Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

Actually, the executive privilege dodge is about coverup and amounts to a tacit acknowledgement that Obama was involved.

But you knew that.

In your view, should laws be rewritten to make clear that statutes covering Republicans and Commoners are explicitly void in regard to ruling democrats?

In the case of Holder violating federal law by knowingly supplying weapons to known criminal gangs, should George Bush be arrested?

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.




yes... you are... you're also one of the most uneducated and ignorant people on the board.

Jillian executive privilege basically means the president is protecting papers that he has access that would harm the national defense if released to the public. What does national defense have to do with fast and the furious?

And you are also wrong about Uncensored
actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

they interviewed holder 7 times. they had piles and piles of documents. the emails they wanted had nothing to do with the death of the officer. and they still could have seen everything if they stopped the rightwingnut hack stuff and dropped the contempt nonsense. if they were interested in "fast and furious*, they'd have subpoenaed Mukasey... in whose justice department UNDER BUSH, the program started.

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.


With all due respect, Jillian? You as a lawyer should be well aware of the reason WHY most people get interviewed numerous times...namely that their story hasn't checked out. Holder originally told the Congressional investigating committee that he had only heard about Fast & Furious "several weeks" before the story broke only to have e-mails surface that had him discussing Fast & Furious nine MONTHS earlier. To be quite blunt...Eric Holder got caught in a bald faced lie. As for the "piles and piles" of documents that the DOJ has turned over? Also as a lawyer you should be well aware of that little game...namely inundating your opponent with reams of inconsequential information while holding back what they are actually seeking. The committee wants to know WHO in the DOJ knew about Fast & Furious and WHEN it is they knew it. Attorney General Holder has stone walled that effort from the get go. THAT is why contempt charges are being sought against him.

As for a subpoena for Mukasey? he could tell the committee why Operation Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush Administration? I'm sorry but the OBAMA DOJ under Eric Holder decided to restart a program that had been halted by a previous administration because it was shown that even with the cooperation of Mexican authorities that they couldn't keep track of where the guns were going...but Holder's people then took it much further...not informing the Mexican authorities that they were going to let guns walk and NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO MAKE ARRESTS.

Jillian is a lawyer? LOL. I don't believe that.

With posts like she is making here lately it does strain credibility a bit.

The next thing she'll tell me is that she "buys" Holder's excuse that he "misunderstood the question" when he was originally asked when it was he heard about Fast & Furious. This is a man who has graduated from Harvard Law School...been appointed as a Federal judge and as the Attorney General of the United States but he can't understand a question as straight forward as that? I find that almost as humorous as Timmy Geithner blaming a bad tax return on his not being able to figure out Turbo Tax!
actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

they interviewed holder 7 times. they had piles and piles of documents. the emails they wanted had nothing to do with the death of the officer. and they still could have seen everything if they stopped the rightwingnut hack stuff and dropped the contempt nonsense. if they were interested in "fast and furious*, they'd have subpoenaed Mukasey... in whose justice department UNDER BUSH, the program started.

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.


With all due respect, Jillian? You as a lawyer should be well aware of the reason WHY most people get interviewed numerous times...namely that their story hasn't checked out. Holder originally told the Congressional investigating committee that he had only heard about Fast & Furious "several weeks" before the story broke only to have e-mails surface that had him discussing Fast & Furious nine MONTHS earlier. To be quite blunt...Eric Holder got caught in a bald faced lie. As for the "piles and piles" of documents that the DOJ has turned over? Also as a lawyer you should be well aware of that little game...namely inundating your opponent with reams of inconsequential information while holding back what they are actually seeking. The committee wants to know WHO in the DOJ knew about Fast & Furious and WHEN it is they knew it. Attorney General Holder has stone walled that effort from the get go. THAT is why contempt charges are being sought against him.

As for a subpoena for Mukasey? he could tell the committee why Operation Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush Administration? I'm sorry but the OBAMA DOJ under Eric Holder decided to restart a program that had been halted by a previous administration because it was shown that even with the cooperation of Mexican authorities that they couldn't keep track of where the guns were going...but Holder's people then took it much further...not informing the Mexican authorities that they were going to let guns walk and NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO MAKE ARRESTS.

Jillian is a lawyer? LOL. I don't believe that.

I believe she is but right now she is allowing her politics to over ride her better judgement.
so Jillian finally admits that obamaer and witholder are giving the :fu: to the American people and to Brian Terry's family. I love it when libtards let the truth slip out.

fucking bravo for obamer and witholder.

don't misstate what i said. he isn't giving the finger to "the american people" or to Brian Terry's family.

he's giving the finger to your little attack dog issa.

which he absolutely positively deserves b/c he's a little weasel.

Issa is trying to get to the truth for the American people and the Terry family. Obama and Holder are telling both the Terry family and the American people to :fu:. If they have nothing to hide why are they hiding it? Issa is doing the job he was elected to do. Oversight.. if you can't take it, don't dish it.. Karma for democrats.
With all due respect, Jillian? You as a lawyer

Jillian, a lawyer? Yeah, right. She may have watched a "Law & Order" rerun - but that's as close to the law as she will get.

should be well aware of the reason WHY most people get interviewed numerous times...namely that their story hasn't checked out. Holder originally told the Congressional investigating committee that he had only heard about Fast & Furious "several weeks" before the story broke only to have e-mails surface that had him discussing Fast & Furious nine MONTHS earlier. To be quite blunt...Eric Holder got caught in a bald faced lie. As for the "piles and piles" of documents that the DOJ has turned over? Also as a lawyer you should be well aware of that little game...namely inundating your opponent with reams of inconsequential information while holding back what they are actually seeking. The committee wants to know WHO in the DOJ knew about Fast & Furious and WHEN it is they knew it. Attorney General Holder has stone walled that effort from the get go. THAT is why contempt charges are being sought against him.

As for a subpoena for Mukasey? he could tell the committee why Operation Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush Administration? I'm sorry but the OBAMA DOJ under Eric Holder decided to restart a program that had been halted by a previous administration because it was shown that even with the cooperation of Mexican authorities that they couldn't keep track of where the guns were going...but Holder's people then took it much further...not informing the Mexican authorities that they were going to let guns walk and NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO MAKE ARRESTS.

Jillian is a hack, a partisan stooge. She posts what she does to further the aims of the party. Law has no bearing on what she posts, nor does she have an particular grasp of the law. She will say anything to protect and promote the democrats - that is the entire story.

Jillian is the only person I know in real life for real on this board. not only is she a lawyer, but she is a very successful one

How do you know when somebody loses an argument? look up the word ad hominem Uncensored. I always thought you a baffoon..but to advertise it on a messageboard, well, why not? Once a dumb motherfucker, always a dumb motherfucker...
With so many of the Obama people you're faced with two options...either they are incredibly stupid...or they are incredibly inept.
With all due respect, Jillian? You as a lawyer should be well aware of the reason WHY most people get interviewed numerous times...namely that their story hasn't checked out. Holder originally told the Congressional investigating committee that he had only heard about Fast & Furious "several weeks" before the story broke only to have e-mails surface that had him discussing Fast & Furious nine MONTHS earlier. To be quite blunt...Eric Holder got caught in a bald faced lie. As for the "piles and piles" of documents that the DOJ has turned over? Also as a lawyer you should be well aware of that little game...namely inundating your opponent with reams of inconsequential information while holding back what they are actually seeking. The committee wants to know WHO in the DOJ knew about Fast & Furious and WHEN it is they knew it. Attorney General Holder has stone walled that effort from the get go. THAT is why contempt charges are being sought against him.

As for a subpoena for Mukasey? he could tell the committee why Operation Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush Administration? I'm sorry but the OBAMA DOJ under Eric Holder decided to restart a program that had been halted by a previous administration because it was shown that even with the cooperation of Mexican authorities that they couldn't keep track of where the guns were going...but Holder's people then took it much further...not informing the Mexican authorities that they were going to let guns walk and NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO MAKE ARRESTS.

Jillian is a lawyer? LOL. I don't believe that.

With posts like she is making here lately it does strain credibility a bit.

The next thing she'll tell me is that she "buys" Holder's excuse that he "misunderstood the question" when he was originally asked when it was he heard about Fast & Furious. This is a man who has graduated from Harvard Law School...been appointed as a Federal judge and as the Attorney General of the United States but he can't understand a question as straight forward as that? I find that almost as humorous as Timmy Geithner blaming a bad tax return on his not being able to figure out Turbo Tax!

She's allowing her politics to over ride her better judgement. Thats all.
So you are condoning it.

Let me ask you a question; What do you think a drug-runner will do to a Mexican Police vehicle if he has a 50 cal sniper rifle?

Ever see Robocop?
Ever see Black Hawk Down?
Ever see what those guns can do first hand?

I have.

The Obama Administration put them in the hands of criminals hoping for a massive body-count.

I don't subscribe to the nutty NRA conspiricy theory.

It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out what happens when you give military grade light armor defeating weapons to criminals.

There is no excuse for this type of activity, and the Administration knows it. That is the reason they're covering this up.


Fast and Furious High-Powered Assault Weapons Were Seized at Drug Cartel Enforcer’s Home | The Gateway Pundit

Did you know Fast and Furious guns brought down a military helicopter? - National drug cartel |

Mexican Military Helicopter Shot Down With BATF .50 Caliber Rifle Sold to Drug Cartels : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Mexico Gun-Running Operation Enhanced Cartels

There is no cover-up. There is no conspircy. It's a political witch hunt in an election year to stir the shit pot and inflame the ditto-base.
With all due respect, Jillian? You as a lawyer

Jillian, a lawyer? Yeah, right. She may have watched a "Law & Order" rerun - but that's as close to the law as she will get.

should be well aware of the reason WHY most people get interviewed numerous times...namely that their story hasn't checked out. Holder originally told the Congressional investigating committee that he had only heard about Fast & Furious "several weeks" before the story broke only to have e-mails surface that had him discussing Fast & Furious nine MONTHS earlier. To be quite blunt...Eric Holder got caught in a bald faced lie. As for the "piles and piles" of documents that the DOJ has turned over? Also as a lawyer you should be well aware of that little game...namely inundating your opponent with reams of inconsequential information while holding back what they are actually seeking. The committee wants to know WHO in the DOJ knew about Fast & Furious and WHEN it is they knew it. Attorney General Holder has stone walled that effort from the get go. THAT is why contempt charges are being sought against him.

As for a subpoena for Mukasey? he could tell the committee why Operation Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush Administration? I'm sorry but the OBAMA DOJ under Eric Holder decided to restart a program that had been halted by a previous administration because it was shown that even with the cooperation of Mexican authorities that they couldn't keep track of where the guns were going...but Holder's people then took it much further...not informing the Mexican authorities that they were going to let guns walk and NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO MAKE ARRESTS.

Jillian is a hack, a partisan stooge. She posts what she does to further the aims of the party. Law has no bearing on what she posts, nor does she have an particular grasp of the law. She will say anything to protect and promote the democrats - that is the entire story.

Jillian is the only person I know in real life for real on this board. not only is she a lawyer, but she is a very successful one

How do you know when somebody loses an argument? look up the word ad hominem Uncensored. I always thought you a baffoon..but to advertise it on a messageboard, well, why not? Once a dumb motherfucker, always a dumb motherfucker...

Just a word of advice? If you're going to call someone "dumb" it's best to not do it in a post where you use baffoon instead of buffoon. Just saying...
Actually, the executive privilege dodge is about coverup and amounts to a tacit acknowledgement that Obama was involved.

But you knew that.

In your view, should laws be rewritten to make clear that statutes covering Republicans and Commoners are explicitly void in regard to ruling democrats?

In the case of Holder violating federal law by knowingly supplying weapons to known criminal gangs, should George Bush be arrested?



yes... you are... you're also one of the most uneducated and ignorant people on the board.

Jillian executive privilege basically means the president is protecting papers that he has access that would harm the national defense if released to the public. What does national defense have to do with fast and the furious?

And you are also wrong about Uncensored

Indeed. Unless what he did was without knowledge of the Mexican Government...

And Uncensored is a great poster.
Nixon vs. U.S ever heard of that Jillian? I cannot believe that you are defending obama and holder over this?

You can't?

Jillian is just a little more partisan, and a little less rational, than Truthmatters. I cannot imagine her doing anything other than defending Obama and Holder.

Party above all. "Integrity" is not a word nor a concept Jillian has and familiarity with.
With so many of the Obama people you're faced with two options...either they are incredibly stupid...or they are incredibly inept.

Obama ain;t the best president, but he's not the worst either. Once Bush got in twice it proved that anything was possible...
I don't subscribe to the nutty NRA conspiricy theory.

It doesn't take a rocket-scientist to figure out what happens when you give military grade light armor defeating weapons to criminals.

There is no excuse for this type of activity, and the Administration knows it. That is the reason they're covering this up.


Fast and Furious High-Powered Assault Weapons Were Seized at Drug Cartel Enforcer’s Home | The Gateway Pundit

Did you know Fast and Furious guns brought down a military helicopter? - National drug cartel |

Mexican Military Helicopter Shot Down With BATF .50 Caliber Rifle Sold to Drug Cartels : Deadline Live With Jack Blood

Mexico Gun-Running Operation Enhanced Cartels

There is no cover-up. There is no conspircy. It's a political witch hunt in an election year to stir the shit pot and inflame the ditto-base.

Ha ha.. if there is nothing to hide then why are they hiding it.. Too damn funny. arrogant Holder lied and lied and lied and then he had to send his buddy a letter begging him to exert "executive privilege" what are they hiding from?
Yes obama and holder knew about the emails that's what the executive privilege is all about. obama couldn't use it if he didn't have some knowledge of the emails and the papers that are being requested to look at.

actually. the executive privilege claim is about givng the finger to issa and his fellow rightwingnut hacks.

they interviewed holder 7 times. they had piles and piles of documents. the emails they wanted had nothing to do with the death of the officer. and they still could have seen everything if they stopped the rightwingnut hack stuff and dropped the contempt nonsense. if they were interested in "fast and furious*, they'd have subpoenaed Mukasey... in whose justice department UNDER BUSH, the program started.

oh... and stop telling people they shouldn't comment on our politics. or feel free to stop mentioning any country other than the U.S.


With all due respect, Jillian? You as a lawyer should be well aware of the reason WHY most people get interviewed numerous times...namely that their story hasn't checked out. Holder originally told the Congressional investigating committee that he had only heard about Fast & Furious "several weeks" before the story broke only to have e-mails surface that had him discussing Fast & Furious nine MONTHS earlier. To be quite blunt...Eric Holder got caught in a bald faced lie. As for the "piles and piles" of documents that the DOJ has turned over? Also as a lawyer you should be well aware of that little game...namely inundating your opponent with reams of inconsequential information while holding back what they are actually seeking. The committee wants to know WHO in the DOJ knew about Fast & Furious and WHEN it is they knew it. Attorney General Holder has stone walled that effort from the get go. THAT is why contempt charges are being sought against him.

As for a subpoena for Mukasey? he could tell the committee why Operation Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush Administration? I'm sorry but the OBAMA DOJ under Eric Holder decided to restart a program that had been halted by a previous administration because it was shown that even with the cooperation of Mexican authorities that they couldn't keep track of where the guns were going...but Holder's people then took it much further...not informing the Mexican authorities that they were going to let guns walk and NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO MAKE ARRESTS.

for the record, my objection is not to holder having to answer questions. when things go bad, they always have to get explained.

my objection is to issa, who promised an investigation a day, using something which should be bi-partisan to score political points and try to embarrass holder, who the right has had an issue with from day one.

i also have issues with them allowing a conspiracy theorist like the "break their windows not" blogger, to influence the actions of our political machine.

as for mukasey... if you have credible evidence that the bush admin stopped their program of "gun walking", then i would very much like to see it. but given that the program was the same, he should speak to it as well. bi-partisan actionl; bi-partisan investigation instead of opportunistic nonsense by issa and friends.

it is often true, even in our own domestic investigations, that criminal activity is allowed as a means to obtain evidence against bigger and bigger fish. i don't think this was any different.
Let's see:

Watergate - some burglars tried to break into the DNC headquarters to garner information about the other side. A totally illegal act, any way you look at it. Dickie finds out about it and tries to cover it up. IOW, there was crime committed, and the pres tried to cover up for his buddies.

F&F - LEOs are trying to LEGALLY set up a sting operation to catch BAD guys - not undermine the foundations of democracy by trying to get dirt on another political party - to try and capture some bad guys.

So, in summary, we have political hacks undermining democracy, on the other we have some law enforcement agency trying their best - although it now seems somewhat misguided - to halt the Mexican drug wars from over flowing the US border.

Yeah, Uncensored, this is much worse that Watergate....(where's the 'looney' smilie when you need it)...


"But the term Watergate encompasses more than just a break-in and the cover-up activities which followed. The media and Congress took the lid off a whole range of illegal and improper campaign activities, from relatively harmless campaign "pranks" to White House abuses of the Executive agencies to reward friends and punish enemies...."


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