamest dopiest dumb-ass things I have EVER enjoyed reading from you, Polky.

You guys are beyond pathetic on this topic.

(Quick, find TdM to tell us how my post, here, is RACIST!, too.)

You're not exactly innocent when giving out a 'free pass' to the right on such issues....

Forget Watergate, what about Iran Contra. You think those none of those weapons given over were fired in anger at anybody?

Amusing, how you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Iran Contra was bad, bad, and that President should have been investigated. Then: F & F is nothing, ignore it, we LOOOVE this President, it doesn't matter how many times he lies or goes against his oath of office.... Finish your koolaid.
Can someone explain the difference of eric holder thumbing his nose at congress and rednec right wing patriots from the Bush administration doing the exact same thing years ago? Is this just another case of republicans complaining because a colored person did it?

A perfect example of someone saying: lynching is okay when we do it, but "wrong" when you do it.... If it was wrong then, it is wrong, now.
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...

Let's see if I can explain this to someone who has no vested interested in America, someone who doesn't even have a right to vote in America.
holder allowing guns to leave the country without the knowledge of the Mexican government is worse than Watergate
Now if you don't accept this shut this fuck up kangaroo fucker.

Your eloquence knows no bounds...Now STFU while adults talk dweeb...
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Again, you just lie. I am conservative. I stand by certain basic principles. You don't. To you, all who stand by basic conservative principles are "extremists." That's because in addition to being dishonest, you are also pretty dopey. :cuckoo: It chaps your idiot ass that Romney is going to defeat your lad, the incumbent. But it REALLY bugs the snot out of you that the Tea Party faithful and the newly resurgent conservative component of the GOP are going to FORCE Romney to stake out more coherent CONSERVATIVE positions than his general wishy-washy brand of "moderate" liberalism seems to prefer.

The mainstream of American as well as Republican America are rejecting your turdish ways. You are not wanted, you are not need, and you will not be allowed to corrupt the narrative of America. And I am glad you have admitted that you have abandoned the GOP. Good riddance!

RiNO reactionary and libertarian delusions are being eliminated: we saw that as Romney ground down Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Paul, and Santorum. You have demonstrated along with Uncensored how fraudulent you wacks are on the far right.

Romney is not “modern liberalism” but he is anti- reactionary nonsense. The mainstream GOP no longer listen to the reactionary freaks with all of their screaming. You and the rest of the reactionaries on the Board pose and fool only yourselves.

Good riddance to trash and rubbish like your gang.
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But they did over WMD and I'm betting dollars to donuts there are Nicaraguans who are no longer alive today as a direct result of Iran Contra

Congress voted to give Bush the "authority" to go into Iraq. Who "gave" Obama/Holder the "authority" to give guns to the Mexicans?

Do they need that authority? Sounds like it was an ATF sting.

So let me get this straight - all over America, right now, there are sting operations going on. Field supervisors in many police and LE departments are giving the OK for monies, drugs and probably weapons to be used in these sting operations. And you want Holder and Obama to sign off on every one? Is that what you are saying?

Talk about big government and micro management. Sheesh...

The stings are always controlled. This was designed to be uncontrolled for the purpose of creating a high body count, blaming the gun dealers (who were strongarmed into making these sales in the first place) and using that as an excuse to repeal or limit the second amendment.
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...


Gump, you're such a joke.

Selling or providing weapons to known criminal is a violation of federal law. Use of said weapons in commission of a crime makes the provider an accomplice under the law.

Watergate is a joke, a political hatchet job from a more civilized era, G rated hijinx. Fast and Furious is hardcore porn level - if not snuff films. (Using analogies you can grasp.)

Holder is culpable in numerous deaths. This isn't trying to find out what the other guy is doing, this is putting weapons in the hands of the most vicious gangsters in the world.

Obama's bid for reelection is over. What you think is irrelevant, Obama is done.
The absurd attempt to "link" Watergate and Cambodia is one of the shrillest limpest lamest dopiest dumb-ass things I have EVER enjoyed reading from you, Polky.

You guys are beyond pathetic on this topic.

(Quick, find TdM to tell us how my post, here, is RACIST!, too.)

You're not exactly innocent when giving out a 'free pass' to the right on such issues....

Forget Watergate, what about Iran Contra. You think those none of those weapons given over were fired in anger at anybody?

Amusing, how you are talking out of both sides of your mouth. Iran Contra was bad, bad, and that President should have been investigated. Then: F & F is nothing, ignore it, we LOOOVE this President, it doesn't matter how many times he lies or goes against his oath of office.... Finish your koolaid.

Well, you see, the problem is, since the day he took office the right wing loons have been calling for his head - day after day, week after week, month after month. Every other week, they have called for his impeachment on some thing or other. So when a serious issue does come up, lefties, normals and independents sorta throw their hands up in the air, and go "Again?".;..

Problem is the right have such a rabid hate for the guy, and have cried wolf so often, that now most other people just go "Meh, so what?"

Maybe instead of going after him for the sake of it after the past 3.5 years, the righties should have chosen their battles. Now they come across as just whiney ijits with no credibility..
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Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...

Let's see if I can explain this to someone who has no vested interested in America, someone who doesn't even have a right to vote in America.
holder allowing guns to leave the country without the knowledge of the Mexican government is worse than Watergate
Now if you don't accept this shut this fuck up kangaroo fucker.

You eloquence knows no bounds...Now STFU while adults talk dweeb...
You have nothing that is relevant to say kangaroo fucker. move on
Congress voted to give Bush the "authority" to go into Iraq. Who "gave" Obama/Holder the "authority" to give guns to the Mexicans?

Do they need that authority? Sounds like it was an ATF sting.

So let me get this straight - all over America, right now, there are sting operations going on. Field supervisors in many police and LE departments are giving the OK for monies, drugs and probably weapons to be used in these sting operations. And you want Holder and Obama to sign off on every one? Is that what you are saying?

Talk about big government and micro management. Sheesh...

The stings are always controlled. This was designed to be uncontrolled for the purpose of creating a high body count, blaming the gun dealers (who were strongarmed into making these sales in the first place) and using that as an excuse to repeal or limit the second amendment.

Oh, so now you are accusing of Holder wanting a high body count? Is that what you are saying?

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