Kamala Harris: “Women are getting pregnant every day in America, and this is a real issue."

Actually there's a problem with live births in America.

We aren't having enough 2nd generation+ births in America to replace the number of deaths every year. Our population is dying.

We can't afford to use birth control or have abortion be legalized....

Granted the most births are in population centers which tend to be run by abortion advocates....

But the eugenics must stop soon.

Soon the Liberals are going to want Senior Citizens to commit suicide because they are a drain on the system....

Then there won't be anyone left at all.

Yeah but that woman is just crazy. Sorry JohnDB I forgot to respond to this part because I was so shocked that you were acting like a regular guy again. 😆
I'm not a woman or play one on TV.
I'm just a guy...an old guy. Never once wanted to be a woman....although I did want to get into women's pants when in college....but that's something completely different.

Not even married couples should be having sex either.

Now THAT's just ridiculous unless you're talking about how married couples shouldn't have unprotected sex.
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Yeah and that's all good and stuff but you don't get to tell people whether they should have kids or not.
Of course not. I don't care if they saddle themselves with kids that's fine. I just think it's far better when both people are much older and both have financial freedom. That's better than two 25 year Olds starting from nothing.
I have issues with all lawyers. I briefly attended law school myself. I could distinctly sense Satan's presence in the lecture halls, where the combined energies of hundreds of prospective lawyers created a vortex of evil. America has the most lawyers per capita of any nation. This trend largely stems from the ongoing mission to rehash the slave system as if they're doing the exact opposite. With civil rights policies that actually have a negative net financial value and come with fine print where they can dog you out too.
Of course not. I don't care if they saddle themselves with kids that's fine. I just think it's far better when both people are much older and both have financial freedom. That's better than two 25 year Olds starting from nothing.

Yeah well you didn't say that before.
No. But lower birth rates aren't a big problem. ....

A very big problem. For the economy, national security, agriculture, innovation, our national identity. You can't cry about an "invasion" and then ignore the math. Once demographics hit a certain point, it's mighty hard to turn it around. Ask China.
Nope. Both of our children were unplanned and both were conceived when we were using contraceptives

Offhand, I would say that is the exception. Most people have to work at getting pregnant. Rather odd to get pregnant using contraception AND planning your sexual activity AWAY from the woman's ovulation cycle. But for someone who is very fertile and having constant sex with a high likelihood of getting pregnant who DOESN'T want to get pregnant, they do have the choice of going on the pill or getting their tubes tied or having a vasectomy.

That said, I've yet to ever know a person or seen even a TV show where a pregnancy did not automatically mean parenthood, desired or otherwise, who instead just shrugged it off as: "I'll just have my kid aborted."

The Left speaks of reproductive choice, well, the choice is always there: abstinence, masturbation, contraception, timing and planning. When a person wantonly has unprotected sex with the assumption that their fallback to pregnancy is ABORTION, they have already MADE their choice.

Abortion should not be part of the plan except in extreme cases of rape, incest, or in a case where the pregnancy poses serious problems and the mother cannot be talked out of it. IMO, once a young mother has a second abortion through an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy, they should be medically required to be sterilized at their expense to prevent an ongoing line of further abortions.
Anyway, Kamala doesn’t need a paternity test to know she descended from slave owners. She locked up blacks when she was DA, just like her great grandpapy did on the plantation.
I think Kamala Harris is pleased that she doesn't have distinctly black features. However she must've always known she's racially marginalized because she attended a historically black college. Graduates of black colleges are typically wildly successful compared to black alumni of traditional mainstream universities. It's not what you know it's who you know. However my mom turned me off to black colleges when she told me they were originally founded by antebellum slaveholders to educate the select blacks they emancipated. The motive for establishing these universities was not racially neutral. It was specifically to reinforce racist divide-and-conquer tactics, ultimately to further oppress the general black population. Since black colleges also have low academic standards, I decided to take my chances attending a mainstream university.

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