Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Really? wanting to know how your child was killed is manipulating? Wouldn't you want those responsible held accountable? Hell yes you would.

They know how their child was killed.

Mexican criminals did it.

Nobody from the Obama administration told those Mexican criminals to shoot their boy.

It's a tragedy that he died, but it's no-one's fault but those particular Mexicans.

If they hadn't have scored those weapons from the particular gun dealers that were under surveillance by the ATF, they would have scored them from one of the hundreds of other people supplying them with weapons in Arizona and Texas.

You do of course realize that your argument boils down to "It's not the people that killed that border guard, it's the guns".

And that is a very dangerous argument to make, if you support the second amendment.

That's total bullshit.
How about the anti gun mothers going before congress who want more gun control;.
Yes, withholding any subpoenaed records from Congress is a criminal act. Or at least is suggestive that criminal acts were committed.

Not if it's protected via executive privilege.

And if Holder was not part of your beloved Obama administration you would not be defending that.

But he is.

If George Bush or any other Republican was in the White House, I am pretty darn sure that you would be leading the pack screaming for a government agency to open its records for congressional review when requested to do so.

As has been pointed out many, many times, George Bush did the same thing whenever any member of his administration was threatened in this manner by congress.

He did in fact do this 6 times.

So, you're wrong.

Personally I thought Congress was behaving like children with the whole federal judge BS too, but that doesn't make this Congress doing the same thing any more valid.
Really? wanting to know how your child was killed is manipulating? Wouldn't you want those responsible held accountable? Hell yes you would.

They know how their child was killed.

Mexican criminals did it.

Nobody from the Obama administration told those Mexican criminals to shoot their boy.

It's a tragedy that he died, but it's no-one's fault but those particular Mexicans.

If they hadn't have scored those weapons from the particular gun dealers that were under surveillance by the ATF, they would have scored them from one of the hundreds of other people supplying them with weapons in Arizona and Texas.

You do of course realize that your argument boils down to "It's not the people that killed that border guard, it's the guns".

And that is a very dangerous argument to make, if you support the second amendment.

You refuse to look at the Brian Terry testimony of what they want to know about the death of their son, but you are so blindly partisan you know what is in their hearts? That's utterly amazing. And pretty hard to swallow for anybody with any objectivity whatsoever.

Your son (or brother or mother or father) is killed in the line of duty as an agent of the U.S. government. You ask what happened? You are told some Mexicans killed him.

And you are honestly going to expect us to believe that you, an intelligent person, would say, "Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know." and ask for no further details?
Really? wanting to know how your child was killed is manipulating? Wouldn't you want those responsible held accountable? Hell yes you would.

They know how their child was killed.

Mexican criminals did it.

Nobody from the Obama administration told those Mexican criminals to shoot their boy.

It's a tragedy that he died, but it's no-one's fault but those particular Mexicans.

If they hadn't have scored those weapons from the particular gun dealers that were under surveillance by the ATF, they would have scored them from one of the hundreds of other people supplying them with weapons in Arizona and Texas.

You do of course realize that your argument boils down to "It's not the people that killed that border guard, it's the guns".

And that is a very dangerous argument to make, if you support the second amendment.

You refuse to look at the Brian Terry testimony of what they want to know about the death of their son, but you are so blindly partisan you know what is in their hearts? That's utterly amazing. And pretty hard to swallow for anybody with any objectivity whatsoever.

Your son (or brother or mother or father) is killed in the line of duty as an agent of the U.S. government. You ask what happened? You are told some Mexicans killed him.

And you are honestly going to expect us to believe that you, an intelligent person, would say, "Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know." and ask for no further details?
That's total bullshit.
How about the anti gun mothers going before congress who want more gun control;.

SO then, you feel that they have a point?

Because I don't.

As I said, I'm in full support of the Second Amendment.

That being said, I don't think someone should be able to walk into a gun store and buy enough weapons to outfit a regiment in one day.

And I think that's pretty reasonable. Though to hear the NRA describe it, rational arguments like that are Nazi propaganda.
You refuse to look at the Brian Terry testimony of what they want to know about the death of their son, but you are so blindly partisan you know what is in their hearts? That's utterly amazing. And pretty hard to swallow for anybody with any objectivity whatsoever.

Your son (or brother or mother or father) is killed in the line of duty as an agent of the U.S. government. You ask what happened? You are told some Mexicans killed him.

And you are honestly going to expect us to believe that you, an intelligent person, would say, "Oh okay. Thanks for letting me know." and ask for no further details?

Do you think the family's first though after their son died was "Eric Holder did this"?

Somehow I don't think so.

So tell me, how did that thought even get there?
Yes, withholding any subpoenaed records from Congress is a criminal act. Or at least is suggestive that criminal acts were committed.

Not if it's protected via executive privilege.

And if Holder was not part of your beloved Obama administration you would not be defending that.

But he is.

If George Bush or any other Republican was in the White House, I am pretty darn sure that you would be leading the pack screaming for a government agency to open its records for congressional review when requested to do so.

As has been pointed out many, many times, George Bush did the same thing whenever any member of his administration was threatened in this manner by congress.

He did in fact do this 6 times.

So, you're wrong.

Personally I thought Congress was behaving like children with the whole federal judge BS too, but that doesn't make this Congress doing the same thing any more valid.

George Bush had FULL Cooperation with the Mexican Government.

F&F did NOT. All arms were traced under Bushs' program until the Mexican Government started to was STOPPED.

NO ONE got killed with the illicit weapons under BUSH.

Go share your wisdom with the Family of Agent Terry, and the Hundreds of Mexican families that lost someone under F&F.

Open your partisan EYES...

Aaaaaand black Obamney gets on TV, and he says the SCOTUS tax ruling is a victory, for all Americans, and now he has Obamneycare and F&F to use, for a dos-y-dos dance, with the pub-zombies, who don't understand global warming, very well. But they sure do understand rambling and eating brains!

Black Obamney could have done an energy policy, in 2008, but noooo. Black Obamney could have legalized industrial hemp and made himself into a hero, for copying Henry Ford's hemp-plastic and hemp-methanol manufacture, but instead, black Obamney copies white Obamney's health insurance.

And the zombies all go, "duh, WHUT?, when somebody wants to legalized goddamn drugs, to cut out the prison industry, petroleum industry, gangs, cartels, and shit-assed politicians, in one stroke?

Come on, zombies! Monsanto is going to have to engineer some smart plants, to kill stupid zombies, or we'll never get a White House, which attacks climate change.
Aaaaaand black Obamney gets on TV, and he says the SCOTUS tax ruling is a victory, for all Americans, and now he has Obamneycare and F&F to use, for a dos-y-dos dance, with the pub-zombies, who don't understand global warming, very well. But they sure do understand rambling and eating brains!

Black Obamney could have done an energy policy, in 2008, but noooo. Black Obamney could have legalized industrial hemp and made himself into a hero, for copying Henry Ford's hemp-plastic and hemp-methanol manufacture, but instead, black Obamney copies white Obamney's health insurance.

And the zombies all go, "duh, WHUT?, when somebody wants to legalized goddamn drugs, to cut out the prison industry, petroleum industry, gangs, cartels, and shit-assed politicians, in one stroke?

Come on, zombies! Monsanto is going to have to engineer some smart plants, to kill stupid zombies, or we'll never get a White House, which attacks climate change.

That's total bullshit.
How about the anti gun mothers going before congress who want more gun control;.

SO then, you feel that they have a point?

Because I don't.

As I said, I'm in full support of the Second Amendment.

That being said, I don't think someone should be able to walk into a gun store and buy enough weapons to outfit a regiment in one day.

And I think that's pretty reasonable. Though to hear the NRA describe it, rational arguments like that are Nazi propaganda.

How about this so we will not have another operation like this we go after not only the shooters but those responsible for giving them the guns.
George Bush had FULL Cooperation with the Mexican Government.

F&F did NOT. All arms were traced under Bushs' program until the Mexican Government started to was STOPPED.

NO ONE got killed with the illicit weapons under BUSH.

Go share your wisdom with the Family of Agent Terry, and the Hundreds of Mexican families that lost someone under F&F.

Open your partisan EYES...


Dude, you've lost it.

I didn't even mention Bush's gun-running operation.

I was talking about Bush's use of Executive Privilege.

And I even supported his use of it in that post in at least one instance.

Try to stay away from the talking points.
Aaaaaand black Obamney gets on TV, and he says the SCOTUS tax ruling is a victory, for all Americans, and now he has Obamneycare and F&F to use, for a dos-y-dos dance, with the pub-zombies, who don't understand global warming, very well. But they sure do understand rambling and eating brains!

Black Obamney could have done an energy policy, in 2008, but noooo. Black Obamney could have legalized industrial hemp and made himself into a hero, for copying Henry Ford's hemp-plastic and hemp-methanol manufacture, but instead, black Obamney copies white Obamney's health insurance.

And the zombies all go, "duh, WHUT?, when somebody wants to legalized goddamn drugs, to cut out the prison industry, petroleum industry, gangs, cartels, and shit-assed politicians, in one stroke?

Come on, zombies! Monsanto is going to have to engineer some smart plants, to kill stupid zombies, or we'll never get a White House, which attacks climate change.

You need to stop smoking the crack.

It's making you say stupid, unintelligible things.

Or maybe that's just the way you normally are...
George Bush had FULL Cooperation with the Mexican Government.

F&F did NOT. All arms were traced under Bushs' program until the Mexican Government started to was STOPPED.

NO ONE got killed with the illicit weapons under BUSH.

Go share your wisdom with the Family of Agent Terry, and the Hundreds of Mexican families that lost someone under F&F.

Open your partisan EYES...


Dude, you've lost it.

I didn't even mention Bush's gun-running operation.

I was talking about Bush's use of Executive Privilege.

And I even supported his use of it in that post in at least one instance.

Try to stay away from the talking points.

Son? YOU did mention BUSH in the post I quoted.

TRY again.:eusa_hand:
The only thing that went wrong in operation Fast and Furious was that it was unsuccessful.

Those guns would have been sold the same way they were sold, legally, whether the ATF were involved or not.

Just like the tens of thousands of other guns that had been sold before them.

If you want to blame someone for Brian Terry's death, you can blame the State of Arizona for being so fucking dogmatic in their ideology that they have absolutely no rules or oversight in their state AT ALL. And you can throw in Texas to that as well.

I am all about supporting the 2nd amendment. I think everyone should be able to have their guns. But we have to be rational about their sales, not act like jackasses about it.

If one guy can buy 600 weapons in a day, then there's something seriously wrong.

You're being intentionally obtuse. and it's an ugly thing to see. Those gun dealers TRIED to stop those sales and were told by the ATF to LET THEM GO THROUGH.

The question Congress wants answered, and that Withholder is stonewalling, is WHO THE FUCK AUTHORIZED IT?!?!?
You're being intentionally obtuse. and it's an ugly thing to see. Those gun dealers TRIED to stop those sales and were told by the ATF to LET THEM GO THROUGH.

The question Congress wants answered, and that Withholder is stonewalling, is WHO THE FUCK AUTHORIZED IT?!?!?

Really? Prove it.

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