Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

No evidence of WHITE HOUSE cover up said nothing about holder cover up.or lying. And why would their be no evidence because 1900 pages are hidden because of obama.

Some court cases are ongoing, bigretardheel. When you claim you are prosecuting or investigating, ongoing, you compromise your case, if you divulge related documents.

I guess even a retardheel could figure that out, or that Operation Curveball and the drug war and anything Rove, GW, and Cheney ever did was worse, but hey, that's why you are the ranting asshole,

Butt hurt doesn't get it. Now he just trolls. Move along short bus.
I know you're a fucktard and turdheel, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey.

You want Holder and Obama to get in trouble. You can't have that, even if you suck Darrell Issa's balls, on TV. The dispute will come down, to 1. what does Executive Privilege do, and 2. did the USDOJ need their docs, for cases, and fuck off, turdheel.

I know you are queer, as a three-dollar-hillbilly can be. You wouldn't be over here, with pussyshithead and queer fartbag, etc., etc., if you weren't the biggest, stupidest, most retarded, redstate-fag in the North Calink Log Cabin Club.

I know you are stupid and unattractive, so get pissed on, shithead.

I know GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and a passle of pubs all did more dirt, than any Democrats did, for Op F&F, all the way back to the CIA supporting Saddam, in the first place, all the way through GHW-daddy kaking out on the road to Basra, all the way to lie, lie, lie, and lie, to get that second war, in Iraq, plus torture, for Dick!

I know the drug war killed Brian Terry, but you are too queer, to let go of Holder, since you are too queer, to come around, in public. You'd screw up, in traffic, and the Messicans would get reminded, not to doink stupid white people, since your gene pool is too far gone. Ask Mr.Cheney about Dick-torture, turdheel.

I know lying GW did a load of Executive Privilege, and I am not a "liberal," for knowing you are a queer fucktard, in a red dress, sucking off dogs, in a log cabin. I know Obama and Holder happen to be African-Americans, and we both know the reason they let all the Messicans onto your turf is to piss you off, since bi-lingual Messicans are not only smarter than you are, they can cook Messican chow, almost as fast as they pup up little gangstas.

Some of them are probably related, to GW, so why can't he talk good? You know! He always sez "nukuler." It ain't NUKULER, you goddamn DD! But he says it, anyway. Can you spell the regular word, turdheel? Spelling bee . . .
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I know you're a fucktard and turdheel, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey.

You want Holder and Obama to get in trouble. You can't have that, even if you suck Darrell Issa's balls, on TV. The dispute will come down, to 1. what does Executive Privilege do, and 2. did the USDOJ need their docs, for cases, and fuck off, turdheel.

I know you are queer, as a three-dollar-hillbilly can be. You wouldn't be over here, with pussyshithead and queer fartbag, etc., etc., if you weren't the biggest, stupidest, most retarded, redstate-fag in the North Calink Log Cabin Club.

I know you are stupid and unattractive, so get pissed on, shithead.

I know GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and a passle of pubs all did more dirt, than any Democrats did, for Op F&F, all the way back to the CIA supporting Saddam, in the first place, all the way through GHW-daddy kaking out on the road to Basra, all the way to lie, lie, lie, and lie, to get that second war, in Iraq, plus torture, for Dick!

I know the drug war killed Brian Terry, but you are too queer, to let go of Holder, since you are too queer, to come around, in public. You'd screw up, in traffic, and the Messicans would get reminded, not to doink stupid white people, since your gene pool is too far gone. Ask Mr.Cheney about Dick-torture, turdheel.

I know lying GW did a load of Executive Privilege, and I am not a "liberal," for knowing you are a queer fucktard, in a red dress, sucking off dogs, in a log cabin. I know Obama and Holder happen to be African-Americans, and we both know the reason they let all the Messicans onto your turf is to piss you off, since bi-lingual Messicans are not only smarter than you are, they can cook Messican chow, almost as fast as they pup up little gangstas.

Some of them are probably related, to GW, so why can't he talk good? You know! He always sez "nukuler." It ain't NUKULER, you goddamn DD! But he says it, anyway. Can you spell the regular word, turdheel? Spelling bee . . .


May I recommend that the next time you visit your therapist, you should recommend that he ups the voltage.

YOWZAH what a moronic rant.
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Considering there is documented evidence that upper echelon ATF individuals were going to use Operation Fast and Furious to help enact legislation for increased gun controls, there is no doubt that Fast and Furious beats Watergate hands down.

Who originated the plan of F&F so that gun legislation could be changed? And how callous to enable the deaths of Mexicans and American Border Agents to fulfill a liberals wet dream.

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I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Considering there is documented evidence that upper echelon ATF individuals were going to use Operation Fast and Furious to help enact legislation for increased gun controls, there is no doubt that Fast and Furious beats Watergate hands down.

Who originated the plan of F&F so that gun legislation could be changed? And how callous to enable the deaths of Mexicans and American Border Agents to fulfill a liberals wet dream.


Nixon getting impeached isn't "crucified," tinyturd. He was found to be involved, in recurrent criminal activity, so he ended up resigning, rather than get busted, when somebody could find, how he demonstrated intent, to commit crimes, in office.

If you have "documented evidence," put it up and link to it, and we'll all look. If you have anything but shitforbrains, we'll all know. You have only a tinyturd, stinking.

Since you don't read anything, really, you didn't keep up with all the posts on this thread OR the news, so you don't know there's a drug war on, which is killing a lot of people, around the world, Brian Terry, included, and the drug war keeps hemp, from making products, to challenge the petroleum industry, instead of trouble, for pig profits.

You don't think GW or Cheney lied to make war and torture, apparently. Your tinyturd head isn't very smart, is it.

Since you have a tinyturd, for a brain, you didn't link published facts, to any of your shitty rant, so you leap, to the assumption that F&F was directed, to change gun laws. As an independent, I am always amazed, at how rats let pub sociopaths off the hook, and then the pubs stab them in the back. What a hearty, farty party.

You are really a stupid, little bitch! Tell us all about your theories, stank.
Fast and Furious is NOT worse than Watergate.

heres why:

Watergate was about using government resources to wiretap the political opposition.

Nope, the break-in was done by the campaign staff.

In the end, it was about "stealing" the election.

Bullshit - and fucking stupid. In what way does spying on McGovern "steal the election?" The reality is the Nixon campaign wanted to catch McGovern defrauding the election - since democrats and voter fraud go hand in hand.

Fast and Furious was a failed ATF operation intended to capture criminals and bring them to justice.

Bullshit, as you know. F&F was an operation that was intended to promote stringent gun control measures. It was directed by the DOJ, as the ATF lacks the authority to initiate this sort of operation.

Watergate is therefore worse because its INTENTION was criminal.

How many people died in Watergate?

Reality - you say Watergate was bad because Republicans were involved, you say F&F is good, because party members were involved.
I know you're a fucktard and turdheel, bigretardedqueenofcalinkey.

You want Holder and Obama to get in trouble. You can't have that, even if you suck Darrell Issa's balls, on TV. The dispute will come down, to 1. what does Executive Privilege do, and 2. did the USDOJ need their docs, for cases, and fuck off, turdheel.

I know you are queer, as a three-dollar-hillbilly can be. You wouldn't be over here, with pussyshithead and queer fartbag, etc., etc., if you weren't the biggest, stupidest, most retarded, redstate-fag in the North Calink Log Cabin Club.

I know you are stupid and unattractive, so get pissed on, shithead.

I know GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and a passle of pubs all did more dirt, than any Democrats did, for Op F&F, all the way back to the CIA supporting Saddam, in the first place, all the way through GHW-daddy kaking out on the road to Basra, all the way to lie, lie, lie, and lie, to get that second war, in Iraq, plus torture, for Dick!

I know the drug war killed Brian Terry, but you are too queer, to let go of Holder, since you are too queer, to come around, in public. You'd screw up, in traffic, and the Messicans would get reminded, not to doink stupid white people, since your gene pool is too far gone. Ask Mr.Cheney about Dick-torture, turdheel.

I know lying GW did a load of Executive Privilege, and I am not a "liberal," for knowing you are a queer fucktard, in a red dress, sucking off dogs, in a log cabin. I know Obama and Holder happen to be African-Americans, and we both know the reason they let all the Messicans onto your turf is to piss you off, since bi-lingual Messicans are not only smarter than you are, they can cook Messican chow, almost as fast as they pup up little gangstas.

Some of them are probably related, to GW, so why can't he talk good? You know! He always sez "nukuler." It ain't NUKULER, you goddamn DD! But he says it, anyway. Can you spell the regular word, turdheel? Spelling bee . . .

Can you spell the regular word, turdheel? Spelling bee
Is anything you post grammatically correct?
The problem is you have a low opinion of anybody who disagrees with you. Sure signs of not only a partisan hack but a psycho to boot.

Sure signs, Forest...

Another sign is your over inflated opinion of yourself and your posts.

Still haven't seen you put your bona fides on the table. Coward.

Sure I have, I said I'm faster than a speeding bullet and can leap tall buildings in a single bound.

As I have said, any which way you cut it, I know for a fact J is a lawyer. And a very good one good in fact......

Your word and a quarter will get a gumball....
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

Considering there is documented evidence that upper echelon ATF individuals were going to use Operation Fast and Furious to help enact legislation for increased gun controls, there is no doubt that Fast and Furious beats Watergate hands down.

Who originated the plan of F&F so that gun legislation could be changed? And how callous to enable the deaths of Mexicans and American Border Agents to fulfill a liberals wet dream.


Nixon getting impeached isn't "crucified," tinyturd. He was found to be involved, in recurrent criminal activity, so he ended up resigning, rather than get busted, when somebody could find, how he demonstrated intent, to commit crimes, in office.

If you have "documented evidence," put it up and link to it, and we'll all look. If you have anything but shitforbrains, we'll all know. You have only a tinyturd, stinking.

Since you don't read anything, really, you didn't keep up with all the posts on this thread OR the news, so you don't know there's a drug war on, which is killing a lot of people, around the world, Brian Terry, included, and the drug war keeps hemp, from making products, to challenge the petroleum industry, instead of trouble, for pig profits.

You don't think GW or Cheney lied to make war and torture, apparently. Your tinyturd head isn't very smart, is it.

Since you have a tinyturd, for a brain, you didn't link published facts, to any of your shitty rant, so you leap, to the assumption that F&F was directed, to change gun laws. As an independent, I am always amazed, at how rats let pub sociopaths off the hook, and then the pubs stab them in the back. What a hearty, farty party.

You are really a stupid, little bitch! Tell us all about your theories, stank.
Is anything you post grammatically correct? Just wondering or are you a special kind of stupid?
You don't appear to have any respect for anybody who disagrees with your right-wing whackjob POVs....You are the symptom of why your political system is so screwed..

..that, and being a psycho doesn't help...

You know Gump, I have just as low of respect for right winger, "Catzmeow" as I do for drooling little Jillian.

For exactly the same reason; see if you can figure out what that might be?
Nixon getting impeached isn't "crucified," tinyturd.

Which was at best, 1/1000 as serious as what Holder is involved in, Bugnuts.

He was found to be involved, in recurrent criminal activity, so he ended up resigning, rather than get busted, when somebody could find, how he demonstrated intent, to commit crimes, in office.

If what Nixon was involve in is worthy of resignation, I expect your Messiah® to resign by the end of the day, Bugnuts.
yep and they released the ruling on Arizona...

{The Supreme Court upheld a key part of Arizona's tough anti-illegal immigration law in a 5-3 decision on Monday that allows police officers to ask about immigration status during stops. That part of the law, which never went into effect because of court challenges, will now immediately be enforced in Arizona.}

That's a lot of Obama voters who are out....
yep and they released the ruling on Arizona...

{The Supreme Court upheld a key part of Arizona's tough anti-illegal immigration law in a 5-3 decision on Monday that allows police officers to ask about immigration status during stops. That part of the law, which never went into effect because of court challenges, will now immediately be enforced in Arizona.}

That's a lot of Obama voters who are out....

Going to be a tough week for Obama and his minions...and Holder still has a chance to avoid the House vote regarding his refusal...
yep and they released the ruling on Arizona...

{The Supreme Court upheld a key part of Arizona's tough anti-illegal immigration law in a 5-3 decision on Monday that allows police officers to ask about immigration status during stops. That part of the law, which never went into effect because of court challenges, will now immediately be enforced in Arizona.}

That's a lot of Obama voters who are out....

Yes, and once Voter Id Laws take effect, the days of Democrats rigging Elections could be over. This one definitely hurts them.

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