Do you think Trump would have won if?

Would Trump have won if?

  • Trump won anyway, but yes, not question

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
200,000 of them? Blow that out of your ass.
That trucker never looked at more than the box that was on top. Which according to the post office, is marked "BALLOTS" and placed on top so that when it gets where it's going, they handle it first. The rest of the mail in the container is other stuff being sent out of state.

I used to visit a mail processing center, and they don't let people look through the mail, not even their own. So that driver certainly didn't look to see what was in the other boxes.
The FBI ended up harassing his wife and friends. Intimidation. That is how substantiated it is.
According to who?
His wife filed for divorce a while ago and accused him of trying to harm her as she sought restraining orders from him.

Is this guy the best you can do?
Governors are perfectly capable of communicating with each other. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be in office.

You're not good at understanding context, it would seem.

Do you think a governor should set up an interstate restriction system if the majority of his/her state is against it?
That was your definition of being a governor deserving to be in office.
If the people demand said communication, yes.
Here's a list of what PROGs have taught us in this thread so far.

A. Even if MSM & education supported conservatives instead of the left, and they reported on Biden, PROGS feel Trump would have lost anyway.

B. PROGS are unable to defend the accusations about Biden in the OP.

C. Trump fucked up on the economy in PROG. Doesn't matter that States run States & cities run cities, doesn't matter all comparable economies crashed the same, and it doesn't matter the GDP increased by approx. 35% Trump's last 3rd Qtr. What matters are PROG feelings, we'll just have to take their word that Trump fucked up.

D. Trump fucked up COVID in PROG. All other countries as well I suppose, it's just their feelings, so it's all Trump's fault. A competent POTUS would have done better, such as Biden who has done ???? while cases rise coming out of flu season.

E. The riots were Trump's fault in PROG. It doesn't matter the left instigated all of it, what matter are PROG feelings, we'll just have to take their word that Trump fucked up.
I'm not a fan of FEMA either. States should be responsible for their own disaster funding. Otherwise, you have the current situation where certain states suck up a lot of federal funds for disasters, while others foot the bill. Florida is at least semi-proactive about this, because they have their own state fund for disasters. I'm not sure if it covers their entire disaster costs, but it's a start.
Florida knows they're right in the path of hurricanes, but they aren't prepared or funded to handle a category 5 hitting shore.

Same with Texas, and other states along the Atlantic and the Gulf.

And when it happens who they gonna call?

Of COURSE - FEMA & the Feds same as cocksucker Abbott did on the same fucking day he demanded help for those Texas Twisters.

Were it me? I’d have told that bitch to go fuck himself. Thankfully Joe is a better man than i
Both parties are complicit in demanding fed money. The only way to stop it is to stop giving it.
COVID wasn't a national emergency. I know the media likes to pretend it was though.
Of course it wasn't a national emergency. Except in every other nation on earth.

Except ours.
And the most successful measures weren't driven by government. They were done by the people. South Korea and Japan weren't draconian in their measures. They just recommended certain actions, and the people did it. They didn't have shutdowns.

Ultimately, government doesn't stop a pandemic. Community action does. If you want to know why it didn't work here, don't blame Trump. Blame our culture.
Governors are perfectly capable of communicating with each other. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be in office.
I got it. If they can't communicate with their neighbors they don't deserve the office.

Do you think a governor should set up an interstate restriction system if the majority of his/her state is against it?

Apparently you definition of a leader is to follow.

I bet you let your kids have ice cream for dinner because that's what they wanted.
The Constitution already mentions most of the roles of the feds. And power does the most "good" when it is decentralized.

Why I don’t want to live in your vision of America
China is a good example of what happens when you heavily centralize power. It isn't pretty.

Q: So why is China kicking our asses on everything from renewable energy to infrastructure
A: Because they think long term as opposed to knee jerk bullshit immediate gratification RW talky-talk points
China isn't kicking our ass on any of that, but they'd like you to believe that.

China is a house of cards that will eventually experience a housing crash that will make 2008 look like a used car lot bankruptcy.
Governors are perfectly capable of communicating with each other. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be in office.
I got it. If they can't communicate with their neighbors they don't deserve the office.

Do you think a governor should set up an interstate restriction system if the majority of his/her state is against it?

Apparently you definition of a leader is to follow.

I bet you let your kids have ice cream for dinner because that's what they wanted.
Hold on a moment. Are you saying governors should defy the will of their people? I mean, that's not that surprising given your political leanings, but I want to clear the record on this.
Taking the states approach was actually the most constitutional route possible. It's a good thing that Trump didn't get more involved, because it is the responsibility of the states to handle things like this.
You have to be kidding? Once something crosses state lines it becomes a federal thing. Think when a hurricane strikes, the government sends in FEMA.
I'm not a fan of FEMA either. States should be responsible for their own disaster funding. Otherwise, you have the current situation where certain states suck up a lot of federal funds for disasters, while others foot the bill. Florida is at least semi-proactive about this, because they have their own state fund for disasters. I'm not sure if it covers their entire disaster costs, but it's a start.

Every state should be more independent about this sort of thing and various other issues.

Kindly define “National Emergency” for the class as a state issue - GO!! :icon_rolleyes:
COVID wasn't a national emergency. I know the media likes to pretend it was though.

Then why did Rump Dumpster declare a national fucking emergency, proclaim himself to be a “War President”, and go on to do absolutely NOTHING about it :confused-84:
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the deaths were not due to COVID alone -- these were people with pre-existing conditions.
Interesting. Say some lunatic runs over a capitol hills policeman, with high blood pressure.

Blame the pre-existing condition.
Here's a list of what PROGs have taught us in this thread so far.

A. Even if MSM & education supported conservatives instead of the left, and they reported on Biden, PROGS feel Trump would have lost anyway.

B. PROGS are unable to defend the accusations about Biden in the OP.

C. Trump fucked up on the economy in PROG. Doesn't matter that States run States & cities run cities, doesn't matter all comparable economies crashed the same, and it doesn't matter the GDP increased by approx. 35% Trump's last 3rd Qtr. What matters are PROG feelings, we'll just have to take their word that Trump fucked up.

D. Trump fucked up COVID in PROG. All other countries as well I suppose, it's just their feelings, so it's all Trump's fault. A competent POTUS would have done better, such as Biden who has done ???? while cases rise coming out of flu season.

E. The riots were Trump's fault in PROG. It doesn't matter the left instigated all of it, what matter are PROG feelings, we'll just have to take their word that Trump fucked up.

Stop drinking...or sniffing glue. Your delusions are getting worse by the post.

A) Trump lost because he fucked up the response to the virus. End of story.
B) Biden is a career politician. I expect them to lie. Trump has been a liar and a fraud his entire life.
C) Trump promised enormous quarterly GDP. Never delivered. He skates for three years on what Obama left him and then...PFFFT!!
D) Trump didn't care about COVID. He didn't care about actually doing the job he was elected to do. It was easier to just hold pep rallies and tweet....oh and golf.
E) The only "riot" that matters is the one that took place on 1/6/2021. The day a sitting President incited his rabid followers to try and overthrow our government...because he lost...sniff.
Taking the states approach was actually the most constitutional route possible. It's a good thing that Trump didn't get more involved, because it is the responsibility of the states to handle things like this.
You have to be kidding? Once something crosses state lines it becomes a federal thing. Think when a hurricane strikes, the government sends in FEMA.
I'm not a fan of FEMA either. States should be responsible for their own disaster funding. Otherwise, you have the current situation where certain states suck up a lot of federal funds for disasters, while others foot the bill. Florida is at least semi-proactive about this, because they have their own state fund for disasters. I'm not sure if it covers their entire disaster costs, but it's a start.

Every state should be more independent about this sort of thing and various other issues.

Kindly define “National Emergency” for the class as a state issue - GO!! :icon_rolleyes:
COVID wasn't a national emergency. I know the media likes to pretend it was though.

Then why did Rump Dumpster declare a national fucking emergency, proclaim himself to be a “War President”, and go on to do absolutely NOTHING about it :confused-84:
Trump wasn't immune to playing politics. Every executive in our system can't resist a power grab. Trump at least showed more restraint with COVID than many governors did.

It's never going to happen, but America needs another Calvin Coolidge as president. He knew the value of small government.
The Constitution already mentions most of the roles of the feds. And power does the most "good" when it is decentralized.

Why I don’t want to live in your vision of America
China is a good example of what happens when you heavily centralize power. It isn't pretty.

Q: So why is China kicking our asses on everything from renewable energy to infrastructure
A: Because they think long term as opposed to knee jerk bullshit immediate gratification RW talky-talk points
China isn't kicking our ass on any of that, but they'd like you to believe that.

China is a house of cards that will eventually experience a housing crash that will make 2008 look like a used car lot bankruptcy.

Have you ALWAYS been this FOS? My guess is YES!! :lol:
the deaths were not due to COVID alone -- these were people with pre-existing conditions.
Interesting. Say some lunatic runs over a capitol hills policeman, with high blood pressure.

Blame the pre-existing condition.
Actually, a better analogy is how people have died in car accidents and have been counted as COVID deaths because they turned out to be positive. Clearly, it wasn't COVID that actually killed them.

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