Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

This does nothing to back up your POV...

Put DOWN the crack pipe Forest, you've had enough.

Seriously Gump, whatever braincells you may have once had are clearly gone.

If an email from some third-rate operative that neither Holder or Obama have probably never heard of, is your idea of evidence, all I can say is:

1) No, son, YOU put down the crack pipe
2) Please tell me you are in now way, or ever intend to, become involved in law enforcement. The Keystone Cops are fiction from the 1930s. We don't need your version in the 21st century....
So you admit obama is a third rate operative?
All jokes aside
What is it about the executive privilege that you do not comprehend?
I'm trying to help you understand
Oh God (bangs head against the wall).

Does this person actually get to vote in US elections? Surely there must be some sort of IQ test. Seriously, you shouldn't even be allowed to vote for Dog Catcher let alone president. You are so DUMB....

That's what I am talking about when I say you don't have the comprehension skills to talk about American politics you are clueless because you don't have any practical experience with it. You can't grasp it until you have lived with it.

When obama used the executive privilege he was stating that he knew about fast and the furious..
Now move on We Americans are having a discussion About American politics.

Whoa, whoa, whoa there Nimrod. You posted a link from CBS about an internal email between ATF agents claiming it as evidence that Holder and Obama were into gun grabbing. What does that have to do with above? i'll even give you a hint: nothing.

You appear to know nothing of American politics. Only partisan hackery...

Hey dumb ass emails are also part of the executive privilege protected papers that obama is protecting. And since the source came from CBS should have some credible standing.
So who here really believes Grumpy is from Australia?? He's a little too involved in US Politics to be in kangaroo land. He even mentions the Fox news guys in his siggy like they are his neighbors. ;)

He accuses the right of "partisan hackery" while defending a gun running operation that was uncontrolled and allowed people to die. Next he's going to agree with Pelosi about this being voter suppression. :cuckoo:
Did you forget that the ATF gun program started in 1996 under the Bush Administration??

Bill Clinton was president in 1996, sparky.

It was called Operation Wide Receiver. And remember the Hernandez case in 2007 and the Medrano case in 2008??

Wide Receiver was vastly different - it targeted individual Americans suspected of illegally buying guns, F&F walked guns to the Mexican drug cartel.

Why wasn't anybody from the Bush administration held accountable for that??

Accountable for what? Entrapment? I agree - it's a practice that must stop. But that has nothing to do with F&F and the coverup by the Obama criminal organization.

Republicans are not trying to hold anybody accountable for anything. They could not care less about fast and furious, either then or now.They are trying to get to the president. Since they have not been able to destroy the prez, Holder is the next best thing. And a few months before the general election, too!!! Works out great for them!!

Quite the opposite. Holder broke federal law, his criminal acts resulted in many deaths. YOU demand he not be held accountable on merit that he is a democrat, and you hold party above all else.

But it is not going to work, people. Thank God that the majority of Americans can see through this little charade like an xray machine.

Is that right?

It is going to backfire big time. The Reublican party is showing the country what evil, coniving people they are. They do nothing with pure hearts and they will be sorry. Wonder what Willard will be doing next year??? Maybe he can take Ann on a really nice cruise!!! :D

You're showing us again what a mindless sycophant you are.
So who here really believes Grumpy is from Australia?? He's a little too involved in US Politics to be in kangaroo land. He even mentions the Fox news guys in his siggy like they are his neighbors. ;)

He accuses the right of "partisan hackery" while defending a gun running operation that was uncontrolled and allowed people to die. Next he's going to agree with Pelosi about this being voter suppression. :cuckoo:

Oh poster who has been on this board for five seconds, you know nothing of me. I am not from Australia...

I've had my sigs turned off for about two years...I think one is mine and one is from Hitchens....niether of us are Fox "news" guys...
That's what I am talking about when I say you don't have the comprehension skills to talk about American politics you are clueless because you don't have any practical experience with it. You can't grasp it until you have lived with it.

When obama used the executive privilege he was stating that he knew about fast and the furious..
Now move on We Americans are having a discussion About American politics.

Whoa, whoa, whoa there Nimrod. You posted a link from CBS about an internal email between ATF agents claiming it as evidence that Holder and Obama were into gun grabbing. What does that have to do with above? i'll even give you a hint: nothing.

You appear to know nothing of American politics. Only partisan hackery...

Hey dumb ass emails are also part of the executive privilege protected papers that obama is protecting. And since the source came from CBS should have some credible standing.

And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?
2) Even knew about them at ALL?
And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?

Obama is the Chief Executive; he sets the agenda, Forest.

2) Even knew about them at ALL?

Without question.

Seriously though, you say you're from New Zealand; shouldn't you be concerning yourself with XXXXX, rather than with American politics? Edited. Clean it up a bit.
And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?

Obama is the Chief Executive; he sets the agenda, Forest.

2) Even knew about them at ALL?

Without question.

Seriously though, you say you're from New Zealand; shouldn't you be concerning yourself with XXXXX, rather than with American politics?

That's why I keep telling him he can't comprehend American politics he doesn't live here:eusa_whistle:
Whoa, whoa, whoa there Nimrod. You posted a link from CBS about an internal email between ATF agents claiming it as evidence that Holder and Obama were into gun grabbing. What does that have to do with above? i'll even give you a hint: nothing.

You appear to know nothing of American politics. Only partisan hackery...

Hey dumb ass emails are also part of the executive privilege protected papers that obama is protecting. And since the source came from CBS should have some credible standing.

And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?
2) Even knew about them at ALL?

Yes obama and holder knew about the emails that's what the executive privilege is all about. obama couldn't use it if he didn't have some knowledge of the emails and the papers that are being requested to look at.
And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?

Obama is the Chief Executive; he sets the agenda, Forest.

2) Even knew about them at ALL?

Without question.

Seriously though, you say you're from New Zealand; shouldn't you be concerning yourself with XXXXX , rather than with American politics?

1) Course he does....he knows EVERYTHING..

2) Dunno, are you concerning yourself with the next gopher you fuck?
And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?

Obama is the Chief Executive; he sets the agenda, Forest.

2) Even knew about them at ALL?

Without question.

Seriously though, you say you're from New Zealand; shouldn't you be concerning yourself with XXXXX , rather than with American politics?

That's why I keep telling him he can't comprehend American politics he doesn't live here:eusa_whistle:

Oh, great the peanut gallery are backslapping each other. Please warn in advance when you start blowing each other. I'll take my leave...I know it is a popular amongst neocon whackjobs to do so, but us centrists like to steer well clear of that shit...not that there's anything wrong with it...
Hey dumb ass emails are also part of the executive privilege protected papers that obama is protecting. And since the source came from CBS should have some credible standing.

And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?
2) Even knew about them at ALL?

Yes obama and holder knew about the emails that's what the executive privilege is all about. obama couldn't use it if he didn't have some knowledge of the emails and the papers that are being requested to look at.

actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

they interviewed holder 7 times. they had piles and piles of documents. the emails they wanted had nothing to do with the death of the officer. and they still could have seen everything if they stopped the rightwingnut hack stuff and dropped the contempt nonsense. if they were interested in "fast and furious*, they'd have subpoenaed Mukasey... in whose justice department UNDER BUSH, the program started.

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.

And you think:

1) Holder or Obama even knew the agenda that these emails represent?
2) Even knew about them at ALL?

Yes obama and holder knew about the emails that's what the executive privilege is all about. obama couldn't use it if he didn't have some knowledge of the emails and the papers that are being requested to look at.

actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

they interviewed holder 7 times. they had piles and piles of documents. the emails they wanted had nothing to do with the death of the officer. and they still could have seen everything if they stopped the rightwingnut hack stuff and dropped the contempt nonsense. if they were interested in "fast and furious*, they'd have subpoenaed Mukasey... in whose justice department UNDER BUSH, the program started.

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.

Here let me school with Executive Privilege 101
1) Course he does....he knows EVERYTHING..

He sets the agenda, details are left to his minions.

2) Dunno, are you concerning yourself with the next gopher you fuck?

Oh, Californians have a reputation for fucking gophers, do we?

I heard a tale of a Californian moving to New Zealand once.

He was looking to buy a farm and found a nice one, with a willing seller. The Kiwi tells the American, "I'll sell at the offered price on two conditions."

The Californian says "okay, what are they?" The Kiwi replies; "see that tree to the west, you can never cut it down." The American stutters, " but that is the prime plowing land, why not?" The Kiwi replies; "I proposed to my wife under it and our initials are carved in the trunk." the American replies; "that's reasonable, I agree. But what is the other condition?" The Kiwi points to a tree in the east field and declares; "You'll naught cut down that one either." Again the American asks,, "Why not?" The Kiwi answers; "Under that tree I made love for the first time." The Californian demands; "Well tell me about it!" The Kiwi says; "Not much to tell, it was just me, her and her mother." "HER MOTHER???" exclaims the Californian; "What did she do, what did she say?" The Kiwi calmly replies; "She just stood there, and said BAH, BAHHH, BAHHHH."

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