Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

At the same time he's covering up his plan to murder hundreds, maybe thousands of them just so he can gain political points in the second-amendment battle.

He doesn't care. I take that back.....maybe he feels a little guilty about the people that were killed. But then again, maybe not.

Some are just so loyal to a Political Party, they'll defend anything it does. I just don't get those kind of Bootlickers. Why such absolute devotion? If you defend this horrific crime, you really have sold your soul. And no Politcal Party is worth that.

I'm thinking they have been conditioned well. They just don't care about the truth, it matters not if it's one of "their guys". The US has become an us vs. them country, sad, sad state to be for Americans.

Yeah, i tried to ask a couple of the Bootlickers, what exactly did they owe the Democratic Party? Why such loyalty? I asked them to explain specifically what the Democratic Party has ever really done for them. None of them could give a coherent answer. Such blind loyalty. And for what?

I saw that, noted it and keep looking for someone to explain. Politicians don't give a crap about anyone, just their vote. However with the Dems, even when you die you still get to vote for them. :D

Sorry for the hijack..............back to F&F, yes it's a lot worse than Watergate. Obama is just as sleezy as Tricky Dick was.
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I don't think you are getting it.

Either it's wrong or it isn't.

THis APPEARS to be your argument:

Operation Wide Receiver was Ok because nobody died
Fast and furious wrong because somebody died

I'm saying that both were wrong. That somebody died is irrelevent in that either an operation is fine, or it is not.

It appears to be that some are not putting either operation in context, but rather which politician is ultimately responsible for each operation.

Bush + Repub + Wide Receiver = OK
Obama + Dem + F&F = impeach/imprison/hang/draw (insert emotive adjective here)

To which I say: bollocks..


Operation Wide-Receiver was a controlled operation. They do the same technique to catch terrorist suspects inside the United States all of the time. They give suspects the makings to produce a bomb, they give them inert materials or devices that don't work, they wait till they assemble them and plant them, then they bust them. It's happened over and over again. Wide-Receiver was this type of operation.

Fast and Furious was the uncontrolled sale of guns to Mexican drug-cartels. They didn't track the weapons in any way. The only way they knew where they are is if they turned up in a crime. There are to this day roughly 1430 of them still in the hands of cartels the location of they know nothing of.

Course to liberals or foreigners these two operations are identical. You've said as much.

So you think the government gave/sold drug lords gun parts that assembled wouldn't fire bullets?


Is the short bus comfortable? Cause I am sure that isnt what he said.

Operation Wide-Receiver was a controlled operation. They do the same technique to catch terrorist suspects inside the United States all of the time. They give suspects the makings to produce a bomb, they give them inert materials or devices that don't work, they wait till they assemble them and plant them, then they bust them. It's happened over and over again. Wide-Receiver was this type of operation.

Fast and Furious was the uncontrolled sale of guns to Mexican drug-cartels. They didn't track the weapons in any way. The only way they knew where they are is if they turned up in a crime. There are to this day roughly 1430 of them still in the hands of cartels the location of they know nothing of.

Course to liberals or foreigners these two operations are identical. You've said as much.

So you think the government gave/sold drug lords gun parts that assembled wouldn't fire bullets?


Another Dem Bootlicker defending the indefensible. How refreshing.

Lighten up Francis.. It was a joke.

[ame=]Lighten Up Francis - YouTube[/ame]
I'm thinking they have been conditioned well. They just don't care about the truth, it matters not if it's one of "their guys". The US has become an us vs. them country, sad, sad state to be for Americans.

Yeah, i tried to ask a couple of the Bootlickers, what exactly did they owe the Democratic Party? Why such loyalty? I asked them to explain specifically what the Democratic Party has ever really done for them. None of them could give a coherent answer. Such blind loyalty. And for what?

I saw that, noted it and keep looking for someone to explain. Politicians don't give a crap about anyone, just their vote. However with the Dems, even when you die you still get to vote for them. :D

Sorry for the hijack..............back to F&F, yes it's a lot worse than Watergate. Obama is just as sleezy and Tricky Dick was.

It really is blind loyalty. They don't even know why they're defending this travesty. All they know is, the DNC Talking Points tell them they should be. They've sold their souls. And for what? What did they get in return? They can't even explain how the Democratic Party has ever really done anything for them. Their blind loyalty is so bizarre.
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I don't think you are getting it.

Either it's wrong or it isn't.

THis APPEARS to be your argument:

Operation Wide Receiver was Ok because nobody died
Fast and furious wrong because somebody died

I'm saying that both were wrong. That somebody died is irrelevent in that either an operation is fine, or it is not.

It appears to be that some are not putting either operation in context, but rather which politician is ultimately responsible for each operation.

Bush + Repub + Wide Receiver = OK
Obama + Dem + F&F = impeach/imprison/hang/draw (insert emotive adjective here)

To which I say: bollocks..


Operation Wide-Receiver was a controlled operation. They do the same technique to catch terrorist suspects inside the United States all of the time. They give suspects the makings to produce a bomb, they give them inert materials or devices that don't work, they wait till they assemble them and plant them, then they bust them. It's happened over and over again. Wide-Receiver was this type of operation.

Fast and Furious was the uncontrolled sale of guns to Mexican drug-cartels. They didn't track the weapons in any way. The only way they knew where they are is if they turned up in a crime. There are to this day roughly 1430 of them still in the hands of cartels the location of they know nothing of.

Course to liberals or foreigners these two operations are identical. You've said as much.

So you think the government gave/sold drug lords gun parts that assembled wouldn't fire bullets?


Do you think Operation Wide-Receiver allowed those guns to get out into the economy? They kept constant surveillance on them. They didn't allow them to commit crimes with them. Once the weapons were sold they immediately busted the perps.

FYI, guns are harmless if you don't have bullets. It doesn't matter if the gun fires if the ammo isn't available.

You don't give a bomber real explosives, and you especially don't allow them to walk away with them once you make the transfer.

Obama let them have high-powered, military grade, mass-casualty producing weapons and didn't track them. Almost 1500 of them are still out there. A Mexican official said that these weapons are gonna be popping up at crime scenes for years to come.
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Operation Wide-Receiver was a controlled operation. They do the same technique to catch terrorist suspects inside the United States all of the time. They give suspects the makings to produce a bomb, they give them inert materials or devices that don't work, they wait till they assemble them and plant them, then they bust them. It's happened over and over again. Wide-Receiver was this type of operation.

Fast and Furious was the uncontrolled sale of guns to Mexican drug-cartels. They didn't track the weapons in any way. The only way they knew where they are is if they turned up in a crime. There are to this day roughly 1430 of them still in the hands of cartels the location of they know nothing of.

Course to liberals or foreigners these two operations are identical. You've said as much.

So you think the government gave/sold drug lords gun parts that assembled wouldn't fire bullets?


Do you think Operation Wide-Receiver allowed those guns to get out into the economy? They kept constant surveillance on them. They didn't allow them to commit crimes with them. Once the weapons were sold they immediately busted the perps.

Obama let them have high-powered, military grade, mass-casualty producing weapons and didn't track them. Almost 1500 of them are still out there. A Mexican official said that these weapons are gonna be popping up at crime scenes for years to come.

Drug lords don't buy thier own weapons. Arresting the underlings to the underlings is a waste of time.
So you think the government gave/sold drug lords gun parts that assembled wouldn't fire bullets?


Do you think Operation Wide-Receiver allowed those guns to get out into the economy? They kept constant surveillance on them. They didn't allow them to commit crimes with them. Once the weapons were sold they immediately busted the perps.

Obama let them have high-powered, military grade, mass-casualty producing weapons and didn't track them. Almost 1500 of them are still out there. A Mexican official said that these weapons are gonna be popping up at crime scenes for years to come.

Drug lords don't buy thier own weapons. Arresting the underlings to the underlings is a waste of time.

Why don't you explain that to holder and obama?
We've had the Truthers and the Birthers. We need a catchy nickname for the Fast and Furious conspiracists.

How about the F'ers?

You know what, Carbineer? You can make a case about Birthers and Truthers but people who are outraged by what this Administration did with Fast & Furious are HARDLY "conspiracists" and for you to lump them in with the others is insulting.

People in the DOJ made a decision that allowing thousands of gun to "walk" into another country would make it easier to ask for stricter gun control laws here in the US. They chose to arm violent drug cartels in order to further a political "agenda". Their actions showed a callous disregard for Mexico and it's citizens as well as a callous disregard for the safety of US citizens along the southern border but as of now NONE of them has been punished for what they did nor has the person ultimately responsible for this program been identified. If that person is Eric Holder then he should be fired from his position as Attorney General. If that person is Barack Obama it is one more indication that he's let political ideology push him into making decisions that are wrong headed and needs to be replaced in November.

Yeah we know, it's like Wayne LaPierre said,

you can tell that President Obama is out to take your guns because he's not trying to take your guns.
We've had the Truthers and the Birthers. We need a catchy nickname for the Fast and Furious conspiracists.

How about the F'ers?

You know what, Carbineer? You can make a case about Birthers and Truthers but people who are outraged by what this Administration did with Fast & Furious are HARDLY "conspiracists" and for you to lump them in with the others is insulting.

People in the DOJ made a decision that allowing thousands of gun to "walk" into another country would make it easier to ask for stricter gun control laws here in the US. They chose to arm violent drug cartels in order to further a political "agenda". Their actions showed a callous disregard for Mexico and it's citizens as well as a callous disregard for the safety of US citizens along the southern border but as of now NONE of them has been punished for what they did nor has the person ultimately responsible for this program been identified. If that person is Eric Holder then he should be fired from his position as Attorney General. If that person is Barack Obama it is one more indication that he's let political ideology push him into making decisions that are wrong headed and needs to be replaced in November.

Yeah we know, it's like Wayne LaPierre said,

you can tell that President Obama is out to take your guns because he's not trying to take your guns.

Stop being a Dem Bootlicker for once. You shouldn't be defending this terrible travesty.
Hey Huggy that U.S. attorney may not have a choice but to try holder for misleading congress.

Judge Napolitano: Invoking Executive Privilege Opens Holder Up To Charges Of ‘Misleading The Congress’ | Mediaite

Lighten up Francis.. It was a joke.

Lighten Up Francis - YouTube
It's total bull shit how democrats are trying to spin this. It is what it is.

What it is nothing when the U S attorney refuses to prosecute Holder for contempt.

Game over.
You know what, Carbineer? You can make a case about Birthers and Truthers but people who are outraged by what this Administration did with Fast & Furious are HARDLY "conspiracists" and for you to lump them in with the others is insulting.

People in the DOJ made a decision that allowing thousands of gun to "walk" into another country would make it easier to ask for stricter gun control laws here in the US. They chose to arm violent drug cartels in order to further a political "agenda". Their actions showed a callous disregard for Mexico and it's citizens as well as a callous disregard for the safety of US citizens along the southern border but as of now NONE of them has been punished for what they did nor has the person ultimately responsible for this program been identified. If that person is Eric Holder then he should be fired from his position as Attorney General. If that person is Barack Obama it is one more indication that he's let political ideology push him into making decisions that are wrong headed and needs to be replaced in November.

Yeah we know, it's like Wayne LaPierre said,

you can tell that President Obama is out to take your guns because he's not trying to take your guns.

Stop being a Dem Bootlicker for once. You shouldn't be defending this terrible travesty.

Don't make me laugh. A joke like you needs to give it rest once in a while.
Yeah we know, it's like Wayne LaPierre said,

you can tell that President Obama is out to take your guns because he's not trying to take your guns.

Stop being a Dem Bootlicker for once. You shouldn't be defending this terrible travesty.

Don't make me laugh. A joke like you needs to give it rest once in a while.

Another Dem Bootlicker who doesn't even know why he or she is defending this terrible travesty. All they know is, the DNC Talking Points tell them they have to. These people are so lost. They have no souls.
Despite all the attempts to pin something else on GWB (Lord knows he done enough while in office), this one lays DIRECTLY in the lap of Holder and Barry. I am beginning to hear information that the entire goal of Fast & Furious was to show that the easy availability of these weapons was DIRECTLY responsible for the death of Americans and Mexican citizens. When that was shown, it would be much easier to restrict their sale and possession. In other words, a way to MANUFACTURE citizen demand for gun control.

I have this sneaking suspicion that if Holder gives up the documents that the Congressional subcommittee wants, then that is going to be evident. Whoa... allowing a border control agent to be killed (although it was unintentional) to effect public opinion on gun control. Talk about a turd in the punch bowl...

Eric Holder should be impeached and then he should be thrown in a hole right next to the WTC Imam. Remember the FALN terrorists and Mark Rich? This is a guy who if you don't like what he's doing, then you are a racist. Course the New Black Panther Party can do what they want.

Assign him a prison number NOW...

P.S. - Both Watergate and Fast & Furious have a smell to them, although someone died because of Fast & Furious. It's always the coverup that is worse...
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