Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Fast and Furious was a good idea that was poorly executed

Nobody outside of FoxNews and Issa really cares

It was a horrible idea that was poorly executed. A president with any sense of decency and his cabinet do not try to create a crises to subvert the Bill of Rights.

The boarder violence from the Mexican Drug Cartels was created by F & F?

They get most of their US made weapons from the Latin American Military (which are supplied by the US.).

The weapons transferred to the cartels via F&F is a small &% of their total arsinal.
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Fast and Furious was a good idea that was poorly executed

Nobody outside of FoxNews and Issa really cares

It was a horrible idea that was poorly executed. A president with any sense of decency and his cabinet do not try to create a crises to subvert the Bill of Rights.

The boader violence from the Mexican Drug Cartels was created by F & F?

They get most of their US made weapons from the Latin American Military (which are supplied by the US.).

The weapons transferred to the cartels via F&F is a small &% of their total arsinal.


So what, exactly, were Holder and Obama trying to accomplish by sending these weapons across the border?
yep and they released the ruling on Arizona...

{The Supreme Court upheld a key part of Arizona's tough anti-illegal immigration law in a 5-3 decision on Monday that allows police officers to ask about immigration status during stops. That part of the law, which never went into effect because of court challenges, will now immediately be enforced in Arizona.}

That's a lot of Obama voters who are out....

I stand corrected. nice post.
The boader violence from the Mexican Drug Cartels was created by F & F?

No, but Obama tried to cash in on it by supplying weapons that could be linked to U.S. gun stores.

They get most of their US made weapons from the Latin American Military (which are supplied by the US.).

Alas, such weapons cannot convince Americans to surrender civil liberty, so Obama used F&F to point back to U.S. Gun stores, linking the violence to your friends and neighbors, who must clearly be disarmed to stop the carnage.

The weapons transferred to the cartels via F&F is a small &% of their total arsinal.

Your claim is like the guy standing over his dead wife with a bloody knife claiming "she's a small % of the total deaths today."

The weapons transferred to the cartels were done under the orders of the most corrupt AG in history, Eric Holder - a federal crime.
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It was a horrible idea that was poorly executed. A president with any sense of decency and his cabinet do not try to create a crises to subvert the Bill of Rights.

The boader violence from the Mexican Drug Cartels was created by F & F?

They get most of their US made weapons from the Latin American Military (which are supplied by the US.).

The weapons transferred to the cartels via F&F is a small &% of their total arsinal.


So what, exactly, were Holder and Obama trying to accomplish by sending these weapons across the border?

It was an ATF operation.

Officials from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and the Justice Department authorized the investigation to catch bad guys, stem the flow of guns to Mexico and, presumably, elevate their own careers. Instead, they failed to arrest drug lords, helped arm the cartels and damaged their professional reputations.

Rigid defenders of the right to bear arms, who typically assail ATF for enforcing gun laws, took a polar position on Fast and Furious, arguing that ATF agents should have arrested suspected straw buyers and seized their weapons even though the purchases were, in most cases, legal.

ATF agents who were outraged by the gun-walking strategy normally are proud to enforce firearms laws. But, ignored by superiors when they raised questions about the strategy, they turned for support to Second Amendment bloggers who loathe the ATF and its mission.

Key Republicans in Congress welcomed an opportunity to go after the Justice Department and White House. All of them have speculated that the Obama administration devised the investigation so that Mexico would be flooded with U.S. firearms, thereby justifying new gun-control legislation. But, as it turned out, the Fast and Furious strategy originated with field agents in Phoenix

Read more: ATF gun probe: Behind the fall of Operation Fast and Furious
Hey Boo, who does the ATF report to? Booosshhh?

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me
Hey Boo, who does the ATF report to? Booosshhh?

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

It's got to be there with the evidence of WMDs

Talk about something that required impeachment

Obama: Botched ATF sting gets border agent killed
Bush: Botched justification for invasion gets 5000 Americans killed
Hey Boo, who does the ATF report to? Booosshhh?

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me

So you have no evidence, just like Chairman Issa, that either one ordered the operation or has covering anything up.
F & F is not the first and won't be the last well intended but really bad idea the government screws up. I still remember after Desert Storm, President G.H.W. Bush praising his commanding general and the brave and competent troops who were so successful in that mission. And I remember his staff wincing when he said that he was pleased that there was no American stuff found in all the wrecked Iraqi armaments, etc. The truth was, there was a LOT of American stuff the Iraqis were using. He wasn't lying because he was only speaking what he believed to be the truth. Nevertheless, what he believed to be the truth was a lie.

From a failed Bay of Pigs to a failed rescue of embassy hostages in Iran to present times, there have many any number of other government actions that went very badly and/or produced unintended negative consequences. Well intended ideas. Really crappy results.

So the issue with Holder is not whether F & F was an acceptable plan or was doomed to failure or was destined for bad consequences from the get go. The issue is what or why the Administration is not willing to come clean about it and let the family of the dead American know what happened to their loved one. And whether Holder has perjured himself in an effort to cover it up.
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Hey Boo, who does the ATF report to? Booosshhh?

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

It's got to be there with the evidence of WMDs

Talk about something that required impeachment

Obama: Botched ATF sting gets border agent killed
Bush: Botched justification for invasion gets 5000 Americans killed

I'm not sure how one terrible thing makes something that's terrible but less terrible ok with you democrats.

And for this part of the discussion we'll ignore all the dems who voted for the War in Iraq and subsequently voted Yay for all the budgets that included funding for the war.
Hey Boo, who does the ATF report to? Booosshhh?

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

The evidence that there is some type of coverup is the fact that the DOJ does not want to turn over the documents. I would love to know what it is they are covering up, I can't understand why anyone with any self respect at all wouldn't want to know.
Hey Boo, who does the ATF report to? Booosshhh?

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

It's got to be there with the evidence of WMDs

Talk about something that required impeachment

Obama: Botched ATF sting gets border agent killed
Bush: Botched justification for invasion gets 5000 Americans killed

Not counting the dead Iraqis, not that they don't matter, it's that we just didn't count them.
Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me

So you have no evidence, just like Chairman Issa, that either one ordered the operation or has covering anything up.

Every thing I said happened exactly how dumb are you?
Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

It's got to be there with the evidence of WMDs

Talk about something that required impeachment

Obama: Botched ATF sting gets border agent killed
Bush: Botched justification for invasion gets 5000 Americans killed

I'm not sure how one terrible thing makes something that's terrible but less terrible ok with you democrats.

And for this part of the discussion we'll ignore all the dems who voted for the War in Iraq and subsequently voted Yay for all the budgets that included funding for the war.

Yes, historians will be debating the pros and cons of the invasion of Iraq for many decades to come. But at least President Bush made all the intelligence available to the members of Congress so that they could cast an informed vote on whether to grant authority to the President for the invasion. Congress, most especially the Democrats, had been clamoring for the President to do something about Iraq long before President Bush came to office. And there were the 12 long weeks of talks with the U.N. who were not willing to vote to join in an invasion, but did not turn thumbs down on one either. So however wrong that might have been, President Bush did not act unilaterally or without proper authority.

Did the Obama Administration get authority or even advise Congress on F & F? Does this Administration get advice and counsel of Congress on much of anything?
This another perfect example of a Coverup being worse than the initial act.

Fox has been following Fast & Furious from the beginning.

As was pointed out by FOX: NBC, CBS, ABC and CNN have no choice but to cover it now.
All this coverage, for well over a full year now and STILL America doesn't care and are not having the reaction you radical and very partisan RWers want them to have.

Get a clue's a farce.

It might have been a farce last week, but Obama made it national news yesterday.

I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Considering there is documented evidence that upper echelon ATF individuals were going to use Operation Fast and Furious to help enact legislation for increased gun controls, there is no doubt that Fast and Furious beats Watergate hands down.

Who originated the plan of F&F so that gun legislation could be changed? And how callous to enable the deaths of Mexicans and American Border Agents to fulfill a liberals wet dream.


Nixon getting impeached isn't "crucified," tinyturd. He was found to be involved, in recurrent criminal activity, so he ended up resigning, rather than get busted, when somebody could find, how he demonstrated intent, to commit crimes, in office.

If you have "documented evidence," put it up and link to it, and we'll all look. If you have anything but shitforbrains, we'll all know. You have only a tinyturd, stinking.

Since you don't read anything, really, you didn't keep up with all the posts on this thread OR the news, so you don't know there's a drug war on, which is killing a lot of people, around the world, Brian Terry, included, and the drug war keeps hemp, from making products, to challenge the petroleum industry, instead of trouble, for pig profits.

You don't think GW or Cheney lied to make war and torture, apparently. Your tinyturd head isn't very smart, is it.

Since you have a tinyturd, for a brain, you didn't link published facts, to any of your shitty rant, so you leap, to the assumption that F&F was directed, to change gun laws. As an independent, I am always amazed, at how rats let pub sociopaths off the hook, and then the pubs stab them in the back. What a hearty, farty party.

You are really a stupid, little bitch! Tell us all about your theories, stank.
*one-man standing ovation*
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

The boader violence from the Mexican Drug Cartels was created by F & F?

No, but Obama tried to cash in on it by supplying weapons that could be linked to U.S. gun stores.

They get most of their US made weapons from the Latin American Military (which are supplied by the US.).

Alas, such weapons cannot convince Americans to surrender civil liberty, so Obama used F&F to point back to U.S. Gun stores, linking the violence to your friends and neighbors, who must clearly be disarmed to stop the carnage.

The weapons transferred to the cartels via F&F is a small &% of their total arsinal.

Your claim is like the guy standing over his dead wife with a bloody knife claiming "she's a small % of the total deaths today."

The weapons transferred to the cartels were done under the orders of the most corrupt AG in history, Eric Holder - a federal crime.
Prove it...hack!

Hey Boo, who does the ATF report to? Booosshhh?

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?
Oh thaths thimple...there iths nun.

Hey Boo, who does the ATF report to? Booosshhh?

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.
All this coverage, for well over a full year now and STILL America doesn't care and are not having the reaction you radical and very partisan RWers want them to have.

Get a clue's a farce.

It might have been a farce last week, but Obama made it national news yesterday.

*one-man standing ovation*
:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Prove it...hack!

Oh thaths thimple...there iths nun.

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.

Yeah but you're a deranged Obamabot, so you would say that. You will defend anything your Dear Leader does. So you have no credibility.

Where is the evidence that either the AG or the President ordered these weapons tranferred to the cartels?

Where is the evidence that there is any type of cover up of FF?

Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.
Dumb ass obama or the white house was not the subject of the hearing Holder and the DOJ was. But that just went over your head. Issa never said he had information that connect the white house to Fast and the Furious. Their wasn't any proof shown in the hearing that the white house was connected to fast and the furious until obama suggested it with invoking the EP.


Holder misleading congress and two lies under oath, and throw in obama invoking executive privilege you have a cover up. Can you say that? COVER UP
Repeat after me

Can you say DEAD WRONG a-hole?!??

Issa admits no evidence White House involved in Fast and Furious | The Raw Story

FOOLS!!! Straight up fools...the LOT of you. Über partisan, RW henchmen.

What a bunch of jackasses.
Dumb ass obama or the white house was not the subject of the hearing Holder and the DOJ was. But that just went over your head. Issa never said he had information that connect the white house to Fast and the Furious. Their wasn't any proof shown in the hearing that the white house was connected to fast and the furious until obama suggested it with invoking the EP.


They miss the painfully obvious. I'd say you schooled MarcATL right there

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