Do You Think The U.S. Will Exist In 20 Years As It Does Now

I hope not
USA is the most crooked and corrupt nation on earth
...Well.......that is the Nazi mentality. Eliminate any potential threat to Big Brother.
Requiring ten years of tax returns from Presidential candidates represents 'Nazi thinking' designed to suppress competition?

Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... you tell 'em... :auiqs.jpg:
I’m native settler we took it,, want it back fight me.. or stop crying
Pretty sure you wouldn’t like the outcome of a fight between you and I.
Furthermore I will say what I want when I want. You have no say in the matter.
Lol we are the conquerors.. wake up son
No, YOU wake up "son".
Gonna try to get some native americans here. See how you handle what they have to say.
I will eliminate the enemy
lol. Keyboard bad ass, eh? Wannabe more likely.
View attachment 465723
I’m native settler we took it,, want it back fight me.. or stop crying
Pretty sure you wouldn’t like the outcome of a fight between you and I.
Furthermore I will say what I want when I want. You have no say in the matter.
Lol we are the conquerors.. wake up son
No, YOU wake up "son".
Gonna try to get some native americans here. See how you handle what they have to say.
I will eliminate the enemy
lol. Keyboard bad ass, eh? Wannabe more likely.
View attachment 465723
Nope not you
I’m native settler we took it,, want it back fight me.. or stop crying
So someone comes on your land. Squatters. And take it. Would you fight to get it back or cry yourself?
I would get rid of them
How? Wave your puny skinny fists frantically?
Hypocrite. You would defend your home/land, but think it's just fine NDN's lost theirs.

I get it now. You are like, 14 years old. So..never mind. You're a hypocrite and not worthy of attention you so desperately seek.
Yes us conquers were puny lol .. do you own a history book?
I’m native settler we took it,, want it back fight me.. or stop crying
So someone comes on your land. Squatters. And take it. Would you fight to get it back or cry yourself?
I would get rid of them
How? Wave your puny skinny fists frantically?
Hypocrite. You would defend your home/land, but think it's just fine NDN's lost theirs.

I get it now. You are like, 14 years old. So..never mind. You're a hypocrite and not worthy of attention you so desperately seek.
Yes us conquers were puny lol .. do you own a history book?
The question is..have you ever read one?

Meanwhile...on iggie you go.
Requiring ten years of tax returns from Presidential candidates represents 'Nazi thinking' designed to suppress competition?

Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... you tell 'em...

Yep, Nazi thinking. Making special rules and regulations to take out a threat. WTF would you call that?
They should not be personal if you are running for public office. If he has taken all the deductions allowed by law, then he should be okay.
Make them public? Because they are afraid of Trump? Doubtful. I'd say it's more to do with the FACT that he is a sleazy piece of shit who doesn't pay taxes but likes to live the life of luxury. What? You think those public hospitals, schools, roads, upkeep of national and state parks, the police etc, all pay for themselves? That's what you thought? You like the fact a fuckwit like Trump can goose-step around the country like he owns it - live the life of complete luxury, yet all the other 'saps' pay for the US to still function like a first-world country? He can fuck the right off. I hope he goes to prison. Nothing to do with him being president. I thought he was a piece of shit long before he became president.

Maybe you bow at the temple of uber capitalist twats. The reason there is something like communism and socialism in the first place it because of greedy, morally bankrupt turds like Trump.

Yet you don't see people on makeshift rafts trying to get into these countries. You don't see people trying to get over an 18 foot wall. You don't see people dying in tractor-trailers to sneak into those countries. You don't find bodies in landing gear compartments on airplanes, or in cargo freight boxes trying to get in. But people do things like that here almost every day. Why? Because in a capitalist country, you keep the money you earn.

Trump like most very wealthy businessmen are constantly audited by the IRS. If Trump was not paying his share of taxes, they would have found it long ago, like they did with dope head Hunter. All they want to do is expose Trump for not paying a lot by using all his LEGAL deductions. Professional politicians don't take all of them provided they're paying enough so nobody can make false claims against them.

The Nazis wrote that clause in the bill specifically for Trump, or perhaps anybody like Trump. You see, in this country, our politicians are like a private club. You need to start your way at the bottom and work your way up. You need to pay your dues. I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. People like Trump didn't do that. He busted his way through the doors uninvited, and took the highest seat in the club. He didn't owe nobody anything because nobody helped him get there as he never so much sat on a school board yet alone worked his way to Governor or through the Congress.

??? What has the first paragraph have to do with my post? We are talking Trump and taxes. Not illegals.

Um. No, he is currently being audited and fighting them every step of the way. Soon we'll find out how much he paid. Or didn't.

Again, what has Trump getting to where he is today have to do with his taxes? Your analogy is flawed in that it doesn't take into account that all other presidents since Carter have opened their books and been audited by the IRS before taking office, or at least have released their tax records to be scrutinised. Your above post is trying to make out that this has never happened before and Trump is being victimised. Well, it hasn't happened before because all other candidates have been open about their business dealings prior to taking office. He hasn't.

It's like all the athletes in a football team have voluntarily taken drug tests, but one hold out hasn't. When the hold out gets asked to be tested, he says he is being victimised.
Your POV only works if the tax records of all other presidents have been kept under lock and key and nobody has been allowed to scrutinise them. The exact opposite has happened. IOW, your analogy is beyond flawed.
He absolutely owes the American people to be transparent. He is not a god. He is not a king. He is not an emperor. He was there at the behest of the American people and was in public office. Not private.
Requiring ten years of tax returns from Presidential candidates represents 'Nazi thinking' designed to suppress competition?

Uhhhhh... yeah... sure... you tell 'em...

Yep, Nazi thinking. Making special rules and regulations to take out a threat. WTF would you call that?
Preventive Medicine... ensuring that someone with a long-seated conflict of interest or undue hidden financial ties does not attain high office.
??? What has the first paragraph have to do with my post? We are talking Trump and taxes. Not illegals.

Um. No, he is currently being audited and fighting them every step of the way. Soon we'll find out how much he paid. Or didn't.

Again, what has Trump getting to where he is today have to do with his taxes? Your analogy is flawed in that it doesn't take into account that all other presidents since Carter have opened their books and been audited by the IRS before taking office, or at least have released their tax records to be scrutinised. Your above post is trying to make out that this has never happened before and Trump is being victimised. Well, it hasn't happened before because all other candidates have been open about their business dealings prior to taking office. He hasn't.

It's like all the athletes in a football team have voluntarily taken drug tests, but one hold out hasn't. When the hold out gets asked to be tested, he says he is being victimised.
Your POV only works if the tax records of all other presidents have been kept under lock and key and nobody has been allowed to scrutinise them. The exact opposite has happened. IOW, your analogy is beyond flawed.
He absolutely owes the American people to be transparent. He is not a god. He is not a king. He is not an emperor. He was there at the behest of the American people and was in public office. Not private.

The first paragraph had to do with your negative criticisms of Capitalists, and praising communism and socialism. My point is that if capitalism and capitalists were so bad, and socialism and communism so good, people would be trying to go to those countries instead of our evil capitalist one.

I already explained why Trump isn't showing his taxes. The Nazis are using their power to eliminate a political threat, because they know how bad they are going to F-up this country, and how we will be yearning the Trump days all over again. Less than two months and thousands of people lost their jobs thanks to Dementia, gasoline is up 70 cents a gallon since he stole the White House, and our border that Trump had well under control is now a crisis. Again, that's just two months. Think how awful this country is going to be in two years when Republicans gain leadership of the Congress again to stop this dementia patient.

The requirements to be a US President is outlined in our US Constitution. The Nazis are trying to go around the Constitution instead of changing it the way our founders wrote, and that is with a constitutional amendment.
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You want to run for public office release your tax returns or you are part of the swamp. What is there to hide? It really is that simple. I don't care if you are Uber rich or collecting welfare. Although we'd probably be alot better off with the latter in charge.
They should not be personal if you are running for public office. If he has taken all the deductions allowed by law, then he should be okay.
Make them public? Because they are afraid of Trump? Doubtful. I'd say it's more to do with the FACT that he is a sleazy piece of shit who doesn't pay taxes but likes to live the life of luxury. What? You think those public hospitals, schools, roads, upkeep of national and state parks, the police etc, all pay for themselves? That's what you thought? You like the fact a fuckwit like Trump can goose-step around the country like he owns it - live the life of complete luxury, yet all the other 'saps' pay for the US to still function like a first-world country? He can fuck the right off. I hope he goes to prison. Nothing to do with him being president. I thought he was a piece of shit long before he became president.

Maybe you bow at the temple of uber capitalist twats. The reason there is something like communism and socialism in the first place it because of greedy, morally bankrupt turds like Trump.

Yet you don't see people on makeshift rafts trying to get into these countries. You don't see people trying to get over an 18 foot wall. You don't see people dying in tractor-trailers to sneak into those countries. You don't find bodies in landing gear compartments on airplanes, or in cargo freight boxes trying to get in. But people do things like that here almost every day. Why? Because in a capitalist country, you keep the money you earn.

Trump like most very wealthy businessmen are constantly audited by the IRS. If Trump was not paying his share of taxes, they would have found it long ago, like they did with dope head Hunter. All they want to do is expose Trump for not paying a lot by using all his LEGAL deductions. Professional politicians don't take all of them provided they're paying enough so nobody can make false claims against them.

The Nazis wrote that clause in the bill specifically for Trump, or perhaps anybody like Trump. You see, in this country, our politicians are like a private club. You need to start your way at the bottom and work your way up. You need to pay your dues. I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine. People like Trump didn't do that. He busted his way through the doors uninvited, and took the highest seat in the club. He didn't owe nobody anything because nobody helped him get there as he never so much sat on a school board yet alone worked his way to Governor or through the Congress.

??? What has the first paragraph have to do with my post? We are talking Trump and taxes. Not illegals.

Um. No, he is currently being audited and fighting them every step of the way. Soon we'll find out how much he paid. Or didn't.

Again, what has Trump getting to where he is today have to do with his taxes? Your analogy is flawed in that it doesn't take into account that all other presidents since Carter have opened their books and been audited by the IRS before taking office, or at least have released their tax records to be scrutinised. Your above post is trying to make out that this has never happened before and Trump is being victimised. Well, it hasn't happened before because all other candidates have been open about their business dealings prior to taking office. He hasn't.

It's like all the athletes in a football team have voluntarily taken drug tests, but one hold out hasn't. When the hold out gets asked to be tested, he says he is being victimised.
Your POV only works if the tax records of all other presidents have been kept under lock and key and nobody has been allowed to scrutinise them. The exact opposite has happened. IOW, your analogy is beyond flawed.
He absolutely owes the American people to be transparent. He is not a god. He is not a king. He is not an emperor. He was there at the behest of the American people and was in public office. Not private.
Meh, he does not owe us anything really any more than we owe him or any other candidate a vote. The question is weather or not you are willing to vote for the guy that will not release whatever record the other side is complaining about. I could care less about changing the rules to force such records out considering that does not fix the actual problem, an electorate that really does not care or pay attention.

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