Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

In Watergate no one died. The purpose of Watergate was to cover up a bungled middle of the night burglary. The purpose of Fast and Furious was to create enough bloodshed that Americans would accept being disarmed. Nixon had an enemies list of people he didn't like. obama has a kill list of people he doesn't like.

There is no comparison.
Oh wait! You mean to tell me that Obama and Holder are not to blame for the death of Terry, but they are to blame for covering up facts surrounding his death?

That is outrageous!

Obviously you're being willfully ignorant. It's not about Politics. His Family is dealing with the shocking fact their loved-one was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. And Obama & Holder are to blame. It's not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It's about answers and justice.
Of couse not. The Issa investigation is purely a partisan issue. On Watergate Nixon was facing a bipartisan impeachment.

Maybe Obama should be facing a bipartisan impeachment? Something to think about no?
Of couse not. The Issa investigation is purely a partisan issue. On Watergate Nixon was facing a bipartisan impeachment.

Purely partisan?

Real crimes took place. Gun-trafficing, conspiracy to commit a felony, obstruction of justice, contempt of congress, criminal negligence, lying to congress, numerous counts of assessory to commit murder.
Oh wait! You mean to tell me that Obama and Holder are not to blame for the death of Terry, but they are to blame for covering up facts surrounding his death?

That is outrageous!

Obviously you're being willfully ignorant. It's not about Politics. His Family is dealing with the shocking fact their loved-one was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. And Obama & Holder are to blame. It's not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It's about answers and justice.

I love that word "provided". It suggests such a friendly gesture. I'm sure you mean to use it to convey a fact. The US government happily gave the bad guys guns so that they could be used against Americans and innocent Mexicans. It is so obvious.
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I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Fast and Furious is far worse because countless people died because of it. Aside from our own border patrol's death, thousands of Mexican citizens were murdered with the guns.

Holder has failed to cooperate with the investigation from the start. He lied to investigators when he tried to claim that this started with the previous AG and retracted the statement when asked for documentation to prove it.

Now Obama invoked executive privilege and I wonder how many in the media will be brave enough to ask what he's hiding.

It gets worse all the time. Obama has sure done a complete flip flop on his own stand. While senator, he stated that an administration should cooperate to get to the truth and that an AG is there for the American people, not to prop the president up.

They have done everything in their power to block the investigation and I wonder what the next step will be.
If you honestly think a botched police investigation is worse than Watergate, you're such a radical partisan that you're not capable of even elementary reasoning.
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

What exactly is the scandal??? Besides another attempt by Republicans to discredit the prez and his administration?? And you are trying to compare this to Watergate??? :cuckoo:
Oh wait! You mean to tell me that Obama and Holder are not to blame for the death of Terry, but they are to blame for covering up facts surrounding his death?

That is outrageous!

Obviously you're being willfully ignorant. It's not about Politics. His Family is dealing with the shocking fact their loved-one was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. And Obama & Holder are to blame. It's not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It's about answers and justice.

I love that word "provided". It suggests such a friendly gesture. I'm sure you mean to use it to convey a fact. The US government happily gave the bad guys guns so that they could be used against Americans and innocent Mexicans. It is so obvious.

They did give the guns to the assholes who brutally murdered hundreds of innocents, including American Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. It's fact. Whether they did it 'Happily' or not is irrelevant. Brian Terry's Family still lost a Son and a Brother. You really should reconsider your vigorous defense of the indefensible.
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

What exactly is the scandal??? Besides another attempt by Republicans to discredit the prez and his administration?? And you are trying to compare this to Watergate??? :cuckoo:

Yes, i am comparing it to Watergate. However, i think it's much much worse.
If you honestly think a botched police investigation is worse than Watergate, you're such a radical partisan that you're not capable of even elementary reasoning.

This isn't botched 'Police Investigation'.

What planet have you been on? I suggest YOU go back...and soon.

That's exactly what it is. Police has been running stings for decades.
If you honestly think a botched police investigation is worse than Watergate, you're such a radical partisan that you're not capable of even elementary reasoning.

This isn't botched 'Police Investigation'.

What planet have you been on? I suggest YOU go back...and soon.

Another willfully ignorant Obamabot. They probably never even heard of 'Fast & Furious.' CNN,NBC, and NPR haven't told them about it, therefore it never happened. Bunch of ignorant nutters. :cuckoo:
Obviously you're being willfully ignorant. It's not about Politics. His Family is dealing with the shocking fact their loved-one was brutally murdered with weapons provided by their own Government. And Obama & Holder are to blame. It's not a Republican vs. Democrat issue. It's about answers and justice.

I love that word "provided". It suggests such a friendly gesture. I'm sure you mean to use it to convey a fact. The US government happily gave the bad guys guns so that they could be used against Americans and innocent Mexicans. It is so obvious.

They did give the guns to the assholes who brutally murdered hundreds of innocents, including American Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. It's fact. Whether they did it 'Happily' or not is irrelevant. Brian Terry's Family still lost a Son and a Brother. You really should reconsider your vigorous defense of the indefensible.

I am most certainly NOT defending the gun-running program. It was a massively stupid program. The people who came up with it should be brought up on charges for being stupid. Don't you agree?

You are getting good at the false outrage, Pauly. You might actually get someone to believe that you give a shit about Terry. Actually pretty disgusting.
If you honestly think a botched police investigation is worse than Watergate, you're such a radical partisan that you're not capable of even elementary reasoning.

This isn't botched 'Police Investigation'.

What planet have you been on? I suggest YOU go back...and soon.

That's exactly what it is. Police has been running stings for decades.

Really?Explain Holder denyiong it's existense from the start? Blaming Bush for it (which was refuted TODAY)...

Face it? People DIED. Holder is in deep as is Obama...

You need to wake your ass up son.

This isn't defendable.
See what I mean lol libtards can't even condemn an act of treason resulting in many hundreds of deaths. That's just sad these people will be ignored politically for a decade at minimum I hope.

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