Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

I'm not sure how one terrible thing makes something that's terrible but less terrible ok with you democrats.

And for this part of the discussion we'll ignore all the dems who voted for the War in Iraq and subsequently voted Yay for all the budgets that included funding for the war.

Yes, historians will be debating the pros and cons of the invasion of Iraq for many decades to come. But at least President Bush made all the intelligence available to the members of Congress so that they could cast an informed vote on whether to grant authority to the President for the invasion. Congress, most especially the Democrats, had been clamoring for the President to do something about Iraq long before President Bush came to office. And there were the 12 long weeks of talks with the U.N. who were not willing to vote to join in an invasion, but did not turn thumbs down on one either. So however wrong that might have been, President Bush did not act unilaterally or without proper authority.

Did the Obama Administration get authority or even advise Congress on F & F? Does this Administration get advice and counsel of Congress on much of anything?

On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again.

Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD. No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction - CIA -, one of the most dedicated leftist sites on the internet?

Or shall we go with CNN and Bob Woodward which relates the account that all valid historians know to be the accurate story:

About two weeks before deciding to invade Iraq, President Bush was told by CIA Director George Tenet there was a "slam dunk case" that dictator Saddam Hussein had unconventional weapons, according to a new book by Washington Post journalist Bob Woodward.
Woodward: Tenet told Bush WMD case a 'slam dunk' - CNN

Tenent has not denied he used the phrase, since that time, nor has he denied that he gave President Bush assurance that WMD existed based on CIA information, though he has since then accused VP Cheney of exaggerating the context. According to Woodward, Cheney was not consulted when the final decision was made.
There is a cover up take those black glass off so you can see, it became a cover up when obama invoked the EP.. And again

For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

No amount of accuation is going to convict the President. Again I'm not comparing the two, just pointing out that Congress was not given all the information regarding Iraq, contrary to what was posted.

Let's do it this way
Why did obama invoke executive privilege when he was not susposed to be aware of the operating fast and the furious?

Obama is supposed to be aware, when parts of an operation relate, to ongoing investigations and prosecutions. Since this will end up in court, we'll get to see what all the withheld documents related to. Obama hasn't done nearly as much EP as GW did.

Let's put it this way: Bush, Cheney, and Rove all did way worse dirt. The pubs did Project Gunrunner and Operation Wide Receiver. It seems the trend resulting in Brian Terry's death started with pubs. The drug war killed Terry, as much as F&F. So end the drug war, queers in a damn daisy chain! Finally, fuck off and go your gay-way.

Like when Q-bag and bigretardedqueenofcalinkey and pussyshithead all started their Log Cabin Clubbing, at this thread, we could see a trend, of how certain tardies like to tweak and act-up, together. We will see a trend, in the review. Darrell Issa says he has no evidence, against the White House, so let's go to court and settle this, but end the drug war, queers and Congress.
No amount of accuation is going to convict the President. Again I'm not comparing the two, just pointing out that Congress was not given all the information regarding Iraq, contrary to what was posted.

Let's do it this way
Why did obama invoke executive privilege when he was not susposed to be aware of the operating fast and the furious?

Cause he is the great Obama and does no wrong ever.
What would cause him to invoke the executive privilege?
No amount of accuation is going to convict the President. Again I'm not comparing the two, just pointing out that Congress was not given all the information regarding Iraq, contrary to what was posted.

Let's do it this way
Why did obama invoke executive privilege when he was not susposed to be aware of the operating fast and the furious?

Obama is supposed to be aware, when parts of an operation relate, to ongoing investigations and prosecutions. Since this will end up in court, we'll get to see what all the withheld documents related to. Obama hasn't done nearly as much EP as GW did.

Let's put it this way: Bush, Cheney, and Rove all did way worse dirt. The pubs did Project Gunrunner and Operation Wide Receiver. It seems the trend resulting in Brian Terry's death started with pubs. The drug war killed Terry, as much as F&F. So end the drug war, queers in a damn daisy chain! Finally, fuck off and go your gay-way.

Like when Q-bag and bigretardedqueenofcalinkey and pussyshithead all started their Log Cabin Clubbing, at this thread, we could see a trend, of how certain tardies like to tweak and act-up, together. We will see a trend, in the review. Darrell Issa says he has no evidence, against the White House, so let's go to court and settle this, but end the drug war, queers and Congress.

obama was supposed to be unaware of the program called fast and the furious. end of story
Let's do it this way
Why did obama invoke executive privilege when he was not susposed to be aware of the operating fast and the furious?

Cause he is the great Obama and does no wrong ever.
What would cause him to invoke the executive privilege?

Hey I was just telling you what the brain dead zombies think....I know why he did cause his stupid ass got caught with his hand in the cookie jar trying to fuck with our rights and didn't think anyone would ever question him.
Cause he is the great Obama and does no wrong ever.
What would cause him to invoke the executive privilege?

Hey I was just telling you what the brain dead zombies think....I know why he did cause his stupid ass got caught with his hand in the cookie jar trying to fuck with our rights and didn't think anyone would ever question him.

I know finally someone brave enough to answer a simple little question
Thank you.
What would cause him to invoke the executive privilege?

Hey I was just telling you what the brain dead zombies think....I know why he did cause his stupid ass got caught with his hand in the cookie jar trying to fuck with our rights and didn't think anyone would ever question him.

I know finally someone brave enough to answer a simple little question
Thank you.

I still disagree with you on the 2nd amendment theory. I say he did it because he neede to protect the right of the government to operate without fear of some solitary Congressman demanding every last statement everyones ever said, propoased or even considered behind closed doors be made public.
Hey I was just telling you what the brain dead zombies think....I know why he did cause his stupid ass got caught with his hand in the cookie jar trying to fuck with our rights and didn't think anyone would ever question him.

I know finally someone brave enough to answer a simple little question
Thank you.

I still disagree with you on the 2nd amendment theory. I say he did it because he neede to protect the right of the government to operate without fear of some solitary Congressman demanding every last statement everyones ever said, propoased or even considered behind closed doors be made public.

OH OK but I have not seen anything to justify why he used the executive privilege. The only secret that he is hiding is the one that will peg his ass to he's coming to get your guns.
What I don't understand is why, according to the "Obama Is Going To Take Our Guns" crowd, it matters a great deal that a lot of Mexicans have been killed with American doesn't matter at all about the Americans that are killed everyday in the same manner.

Why are Mexicans dying a huge issue and a massive governmental conspiracy, when Americans dying is just business as usual and doesn't raise a mention?
Hey I was just telling you what the brain dead zombies think....I know why he did cause his stupid ass got caught with his hand in the cookie jar trying to fuck with our rights and didn't think anyone would ever question him.

I know finally someone brave enough to answer a simple little question
Thank you.

I still disagree with you on the 2nd amendment theory. I say he did it because he neede to protect the right of the government to operate without fear of some solitary Congressman demanding every last statement everyones ever said, propoased or even considered behind closed doors be made public.

Could it be to protect Holder from the charge of Contempt?
If the Administration is preventing the release of the documents then Holder can hardly be held accountable.
What I don't understand is why, according to the "Obama Is Going To Take Our Guns" crowd, it matters a great deal that a lot of Mexicans have been killed with American doesn't matter at all about the Americans that are killed everyday in the same manner.

Why are Mexicans dying a huge issue and a massive governmental conspiracy, when Americans dying is just business as usual and doesn't raise a mention?

Who told you that it doesn't matter?
What I don't understand is why, according to the "Obama Is Going To Take Our Guns" crowd, it matters a great deal that a lot of Mexicans have been killed with American doesn't matter at all about the Americans that are killed everyday in the same manner.

Why are Mexicans dying a huge issue and a massive governmental conspiracy, when Americans dying is just business as usual and doesn't raise a mention?

Who told you that it doesn't matter?

Because it happens every day but the gun nuts are kicking up the big fuss about the F&F thing.
Where is the outrage from them about the deaths in America?
I know finally someone brave enough to answer a simple little question
Thank you.

I still disagree with you on the 2nd amendment theory. I say he did it because he neede to protect the right of the government to operate without fear of some solitary Congressman demanding every last statement everyones ever said, propoased or even considered behind closed doors be made public.

Could it be to protect Holder from the charge of Contempt?
If the Administration is preventing the release of the documents then Holder can hardly be held accountable.

Why would holder lie and say obama had no knowledge of fast and the furious when he did?
This is why Issa wants more of the documents not one document that holder gave to the investigation was his. not one email nothing the gun dealer involved gave more documents than the DOJ did.
[ame=]Issa Throws Down and Owns Holder Over Fast and Furious Emails Dec 8th 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
I still disagree with you on the 2nd amendment theory. I say he did it because he neede to protect the right of the government to operate without fear of some solitary Congressman demanding every last statement everyones ever said, propoased or even considered behind closed doors be made public.

Could it be to protect Holder from the charge of Contempt?
If the Administration is preventing the release of the documents then Holder can hardly be held accountable.

Why would holder lie and say obama had no knowledge of fast and the furious when he did?
This is why Issa wants more of the documents not one document that holder gave to the investigation was his. not one email nothing the gun dealer involved gave more documents than the DOJ did.
[ame=]Issa Throws Down and Owns Holder Over Fast and Furious Emails Dec 8th 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

Did he lie?
Could it be to protect Holder from the charge of Contempt?
If the Administration is preventing the release of the documents then Holder can hardly be held accountable.

Why would holder lie and say obama had no knowledge of fast and the furious when he did?
This is why Issa wants more of the documents not one document that holder gave to the investigation was his. not one email nothing the gun dealer involved gave more documents than the DOJ did.
[ame=]Issa Throws Down and Owns Holder Over Fast and Furious Emails Dec 8th 2011 - YouTube[/ame]

Did he lie?

Yes it has been proven holder lied. because he has retracted his statements twice.
You be the judge
obama knew about fast and the furious before holder
[ame=]Obama Spoke About "Fast & Furious" Before Holder Claimed He Knew - YouTube[/ame]

Janet Napolitano knew about Fast and the furious before holder did.
[ame=]Issa Grills Obama Homeland Security's Napolitano on Fast and Furious - YouTube[/ame]

And since holder has retracted several comments holder knew about fast and the furious before holder did. :badgrin:
Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

The criminal organization known as the BATF, is part of the department of justice, whom the top dog is Eric Holder. You don't think he should be held responsible for the actions of his organization? Because he is a democrat, and no blame accrues to the party.

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

Holders refusal to turn over documents to congress.
You GD liar you!

There are countless posts here by your fellow radical RWers making statements such as "Obama knew it" and "Obama covered it up!"

Go blow it out of your A$$ you effing hack!!!

Marc, you're a fucking moron. That's why you're a leftist.

The calls by rational people to the involvement of Obama is in response to his claim of "executive privilege." If he is not involved, then privilege does not accrue. If it does accrue, then Obama is acknowledging involvement.

Either Obama is stupid, or corrupt.
There is no coverup. I wwas pointing out that President Bush did not furnish all the relevant information to Congress with regards to the Iraq WMD program.

The most corrupt AG in history refusing to comply with a subpoena from congress is a coverup.

Though you demand that party members are immune to the law, and see no reason why Holder should follow laws meant only for commoners and Republicans, he IS technically required to follow said laws, and when he hides or withholds documents, it's called "a coverup."
Or is this thread really about stupid, illiterate whitey, who can't think because ya-all have your little heads up each others' deep, dark, missing-calinkley buttholes?

You redstate retard bitches can't spell, either. I hope Federal n-words bust your shit!

Don't get uppity and retarded, both, and go over to any environment threads, ya hear?
There is no coverup. I wwas pointing out that President Bush did not furnish all the relevant information to Congress with regards to the Iraq WMD program.

The most corrupt AG in history refusing to comply with a subpoena from congress is a coverup.

Though you demand that party members are immune to the law, and see no reason why Holder should follow laws meant only for commoners and Republicans, he IS technically required to follow said laws, and when he hides or withholds documents, it's called "a coverup."

You must not remember John Mitchell then.

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