Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

It was kind of embarrassing to see Marc get bitch slapped upside the head with a large trout like that.
It's got to be there with the evidence of WMDs

Talk about something that required impeachment

Obama: Botched ATF sting gets border agent killed
Bush: Botched justification for invasion gets 5000 Americans killed

I'm not sure how one terrible thing makes something that's terrible but less terrible ok with you democrats.

And for this part of the discussion we'll ignore all the dems who voted for the War in Iraq and subsequently voted Yay for all the budgets that included funding for the war.

Yes, historians will be debating the pros and cons of the invasion of Iraq for many decades to come. But at least President Bush made all the intelligence available to the members of Congress so that they could cast an informed vote on whether to grant authority to the President for the invasion. Congress, most especially the Democrats, had been clamoring for the President to do something about Iraq long before President Bush came to office. And there were the 12 long weeks of talks with the U.N. who were not willing to vote to join in an invasion, but did not turn thumbs down on one either. So however wrong that might have been, President Bush did not act unilaterally or without proper authority.

Did the Obama Administration get authority or even advise Congress on F & F? Does this Administration get advice and counsel of Congress on much of anything?

On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again.

Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD. No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction - CIA -
It looks like the Obamabots have either forgotten, or are just plain ignorant to the fact people went to Prison over Watergate and Iran/Contra. Obama & Holder will have to be held accountable for Fast & Furious. Period, end of story.

Did you forget that the ATF gun program started in 1996 under the Bush Administration?? It was called Operation Wide Receiver. And remember the Hernandez case in 2007 and the Medrano case in 2008??

Why wasn't anybody from the Bush administration held accountable for that?? Republicans are not trying to hold anybody accountable for anything. They could not care less about fast and furious, either then or now.They are trying to get to the president. Since they have not been able to destroy the prez, Holder is the next best thing. And a few months before the general election, too!!! Works out great for them!!

But it is not going to work, people. Thank God that the majority of Americans can see through this little charade like an xray machine. It is going to backfire big time. The Reublican party is showing the country what evil, coniving people they are. They do nothing with pure hearts and they will be sorry. Wonder what Willard will be doing next year??? Maybe he can take Ann on a really nice cruise!!! :D

Did you forget that Clinton was president in 1996?

No. It was a typo and should have been 2006. Sorry.
I'm not sure how one terrible thing makes something that's terrible but less terrible ok with you democrats.

And for this part of the discussion we'll ignore all the dems who voted for the War in Iraq and subsequently voted Yay for all the budgets that included funding for the war.

Yes, historians will be debating the pros and cons of the invasion of Iraq for many decades to come. But at least President Bush made all the intelligence available to the members of Congress so that they could cast an informed vote on whether to grant authority to the President for the invasion. Congress, most especially the Democrats, had been clamoring for the President to do something about Iraq long before President Bush came to office. And there were the 12 long weeks of talks with the U.N. who were not willing to vote to join in an invasion, but did not turn thumbs down on one either. So however wrong that might have been, President Bush did not act unilaterally or without proper authority.

Did the Obama Administration get authority or even advise Congress on F & F? Does this Administration get advice and counsel of Congress on much of anything?

On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again.

Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD. No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction - CIA -

For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.
Dumb ass obama or the white house was not the subject of the hearing Holder and the DOJ was. But that just went over your head. Issa never said he had information that connect the white house to Fast and the Furious. Their wasn't any proof shown in the hearing that the white house was connected to fast and the furious until obama suggested it with invoking the EP.

You GD liar you!

There are countless posts here by your fellow radical RWers making statements such as "Obama knew it" and "Obama covered it up!"

Go blow it out of your A$$ you effing hack!!!
It might have been a farce last week, but Obama made it national news yesterday.

*one-man standing ovation*
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Prove it...hack!

Oh thaths thimple...there iths nun.

Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.

Yeah but you're a deranged Obamabot, so you would say that. You will defend anything your Dear Leader does. So you have no credibility.

And we are supposed to listen to you??????

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.
Dumb ass obama or the white house was not the subject of the hearing Holder and the DOJ was. But that just went over your head. Issa never said he had information that connect the white house to Fast and the Furious. Their wasn't any proof shown in the hearing that the white house was connected to fast and the furious until obama suggested it with invoking the EP.

You GD liar you!

There are countless posts here by your fellow radical RWers making statements such as "Obama knew it" and "Obama covered it up!"

Go blow it out of your A$$ you effing hack!!!

Why are you so upset? I think I know why. Obama made the paramount mistake. He just put himself in the mix. He introduced HIMSELF IN THE COVERUP! Whoever said that baffoon was intelligent was so severely mistaken. Obama just anted up the game. He put all of his chips in and showed his hand.

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.
Dumb ass obama or the white house was not the subject of the hearing Holder and the DOJ was. But that just went over your head. Issa never said he had information that connect the white house to Fast and the Furious. Their wasn't any proof shown in the hearing that the white house was connected to fast and the furious until obama suggested it with invoking the EP.

You GD liar you!

There are countless posts here by your fellow radical RWers making statements such as "Obama knew it" and "Obama covered it up!"

Go blow it out of your A$$ you effing hack!!!

Obama is covering it up, Issa was not investigating Obama, and you are a hack.
Yes, historians will be debating the pros and cons of the invasion of Iraq for many decades to come. But at least President Bush made all the intelligence available to the members of Congress so that they could cast an informed vote on whether to grant authority to the President for the invasion. Congress, most especially the Democrats, had been clamoring for the President to do something about Iraq long before President Bush came to office. And there were the 12 long weeks of talks with the U.N. who were not willing to vote to join in an invasion, but did not turn thumbs down on one either. So however wrong that might have been, President Bush did not act unilaterally or without proper authority.

Did the Obama Administration get authority or even advise Congress on F & F? Does this Administration get advice and counsel of Congress on much of anything?

On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again.

Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD. No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction - CIA -

For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

There is no coverup. I wwas pointing out that President Bush did not furnish all the relevant information to Congress with regards to the Iraq WMD program.
*one-man standing ovation*
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Prove it...hack!

Oh thaths thimple...there iths nun.

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.

Yeah but you're a deranged Obamabot, so you would say that. You will defend anything your Dear Leader does. So you have no credibility.

And we are supposed to listen to you??????

Yeah, like you crazy Obamabots would hold your Dear Leader accountable for anything. Like i said, you have no credibility.
On Sept. 18, 2002, CIA director George Tenet briefed President Bush in the Oval Office on top-secret intelligence that Saddam Hussein did not have weapons of mass destruction, according to two former senior CIA officers. Bush dismissed as worthless this information from the Iraqi foreign minister, a member of Saddam’s inner circle, although it turned out to be accurate in every detail. Tenet never brought it up again.

Nor was the intelligence included in the National Intelligence Estimate of October 2002, which stated categorically that Iraq possessed WMD. No one in Congress was aware of the secret intelligence that Saddam had no WMD as the House of Representatives and the Senate voted, a week after the submission of the NIE, on the Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. The information, moreover, was not circulated within the CIA among those agents involved in operations to prove whether Saddam had WMD.

Bush knew Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction - CIA -

For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

There is no coverup. I wwas pointing out that President Bush did not furnish all the relevant information to Congress with regards to the Iraq WMD program.

There is a cover up take those black glass off so you can see, it became a cover up when obama invoked the EP.. And again

For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.
Dumb ass obama or the white house was not the subject of the hearing Holder and the DOJ was. But that just went over your head. Issa never said he had information that connect the white house to Fast and the Furious. Their wasn't any proof shown in the hearing that the white house was connected to fast and the furious until obama suggested it with invoking the EP.

You GD liar you!

There are countless posts here by your fellow radical RWers making statements such as "Obama knew it" and "Obama covered it up!"

Go blow it out of your A$$ you effing hack!!!

Your link said the white house Issa did not suspect the white house so why would he say he had something on the white house? His questioned stopped with Holder.
yep and they released the ruling on Arizona...

{The Supreme Court upheld a key part of Arizona's tough anti-illegal immigration law in a 5-3 decision on Monday that allows police officers to ask about immigration status during stops. That part of the law, which never went into effect because of court challenges, will now immediately be enforced in Arizona.}

That's a lot of Obama voters who are out....

They could do the same thing by moving a cemetery.
For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

There is no coverup. I wwas pointing out that President Bush did not furnish all the relevant information to Congress with regards to the Iraq WMD program.

There is a cover up take those black glass off so you can see, it became a cover up when obama invoked the EP.. And again

For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

No amount of accuation is going to convict the President. Again I'm not comparing the two, just pointing out that Congress was not given all the information regarding Iraq, contrary to what was posted.
There is no coverup. I wwas pointing out that President Bush did not furnish all the relevant information to Congress with regards to the Iraq WMD program.

There is a cover up take those black glass off so you can see, it became a cover up when obama invoked the EP.. And again

For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

No amount of accuation is going to convict the President. Again I'm not comparing the two, just pointing out that Congress was not given all the information regarding Iraq, contrary to what was posted.

How about just hand over the documents and give the people the truth?????? But nope thats not the fascist socialists way is it?
There is no coverup. I wwas pointing out that President Bush did not furnish all the relevant information to Congress with regards to the Iraq WMD program.

There is a cover up take those black glass off so you can see, it became a cover up when obama invoked the EP.. And again

For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

No amount of accuation is going to convict the President. Again I'm not comparing the two, just pointing out that Congress was not given all the information regarding Iraq, contrary to what was posted.

Let's do it this way
Why did obama invoke executive privilege when he was not susposed to be aware of the operating fast and the furious?
There is a cover up take those black glass off so you can see, it became a cover up when obama invoked the EP.. And again

For what ever injustice Bush did does that justify what obama has done in the cover up of fast and the furious?

No amount of accuation is going to convict the President. Again I'm not comparing the two, just pointing out that Congress was not given all the information regarding Iraq, contrary to what was posted.

Let's do it this way
Why did obama invoke executive privilege when he was not susposed to be aware of the operating fast and the furious?

Cause he is the great Obama and does no wrong ever.
Dumb ass obama or the white house was not the subject of the hearing Holder and the DOJ was. But that just went over your head. Issa never said he had information that connect the white house to Fast and the Furious. Their wasn't any proof shown in the hearing that the white house was connected to fast and the furious until obama suggested it with invoking the EP.

You GD liar you!

There are countless posts here by your fellow radical RWers making statements such as "Obama knew it" and "Obama covered it up!"

Go blow it out of your A$$ you effing hack!!!

Why are you so upset? I think I know why. Obama made the paramount mistake. He just put himself in the mix. He introduced HIMSELF IN THE COVERUP! Whoever said that baffoon was intelligent was so severely mistaken. Obama just anted up the game. He put all of his chips in and showed his hand.

I am not speaking for Marc. But I imagine he is so upset because he is so tired of the lies and distortians by the right wing regarding anything involving OUR president. I know I am.
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It might have been a farce last week, but Obama made it national news yesterday.

*one-man standing ovation*
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Prove it...hack!

Oh thaths thimple...there iths nun.

Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.

Yeah but you're a deranged Obamabot, so you would say that. You will defend anything your Dear Leader does. So you have no credibility.

Issa admitted it on Fox and Friends!!! What in the hell is wrong with you???
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