Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Has Issa found that a crime has been committed........No

Has Issa found evidence of a coverup?.........No

Reminds me of the Republican witchunts for Whitewater and a blow job
Issa has jack shit

All he is trying to do is extend this shit sandwich till election day
Has Issa found that a crime has been committed........No

Has Issa found evidence of a coverup?.........No

Reminds me of the Republican witchunts for Whitewater and a blow job

Yeah those documents that a Whitehouse maid found on Hillary's desk kinda just came back from the twilight zone right after the statute of limitations expired. Funny how that happens.

Has Issa found that a crime has been committed........No

Has Issa found evidence of a coverup?.........No

Reminds me of the Republican witchunts for Whitewater and a blow job

Yeah those documents that a Whitehouse maid found on Hillary's desk kinda just came back from the twilight zone right after the statute of limitations expired. Funny how that happens.


I don't think there's a statute of limitations on murder
They are multiplying! The number of dummies who actually believe that Obama and Holder set up F&F as a plot to curtail gun rights is growing.

This is the greatest fucking thing ever.
Has Issa found that a crime has been committed........No

Has Issa found evidence of a coverup?.........No

Reminds me of the Republican witchunts for Whitewater and a blow job

Yeah those documents that a Whitehouse maid found on Hillary's desk kinda just came back from the twilight zone right after the statute of limitations expired. Funny how that happens.


After seven years of investigation....what did you find on Hillary?

It's all in the GOP playbook
No evidence of WHITE HOUSE cover up said nothing about holder cover up.or lying. And why would their be no evidence because 1900 pages are hidden because of obama.

Some court cases are ongoing, bigretardheel. When you claim you are prosecuting or investigating, ongoing, you compromise your case, if you divulge related documents.

I guess even a retardheel could figure that out, or that Operation Curveball and the drug war and anything Rove, GW, and Cheney ever did was worse, but hey, that's why you are the ranting asshole,
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Brian Terry Murdered with Fast & Furious Weapons Dec 15, 2010

Jamie Zapata Murdered with Fast & Furious Weapons Fed 15 2011

At least 200 Mexican Murdered with Fast & Furious Weapons

May 2011 ERIC HOLDER, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: I'm not sure of the exact date, but I probably heard about Fast and Furious for the first time over the last few weeks.

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