Do you think Trump would have won if?

Would Trump have won if?

  • Trump won anyway, but yes, not question

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
Then republican governors shouldn't be in office. They never coordinated with the states around them. While democratic governors made multi-state rules, and pacts.

Thanks for pointing that out.
That's assuming that the citizens of red states want more restrictions. That doesn't seem to be the case.
I was just pointing out that failure to coordinate with neighboring states was grounds for being unfit for office.

It's your own criteria.

Governors are perfectly capable of communicating with each other. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be in office.
Oh yes, I have.
Fabulous. So what exactly was this proof we keep hearing about that the courts ignored?
The stats on known illegal votes. Statistical proof on nearly impossible numbers and ratios. The affidavits from Americans who saw the fraud going on. Data on impossible percentages of ballots dropped creating those huge spikes.

Should I go on?
There’s nothing impossible about any statistics. Not proof, just people using data on the poorly educated to spin a story.

Be specific. These are just vague generalities.
Then republican governors shouldn't be in office. They never coordinated with the states around them. While democratic governors made multi-state rules, and pacts.

Thanks for pointing that out.
That's assuming that the citizens of red states want more restrictions. That doesn't seem to be the case.
I was just pointing out that failure to coordinate with neighboring states was grounds for being unfit for office.

It's your own criteria.

Governors are perfectly capable of communicating with each other. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be in office.
The criteria was stated under the assumption that citizens would desire said communication. Blue state citizens might prefer that. Red state citizens didn't seem to prefer it.

Basically, my point was that, if people want coordination, they can demand it from their local government. When the feds get involved, it forces every state into a one size fits all policy. That's not how our system was intended to work.
Let's imagine for a moment mainstream media supported Trump instead of Biden because they're conservative instead.

They wouldn't have assaulted Trump with 24/7 BS propaganda since before his election, but never mind that. Let's say they do Biden as they do Trump, but the kicker is in Biden's case it's all true. So, 24/7 Biden instead of Trump, and here it goes.

Biden has a history of making racist remarks.

Biden supported legislation segregating blacks.

45 years & Biden is a politician ONLY. His only real accomplishments is plagiarizing, and he demonstrates a history of outright lies concerning his accomplishments.

Biden sold out his family who were tragically killed used as a sale's pitch. The biggest liar on Earth and he's clearly morally corrupt.

Biden talks to people like a fucking asshole, which also demonstrates he's a coward. He speaks to everyone like they're beneath him & don't need to know.

Meanwhile Biden hasn't accomplished dick.

Biden is a creepy, he feels he's entitled to paw young girls and women he's never met.

Biden's son is also very creepy, figure Joe on cocaine. Hunter is clearly morally corrupt, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Biden uses his influence in Ukraine to help "his son's" business ventures.

Biden uses his influence throughout the world to help "his son's" business ventures of which the big guy gets 10%.

Biden is clearly in serious cognitive decline, and unfit to do anything beyond walking his dog assuming he doesn't break another foot.

Biden's connections throughout the world 24/7 news.

Yeah it was Hunter's laptop.

Biden accusations of sexual misconduct, yeah go figure, he paws young girls too.

Kamala is clearly a sociopath, even her own party rejected her because she has the character a snake.

Biden selected the Kosher-Commie as his running mate because she's a black female, insulting both blacks & females.

So at this point does Trump win? How about?

Democrats exploited COVID to influence the election.

Democrats exploited racism & riots (Floyd etc) to influence the election.

Democrats used fear & fraud to influence an election.

At this point does Trump win? Remember, we're playing MSM prefers Trump, so how about?

Trump is the most accomplished POTUS in history. Changes positive for the best interests the country he serves.

The establishment detests Trump, we're REAL REPORTING now and Trump is an outsider.

Trump has GREAT taste in women, first rate. Stormy Daniels was just a thing, who cares who he fucks so long as he's doing a bitchen job.

Trump's blunt honesty is refreshing. It's also refreshing our leader is not a politician, especially a career politician like Xiden.

Trump was a success in business, Democrats get rich after they've been elected POTUS.

Left entertains the lowest common denominators and attempt to make them mainstream.

Left sucks ass.

Oh, and pretend conservatives run education systems too. Our only political influence is we teach people how to read between the lines on Demoncrats

At this point does Trump win?

Oh yes, I have.
Fabulous. So what exactly was this proof we keep hearing about that the courts ignored?
The stats on known illegal votes. Statistical proof on nearly impossible numbers and ratios. The affidavits from Americans who saw the fraud going on. Data on impossible percentages of ballots dropped creating those huge spikes.

Should I go on?
There’s nothing impossible about any statistics. Not proof, just people using data on the poorly educated to spin a story.

Be specific. These are just vague generalities.
Yes there is. And these people are experts. They are not Democrats or maybe they are but they care about election integrity, which this election did not have.
The Constitution already mentions most of the roles of the feds. And power does the most "good" when it is decentralized.

Why I don’t want to live in your vision of America
China is a good example of what happens when you heavily centralize power. It isn't pretty.

Your country has each State working against each other rather than for the good of all


You don't live in this country? No wonder you want it fucked up.
Can't you read? Congress prohibited sending prisoners into the USA so he could close GITMO.
They couldn't but all the same Obama could have sent them anywhere and closed Gitmo.
Obama was only in charge of the USA. He can't force other countries who take their people back to keep them locked up.

You can't trust Afghanistan to keep them locked up. Which precludes sending them back to Afghanistan.
The Constitution already mentions most of the roles of the feds. And power does the most "good" when it is decentralized.

Why I don’t want to live in your vision of America
China is a good example of what happens when you heavily centralize power. It isn't pretty.

Your country has each State working against each other rather than for the good of all

It wasn't anarchy in the 1800s. It wasn't anarchy in the early 1900s either.

The current push for expanding the power of the feds originates with the New Deal. Before that, states handled most things on their own. Now, we have states dependent on a central authority for many things, which means that whoever enters the presidency and whoever holds power in Congress can manipulate the fate of various states for political whims. You might be ok with that when your party is in power, but do you like it when the opposition is?

As much as people complain about one party or another, many of them seem to forget that federal politics would be far less of an issue to worry about if the feds weren't involved in so many things. Our system was never intended to have Congress and the presidency be so important for daily affairs.
Taking the states approach was actually the most constitutional route possible. It's a good thing that Trump didn't get more involved, because it is the responsibility of the states to handle things like this.
You have to be kidding? Once something crosses state lines it becomes a federal thing. Think when a hurricane strikes, the government sends in FEMA.
I'm not a fan of FEMA either. States should be responsible for their own disaster funding. Otherwise, you have the current situation where certain states suck up a lot of federal funds for disasters, while others foot the bill. Florida is at least semi-proactive about this, because they have their own state fund for disasters. I'm not sure if it covers their entire disaster costs, but it's a start.

Every state should be more independent about this sort of thing and various other issues.

Kindly define “National Emergency” for the class as a state issue - GO!! :icon_rolleyes:
Not bad. All you got is a lie.
Prove me wrong, give me one specific piece of proof.
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Quote by Ernest Rutherford: “It was quite the most incredible ... › quotes › 105980-it-was-q...

It was almost as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you. [Recalling in 1936 the discovery of the nucleus ...

Nothing is impossible, even if statistics give huge odds against it.

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