Do you think Trump would have won if?

Would Trump have won if?

  • Trump won anyway, but yes, not question

    Votes: 10 52.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • No

    Votes: 6 31.6%

  • Total voters
Why Trump failed so badly.
Instead of getting states to work together for the good of all, he turned it into .....every man for himself
It was even worse. Since it hit the blue states first, Trump made it a blue state red state issue. Trump did nothing to help the blue states as political payback, but by the time it hit the red states it was too late to change policy.
Trump let the states handle most of the issue, as he should have. It was only "partisan" to notice how draconian certain blue states decided to get.
A pandemic is not a state issue. It takes a federal level response and coordination.

Think of it like a war. You can't fight a war with 50 governors separately commanding their national guard.
Governors are perfectly capable of communicating with each other. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be in office.
Let's imagine for a moment mainstream media supported Trump instead of Biden because they're conservative instead.

They wouldn't have assaulted Trump with 24/7 BS propaganda since before his election, but never mind that. Let's say they do Biden as they do Trump, but the kicker is in Biden's case it's all true. So, 24/7 Biden instead of Trump, and here it goes.

Biden has a history of making racist remarks.

Biden supported legislation segregating blacks.

45 years & Biden is a politician ONLY. His only real accomplishments is plagiarizing, and he demonstrates a history of outright lies concerning his accomplishments.

Biden sold out his family who were tragically killed used as a sale's pitch. The biggest liar on Earth and he's clearly morally corrupt.

Biden talks to people like a fucking asshole, which also demonstrates he's a coward. He speaks to everyone like they're beneath him & don't need to know.

Meanwhile Biden hasn't accomplished dick.

Biden is a creepy, he feels he's entitled to paw young girls and women he's never met.

Biden's son is also very creepy, figure Joe on cocaine. Hunter is clearly morally corrupt, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Biden uses his influence in Ukraine to help "his son's" business ventures.

Biden uses his influence throughout the world to help "his son's" business ventures of which the big guy gets 10%.

Biden is clearly in serious cognitive decline, and unfit to do anything beyond walking his dog assuming he doesn't break another foot.

Biden's connections throughout the world 24/7 news.

Yeah it was Hunter's laptop.

Biden accusations of sexual misconduct, yeah go figure, he paws young girls too.

Kamala is clearly a sociopath, even her own party rejected her because she has the character a snake.

Biden selected the Kosher-Commie as his running mate because she's a black female, insulting both blacks & females.

So at this point does Trump win? How about?

Democrats exploited COVID to influence the election.

Democrats exploited racism & riots (Floyd etc) to influence the election.

Democrats used fear & fraud to influence an election.

At this point does Trump win? Remember, we're playing MSM prefers Trump, so how about?

Trump is the most accomplished POTUS in history. Changes positive for the best interests the country he serves.

The establishment detests Trump, we're REAL REPORTING now and Trump is an outsider.

Trump has GREAT taste in women, first rate. Stormy Daniels was just a thing, who cares who he fucks so long as he's doing a bitchen job.

Trump's blunt honesty is refreshing. It's also refreshing our leader is not a politician, especially a career politician like Xiden.

Trump was a success in business, Democrats get rich after they've been elected POTUS.

Left entertains the lowest common denominators and attempt to make them mainstream.

Left sucks ass.

Oh, and pretend conservatives run education systems too. Our only political influence is we teach people how to read between the lines on Demoncrats

At this point does Trump win?
DO you think you pussy ass bitches will ever stop whining and crying???

At least lose with dignity...
By prohibiting funds from being used to transfer or release detainees into the United States, or to assist in the transfer or release of detainees into the country, these acts seem to ensure that the Guantanamo detention facility remains open
Obama transferred Gitmo prisoners to the UAB. Congress did not fund that.

15 Guantanamo Bay Detainees Transferred To United Arab ... › sections › thetwo-way › 2016/08/16

Aug 16, 2016 — Fifteen prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have been transferred to the United Arab Emirates — the largest single release of the Obama ...

Can't you read? Congress prohibited sending prisoners into the USA so he could close GITMO.
The stats on known illegal votes. Statistical proof on nearly impossible numbers and ratios. The affidavits from Americans who saw the fraud going on. Data on impossible percentages of ballots dropped creating those huge spikes.

Should I go on?
If you know anything about statistics, they also show it's statistically impossible to win the powerball lottery.

That's the thing about statistics, there is no such thing as absolutely impossible, only statistically impossible, and that's just the odds. And since people do win the lottery, it being statistically impossible proves that's not an absolute.
Why I didn’t vote for Trump is because he wouldn’t shut up... Had Trump just shut up and did his job without the constant Twitter nonsense he would have won!

People assumed Trump would grow into the job and become “presidential”. Trump never did.

Most Presidents faced with a crisis like COVID would have rallied the country to fight it. Trump turned it into a partisan war.

I agree with you and had Trump just lead like a true leader he would have won... I mean George W. Bush would have done a better job when it came to the Virus...

Look at how America reacted to George Bush after 9-11 compared to Trump and COVID.

America rallied around Bush after 9-11 but Trump turned COVID into a partisan battle.
Trump let the states handle most of the issue, as he should have. It was only "partisan" to notice how draconian certain blue states decided to get.
Why Trump failed so badly.
Instead of getting states to work together for the good of all, he turned it into .....every man for himself
If you don't like federalism, you're living in the wrong country. But it is true that we've started to give the feds unlimited power. You may get your wish soon enough.

You aren't going to like the end results eventually.
Power belongs at the level it will do the most good.

Some issues are best handled at the local level, some at the state level, some at the federal level
Why I didn’t vote for Trump is because he wouldn’t shut up... Had Trump just shut up and did his job without the constant Twitter nonsense he would have won!

People assumed Trump would grow into the job and become “presidential”. Trump never did.

Most Presidents faced with a crisis like COVID would have rallied the country to fight it. Trump turned it into a partisan war.

I agree with you and had Trump just lead like a true leader he would have won... I mean George W. Bush would have done a better job when it came to the Virus...

Look at how America reacted to George Bush after 9-11 compared to Trump and COVID.

America rallied around Bush after 9-11 but Trump turned COVID into a partisan battle.
Trump let the states handle most of the issue, as he should have. It was only "partisan" to notice how draconian certain blue states decided to get.
Why Trump failed so badly.
Instead of getting states to work together for the good of all, he turned it into .....every man for himself
If you don't like federalism, you're living in the wrong country. But it is true that we've started to give the feds unlimited power. You may get your wish soon enough.

You aren't going to like the end results eventually.
Power belongs at the level it will do the most good.

Some issues are best handled at the local level, some at the state level, some at the federal level
The Constitution already mentions most of the roles of the feds. And power does the most "good" when it is decentralized.
Why Trump failed so badly.
Instead of getting states to work together for the good of all, he turned it into .....every man for himself
It was even worse. Since it hit the blue states first, Trump made it a blue state red state issue. Trump did nothing to help the blue states as political payback, but by the time it hit the red states it was too late to change policy.

Initial emphasis should have centered on NY, NJ, Connecticut and California.
Trump played games playing state against state for critical resources
Why I didn’t vote for Trump is because he wouldn’t shut up... Had Trump just shut up and did his job without the constant Twitter nonsense he would have won!

People assumed Trump would grow into the job and become “presidential”. Trump never did.

Most Presidents faced with a crisis like COVID would have rallied the country to fight it. Trump turned it into a partisan war.

I agree with you and had Trump just lead like a true leader he would have won... I mean George W. Bush would have done a better job when it came to the Virus...

Look at how America reacted to George Bush after 9-11 compared to Trump and COVID.

America rallied around Bush after 9-11 but Trump turned COVID into a partisan battle.
Trump let the states handle most of the issue, as he should have. It was only "partisan" to notice how draconian certain blue states decided to get.
Why Trump failed so badly.
Instead of getting states to work together for the good of all, he turned it into .....every man for himself
If you don't like federalism, you're living in the wrong country. But it is true that we've started to give the feds unlimited power. You may get your wish soon enough.

You aren't going to like the end results eventually.
Power belongs at the level it will do the most good.

Some issues are best handled at the local level, some at the state level, some at the federal level
The Constitution already mentions most of the roles of the feds. And power does the most "good" when it is decentralized.

Why I don’t want to live in your vision of America
Trump did win the election. The Democrats stole the the Electoral College delegates with the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat swing districts.
Why Trump failed so badly.
Instead of getting states to work together for the good of all, he turned it into .....every man for himself
Right, sure that's it, your feelings. States have to order the material they need and failed, but I guess that's just Trump's fault. Wouldn't be the likes of De Blasio or Cuomo, right PROG?
Think of the PPE like going to an auction. With everybody bidding against everybody else, driving up the price, and the items going to the people who can bid the most, instead of the people who need them most.

Instead of there as only one bidder, the items would be gotten at a rock bottom price, and then could be distributed according to need.
Florida knows they're right in the path of hurricanes, but they aren't prepared or funded to handle a category 5 hitting shore.

Same with Texas, and other states along the Atlantic and the Gulf.
They should be, and they would be, if we cut them off from federal support. Sometimes you have to force people to be independent.
Good point. That would force Florida to have a state income tax.
Florida knows they're right in the path of hurricanes, but they aren't prepared or funded to handle a category 5 hitting shore.

Same with Texas, and other states along the Atlantic and the Gulf.
They should be, and they would be, if we cut them off from federal support. Sometimes you have to force people to be independent.
Good point. That would force Florida to have a state income tax.
That's a possibility, but there are various other taxation methods available. A more likely outcome would be an increase in tourism related taxes.
Think of it like a war. You can't fight a war with 50 governors separately commanding their national guard.
Governors are perfectly capable of communicating with each other. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be in office.
Then republican governors shouldn't be in office. They never coordinated with the states around them. While democratic governors made multi-state rules, and pacts.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Think of it like a war. You can't fight a war with 50 governors separately commanding their national guard.
Governors are perfectly capable of communicating with each other. If they can't manage that, they shouldn't be in office.
Then republican governors shouldn't be in office. They never coordinated with the states around them. While democratic governors made multi-state rules, and pacts.

Thanks for pointing that out.
That's assuming that the citizens of red states want more restrictions. That doesn't seem to be the case. Texas has opened up a lot lately. Meanwhile, Michigan (a blue-leaning swing state) is one of the most restrictive states. If the people of Michigan want that level of restriction, that's their prerogative, but Texans wouldn't stand for that.
By prohibiting funds from being used to transfer or release detainees into the United States, or to assist in the transfer or release of detainees into the country, these acts seem to ensure that the Guantanamo detention facility remains open
Obama transferred Gitmo prisoners to the UAB. Congress did not fund that.

15 Guantanamo Bay Detainees Transferred To United Arab ... › sections › thetwo-way › 2016/08/16

Aug 16, 2016 — Fifteen prisoners at Guantanamo Bay have been transferred to the United Arab Emirates — the largest single release of the Obama ...

Can't you read? Congress prohibited sending prisoners into the USA so he could close GITMO.

They couldn't but all the same Obama could have sent them anywhere and closed Gitmo.
Good point. That would force Florida to have a state income tax.
That's a possibility, but there are various other taxation methods available. A more likely outcome would be an increase in tourism related taxes.
You think it works to make it cheaper to go to disneyland instead of disneyworld.
Disneyland doesn't have anywhere near the appeal of Disney World. Personally, I think Disney is a repulsive company that I would never endorse, but I can't deny that Disney World is of a much greater stature than its California cousin.

Florida has raised its tourism taxes many times over the last few decades. The increases don't tend to be large, but demand never seems to take a big hit.

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