Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

George Bush had FULL Cooperation with the Mexican Government.

F&F did NOT. All arms were traced under Bushs' program until the Mexican Government started to was STOPPED.

NO ONE got killed with the illicit weapons under BUSH.

Go share your wisdom with the Family of Agent Terry, and the Hundreds of Mexican families that lost someone under F&F.

Open your partisan EYES...


Dude, you've lost it.

I didn't even mention Bush's gun-running operation.

I was talking about Bush's use of Executive Privilege.

And I even supported his use of it in that post in at least one instance.

Try to stay away from the talking points.

Son? YOU did mention BUSH in the post I quoted.

TRY again.:eusa_hand:

yes he did.
Son? YOU did mention BUSH in the post I quoted.

TRY again.:eusa_hand:

Yes, I mentioned Bush.

In a response to a post about how Holder was being saved by Executive Privilege.

Thus the "6 Times" comment and the reference to the federal judge replacement incident.

Had nothing at all to do with gun-running operations.
Aaaaaand black Obamney gets on TV, and he says the SCOTUS tax ruling is a victory, for all Americans, and now he has Obamneycare and F&F to use, for a dos-y-dos dance, with the pub-zombies, who don't understand global warming, very well. But they sure do understand rambling and eating brains!

Black Obamney could have done an energy policy, in 2008, but noooo. Black Obamney could have legalized industrial hemp and made himself into a hero, for copying Henry Ford's hemp-plastic and hemp-methanol manufacture, but instead, black Obamney copies white Obamney's health insurance.

F&F was preceded, by Project Gunrunner and Op.Wide Receiver, by GW's pub administration. Naturally, black Obamney copied white Obamney's health insurance and pub sting ops, and he got in trouble. Too bad he didn't get in trouble, for killing people with drones or busting pot clubs, while ignoring re-greening and biomass, but funding Solyndra.

Black Obamney's cult goes, "duh, WHUT?," when I tell them no way am I a cultist.

And the neo-con pub zombies all go, "duh, WHUT?," when somebody wants to legalize goddamn drugs, to cut out the prison industry, petroleum industry, gangs, cartels, and shit-assed politicians, in one stroke! Heard of Dr.Ron Paul or The Libertarian Party of the USA, you living-dead, neo-con, pub trash?

Come on, zombies! Monsanto is going to have to engineer some smart plants, to kill stupid zombies, or we'll never get a White House, which attacks climate change.

Looks like black Obamney will win the Obamney sack-race. Maybe it'd be a good idea, for the 1st daughters to get a PC, with Plants vs. Zombies, loaded.
GUN SHOPS did with OVERSIGHT of the ATF under orders from DOJ and Holder.

Ahh, I see. Were the sales (to American citizens with no criminal records) they witnessed illegal in some way?

And, more importantly, when the agents went to the Arizona prosecutor to get indictments to arrest, or pursue suspects, what did the prosecutor say?
Aaaaaand black Obamney gets on TV, and he says the SCOTUS tax ruling is a victory, for all Americans, and now he has Obamneycare and F&F to use, for a dos-y-dos dance, with the pub-zombies, who don't understand global warming, very well. But they sure do understand rambling and eating brains!

Black Obamney could have done an energy policy, in 2008, but noooo. Black Obamney could have legalized industrial hemp and made himself into a hero, for copying Henry Ford's hemp-plastic and hemp-methanol manufacture, but instead, black Obamney copies white Obamney's health insurance.

F&F was preceded, by Project Gunrunner and Op.Wide Receiver, by GW's pub administration. Naturally, black Obamney copied white Obamney's health insurance and pub sting ops, and he got in trouble. Too bad he didn't get in trouble, for killing people with drones or busting pot clubs, while ignoring re-greening and biomass, but funding Solyndra.

Black Obamney's cult goes, "duh, WHUT?," when I tell them no way am I a cultist.

And the neo-con pub zombies all go, "duh, WHUT?," when somebody wants to legalize goddamn drugs, to cut out the prison industry, petroleum industry, gangs, cartels, and shit-assed politicians, in one stroke! Heard of Dr.Ron Paul or The Libertarian Party of the USA, you living-dead, neo-con, pub trash?

Come on, zombies! Monsanto is going to have to engineer some smart plants, to kill stupid zombies, or we'll never get a White House, which attacks climate change.

Looks like black Obamney will win the Obamney sack-race. Maybe it'd be a good idea, for the 1st daughters to get a PC, with Plants vs. Zombies, loaded.

Once wasn't enough eh?

You refuse to look at the Brian Terry testimony of what they want to know about the death of their son, but you are so blindly partisan you know what is in their hearts? That's utterly amazing. And pretty hard to swallow for anybody with any objectivity whatsoever.

Your son (or brother or mother or father) is killed in the line of duty as an agent of the U.S. government. You ask what happened? You are told some Mexicans killed him.

And you are honestly going to expect us to believe that you, an intelligent person, would say, "Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know." and ask for no further details?

Do you think the family's first though after their son died was "Eric Holder did this"?

Somehow I don't think so.

So tell me, how did that thought even get there?

They have not accused Eric Holder. They have asked to know the circumstances of their son's death. Eric Holder refuses to release that information.

It really is no more complex than that.
You refuse to look at the Brian Terry testimony of what they want to know about the death of their son, but you are so blindly partisan you know what is in their hearts? That's utterly amazing. And pretty hard to swallow for anybody with any objectivity whatsoever.

Your son (or brother or mother or father) is killed in the line of duty as an agent of the U.S. government. You ask what happened? You are told some Mexicans killed him.

And you are honestly going to expect us to believe that you, an intelligent person, would say, "Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know." and ask for no further details?

Do you think the family's first though after their son died was "Eric Holder did this"?

Somehow I don't think so.

So tell me, how did that thought even get there?

They have not accused Eric Holder. They have asked to know the circumstances of their son's death. Eric Holder refuses to release that information.

It really is no more complex than that.

And then obama muddies the waters with EP.
They have not accused Eric Holder. They have asked to know the circumstances of their son's death. Eric Holder refuses to release that information.

It really is no more complex than that.

They know the circumstances of their son's death.

The entire nation does.

What does the witch hunt between the White House and Congress have to do with the reason Mexican criminals would want to kill a border guard?
Do you think the family's first though after their son died was "Eric Holder did this"?

Somehow I don't think so.

So tell me, how did that thought even get there?

They have not accused Eric Holder. They have asked to know the circumstances of their son's death. Eric Holder refuses to release that information.

It really is no more complex than that.

And then obama muddies the waters with EP.

Yep. EP to protect information of which he had adamently claimed he knew nothing about.

But according to Vast LWC, the only culprits in this entire thing are members of the GOP who are demanding to exercise their constituionally authorized responsibility of Congressional oversight.
They have not accused Eric Holder. They have asked to know the circumstances of their son's death. Eric Holder refuses to release that information.

It really is no more complex than that.

They know the circumstances of their son's death.

The entire nation does.

What does the witch hunt between the White House and Congress have to do with the reason Mexican criminals would want to kill a border guard?

Idiot. There is NO witch hunt. THAT is the point.
Idiot. There is NO witch hunt. THAT is the point.

Spending millions on an investigation, when there is no indication of wrong-doing, in order to sully the name of an opponent is, by definition, a witch hunt.

In fact:

witch-hunt (also see witch hunt)
An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.

There ya go.
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Yep. EP to protect information of which he had adamently claimed he knew nothing about.

But according to Vast LWC, the only culprits in this entire thing are members of the GOP who are demanding to exercise their constituionally authorized responsibility of Congressional oversight.

They have already exercised said responsibility. And found N-O-T-H-I-N-G.

They then used the media to turn their "responsibility" into a political circus, using implication and outright lies to fill in blanks that don't even exist.

And now they're all butt-hurt when the administration says "Enough".
I think it's a very interesting question. Most were very willing to crucify the President over Watergate. So what about 'Fast & Furious?' What do you think?

YES! Hundreds are DEAD because of Fast and Furious! No one was murdered because of Watergate and Watergate wasn't an op run by our own government, a government agency was never involved in Watergate whatsoever. Watergate itself wasn't that big of a deal and was carried about by a couple of lowlifes who would and should have been arrested and carted off to serve a few years in prison except for what Nixon did once he found out. Nixon provably knew nothing about it until after the fact, he didn't order it and he had no one carry it out for him either. It was what he did AFTER the fact once he found out and tried to cover it up THAT brought him down. The cover up is often worse than what is being covered up when it comes to POLITICAL crap -and that is true with Watergate. NOT true with Fast and Furious though which is an official act by our GOVERNMENT, not a political party. What they are trying to hide is truly MONSTROUS and it killed HUNDREDS.

Interesting recent revelation in last couple of days is that there is now hard evidence the cover up began two weeks before any questions were even asked with internal memos detailing what the manufactured"answers" to the expected questions were to be. They expected no information about it to EVER come out and it wouldn't have except for WHISTLEBLOWERS about government wrongdoing! These were "answers" Holder was forced to later admit were not "accurate" after all with further relentless investigation by the oversight committee. Holder deliberately and provably lied under oath at LEAST three different times and probably more. Liberals keep yammering about how he testified before the oversight committee EIGHT TIMES! SO WHAT? What does that have to do with anything? It sure as hell doesn't mean he told the truth -because he didn't! It doesn't mean he complied with legal and legitimate demands to turn over documents -because he didn't! It doesn't mean he was trying to cooperate -because he didn't, he was provably trying to derail and obstruct the investigation while lying through his FUCKING TEETH for the first 18 months and then flat out refused to comply with legal demands for documents that he had no right to withhold from the oversight committee. JUST FLAT OUT REFUSED.

There are over 240,000 documents directly related to Fast and Furious and Holder turned over 7600. Less than 4% of the documents! Most of which answered NOTHING. And offered to BRIEF them on another 1300 IF and ONLY if Issa agreed in ADVANCE to drop any further investigation. WHO THE HELL WOULD AGREE TO THAT? Obviously Holder believes he answers to NO ONE -but under the Constitution, he answers to the Congressional oversight committees who are charged with insuring this kind of run amok government abuse does not occur!

That skank Pelosi and the other Democrats who walked out are despicable cold MONSTERS who put the best interests of their party before that of the nation EVERY FUCKING TIME! These are the kind of people that are actually most dangerous to our republic because their concern for the nation itself -is often nonexistent. POWER is their real concern. They all not only DELIBERATELY insulted Brian Terry's family -but insulted the American people who have a RIGHT to know the whole truth about this botched government run scheme that as the layers are being peeled away, increasingly looks like it was supposed to result in hundreds dead on purpose so it could be used as a manufactured tool as the means of attempting to rescind the 2nd Amendment. Just as whistleblowers insisted all along and just as so many suspected all along. Maybe Obama thought he could do it with another of his 934 Executive Orders and spit on the Constitution again.

I have news for those who think that is possible. The entire point of the Bill of Rights is laying out the very rights that are NEVER on the table, that are NEVER political issues and forbids ANY generation from taking them away from any current or future generation. No generation has any right to strip these rights from their descendants. PERIOD. But Fast and Furious was supposed to be the secret op "proving" our gun rights were killing people and something must be done about it -by government. Even if it meant our own government first handed over guns to foreign criminal thugs so they could use them in their criminal activities in order to manufacture the entire thing.

Hard and fast truths here are the fact the left ALWAYS seeks to leave people more helpless and unable to defend themselves. The left always tries to use the force and power of government itself to strip people of a right intended to protect them from a government gone bad. No nation where the people maintained their right to bear arms -has been able to successfully turn on its own citizens and slaughter them. There is a reason leftist ideology has a deep seated hatred of the right of citizens to bear arms -their lust for total power and control over others and hatred of the right to bear arms are inextricably locked together. Their unending lust for POWER cannot be fully realized while a right to bear arms exists. Leftists can never take total power and control as long as citizens have a right to bear arms. And total power and control is their real game. NOT "caring and helping". Their real game doesn't sell and they know it so it is wrapped up in touchy-feely CRAP instead. Ignore what leftists SAY -pay attention to what they DO. What this leftwing extremist President and his minion Holder did -is par for the course for any power hungry leftwing extremist in a position of power.

Both Obama and Holder believe they are not just above the law -but that they ARE the law and the law is whatever THEY say it is. No longer a nation ruled by the law but a nation ruled by a MAN -the very thing our founders sought to avoid. Congress be damned even as Obama flips it and all Americans the middle finger. When this man said he intended to fundamentally change this country -he meant turning it into something totally divorced from our Constitution -which he is on videotape saying he believes it is badly flawed. What do you expect from a President who thinks the very document that endows him with certain powers belongs in the trash? He thinks he will go down in history ADMIRED AND BELOVED for putting our Constitution in the trash. Even if it means acting like a third world banana republic thug.

Any liberal defending Holder and Obama on this -just ask yourself if you would still be vigorous supporters of the lying ass mother fucker and his boss -if the letter after their last names was an R instead of a D? I assure you, I would be JUST as angry and outraged if it were. This isn't a political party issue -this is our GOVERNMENT and it is increasingly looking like our GOVERNMENT deliberately chose to play an active role HOPING to see hundreds killed as the result of US guns it planted in the hands of foreign criminals. Who in their right mind would NOT be outraged? That person has NO business serving in public office whatsoever as a huge danger to us all. Seriously.
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Idiot. There is NO witch hunt. THAT is the point.

Spending millions on an investigation, when there is no indication of wrong-doing, in order to sully the name of an opponent is, by definition, a witch hunt.

In fact:

witch-hunt (also see witch hunt)
An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.

There ya go.

EP. That's ALL that you need worry about. Obama and Holder are hiding.:eusa_hand:
YES! Hundreds are DEAD because of Fast and Furious! No one was murdered because of Watergate and Watergate wasn't an op run by our own government, a government agency was never involved in Watergate whatsoever. Watergate itself wasn't that big of a deal and was carried about by a couple of lowlifes who would and should have been arrested and carted off to serve a few years in prison except for what Nixon did once he found out. Nixon provably knew nothing about it until after the fact, he didn't order it and he had no one carry it out for him either. It was what he did AFTER the fact once he found out and tried to cover it up THAT brought him down. The cover up is often worse than what is being covered up when it comes to POLITICAL crap -and that is true with Watergate. NOT true with Fast and Furious though which is an official act by our GOVERNMENT, not a political party. What they are trying to hide is truly MONSTROUS and it killed HUNDREDS.
(Edited for length)

Any liberal defending Holder and Obama on this -just ask yourself if you would still be vigorous supporters of the lying ass mother fucker and his boss -if the letter after their last names was an R instead of a D? I assure you, I would be JUST as angry and outraged if it were. This isn't a political party issue -this is our GOVERNMENT and it is increasingly looking like our GOVERNMENT deliberately chose to play an active role HOPING to see hundreds killed as the result of US guns it planted in the hands of foreign criminals. Who in their right mind would NOT be outraged? That person has NO business serving in public office whatsoever as a huge danger to us all. Seriously.

Wow, that's a load of utter unsubstantiated crap.

Not one person was killed because of Fast and Furious.

Not a single damn one.

People were killed in spite of Fast and Furious.

But go ahead, ignore the content of the entire thread you're posting in, and just keep on lying.

Just know that repetition of a lie does not make it true.

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