Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

If you really want to know about fast and furious, watch this video. Whether or not you like Rachel Maddow, the woman does her homework and knows what she's talking about. That's why I like her.

Rachel Maddow explains what the hell ‘Fast and Furious’ is all about

On Wednesday night’s edition of “The Rachel Maddow Show,” host Rachel Maddow explained exactly what’s going on with “Fast and Furious,” and why House Republicans voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. in contempt of Congress.

We now live in what Maddow calls a “bifurcated society,” in which conservative Americans get all of their news strictly from conservative sources and everyone else gets their information from a more heterogenous group of sources, hopefully. As a result, at times people on the right seem to be speaking an entirely different language than other people. Yesterday was one of those times.

The “Fast and Furious” flap building on Capitol Hill is an instance of Republicans in power trying to transfer a phenomenon out of their tightly controlled, information-proof right wing news bubble and manifest it in the real world. Whether the controversy will survive the transition remains to be seen.

The whole mess, however, has its origins in the fevered imaginings of Alabama militiaman Michael Vanderboegh, a blogger and writer of Timothy McVeigh-inspired anti-federal government fiction.

It’s Vanderboegh who cooked up the conspiracy fantasy that “Fast and Furious” is all part of President Barack Obama’s sinister master plan to take away America’s guns.

“Operation Fast and Furious” was a plan begun under the Bush administration that intentionally allowed unauthorized guns to be sold with the intention of following those guns and seeing if they would lead to Mexican drug cartels.

“Whatever you think of that style of law enforcement program, whatever you may think of the George W. Bush administration for beginning it or the Obama administration for continuing it,” said Rachel, “To this militia blogger guy, to the ‘Break their windows, break them NOW’ guy, this got re-imagined as a conspiracy to eliminate the Second Amendment.”

And of course, whenever right wingers think their gun ownership rights may be threatened, they tend to go full-tilt-boogie batshit cuckoo crazy, which is exactly what has happened.

Rachel Maddow explains what the hell ‘Fast and Furious’ is all about | The Raw Story

Thanks. If I ever start thinking Maddow is an actual journalist I can look back at this to remind myself that real journalists don't work at MSNBC.

None of you are willing to learn anything. What a bunch of dopes you are.
As a far left extremist you have plenty of radical nonsense to concern you, but that doesn't change the facts.

Jakes voting for mittens you retard..

I know his 'story,' idiot. Try to pay attention.

Unkotare has a hard time believing the mainstream Republican Party is not rooted in the far right extremists like Unk. We are telling them, "you don't count any more, thank heavens", and they are having a hard time with it.
You are a far right extremist wack, and I don't care what you believe. Your kind will destroy the party if not checked and put down, and I am thrilled to know that Romney will exclude such types and such nonsense from policy making. That's why he won't have Santorum anywhere near him: smart Romney.

You are a Republican about as much as rdean or joeb is.

Wow!!! So you have to lie and be unreasonable to be a Republican, I guess.

He's trash far right. Some are decent out there, but Unk is not.
Jakes voting for mittens you retard..

I know his 'story,' idiot. Try to pay attention.

Unkotare has a hard time believing the mainstream Republican Party is not rooted in the far right extremists like Unk. We are telling them, "you don't count any more, thank heavens", and they are having a hard time with it.

Nah. It's just that nobody but nobody buys your completely transparent fraudulent claim to being a Republican.
Reagan sold weapons to criminal organizations, in this case, governments.
Governments are not criminal organizations, even if they aren't communist.
Well, actually, yes they are, but that includes the United States government.
Thanks, bripat, and, yes, governments can be criminal racketeering organizations. Louisiana, subject to Democrat Huey Long's control, acted criminal in its state agencies. Nazi Germany was certainly a criminal organization that committed war crimes and crimes against mankind and waged the crime of criminal warfare.
Yeah, okay. Whatever you do, don't try to learn anything or use your comprehension skills. Just believe Fox News. Then you can just watch game shows and read comic books.

There is nothing to learn from hate sites.

You're like the adolescent who when caught watching hardcore porn claims to be studying anatomy.

There is nothing legitimate on ThinkProgress, it's a cesspool.
Uncensored is a posting hate site of all his own. Many, certainly not all, of the far right extremists act the same way. Many, many haters. They hate the truth, and whether they can admit it, they hate themselves.
If you really want to know about fast and furious, watch this video. Whether or not you like Rachel Maddow, the woman does her homework and knows what she's talking about. That's why I like her.

Rachel Maddow explains what the hell ‘Fast and Furious’ is all about

On Wednesday night’s edition of “The Rachel Maddow Show,” host Rachel Maddow explained exactly what’s going on with “Fast and Furious,” and why House Republicans voted to hold Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. in contempt of Congress.

We now live in what Maddow calls a “bifurcated society,” in which conservative Americans get all of their news strictly from conservative sources and everyone else gets their information from a more heterogenous group of sources, hopefully. As a result, at times people on the right seem to be speaking an entirely different language than other people. Yesterday was one of those times.

The “Fast and Furious” flap building on Capitol Hill is an instance of Republicans in power trying to transfer a phenomenon out of their tightly controlled, information-proof right wing news bubble and manifest it in the real world. Whether the controversy will survive the transition remains to be seen.

The whole mess, however, has its origins in the fevered imaginings of Alabama militiaman Michael Vanderboegh, a blogger and writer of Timothy McVeigh-inspired anti-federal government fiction.

It’s Vanderboegh who cooked up the conspiracy fantasy that “Fast and Furious” is all part of President Barack Obama’s sinister master plan to take away America’s guns.

“Operation Fast and Furious” was a plan begun under the Bush administration that intentionally allowed unauthorized guns to be sold with the intention of following those guns and seeing if they would lead to Mexican drug cartels.

“Whatever you think of that style of law enforcement program, whatever you may think of the George W. Bush administration for beginning it or the Obama administration for continuing it,” said Rachel, “To this militia blogger guy, to the ‘Break their windows, break them NOW’ guy, this got re-imagined as a conspiracy to eliminate the Second Amendment.”

And of course, whenever right wingers think their gun ownership rights may be threatened, they tend to go full-tilt-boogie batshit cuckoo crazy, which is exactly what has happened.

Rachel Maddow explains what the hell ‘Fast and Furious’ is all about | The Raw Story

Thanks. If I ever start thinking Maddow is an actual journalist I can look back at this to remind myself that real journalists don't work at MSNBC.

None of you are willing to learn anything. What a bunch of dopes you are.

Let me tell you why I rejected her theory in the second paragraph.

The idea that there is a bifurcated society where one group gets its information from a highly biased source and everyone else gets their information from a wide range of balanced sources is absurd. MSNBC just got caught editing a video to make Romney look clueless, journalists don't do that. Journalists do not look at the network they are working for when they edit videos to favor one side and claim that they are working for the good guys.

Anything she says after that is highly suspect because she has proven that she is not a reputable journalist. There are reasons I don't listen to idiots like Rush, Limbaugh, and Beck. Those same reasons apply to Maddow and everyone at MSNBC who refuses to condemn the editing of a video that is designed to influence an election.
I said you were a parttime hater, and your previous post proved it.

You are simply an extremist of the far right weirdo variety, and can't stand the idea that Romney's election is going to all us mainstream GOP to push you guys out.

We are going to enjoy that.
I said you were a parttime hater, and your previous post proved it.

You are simply an extremist of the far right weirdo variety, and can't stand the idea that Romney's election is going to all us mainstream GOP to push you guys out.

We are going to enjoy that.

Again, you just lie.

I am conservative. I stand by certain basic principles.

You don't.

To you, all who stand by basic conservative principles are "extremists." That's because in addition to being dishonest, you are also pretty dopey. :cuckoo:

It chaps your idiot ass that Romney is going to defeat your lad, the incumbent.

But it REALLY bugs the snot out of you that the Tea Party faithful and the newly resurgent conservative component of the GOP are going to FORCE Romney to stake out more coherent CONSERVATIVE positions than his general wishy-washy brand of "moderate" liberalism seems to prefer.
I said you were a parttime hater, and your previous post proved it.

You are simply an extremist of the far right weirdo variety, and can't stand the idea that Romney's election is going to all us mainstream GOP to push you guys out.

We are going to enjoy that.

Again, you just lie. I am conservative. I stand by certain basic principles. You don't. To you, all who stand by basic conservative principles are "extremists." That's because in addition to being dishonest, you are also pretty dopey. :cuckoo: It chaps your idiot ass that Romney is going to defeat your lad, the incumbent. But it REALLY bugs the snot out of you that the Tea Party faithful and the newly resurgent conservative component of the GOP are going to FORCE Romney to stake out more coherent CONSERVATIVE positions than his general wishy-washy brand of "moderate" liberalism seems to prefer.

Nah, you are no conservative, just a wack. The Tea Party faithful will in, some locales, have some strength awhile longer. But the strength wanes compared to 2010 and will wane even more as Romney forces them to toe the line. Romney will reach to the center for what he needs in support and votes before he accepts Tea Party nonsense: simply not going to happen, kid.

The TP movement is too old, too white, and too out of touch with the developing 21st century. The mainstream GOP is beginning to get, thank heavens, and your days of influence are almost over for good.
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The SOP of shooting bean bags at the intruders is more to blame than F&F in the agents death.

The number of weapons supplied to the cartels by F&F is a tiny fraction of what they recieve from their contacts within the governments of Central America.

But if all you want to do is hammer away at the President of the United States, have at it. Looks more and more like the boy who cried wolf.

So you are condoning it.

Let me ask you a question; What do you think a drug-runner will do to a Mexican Police vehicle if he has a 50 cal sniper rifle?

Ever see Robocop?
Ever see Black Hawk Down?
Ever see what those guns can do first hand?

I have.

The Obama Administration put them in the hands of criminals hoping for a massive body-count.

I don't subscribe to the nutty NRA conspiricy theory.

It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out what happens when you give military grade light armor defeating weapons to criminals.

There is no excuse for this type of activity, and the Administration knows it. That is the reason they're covering this up.


Fast and Furious High-Powered Assault Weapons Were Seized at Drug Cartel Enforcer’s Home | The Gateway Pundit
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I said you were a parttime hater, and your previous post proved it.

You are simply an extremist of the far right weirdo variety, and can't stand the idea that Romney's election is going to all us mainstream GOP to push you guys out.

We are going to enjoy that.

Again, you just lie. I am conservative. I stand by certain basic principles. You don't. To you, all who stand by basic conservative principles are "extremists." That's because in addition to being dishonest, you are also pretty dopey. :cuckoo: It chaps your idiot ass that Romney is going to defeat your lad, the incumbent. But it REALLY bugs the snot out of you that the Tea Party faithful and the newly resurgent conservative component of the GOP are going to FORCE Romney to stake out more coherent CONSERVATIVE positions than his general wishy-washy brand of "moderate" liberalism seems to prefer.

Nah, you are no conservative, just a wack. The Tea Party faithful will in, some locales, have some strength awhile longer. But the strength wanes compared to 2010 and will wane even more as Romney forces them to toe the line. Romney will reach to the center for what he needs in support and votes before he accepts Tea Party nonsense: simply not going to happen, kid.

The TP movement is too old, too white, and too out of touch with the developing 21st century. The mainstream GOP is beginning to get, thank heavens, and your days of influence are almost over for good.

Nah. Fully dishonest fraud poseurs like you don't get to assign labels. You are the whack.

The days of RINO liberalism are going, going and soon to be gone. I know you will cry yourself to sleep tonight if it dawns on you how true that is. But it's simple enough.

If people want to foolishly vote contrary to their interests by embracing modern American liberalism, then the Democrat Parody is already there for them.

But if the people wish to embrace the core values that got America to the top of the heap in the first place, then they will renounce the liberalism you hold so dear. They will reject you and your stupid ilk.

They will instead move to strengthen the conservative base of the GOP. This will cast your RINO fifth columnists out. (If you were actually a Republican, that would be the only way you'd be one. But fear not. Nobody really believes your silly efforts at deception. You have long since proved yourself to be just another dishonest overly partisan liberal Democratic.)

We don't want you, with your clearly dishonest liberal Democrat stupidity, befouling the GOP. WE are kicking your dishonest kindred spirits the fuck OUT of the GOP. And then, perhaps, I'll move right back over to the GOP. But until we finish extracting your cancerous tendrils from the GOP, I'll stay away and just try to help the actual Republicans.

You don't REALLY imagine that anybody is fooled by you, you fraud, do you?
And, um, who started that operation?

Eric Holder.

Hint, it wasn't Holder.

Holding your breath until you turn blue won't change reality.

That's a lie. Holder started the operation in hopes of inflaming public opinion so that the administration could revoke the second amendment.

Of course you do, but then, you're a leftist thug.

If the Federal Agent had not been killed it might be interesting to see where it had gone.

You mean, see if it could have subverted the constitution? Dare to dream..

That aside again, the chances of the person who killed the agent being armed at the time with a weapon from another source is very, very high...

Rounds fired at the agent came from F&F weapons - this is already established. Whether the fatal shot did is all that is in question.

You need to play catch up...

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