Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

'That somebody died is irrelevant?' Yeah, tell that to the countless Mexican Families and Brian Terry's Family. It's irrelevant to you only because it's a Democrat pulling the trigger. You really are very sad and ignorant.

You know, I've never interacted with you much. Now I know why. Just another partisan hack....

'That somebody died is irrelevant' is your absurd comment. You're the partisan hack. You'll defend anything your Democrats do.

I'm not defending either party for either operation.

Nice to cherry pick my quote.

At the end of the day, there is still no evidence that a gun from F&F killed the agent, and that aside, on that particular day I'm 99.9 percent sure that those thugs would have been armed anyway, even if there were no guns from F&F there.

As I said, you're nothing but a partisan hack. Live with it...
You know, I've never interacted with you much. Now I know why. Just another partisan hack....

'That somebody died is irrelevant' is your absurd comment. You're the partisan hack. You'll defend anything your Democrats do.

I'm not defending either party for either operation.

Nice to cherry pick my quote.

At the end of the day, there is still no evidence that a gun from F&F killed the agent, and that aside, on that particular day I'm 99.9 percent sure that those thugs would have been armed anyway, even if there were no guns from F&F there.

As I said, you're nothing but a partisan hack. Live with it...

You are defending this operation. And you should be ashamed of yourself for doing it. You've sold your soul. And for what? What has the Democratic Party really ever done for you? Why such obedient loyalty?
Of course Mexicans died under bush era programs. And there are millions of guns the ATF DIDN"T watch. Your argument is upside down and backwards. This is the outrage of the week, there may be a ridiculous contempt finding in the house. Then the courts will find Issa is FOS.
We've had the Truthers and the Birthers. We need a catchy nickname for the Fast and Furious conspiracists.

How about the F'ers?

What's the conspiracy? We know that there was wrongdoing and we're pretty sure that the Obama regime is covering things up without legal authority. You don't think that the government should be accountable?

And frankly the nicknames are just immature. Get over yourself already.

CBS saying ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations, doesn't support what I said? What the fuck are you smoking? This is why I say you have no concept, comprehension nor are you capable of discussing American politics. You have no experience at it. Best thing for you is to stick with what you know best kangaroo fucking.
We've had the Truthers and the Birthers. We need a catchy nickname for the Fast and Furious conspiracists.

How about the F'ers?

What's the conspiracy? We know that there was wrongdoing and we're pretty sure that the Obama regime is covering things up without legal authority. You don't think that the government should be accountable?

And frankly the nicknames are just immature. Get over yourself already.

But it serves their purpose to make this a 'conspiracy' and an out of there premise. Not to be taken seriously, even though hundreds died. Keep in mind, these our the folks that claim to be 'our conscience.'
We've had the Truthers and the Birthers. We need a catchy nickname for the Fast and Furious conspiracists.

How about the F'ers?

What's the conspiracy? We know that there was wrongdoing and we're pretty sure that the Obama regime is covering things up without legal authority. You don't think that the government should be accountable?

And frankly the nicknames are just immature. Get over yourself already.

They must call it a conspiracy because that is the only way they can defend obama and holder.
We've had the Truthers and the Birthers. We need a catchy nickname for the Fast and Furious conspiracists.

How about the F'ers?

What's the conspiracy? We know that there was wrongdoing and we're pretty sure that the Obama regime is covering things up without legal authority. You don't think that the government should be accountable?

And frankly the nicknames are just immature. Get over yourself already.

But it serves their purpose to make this a 'conspiracy' and an out of there premise. Not to be taken seriously, even though hundreds died. Keep in mind, these our the folks that claim to be 'our conscience.'

That's ok if they are my conscience I'll live without one.:badgrin:
We've had the Truthers and the Birthers. We need a catchy nickname for the Fast and Furious conspiracists.

How about the F'ers?

You know what, Carbineer? You can make a case about Birthers and Truthers but people who are outraged by what this Administration did with Fast & Furious are HARDLY "conspiracists" and for you to lump them in with the others is insulting.

People in the DOJ made a decision that allowing thousands of gun to "walk" into another country would make it easier to ask for stricter gun control laws here in the US. They chose to arm violent drug cartels in order to further a political "agenda". Their actions showed a callous disregard for Mexico and it's citizens as well as a callous disregard for the safety of US citizens along the southern border but as of now NONE of them has been punished for what they did nor has the person ultimately responsible for this program been identified. If that person is Eric Holder then he should be fired from his position as Attorney General. If that person is Barack Obama it is one more indication that he's let political ideology push him into making decisions that are wrong headed and needs to be replaced in November.
Not any worse than the Bush Justice Dept's similar gun running operation.

So screw Brian Terry and his Family? Man, i don't get you Bootlickers. Why so loyal to the Democratic Party? Why defend them, when you know they're wrong? What has the Democratic Party really ever done for you?

I don't think you are getting it.

Either it's wrong or it isn't.

THis APPEARS to be your argument:

Operation Wide Receiver was Ok because nobody died
Fast and furious wrong because somebody died

I'm saying that both were wrong. That somebody died is irrelevent in that either an operation is fine, or it is not.

It appears to be that some are not putting either operation in context, but rather which politician is ultimately responsible for each operation.

Bush + Repub + Wide Receiver = OK
Obama + Dem + F&F = impeach/imprison/hang/draw (insert emotive adjective here)

To which I say: bollocks..


Operation Wide-Receiver was a controlled operation. They do the same technique to catch terrorist suspects inside the United States all of the time. They give suspects the makings to produce a bomb, they give them inert materials or devices that don't work, they wait till they assemble them and plant them, then they bust them. It's happened over and over again. Wide-Receiver was this type of operation.

Fast and Furious was the uncontrolled sale of guns to Mexican drug-cartels. They didn't track the weapons in any way. The only way they knew where they are is if they turned up in a crime. There are to this day roughly 1430 of them still in the hands of cartels the location of they know nothing of.

Course to liberals or foreigners these two operations are identical. You've said as much.
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So it has become a partisan witch hunt because some of us think Americans deserve to know the truth. What if we had reacted the same way to Watergate?? I for one was especially glad Watergate was investigated, corruption and arrogance should not be tolerated among our elected or appointed officials. No one is above the law, not even the first black President and AG.

I for one want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What the heck are they covering up, why won't they tell the American people what they know?? Surely it can't be a matter of national security, Mexico and Mexicans are our friends, Obama just bowed to them and gave their youngsters amnesty.
So it has become a partisan witch hunt because some of us think Americans deserve to know the truth. What if we had reacted the same way to Watergate?? I for one was especially glad Watergate was investigated, corruption and arrogance should not be tolerated among our elected or appointed officials. No one is above the law, not even the first black President and AG.

I for one want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What the heck are they covering up, why won't they tell the American people what they know?? Surely it can't be a matter of national security, Mexico and Mexicans are our friends, Obama just bowed to them and gave their youngsters amnesty.

At the same time he's covering up his plan to murder hundreds, maybe thousands of them just so he can gain political points in the second-amendment battle.

He doesn't care. I take that back.....maybe he feels a little guilty about the people that were killed. But then again, maybe not.
So it has become a partisan witch hunt because some of us think Americans deserve to know the truth. What if we had reacted the same way to Watergate?? I for one was especially glad Watergate was investigated, corruption and arrogance should not be tolerated among our elected or appointed officials. No one is above the law, not even the first black President and AG.

I for one want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What the heck are they covering up, why won't they tell the American people what they know?? Surely it can't be a matter of national security, Mexico and Mexicans are our friends, Obama just bowed to them and gave their youngsters amnesty.

Some are just so loyal to a Political Party, they'll defend anything it does. I just don't get those kind of Bootlickers. Why such absolute devotion? If you defend this horrific crime, you really have sold your soul. And no Politcal Party is worth that.
So it has become a partisan witch hunt because some of us think Americans deserve to know the truth. What if we had reacted the same way to Watergate?? I for one was especially glad Watergate was investigated, corruption and arrogance should not be tolerated among our elected or appointed officials. No one is above the law, not even the first black President and AG.

I for one want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What the heck are they covering up, why won't they tell the American people what they know?? Surely it can't be a matter of national security, Mexico and Mexicans are our friends, Obama just bowed to them and gave their youngsters amnesty.

At the same time he's covering up his plan to murder hundreds, maybe thousands of them just so he can gain political points in the second-amendment battle.

He doesn't care. I take that back.....maybe he feels a little guilty about the people that were killed. But then again, maybe not.

So it has become a partisan witch hunt because some of us think Americans deserve to know the truth. What if we had reacted the same way to Watergate?? I for one was especially glad Watergate was investigated, corruption and arrogance should not be tolerated among our elected or appointed officials. No one is above the law, not even the first black President and AG.

I for one want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What the heck are they covering up, why won't they tell the American people what they know?? Surely it can't be a matter of national security, Mexico and Mexicans are our friends, Obama just bowed to them and gave their youngsters amnesty.

Some are just so loyal to a Political Party, they'll defend anything it does. I just don't get those kind of Bootlickers. Why such absolute devotion? If you defend this horrific crime, you really have sold your soul. And no Politcal Party is worth that.

I'm thinking they have been conditioned well. They just don't care about the truth, it matters not if it's one of "their guys". The US has become an us vs. them country, sad, sad state to be for Americans.
This honestly shouldn't be a party or hell even a ideology thing. This should sicken and infuriate everyone that the President is covering up something that led to at least one death of a american border agent.
This honestly shouldn't be a party or hell even a ideology thing. This should sicken and infuriate everyone that the President is covering up something that led to at least one death of a american border agent.

Simply put.
they had talked about or were planing to use Fast and the Furious as a way of getting support for more gun control. that is what this cover up is all about.
To see it for what it is you also have to remember when the people of Mexico was being killed obama holder and clinton were talking about the need of doing something about the gun sales in America and guns going to mexico.
Plus obama clinton and holder are big gun control advocates.
So it has become a partisan witch hunt because some of us think Americans deserve to know the truth. What if we had reacted the same way to Watergate?? I for one was especially glad Watergate was investigated, corruption and arrogance should not be tolerated among our elected or appointed officials. No one is above the law, not even the first black President and AG.

I for one want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What the heck are they covering up, why won't they tell the American people what they know?? Surely it can't be a matter of national security, Mexico and Mexicans are our friends, Obama just bowed to them and gave their youngsters amnesty.

At the same time he's covering up his plan to murder hundreds, maybe thousands of them just so he can gain political points in the second-amendment battle.

He doesn't care. I take that back.....maybe he feels a little guilty about the people that were killed. But then again, maybe not.

So it has become a partisan witch hunt because some of us think Americans deserve to know the truth. What if we had reacted the same way to Watergate?? I for one was especially glad Watergate was investigated, corruption and arrogance should not be tolerated among our elected or appointed officials. No one is above the law, not even the first black President and AG.

I for one want to know the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. What the heck are they covering up, why won't they tell the American people what they know?? Surely it can't be a matter of national security, Mexico and Mexicans are our friends, Obama just bowed to them and gave their youngsters amnesty.

Some are just so loyal to a Political Party, they'll defend anything it does. I just don't get those kind of Bootlickers. Why such absolute devotion? If you defend this horrific crime, you really have sold your soul. And no Politcal Party is worth that.

I'm thinking they have been conditioned well. They just don't care about the truth, it matters not if it's one of "their guys". The US has become an us vs. them country, sad, sad state to be for Americans.

Yeah, i tried to ask a couple of the Bootlickers, what exactly did they owe the Democratic Party? Why such loyalty? I asked them to explain specifically what the Democratic Party has ever really done for them. None of them could give a coherent answer. Such blind loyalty. And for what?
So screw Brian Terry and his Family? Man, i don't get you Bootlickers. Why so loyal to the Democratic Party? Why defend them, when you know they're wrong? What has the Democratic Party really ever done for you?

I don't think you are getting it.

Either it's wrong or it isn't.

THis APPEARS to be your argument:

Operation Wide Receiver was Ok because nobody died
Fast and furious wrong because somebody died

I'm saying that both were wrong. That somebody died is irrelevent in that either an operation is fine, or it is not.

It appears to be that some are not putting either operation in context, but rather which politician is ultimately responsible for each operation.

Bush + Repub + Wide Receiver = OK
Obama + Dem + F&F = impeach/imprison/hang/draw (insert emotive adjective here)

To which I say: bollocks..


Operation Wide-Receiver was a controlled operation. They do the same technique to catch terrorist suspects inside the United States all of the time. They give suspects the makings to produce a bomb, they give them inert materials or devices that don't work, they wait till they assemble them and plant them, then they bust them. It's happened over and over again. Wide-Receiver was this type of operation.

Fast and Furious was the uncontrolled sale of guns to Mexican drug-cartels. They didn't track the weapons in any way. The only way they knew where they are is if they turned up in a crime. There are to this day roughly 1430 of them still in the hands of cartels the location of they know nothing of.

Course to liberals or foreigners these two operations are identical. You've said as much.

So you think the government gave/sold drug lords gun parts that assembled wouldn't fire bullets?

I don't think you are getting it.

Either it's wrong or it isn't.

THis APPEARS to be your argument:

Operation Wide Receiver was Ok because nobody died
Fast and furious wrong because somebody died

I'm saying that both were wrong. That somebody died is irrelevent in that either an operation is fine, or it is not.

It appears to be that some are not putting either operation in context, but rather which politician is ultimately responsible for each operation.

Bush + Repub + Wide Receiver = OK
Obama + Dem + F&F = impeach/imprison/hang/draw (insert emotive adjective here)

To which I say: bollocks..


Operation Wide-Receiver was a controlled operation. They do the same technique to catch terrorist suspects inside the United States all of the time. They give suspects the makings to produce a bomb, they give them inert materials or devices that don't work, they wait till they assemble them and plant them, then they bust them. It's happened over and over again. Wide-Receiver was this type of operation.

Fast and Furious was the uncontrolled sale of guns to Mexican drug-cartels. They didn't track the weapons in any way. The only way they knew where they are is if they turned up in a crime. There are to this day roughly 1430 of them still in the hands of cartels the location of they know nothing of.

Course to liberals or foreigners these two operations are identical. You've said as much.

So you think the government gave/sold drug lords gun parts that assembled wouldn't fire bullets?


Another Dem Bootlicker defending the indefensible. How refreshing.

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