Do You Think The U.S. Will Exist In 20 Years As It Does Now

...I lived a life of results oriented. I could care less about anything else unless it is illegal...
Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time, and Adolf Hitler eliminated unemployment. Results.

Au contraire... character counts.
...Trump was and is an idea...
Trump was a Democrat who switched sides in order to begin a climb to power.

...He represented what we all want...
Well... SOME of what we all want, anyway.

...but he was too cocky...
One of a thousand-and-one faults not listed here.

...Too busy planning rallies so he could get the attention he coveted, craved and expected...
Yep. A power-hungry autocrat with delusions of invincibility... a craven, amoral, lying, scheming, ignorant, arrogant flawed personality.

...Would I vote for him again? You bet your ass, because he LEARNED from his mistakes and won't make them twice.
Damned shame. He'll lose again if he runs again, and pull more Republicans down with him. He will go down in history alongside Benedict Arnold.
Damned shame. He'll lose again if he runs again, and pull more Republicans down with him.

The commies don't think so. In their voter bill they included every President must show ten years of tax returns which they know Trump won't do. They are more scared of Trump than Jesus.
After 4 years of the Vegetable and coming disasters, Trump will ride triumphantly ahead as all these mother fucking absolute corrupt beings in 4 years.

I Believe The Vegetable was a necessity now to see how really retarded libturd policies are and what lying crooked face fucks they really are.

We'll be fine in 20 yrs

The problem is the Nazis passed a voting bill that will prevent Trump from running. In the bill is a requirement that a President must show his tax records for the last 10 years.
If his taxes are okay, then there won't be a problem, right?
I really don't give a flying fuck what anyone thinks

You missed the point, poster Hang On.

Myself, and I suspect others here, don't care all that much about what you care about.
Rather, we look to you to explain what you have already stated.

You posted this...among other sentiments: " After 4 years of the Vegetable and ..... all these mother fucking absolute corrupt beings in 4 years...... see how really retarded libturd policies are..... lying crooked face fucks....."

Putting aside your colorful adjectives....the Juvie-speak ..... it is reasonable, and expected, that you CAN explain yourself. That what you say is thoughtful, or at minimum you have thought about what you state.

And if that is the case, if you state it, you explain it.

That's sort of an Adult Discourse 101 lesson.
Taught by Captain Obvious, by the way.
Oh, by the way, on a bit more 'on point' thought.
That is 'on point' to the title of this thread.....'will America be the same in 20yrs?'

C'mon, folks.
That is way way too easy.
It's a Captain Obvious riddle, no?

However one defines "America" in is different than what many people defined America in 2001.
Who could argue that point? 2001 itself, on just March 12th ......was different than it was by September 12th, 2001.

Or in 1981......or 1921......or 1861.

The 'cultural moment' just a moment.
Think of a river.
The river today is significantly different than the river yesterday.
Or of this morning.

Depends on what you see, hear, measure, want.
Nothing stays the same.
It has been ever thus.
Another thread painting a clear picture of Trumpism.

Bigotry, paranoia, rage.

“Another thread featuring wise, courageous people paying close attention to demographics, statistics and REALITY. How dare these brave bastards put the future of our nation over their personal FEELZ dare they acknowledge what dark people do to EVERYWHERE they reside.”
The middle is the most stable ground....always
The middle of today is far left of the middle of a couple of decades ago. The whole system keeps moving left. We are starting to have been doing crazier things in agendas. The prog party is not of the people. It pushes social justice but behind the scenes is more Stalin like in its agendas and dictums to the population. We are already looking at high gasoline and home energy prices coming with inflation in products and services also.
We are already looking at high gasoline and home energy prices coming with inflation in products and services also.

Yup, fuel prices have gone up.
Ala' the most severe storms in the energy-producing region in decades...if not a century.
And THAT...couple with seemingly flagrant unpreparedness by the energy sector.

Dramatically reduce the supply and keep the demand the same.........will often, they say, increase prices.
Seems to make sense, in my experience.
...Trump was and is an idea...
Trump was a Democrat who switched sides in order to begin a climb to power.

...He represented what we all want...
Well... SOME of what we all want, anyway.

...but he was too cocky...
One of a thousand-and-one faults not listed here.

...Too busy planning rallies so he could get the attention he coveted, craved and expected...
Yep. A power-hungry autocrat with delusions of invincibility... a craven, amoral, lying, scheming, ignorant, arrogant flawed personality.

...Would I vote for him again? You bet your ass, because he LEARNED from his mistakes and won't make them twice.
Damned shame. He'll lose again if he runs again, and pull more Republicans down with him. He will go down in history alongside Benedict Arnold.
I'm not a republican any more. He is no Benedict Arnold. He loves this country He would never betray it. He just has to get over his arrogance.
Myself, and I suspect others here, don't care all that much about what you care about.
Rather, we look to you to explain what you have already stated.
Um...most everyone here doesn't really care what anyone thinks. Nor does anyone care for someone to explain to you or anyone else what they state. Obviously you DO care, otherwise..well...that would be a silly comment from you, right?
...Trump was and is an idea...
Trump was a Democrat who switched sides in order to begin a climb to power.

...He represented what we all want...
Well... SOME of what we all want, anyway.

...but he was too cocky...
One of a thousand-and-one faults not listed here.

...Too busy planning rallies so he could get the attention he coveted, craved and expected...
Yep. A power-hungry autocrat with delusions of invincibility... a craven, amoral, lying, scheming, ignorant, arrogant flawed personality.

...Would I vote for him again? You bet your ass, because he LEARNED from his mistakes and won't make them twice.
Damned shame. He'll lose again if he runs again, and pull more Republicans down with him. He will go down in history alongside Benedict Arnold.
I'm not a republican any more. He is no Benedict Arnold. He loves this country He would never betray it. He just has to get over his arrogance.

Im not so sure about that Gracie.If he loves this country,then WHY did he not do what all the other presidents in the past that have turned their back on us and not reinstate kennedys executive order that would have banned the fed had he been able to serve a second term? the CIA and the fed as you know are the reason the world is in the mess it is today,he had four years to get rid of them and he did not lift one finger to do so. I think he might just be playing a role of good cop bad cop part.

this troll no dount does not think warmonger mass murderers Obama and Bush are Benedict Arnolds i bet.

btw here is a very short video everyone here on this thread should watch where it talks about what i said earlier how both parties are one in the same controlled by the elite,shills like penelope and smellybozo who think the demorats can do no wrong,or political chic who thinks the gop can do no wrong,just cant come to reality they are one in the same and will never wwatch it of course.

...Trump was and is an idea...
Trump was a Democrat who switched sides in order to begin a climb to power.

...He represented what we all want...
Well... SOME of what we all want, anyway.

...but he was too cocky...
One of a thousand-and-one faults not listed here.

...Too busy planning rallies so he could get the attention he coveted, craved and expected...
Yep. A power-hungry autocrat with delusions of invincibility... a craven, amoral, lying, scheming, ignorant, arrogant flawed personality.

...Would I vote for him again? You bet your ass, because he LEARNED from his mistakes and won't make them twice.
Damned shame. He'll lose again if he runs again, and pull more Republicans down with him. He will go down in history alongside Benedict Arnold.
I'm not a republican any more. He is no Benedict Arnold. He loves this country He would never betray it. He just has to get over his arrogance.

I would become a republican again ONLY if Noem of SD or Desantis of florida became a top two finalists for potus,but they wont,it will be someone like another globalist as romney for the gop.
If we are going to elect Uber wealthy men then by all means show us your taxes or you get no chance to run.
up, fuel prices have gone up.
Ala' the most severe storms in the energy-producing region in decades...if not a century.
And THAT...couple with seemingly flagrant unpreparedness by the energy sector.

Dramatically reduce the supply and keep the demand the same.........will often, they say, increase prices.
Seems to make sense, in my experience.

Right, because it had nothing to do with Dementia closing down the Keystone and stop drilling and exploration on public lands.

"The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say it was your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
Right, because it had nothing to do with Dementia closing down the Keystone and stop drilling and exploration on public lands.

Yes, you are right.
  • It has nothing to do with closing the Keystone......after all, none of that Bakken high-Sulphur crude, which hadn't started to flow yet anyway, but none of it was destined for your F-150's tank.
  • Nor do today's pump prices have anything to do with 'stop drilling & exploration on public lands'.....cause that hasn't stopped yet.
hat would be a silly comment from you, right?[/I][/B]

Neither will contest or agree on the 'silly'.

But more important than that......what is a debate forum for?
What is adult discourse for?

To me, it is an exchange of reasoned ideas. Ones that can be articulately stated, ably explained. No need for persuasion.
Just the fact 'ma'am.......I'll make up my own mind.

But alas........

There are too many.....tho by no means all ......but too many contributors here who use this venue as merely a graffiti wall.....a blank space they can spray their inchoate often puerile thought-of-the-moment.....spray it, then scurry away to the boys's John to hide-out so not to be answerable.

I would regret if the above sounded pejorative to any poster who self-identifies as such.

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