Do You Think The Fast & Furious Scandal Is Worse Than Watergate Scandal?

Of course Holder is not responsible for murdering a US Border Agent and it is ridiculous to frame the debate in those terms.

I agree, it was the post I was responding to that framed it like that.

And BigReb was responding to my response to that post.

The issue boils down to two things and two things only: 1) the necessity for Congress to have ability to monitor, review, and regulate the actions of all areas of our government, and 2) that the family of Brian Terry, the dead border agent, be able to know what happened to their loved one.

The family of Brian Terry knows exactly what happened to their loved one. He was shot by some Mexicans. Mexicans that were unaffiliated with the ATF or the US government.

We simply cannot have government agencies operating outside the reach and oversight of those we elect to govern. When that happens we are no longer a Republic but become a banana republic. Of course some government function must of necessity be done secretly and the oversight should be classified and behind closed doors. But when the Attorney General refuses to allow any oversight of any kind, Congress should and must act if we do not want rogue agencies operating outside of Congressional oversight.

The Attorney General has provided 9000 pages of documents to Congress to provide for their oversight mission. He has been cooperating with them the entire time up until this point, and they have found NOTHING to indicate any criminal activity or wrongdoing whatsoever.

Since they didn't find anything, they are now trying to crucify him for a report that he made a mistake on, and then later corrected.

And I don't blame him, or the administration, at all, for blocking their ridiculous grandstanding every inch of the way.

As I said, Congress is behaving like children, and I'm happy to see that someone is telling them to go fuck themselves.
Holder gave one box of documents that had not one of his emails regarding fast and the furious to him or from him. One of the gun dealers involved in the program gave 4 boxes of documents.

[ame=]Issa Throws Down and Owns Holder Over Fast and Furious Emails Dec 8th 2011 - YouTube[/ame]
Holder gave one box of documents that had not one of his emails regarding fast and the furious to him or from him. One of the gun dealers involved in the program gave 4 boxes of documents.

Issa Throws Down and Owns Holder Over Fast and Furious Emails Dec 8th 2011 - YouTube

Yes, there is no indication of criminality or wrongdoing in all those documents, and Holder didn't give out his personal e-mails to a political witch-hunt.

Holder is a high-up member of the Obama administration, and Obama gave him EP.

Holder gave one box of documents that had not one of his emails regarding fast and the furious to him or from him. One of the gun dealers involved in the program gave 4 boxes of documents.

Issa Throws Down and Owns Holder Over Fast and Furious Emails Dec 8th 2011 - YouTube

Yes, there is no indication of criminality or wrongdoing in all those documents, and Holder didn't give out his personal e-mails to a political witch-hunt.

Holder is a high-up member of the Obama administration, and Obama gave him EP.


You're coming to a conclusion before all the documents have been looked at.
You're coming to a conclusion before all the documents have been looked at.

So, you believe that Holder gave orders for the border agent to be murdered then?

What are you even implying?

Since there is no evidence from all the 9000 documents already provided of any criminal actions, why is there an ongoing investigation at all?

The answer is clearly an attempt to embarrass the administration politically.

It is a not only a witch-hunt, but is petty, a waste of the public's resources, and, considering how much press each tiny portion of this circus gets, may even end up endangering an ongoing operation.
In that video holder says he didn't know about fast and the furious in march 2011

In email exchanges with subordinates in February and March 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder and the department's second-highest official expressed growing concern that something might have gone wrong in a federal gun-smuggling probe called Operation Fast and Furious.

Read more: Holder emails: We 'need answers' on Fast and Furious | Fox News
Of course Holder is not responsible for murdering a US Border Agent and it is ridiculous to frame the debate in those terms.

I agree, it was the post I was responding to that framed it like that.

And BigReb was responding to my response to that post.

The issue boils down to two things and two things only: 1) the necessity for Congress to have ability to monitor, review, and regulate the actions of all areas of our government, and 2) that the family of Brian Terry, the dead border agent, be able to know what happened to their loved one.

The family of Brian Terry knows exactly what happened to their loved one. He was shot by some Mexicans. Mexicans that were unaffiliated with the ATF or the US government.

We simply cannot have government agencies operating outside the reach and oversight of those we elect to govern. When that happens we are no longer a Republic but become a banana republic. Of course some government function must of necessity be done secretly and the oversight should be classified and behind closed doors. But when the Attorney General refuses to allow any oversight of any kind, Congress should and must act if we do not want rogue agencies operating outside of Congressional oversight.

The Attorney General has provided 9000 pages of documents to Congress to provide for their oversight mission. He has been cooperating with them the entire time up until this point, and they have found NOTHING to indicate any criminal activity or wrongdoing whatsoever.

Since they didn't find anything, they are now trying to crucify him for a report that he made a mistake on, and then later corrected.

And I don't blame him, or the administration, at all, for blocking their ridiculous grandstanding every inch of the way.

As I said, Congress is behaving like children, and I'm happy to see that someone is telling them to go fuck themselves.

The Brian Terry family does not agree with your opinion of this nor did the several Democrats who did vote with the Republicans:

. . . .“What we need is an honest thorough investigation so we know the facts and we need to see that these kind of things don’t happen again,” Dingell told the liberal outlet �“ a comment Democrats like House oversight committee ranking member Rep. Elijah Cummings have touted in their opposition to Fast and Furious accountability.

“Congressional committees and the inspector general are currently conducting investigations into this matter,” Dingell told The Daily Caller on one occasion. “I have every reason to believe the IG and my Congressional colleagues are being thorough in their investigations, and I am confident they will do a good job. I am greatly looking forward to reviewing these reports, and if further evidence of wrongdoing by any parties is found then those parties certainly should be held accountable.”

On another occasion, he said he thought “Operation Fast and Furious was grossly irresponsible,” and that “[o]ver the years, I have been a harsh critic of ATF. It is clear in my mind that ‘gun-walking’ tactics are illogical and should never have been used.”

“I was outraged the day I learned about this behavior, and I am still outraged to this day,” Dingell said in December 2011. “Furthermore, the fact that a constituent of mine, Agent Brian Terry, was killed in the line of duty because of this gross negligence on behalf of ATF makes this situation even more serious. Someone lost his life defending our nation because of the irresponsible decisions of a few.”

And, when the Brian A. Terry Memorial Act passed Congress with unanimous bipartisan support, Dingell’s spokeswoman said he was “sorrowful at the death of Brian Terry, a committed and brave public servant,” and that “Mr. Terry’s life and service deserves to be honored in the proper way, and Congressman Dingell is glad to see the passage of the Brian A. Terry Memorial Act.”

The Terry family disagrees with Dingell’s recent decision to side with the Democratic Party over pushing for answers on Fast and Furious. They say they’ve been “waiting for over 18 months for answers about Operation Fast and Furious and how it was related to Brian’s death.”

“If Rep. Dingell truly wants to support the Terry family and honor Brian Terry, a son of Michigan, he and other Congressmen will call for the Attorney General to immediately provide the documents requested by the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee,” the Terry family said in a statement provided to The Daily Caller.

Dingell hasn’t demanded Holder give up those documents. He also refuses to back the five House Democrats who openly support contempt proceedings against Holder because he’s refused to provide Congress with documents �“ a sign he’s siding with the Democratic Party over a bipartisan rebuke of Holder’s stonewalling. . . .
Brian Terry
What Holder should really do, is hand them all the documentation they desire, but first should redact everything contained therein, except the letters:

Fast and Furious: GOP says wiretaps revealed 'Gunwalking' early on - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

(CBS News) Congressional Republicans say a secret wiretap application and testimony from the former head of ATF contradict key claims by Attorney General Eric Holder on whether Justice Department officials knew guns were being "walked" in ATF's Fast and Furious case. Some details of the wiretap application, which are technically under court seal, are revealed for the first time in today's Congressional Record.
The Justice Department approved the wiretap application on March 15, 2010. It includes a lengthy affidavit giving details of the case. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) contends that was enough to alert anyone who read it that a massive amount of "gunwalking" was going on. The affidavit describes in detail how ATF agents had surveilled multiple suspected gun traffickers for Mexican drug cartels, but made no arrests or interdictions. Previously, Holder had testified that the wiretap application gave no hint of gunwalking.

The Brian Terry family does not agree with your opinion of this nor did the several Democrats who did vote with the Republicans:

The Brian Terry family has been emotionally manipulated by right-wing operatives, who should be ashamed of themselves for what they're doing.
What Holder should really do, is hand them all the documentation they desire, but first should redact everything contained therein, except the letters:


He's not above the law short cake.
In that video holder says he didn't know about fast and the furious in march 2011

In email exchanges with subordinates in February and March 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder and the department's second-highest official expressed growing concern that something might have gone wrong in a federal gun-smuggling probe called Operation Fast and Furious.

Read more:


Holder is guilty of what? Not telling a politically polarized Congress of his sensitive knowledge of an ongoing operation.

And that's it.

Wow. What a horrible criminal he is.
In that video holder says he didn't know about fast and the furious in march 2011

In email exchanges with subordinates in February and March 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder and the department's second-highest official expressed growing concern that something might have gone wrong in a federal gun-smuggling probe called Operation Fast and Furious.

Read more: Holder emails: We 'need answers' on Fast and Furious | Fox News

Try it began in October of 2009...

Fast and Furious Cover-up: Obama Asserts Executive Privilege to Protect Himself

They denied it in a February 4th 2011 letter to Congress. And in that letter .... Now , this iteration of Fast and Furious began in October of 2009.
The Brian Terry family does not agree with your opinion of this nor did the several Democrats who did vote with the Republicans:

The Brian Terry family has been emotionally manipulated by right-wing operatives, who should be ashamed of themselves for what they're doing.

Really? wanting to know how your child was killed is manipulating? Wouldn't you want those responsible held accountable? Hell yes you would.
In that video holder says he didn't know about fast and the furious in march 2011

In email exchanges with subordinates in February and March 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder and the department's second-highest official expressed growing concern that something might have gone wrong in a federal gun-smuggling probe called Operation Fast and Furious.

Read more: Holder emails: We 'need answers' on Fast and Furious | Fox News

Try it began in October of 2009...

Fast and Furious Cover-up: Obama Asserts Executive Privilege to Protect Himself

They denied it in a February 4th 2011 letter to Congress. And in that letter .... Now , this iteration of Fast and Furious began in October of 2009.

Yes we know that for justice sake don't know how high it goes. But we know that already.
In that video holder says he didn't know about fast and the furious in march 2011

In email exchanges with subordinates in February and March 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder and the department's second-highest official expressed growing concern that something might have gone wrong in a federal gun-smuggling probe called Operation Fast and Furious.

Read more:


Holder is guilty of what? Not telling a politically polarized Congress of his sensitive knowledge of an ongoing operation.

And that's it.

Wow. What a horrible criminal he is.
I thought he wasn't supposed to have knowledge of this operation?
Lying and misleading congress. If this was you or I the charges would be more.
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In that video holder says he didn't know about fast and the furious in march 2011

In email exchanges with subordinates in February and March 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder and the department's second-highest official expressed growing concern that something might have gone wrong in a federal gun-smuggling probe called Operation Fast and Furious.

Read more: Holder emails: We 'need answers' on Fast and Furious | Fox News

Try it began in October of 2009...

Fast and Furious Cover-up: Obama Asserts Executive Privilege to Protect Himself

They denied it in a February 4th 2011 letter to Congress. And in that letter .... Now , this iteration of Fast and Furious began in October of 2009.

Yes we know that for justice sake don't know how high it goes. But we know that already.

Just bolstering your point BigReb. :)
The only thing that went wrong in operation Fast and Furious was that it was unsuccessful.

Those guns would have been sold the same way they were sold, legally, whether the ATF were involved or not.

Just like the tens of thousands of other guns that had been sold before them.

If you want to blame someone for Brian Terry's death, you can blame the State of Arizona for being so fucking dogmatic in their ideology that they have absolutely no rules or oversight in their state AT ALL. And you can throw in Texas to that as well.

I am all about supporting the 2nd amendment. I think everyone should be able to have their guns. But we have to be rational about their sales, not act like jackasses about it.

If one guy can buy 600 weapons in a day, then there's something seriously wrong.
In that video holder says he didn't know about fast and the furious in march 2011

In email exchanges with subordinates in February and March 2011, Attorney General Eric Holder and the department's second-highest official expressed growing concern that something might have gone wrong in a federal gun-smuggling probe called Operation Fast and Furious.

Read more:


Holder is guilty of what? Not telling a politically polarized Congress of his sensitive knowledge of an ongoing operation.

And that's it.

Wow. What a horrible criminal he is.

Yes, withholding any subpoenaed records from Congress is a criminal act. Or at least is suggestive that criminal acts were committed. And if Holder was not part of your beloved Obama administration you would not be defending that. If George Bush or any other Republican was in the White House, I am pretty darn sure that you would be leading the pack screaming for a government agency to open its records for congressional review when requested to do so.
Really? wanting to know how your child was killed is manipulating? Wouldn't you want those responsible held accountable? Hell yes you would.

They know how their child was killed.

Mexican criminals did it.

Nobody from the Obama administration told those Mexican criminals to shoot their boy.

It's a tragedy that he died, but it's no-one's fault but those particular Mexicans.

If they hadn't have scored those weapons from the particular gun dealers that were under surveillance by the ATF, they would have scored them from one of the hundreds of other people supplying them with weapons in Arizona and Texas.

You do of course realize that your argument boils down to "It's not the people that killed that border guard, it's the guns".

And that is a very dangerous argument to make, if you support the second amendment.
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So, this has devolved into trying to build straw men, playing the apologist, and attempting diversion. Your last name had better be 'Holder' for all the effort you are expending on his behalf (and that you are willing to make an ass of yourself in the process).

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