Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Meanwhile, Bush and Cheney lied, and US soldiers died.

Is there any question, which operation killed more, maimed more, and poisoned more, Iraqi Freedom, which used perjury and contempt of Congress, to kill a lot, or Fast and Furious, which was used by bi-partisan idiots, to kill Brian Terry?

Meanwhile, the redstate retards can't move, toward ending the drug war, which is why Terry really died, and many others died, and more are dying, including in the Middle East, where oil politics hides, behind drug politics, so queers can sell drugs and rant, and oil execs can get behind war industry and US prison industry, which inters 25% of the world's prisoners, funded by 5% of the world's population, decried by practically none of the redstate queers, in the Log Cabin Club meets Chinese fire drill frolic, in US media.

Tried and true liberal deflection
Deflection until you're reminded democrats also supported bushes action then you deflect to something else hoping what you deflected from is forgotten.
Does it work no it doesn't. because you deflection is moot since obama invoked the executive privilege for something he was not supposed to have any knowledge of which means now obama threw holder under the bus and holder can be charged with Misleading The Congress

Where's the "liberal," you redstate retard? I am an INDEPENDENT. Where is the "deflection," bigretardedqueenofcalinkey? Bush and Cheney lied, using a known lying Iraqi informant. When you LIE, to continue a SCAM, to KILL A LOT MORE THAN ONE AGENT, there is no deflection, but rather, a comparison is shown, which shows how comparison of F&F to Watergate is a deflection, queenofcalinkey!

Obama and Holder's side claims their particular resistance to providing further documents is related to ongoing criminal investigations, which might be compromised, you semi-literate, big, royal retardheel, with a tiny brain. :confused:

The drug war killed Brian Terry, and a lot more, bigretardheel. Where's the deflection? It's in YOUR DENIAL, of how Iraqi Freedom and the drug war killed a lot more people, that's where! Hire a Mexican, to help you with your grammar and sentence structure, you goddamn blue baby in a redstate, of retardation.
Meanwhile, Bush and Cheney lied, and US soldiers died.

Is there any question, which operation killed more, maimed more, and poisoned more, Iraqi Freedom, which used perjury and contempt of Congress, to kill a lot, or Fast and Furious, which was used by bi-partisan idiots, to kill Brian Terry?

Meanwhile, the redstate retards can't move, toward ending the drug war, which is why Terry really died, and many others died, and more are dying, including in the Middle East, where oil politics hides, behind drug politics, so queers can sell drugs and rant, and oil execs can get behind war industry and US prison industry, which inters 25% of the world's prisoners, funded by 5% of the world's population, decried by practically none of the redstate queers, in the Log Cabin Club meets Chinese fire drill frolic, in US media.

Tried and true liberal deflection
Deflection until you're reminded democrats also supported bushes action then you deflect to something else hoping what you deflected from is forgotten.
Does it work no it doesn't. because you deflection is moot since obama invoked the executive privilege for something he was not supposed to have any knowledge of which means now obama threw holder under the bus and holder can be charged with Misleading The Congress

Where's the "liberal," you redstate retard? I am an INDEPENDENT. Where is the "deflection," bigretardedqueenofcalinkey? Bush and Cheney lied, using a known lying Iraqi informant. When you LIE, to continue a SCAM, to KILL A LOT MORE THAN ONE AGENT, there is no deflection, but rather, a comparison is shown, which shows how comparison of F&F to Watergate is a deflection, queenofcalinkey!

Obama and Holder's side claims their particular resistance to providing further documents is related to ongoing criminal investigations, which might be compromised, you semi-literate, big, royal retardheel, with a tiny brain. :confused:

The drug war killed Brian Terry, and a lot more, bigretardheel. Where's the deflection? It's in YOUR DENIAL, of how Iraqi Freedom and the drug war killed a lot more people, that's where! Hire a Mexican, to help you with your grammar and sentence structure, you goddamn blue baby in a redstate, of retardation.

"I'm not a liberal"
Where have I heard this before? :cuckoo:
You dumb god damn stupid mother fucking son of a god damn bitch for blue ball retard bastard eat's the fucking peanuts from obama;s shit never going to have an individual thought of his own. Try some thing new turd.
The bad guys were getting their weapons regardless

The bad guys were getting guns by buying them from sources outside the United States. This was a travesty, so a bunch of idiots decided to make it easier for the bad guys by helping them buy guns from the US.

What, exactly, is your fracking point?

Previous stings caught the low level gun runners. They wanted to catch the guys higher up on the food chain. Made sense if it was properly executed. As it was, it was a blunder

It didn't make sense when Wide Receiver tried that with GPS units on the guns and the full cooperation of the Mexican government, which is why they stopped it after less than a year. How does it make sense to do it again without the tracking devices or the authority to arrest anyone at the point of delivery?

If you think that US agent would not have been killed if they had not gotten a gun from fast and are delusional

If you think that justifies Fast and Furious I am not the one that is delusional.
This point just escapes them still...doesn't it?

Let's see...

You can stake out gun shops and arrest the low level buyers when they come in


You can allow them to purchase the guns and try to track where in the cartel ladder they show up
Tactic has been used for years in the drug trade. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didnt

There in lies a huge problem with F & F.... the guns were not tracked, nor was the Mexican gov't alerted.

No question they fucked up the execution is there?

We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not

If the Bin Laden raid had been a failure ......Issa would be investigating that instead
Let's see...

You can stake out gun shops and arrest the low level buyers when they come in


You can allow them to purchase the guns and try to track where in the cartel ladder they show up
Tactic has been used for years in the drug trade. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didnt

There in lies a huge problem with F & F.... the guns were not tracked, nor was the Mexican gov't alerted.

No question they fucked up the execution is there?

We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not

If the Bin Laden raid had been a failure ......Issa would be investigating that instead

Are you saying Obama knew about this?
Let's see...

You can stake out gun shops and arrest the low level buyers when they come in


You can allow them to purchase the guns and try to track where in the cartel ladder they show up
Tactic has been used for years in the drug trade. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didnt

There in lies a huge problem with F & F.... the guns were not tracked, nor was the Mexican gov't alerted.

No question they fucked up the execution is there?

We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not

If the Bin Laden raid had been a failure ......Issa would be investigating that instead

Obama's a gambler and Brian Terry lost

Obama moved all-in with 7-2

Obama split 5-5 at blackjack
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There in lies a huge problem with F & F.... the guns were not tracked, nor was the Mexican gov't alerted.

No question they fucked up the execution is there?

We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not

If the Bin Laden raid had been a failure ......Issa would be investigating that instead

Are you saying Obama knew about this?

he had to mention that Obama killed Osama
Let's see...

You can stake out gun shops and arrest the low level buyers when they come in


You can allow them to purchase the guns and try to track where in the cartel ladder they show up
Tactic has been used for years in the drug trade. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didnt

There in lies a huge problem with F & F.... the guns were not tracked, nor was the Mexican gov't alerted.

No question they fucked up the execution is there?

We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not

If the Bin Laden raid had been a failure ......Issa would be investigating that instead

You know this is bad for Obama and Holder and yet you still think Issa is the bad guy.

Are you listening to yourself?

"We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not"

You have been saying all this time that it was the Republicans who were to blame, and yet Obama is a "gambler" and "just lost"... which is it? Obama or the Republicans that gambled with the lives of Mexican citizens and ATF agents lives?

I have a feeling that this is as close as you will come to admitting that Obama and Holder are the ones left holding the bag on this one.
It's worse because we see the extent to which the "American" Left no longer shares any common values or sense of decency

When did they really ever in recent times?

Democrats are been taken over...

Democrats today cry when they don't get their way and they still cry when they get what they want and still want more.
There in lies a huge problem with F & F.... the guns were not tracked, nor was the Mexican gov't alerted.

No question they fucked up the execution is there?

We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not

If the Bin Laden raid had been a failure ......Issa would be investigating that instead

You know this is bad for Obama and Holder and yet you still think Issa is the bad guy.

Are you listening to yourself?

"We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not"

You have been saying all this time that it was the Republicans who were to blame, and yet Obama is a "gambler" and "just lost"... which is it? Obama or the Republicans that gambled with the lives of Mexican citizens and ATF agents lives?

I have a feeling that this is as close as you will come to admitting that Obama and Holder are the ones left holding the bag on this one.

Issa is a fucking moron......always has been

He admits he is doubling down with a pair of deuces and still thinks he has a winning hand

You see him on the news today? He has nothing
No question they fucked up the execution is there?

We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not

If the Bin Laden raid had been a failure ......Issa would be investigating that instead

You know this is bad for Obama and Holder and yet you still think Issa is the bad guy.

Are you listening to yourself?

"We didn't alert Pakistan about the Bin Laden raid either. Obama is a gambler, sometimes the risks pay off, sometimes they do not"

You have been saying all this time that it was the Republicans who were to blame, and yet Obama is a "gambler" and "just lost"... which is it? Obama or the Republicans that gambled with the lives of Mexican citizens and ATF agents lives?

I have a feeling that this is as close as you will come to admitting that Obama and Holder are the ones left holding the bag on this one.

Issa is a fucking moron......always has been

He admits he is doubling down with a pair of deuces and still thinks he has a winning hand

You see him on the news today? He has nothing

You are a coward...just like Holder and Obama.
Fast and Furious was a good idea that was poorly executed

Nobody outside of FoxNews and Issa really cares

It was a horrible idea that was poorly executed. A president with any sense of decency and his cabinet do not try to create a crises to subvert the Bill of Rights.
Tried and true liberal deflection
Deflection until you're reminded democrats also supported bushes action then you deflect to something else hoping what you deflected from is forgotten.
Does it work no it doesn't. because you deflection is moot since obama invoked the executive privilege for something he was not supposed to have any knowledge of which means now obama threw holder under the bus and holder can be charged with Misleading The Congress

Where's the "liberal," you redstate retard? I am an INDEPENDENT. Where is the "deflection," bigretardedqueenofcalinkey? Bush and Cheney lied, using a known lying Iraqi informant. When you LIE, to continue a SCAM, to KILL A LOT MORE THAN ONE AGENT, there is no deflection, but rather, a comparison is shown, which shows how comparison of F&F to Watergate is a deflection, queenofcalinkey!

Obama and Holder's side claims their particular resistance to providing further documents is related to ongoing criminal investigations, which might be compromised, you semi-literate, big, royal retardheel, with a tiny brain. :confused:

The drug war killed Brian Terry, and a lot more, bigretardheel. Where's the deflection? It's in YOUR DENIAL, of how Iraqi Freedom and the drug war killed a lot more people, that's where! Hire a Mexican, to help you with your grammar and sentence structure, you goddamn blue baby in a redstate, of retardation.

"I'm not a liberal"
Where have I heard this before? :cuckoo:
You dumb god damn stupid mother fucking son of a god damn bitch for blue ball retard bastard eat's the fucking peanuts from obama;s shit never going to have an individual thought of his own. Try some thing new turd.

You stupid, turdheel, punkhole queen of calinkey with your little head up your own butthole, I didn't vote for Obama, and I never will, you goddamn, inbred retard, who keeps trying to eat his own shit and pass spitting, for talking, as deflection and diversion. I know turdheels don't back up, especially when you-all are really STUPID.

Eat some more shit, swallow, and die, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey.
Where's the "liberal," you redstate retard? I am an INDEPENDENT. Where is the "deflection," bigretardedqueenofcalinkey? Bush and Cheney lied, using a known lying Iraqi informant. When you LIE, to continue a SCAM, to KILL A LOT MORE THAN ONE AGENT, there is no deflection, but rather, a comparison is shown, which shows how comparison of F&F to Watergate is a deflection, queenofcalinkey!

Obama and Holder's side claims their particular resistance to providing further documents is related to ongoing criminal investigations, which might be compromised, you semi-literate, big, royal retardheel, with a tiny brain. :confused:

The drug war killed Brian Terry, and a lot more, bigretardheel. Where's the deflection? It's in YOUR DENIAL, of how Iraqi Freedom and the drug war killed a lot more people, that's where! Hire a Mexican, to help you with your grammar and sentence structure, you goddamn blue baby in a redstate, of retardation.

"I'm not a liberal"
Where have I heard this before? :cuckoo:
You dumb god damn stupid mother fucking son of a god damn bitch for blue ball retard bastard eat's the fucking peanuts from obama;s shit never going to have an individual thought of his own. Try some thing new turd.

You stupid, turdheel, punkhole queen of calinkey with your little head up your own butthole, I didn't vote for Obama, and I never will, you goddamn, inbred retard, who keeps trying to eat his own shit and pass spitting, for talking, as deflection and diversion. I know turdheels don't back up, especially when you-all are really STUPID.

Eat some more shit, swallow, and die, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey.
Dick lips cum sucking retard son of a bitch you don't have game. Scooby doo could school your punk gangbangers bitch ass taking dick bitch ass faggot. I've heard it before from retards like you I am not a liberal but they write queer shit like a liberal.
Ron Paul would be too you?
Fast and Furious was a good idea that was poorly executed

Nobody outside of FoxNews and Issa really cares

It was a horrible idea that was poorly executed. A president with any sense of decency and his cabinet do not try to create a crises to subvert the Bill of Rights.

Obama and withholder are hiding because they are accessories to the murders of Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata
Fast and Furious was a good idea that was poorly executed

Nobody outside of FoxNews and Issa really cares

It was a horrible idea that was poorly executed. A president with any sense of decency and his cabinet do not try to create a crises to subvert the Bill of Rights.

Obama and withholder are hiding because they are accessories to the murders of Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata


May I use that term?
Where's the "liberal," you redstate retard? I am an INDEPENDENT. Where is the "deflection," bigretardedqueenofcalinkey? Bush and Cheney lied, using a known lying Iraqi informant. When you LIE, to continue a SCAM, to KILL A LOT MORE THAN ONE AGENT, there is no deflection, but rather, a comparison is shown, which shows how comparison of F&F to Watergate is a deflection, queenofcalinkey!

Obama and Holder's side claims their particular resistance to providing further documents is related to ongoing criminal investigations, which might be compromised, you semi-literate, big, royal retardheel, with a tiny brain. :confused:

The drug war killed Brian Terry, and a lot more, bigretardheel. Where's the deflection? It's in YOUR DENIAL, of how Iraqi Freedom and the drug war killed a lot more people, that's where! Hire a Mexican, to help you with your grammar and sentence structure, you goddamn blue baby in a redstate, of retardation.

"I'm not a liberal"
Where have I heard this before? :cuckoo:
You dumb god damn stupid mother fucking son of a god damn bitch for blue ball retard bastard eat's the fucking peanuts from obama;s shit never going to have an individual thought of his own. Try some thing new turd.

You stupid, turdheel, punkhole queen of calinkey with your little head up your own butthole, I didn't vote for Obama, and I never will, you goddamn, inbred retard, who keeps trying to eat his own shit and pass spitting, for talking, as deflection and diversion. I know turdheels don't back up, especially when you-all are really STUPID.

Eat some more shit, swallow, and die, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey.

I wish you people would stop beating around the bush and just come out and say what you mean. It's not healthy to keep your feelings all bottled up like this.

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