Do You Think The U.S. Will Exist In 20 Years As It Does Now

I am starting to have my doubts.

My biggest concern is the centralization of power and control of the information/disinformation.

The school systems began failing most kids decades ago. Good systems still exist, but most are not what they used to be.

As both sides become more militant in their approach, I see things starting to happen that would create splits resulting in the country breaking up.
I see things starting to happen that would create splits
In 1990s i saw that the US was going down the shitter. It took you this long to see it?

I see myself as a bit of an optimist.

That is why I can't get to excited about what I see on this board.

Most of it is just the lazy musings of people who are frustrated because they don't get their way.
Did you know that the Weimar Republic went bankrupt because they were billions of dollars in debt?

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time (

National debt 28 trillion.
Unfunded debt 82.6 trillion.

Very aware of our debt.

Hope it does not tear us apart.
The U.S.A. ain't going anywhere. Whites are just going to really be forced to compete, which is something they've really never had to do.
I am starting to have my doubts.

My biggest concern is the centralization of power and control of the information/disinformation.

The school systems began failing most kids decades ago. Good systems still exist, but most are not what they used to be.

As both sides become more militant in their approach, I see things starting to happen that would create splits resulting in the country breaking up.
After 4 years of the Vegetable and coming disasters, Trump will ride triumphantly ahead as all these mother fucking absolute corrupt beings in 4 years.

I Believe The Vegetable was a necessity now to see how really retarded libturd policies are and what lying crooked face fucks they really are.

We'll be fine in 20 yrs
trump was the vegetable and he will never be president again.

Yes we will be fine in 20 years. White racists need to start working on accomodation now.
I certainly regret we did not pick our own cotton 300 yrs ago. Biggest reason is you would not be alive.
I would be alive. You keep repeating that silly line, but what it shows us is that you recognize that your ancestors were lazy shiftless fucks who wanted everything handed to them.
My ancestors came from Europe circa 1900 you GD fool. Quit blaming everyone for you turning out to be a mother fucker shit head.
And so your ancestors benefitted from Jim Crow. I will blame whites for what they have done and you will accept it. I am sure that I have accomplished more than you.
My mothers side had to change their last name because of the harassment there Jack
In 20 years I can only HOPE that the crazy that has overtaken the Republican Party has crested...
I am starting to have my doubts.

My biggest concern is the centralization of power and control of the information/disinformation.

The school systems began failing most kids decades ago. Good systems still exist, but most are not what they used to be.

As both sides become more militant in their approach, I see things starting to happen that would create splits resulting in the country breaking up.
After 4 years of the Vegetable and coming disasters, Trump will ride triumphantly ahead as all these mother fucking absolute corrupt beings in 4 years.

I Believe The Vegetable was a necessity now to see how really retarded libturd policies are and what lying crooked face fucks they really are.

We'll be fine in 20 yrs
I don't have 20 years.
I could. But if I do it won't matter because I won't know the fuck is going on anyway at Happy Acres.
Put it this way...if I am not called "home" to God by 78 to 80 years old...I will go uninvited. That is 10-12 years from now. No way do I plan on living in some slum place for old people with minimum wage rude, obnoxious, mean people having to wipe my ass cuz I can't any more, wipe the drool from my face after feeding me and all the perks of being bedridden and helples.................... NO FUCKING WAY.
I would be alive. You keep repeating that silly line, but what it shows us is that you recognize that your ancestors were lazy shiftless fucks who wanted everything handed to them.

You might be alive, living in a hut out in the jungles of Africa. But because of what happened here a few hundred years ago, you were born here instead.
The Pandemic has taught people they don't have to live in, or go anywhere near the Big , Failed, Liberal cities.

That's not the problem. The problem is them coming to us.

You don't see people from Texas moving to California. You don't see people from Florida moving to New York. What you see is the exact opposite. Once they ruin their states, they turn around and move to a red state and vote for the same stupid people that ruined the state they had to move from.
Why would this be a problem?

It's not a problem for professional politicians. That's because they procured their tax returns their entire political life in the event they may run for a higher position and have to make them public. But your average citizen never did that, and neither did businessmen. They took every deduction they had coming to them.

In other words, the commies wrote that into the bill to stop Trump and any other non-professional politician from challenging them ever again in an election. They are scared to death of Trump. They know what Americans really want, and they're doing everything they can to stop us from getting it. From this point on, they only want people already in their club, that scratched their backs as they scratched theirs. Trump came in there without owing anybody anything, and it kills them because that means they have no control over such a President.
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If you mean will it retaliate against the current demmunist overthrow and become the USA again, I hope so and I hope it’s within fewer than twenty years.
I am starting to have my doubts.

My biggest concern is the centralization of power and control of the information/disinformation.

The school systems began failing most kids decades ago. Good systems still exist, but most are not what they used to be.

As both sides become more militant in their approach, I see things starting to happen that would create splits resulting in the country breaking up.
I see things starting to happen that would create splits
In 1990s i saw that the US was going down the shitter. It took you this long to see it?

I see myself as a bit of an optimist.

That is why I can't get to excited about what I see on this board.

Most of it is just the lazy musings of people who are frustrated because they don't get their way.
Don’t know how you can be an optimist when the cia,fbi,and fed are all evil,institutions and they are the reason the world is in the mess that it is and they will never be abolished as long as we have this corrupt one party system we have disguised as two which we had for decades now and the elite always makes sure an independent never gets in.

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