Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Despite all the attempts to pin something else on GWB (Lord knows he done enough while in office), this one lays DIRECTLY in the lap of Holder and Barry. I am beginning to hear information that the entire goal of Fast & Furious was to show that the easy availability of these weapons was DIRECTLY responsible for the death of Americans and Mexican citizens. When that was shown, it would be much easier to restrict their sale and possession. In other words, a way to MANUFACTURE citizen demand for gun control.

I have this sneaking suspicion that if Holder gives up the documents that the Congressional subcommittee wants, then that is going to be evident. Whoa... allowing a border control agent to be killed (although it was unintentional) to effect public opinion on gun control. Talk about a turd in the punch bowl...

Eric Holder should be impeached and then he should be thrown in a hole right next to the WTC Imam. Remember the FALN terrorists and Mark Rich? This is a guy who if you don't like what he's doing, then you are a racist. Course the New Black Panther Party can do what they want.

Assign him a prison number NOW...

P.S. - Both Watergate and Fast & Furious have a smell to them, although someone died because of Fast & Furious. It's always the coverup that is worse...

Regime Tipped "Under the Radar" Gun Control Strategy Before Immaculation

CNSNews: Obama Made Pre-Inaugural ‘Pledge’ on Stopping Guns to Mexico; Holder, Napolitano Worked Issue From First Month

Heritage: President Obama’s Fast and Furious Scandal Grows

CBS saying ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations, doesn't support what I said? What the fuck are you smoking? This is why I say you have no concept, comprehension nor are you capable of discussing American politics. You have no experience at it. Best thing for you is to stick with what you know best kangaroo fucking.

You have got to be one of the stupidest motherfuckers on this board, and that's saying something.

You stated that F&F was being used by Holder and Obama to push their gun control agenda, then you link to a piece by CBS that quote an email from some third-rate ATF operative to another as proof? Are you serious? I doubt Holder or Obama even know these two guys exist..

BigMoron, my pinky has more comprehension about American politics and how it works than you do if this is the kind of shit you pony up as evidence, Son...
Anything that does not spout extreme right wing rhetoric is a hate site, is that it???

You have plethora of party controlled media; ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, the NY and LA Times, the Washington Post, Newsweek, etc. All of these and more spin the news for the benefit of the party. You can get all your news with a hard left tilt from the semi-legitimate media.

So there is utterly no excuse for you posting the hate sites. If you want a leftist viewpoint, you're in luck, every TV outlet save Fox is far left.

You are a hopeless case, destined to wallow in your pool of falsehoods and half truths. Sad.

Yet you post shit from cesspools like Stormfront and ThinkProgress.
This does nothing to back up your POV...

CBS saying ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations, doesn't support what I said? What the fuck are you smoking? This is why I say you have no concept, comprehension nor are you capable of discussing American politics. You have no experience at it. Best thing for you is to stick with what you know best kangaroo fucking.

You have got to be one of the stupidest motherfuckers on this board, and that's saying something.

You stated that F&F was being used by Holder and Obama to push their gun control agenda, then you link to a piece by CBS that quote an email from some third-rate ATF operative to another as proof? Are you serious? I doubt Holder or Obama even know these two guys exist..

BigMoron, my pinky has more comprehension about American politics and how it works than you do if this is the kind of shit you pony up as evidence, Son...

You stated that F&F was being used by Holder and Obama to push their gun control agenda, then you link to a piece by CBS that quote an email from some third-rate ATF operative to another as proof? Are you serious? I doubt Holder or Obama even know these two guys exist..

You are one of the stupidest son of a bitches I have ever encountered and that is including truth don't matter., It's already been proven that holder and obama both knew about fast and the furious.. When obama used the executive privilege.

BigMoron, my pinky has more comprehension about American politics and how it works than you do if this is the kind of shit you pony up as evidence, Son

You really need to stick with kangaroo fucking you are out of your league here sonny boy.
I find Rachel to be quite truthful and I think she works hard at it.

I already acknowledged that Maddow is generally truthful. She is the Ann Coulter of the left. What she says will be factual, but her spin will be confrontational, and she offers the most harsh analysis of the opposition that is possible.

So you and I do not agree at all about her or MSNBC.

MSNBC is hack left station. It exists as purely party propaganda.

But I will give you credit for one thing. At least you were willing to discuss it and tell me what you think, like in a normal conversation. Thanks. :) It was kind of cool!!!

Wish I could say the same about you....
CBS saying ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations, doesn't support what I said? What the fuck are you smoking? This is why I say you have no concept, comprehension nor are you capable of discussing American politics. You have no experience at it. Best thing for you is to stick with what you know best kangaroo fucking.

You have got to be one of the stupidest motherfuckers on this board, and that's saying something.

You stated that F&F was being used by Holder and Obama to push their gun control agenda, then you link to a piece by CBS that quote an email from some third-rate ATF operative to another as proof? Are you serious? I doubt Holder or Obama even know these two guys exist..

BigMoron, my pinky has more comprehension about American politics and how it works than you do if this is the kind of shit you pony up as evidence, Son...

You stated that F&F was being used by Holder and Obama to push their gun control agenda, then you link to a piece by CBS that quote an email from some third-rate ATF operative to another as proof? Are you serious? I doubt Holder or Obama even know these two guys exist..

You are one of the stupidest son of a bitches I have ever encountered and that is including truth don't matter., It's already been proven that holder and obama both knew about fast and the furious.. When obama used the executive privilege.

BigMoron, my pinky has more comprehension about American politics and how it works than you do if this is the kind of shit you pony up as evidence, Son

You really need to stick with kangaroo fucking you are out of your league here sonny boy.

Oh God (bangs head against the wall).

Does this person actually get to vote in US elections? Surely there must be some sort of IQ test. Seriously, you shouldn't even be allowed to vote for Dog Catcher let alone president. You are so DUMB....
So you think the government gave/sold drug lords gun parts that assembled wouldn't fire bullets?


Do you think Operation Wide-Receiver allowed those guns to get out into the economy? They kept constant surveillance on them. They didn't allow them to commit crimes with them. Once the weapons were sold they immediately busted the perps.

Obama let them have high-powered, military grade, mass-casualty producing weapons and didn't track them. Almost 1500 of them are still out there. A Mexican official said that these weapons are gonna be popping up at crime scenes for years to come.

Drug lords don't buy thier own weapons. Arresting the underlings to the underlings is a waste of time.

Oh, so you know the inner workings of drug cartels now?

You've been watching too much TV.

I just got through reading a story on the two programs. I'm not sure what is true and what isn't.

The difference between Wide-Receiver and F&F is the ATF put tracking devices on the guns. Problem is, as with everything, human error is involved. They started losing track of some of the guns so the program was cancelled during the 2007-2008 time frame. ATF agents screwed it up. It didn't go the way they planned due to human error.

Fast & Furious was 10 times the size of Wide-Receiver. Military grade weapons were sold by the hundreds. Anti-armor weapons, 50 cal automatic guns, 30 cal sniper rifles, grenade launchers to name a few. These weapons are capable of dealing out much more death and destruction than the small arms that were involved in Wide-Receiver. The confusion is over which program was known by Holder when. He claims that he was talking about Wide-Receiver in memos when in fact he said he was talking about F&F.

The main issue here is the intent. That is what Issa is trying to establish. He wants to know why the Obama Administration started a new larger program based on Wide-Receiver. A program that resulted in the death of two U.S. border agents and hundreds of Mexican nationals. A program that resulted in crimes on both sides of the border. Because the President has decided to declare executive privilege he has opened himself up to accusations of a coverup and possible involvement in the operation.

I think the program was started because the DOJ, Eric Holder, the President, and political operatives decided that if the operation was discovered they could blame it on Bush.

Problem is Bush's program ended before they took office. The GOP won the house so the program is coming under scrutiny they hadn't expected.
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You have got to be one of the stupidest motherfuckers on this board, and that's saying something.

You stated that F&F was being used by Holder and Obama to push their gun control agenda, then you link to a piece by CBS that quote an email from some third-rate ATF operative to another as proof? Are you serious? I doubt Holder or Obama even know these two guys exist..

BigMoron, my pinky has more comprehension about American politics and how it works than you do if this is the kind of shit you pony up as evidence, Son...

You are one of the stupidest son of a bitches I have ever encountered and that is including truth don't matter., It's already been proven that holder and obama both knew about fast and the furious.. When obama used the executive privilege.

BigMoron, my pinky has more comprehension about American politics and how it works than you do if this is the kind of shit you pony up as evidence, Son

You really need to stick with kangaroo fucking you are out of your league here sonny boy.

Oh God (bangs head against the wall).

Does this person actually get to vote in US elections? Surely there must be some sort of IQ test. Seriously, you shouldn't even be allowed to vote for Dog Catcher let alone president. You are so DUMB....

That's what I am talking about when I say you don't have the comprehension skills to talk about American politics you are clueless because you don't have any practical experience with it. You can't grasp it until you have lived with it.

When obama used the executive privilege he was stating that he knew about fast and the furious..
Now move on We Americans are having a discussion About American politics.
Do you think Operation Wide-Receiver allowed those guns to get out into the economy? They kept constant surveillance on them. They didn't allow them to commit crimes with them. Once the weapons were sold they immediately busted the perps.

Obama let them have high-powered, military grade, mass-casualty producing weapons and didn't track them. Almost 1500 of them are still out there. A Mexican official said that these weapons are gonna be popping up at crime scenes for years to come.

Drug lords don't buy thier own weapons. Arresting the underlings to the underlings is a waste of time.

Oh, so you know the inner workings of drug lords now?

You've been watching too much TV.

I just got through reading a story on the two programs. I'm not sure what is true and what isn't.

The difference between Wide-Receiver and F&F is the ATF put tracking devices on the guns. Problem is, as with everything, human error is involved. They started losing track of some of the guns so the program was cancelled during the 2007-2008 time frame. ATF agents screwed it up. It didn't go the way they planned due to human error.

Fast & Furious was 10 times the size of Wide-Receiver. Military grade weapons were sold by the hundreds. Anti-armor weapons, 50 cal automatic guns, 30 cal sniper rifles, grenade launchers to name a few. These weapons are capable of dealing out much more death and destruction than the small arms that were involved in Wide-Receiver. The confusion is over which program was known by Holder when. He claims that he was talking about Wide-Receiver in memos when in fact he said he was talking about F&F.

The main issue here is the intent. That is what Issa is trying to establish. He wants to know why the Obama Administration started a new larger program based on Wide-Receiver. A program that resulted in the death of two U.S. border agents and hundreds of Mexican nationals. A program that resulted in crimes on both sides of the border. Because the President has decided to declare executive privilege he has opened himself up to accusations of a coverup and possible involvement in the operation.

I think the program was started because the DOJ, Eric Holder, the President, and political operatives decided that if the operation was discovered they could blame it on Bush.

Problem is Bush's program ended before they took office. The GOP won the house so the program is coming under scrutiny they hadn't expected.

Good information. This clarification between the two programs needed to be made again.
But is it? A travesty that is? If you libertarians and neocon whackjobs chose your battles instead of frothing at the mouth every time Obama opened his, you might have a shread of credibility....

Oh, credibility? Like you have, Gump?
This does nothing to back up your POV...

Put DOWN the crack pipe Forest, you've had enough.

Seriously Gump, whatever braincells you may have once had are clearly gone.

If an email from some third-rate operative that neither Holder or Obama have probably never heard of, is your idea of evidence, all I can say is:

1) No, son, YOU put down the crack pipe
2) Please tell me you are no way involved with, or ever intend to, become involved in law enforcement. The Keystone Cops are fiction from the 1930s. We don't need your version in the 21st century....
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Drug lords don't buy thier own weapons. Arresting the underlings to the underlings is a waste of time.

Oh, so you know the inner workings of drug lords now?

You've been watching too much TV.

I just got through reading a story on the two programs. I'm not sure what is true and what isn't.

The difference between Wide-Receiver and F&F is the ATF put tracking devices on the guns. Problem is, as with everything, human error is involved. They started losing track of some of the guns so the program was cancelled during the 2007-2008 time frame. ATF agents screwed it up. It didn't go the way they planned due to human error.

Fast & Furious was 10 times the size of Wide-Receiver. Military grade weapons were sold by the hundreds. Anti-armor weapons, 50 cal automatic guns, 30 cal sniper rifles, grenade launchers to name a few. These weapons are capable of dealing out much more death and destruction than the small arms that were involved in Wide-Receiver. The confusion is over which program was known by Holder when. He claims that he was talking about Wide-Receiver in memos when in fact he said he was talking about F&F.

The main issue here is the intent. That is what Issa is trying to establish. He wants to know why the Obama Administration started a new larger program based on Wide-Receiver. A program that resulted in the death of two U.S. border agents and hundreds of Mexican nationals. A program that resulted in crimes on both sides of the border. Because the President has decided to declare executive privilege he has opened himself up to accusations of a coverup and possible involvement in the operation.

I think the program was started because the DOJ, Eric Holder, the President, and political operatives decided that if the operation was discovered they could blame it on Bush.

Problem is Bush's program ended before they took office. The GOP won the house so the program is coming under scrutiny they hadn't expected.

Good information. This clarification between the two programs needed to be made again.

The clarification has been made time and time again and it will have to be made again and again and again :badgrin:
You are one of the stupidest son of a bitches I have ever encountered and that is including truth don't matter., It's already been proven that holder and obama both knew about fast and the furious.. When obama used the executive privilege.

You really need to stick with kangaroo fucking you are out of your league here sonny boy.

Oh God (bangs head against the wall).

Does this person actually get to vote in US elections? Surely there must be some sort of IQ test. Seriously, you shouldn't even be allowed to vote for Dog Catcher let alone president. You are so DUMB....

That's what I am talking about when I say you don't have the comprehension skills to talk about American politics you are clueless because you don't have any practical experience with it. You can't grasp it until you have lived with it.

When obama used the executive privilege he was stating that he knew about fast and the furious..
Now move on We Americans are having a discussion About American politics.

Whoa, whoa, whoa there Nimrod. You posted a link from CBS about an internal email between ATF agents claiming it as evidence that Holder and Obama were into gun grabbing. What does that have to do with above? i'll even give you a hint: nothing.

You appear to know nothing of American politics. Only partisan hackery...
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