Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

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  • No

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Tell then if employees are capable of making wealth why do they need to work for someone else?
if all these employees are so smart, capable and hard working then why aren't they making themselves wealthy instead of working for someone else?

No one is forcing you or anyone else to work for anyone. you CHOOSE to sell your time for dollars to an employer. You do this of your own free will so quit fucking whining already
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

A company is a team, not a one-man show. We far outnumber your plutocratic slavemasters and their mooching sons, so we can crush them like grapes. You're right; it's time to quit whining. It's time to start making wine. Crunch, crunch; squish, squish.
You don't seem to realize that most businesses aren't owned by the 1%

They are owned by hard working people who took a huge risk and started a business.

People who work for others are not forced to do so. They can leave any job at any time and find another person who will pay for their time or they can take a risk and be self employed or start their own business

You want to demonize some small business owner who maybe makes 100K a year and who provides jobs for people in his community

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We are not talking about taxing a small business owner making $100k a year

We are talking about taxing billionaires
Bullshit you idiots don't even realize that the 1% does not own the vast majority of businesses

You're so blinded by your jealousy that you cannot be rational about anything

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

A company is a team, not a one-man show. We far outnumber your plutocratic slavemasters and their mooching sons, so we can crush them like grapes. You're right; it's time to quit whining. It's time to start making wine. Crunch, crunch; squish, squish.
You don't seem to realize that most businesses aren't owned by the 1%

They are owned by hard working people who took a huge risk and started a business.

People who work for others are not forced to do so. They can leave any job at any time and find another person who will pay for their time or they can take a risk and be self employed or start their own business

You want to demonize some small business owner who maybe makes 100K a year and who provides jobs for people in his community

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We are not talking about taxing a small business owner making $100k a year

We are talking about taxing billionaires
Bullshit you idiots don't even realize that the 1% does not own the vast majority of businesses

You're so blinded by your jealousy that you cannot be rational about anything

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
You don't seem to realize that most businesses aren't owned by the 1%

They are owned by hard working people who took a huge risk and started a business.

People who work for others are not forced to do so. They can leave any job at any time and find another person who will pay for their time or they can take a risk and be self employed or start their own business

You want to demonize some small business owner who maybe makes 100K a year and who provides jobs for people in his community

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We are not talking about taxing a small business owner making $100k a year

We are talking about taxing billionaires
Bullshit you idiots don't even realize that the 1% does not own the vast majority of businesses

You're so blinded by your jealousy that you cannot be rational about anything

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We are not talking about taxing a small business owner making $100k a year

We are talking about taxing billionaires
Bullshit you idiots don't even realize that the 1% does not own the vast majority of businesses

You're so blinded by your jealousy that you cannot be rational about anything

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
Bullshit you idiots don't even realize that the 1% does not own the vast majority of businesses

You're so blinded by your jealousy that you cannot be rational about anything

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.
Anyone who hires them makes a profit.

If only it were that easy. In point of fact they'll only make a profit if they can sell what workers produce for more than the costs of production. If they can't do that, they won't make a profit and might face significant losses.
Bullshit you idiots don't even realize that the 1% does not own the vast majority of businesses

You're so blinded by your jealousy that you cannot be rational about anything

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
No they don't

Profit is not wealth

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
No they don't

Profit is not wealth

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Bullshit you idiots don't even realize that the 1% does not own the vast majority of businesses

You're so blinded by your jealousy that you cannot be rational about anything

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
So if the workers create all the wealth why do they not walk away and start their own business?

If those 'billionaires' are fleecing them so badly, what is stopping them from walking away?
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.

More money for Congress to misuse
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
So if the workers create all the wealth why do they not walk away and start their own business?

If those 'billionaires' are fleecing them so badly, what is stopping them from walking away?
Because the economics of a society don’t support that
Tell that to the idiot I responded to

And you're the one who keeps saying employees are more important than the people who provide them with jobs

But the fact is that most employees are not willing or able to make their own way without someone telling them what to do

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
So if the workers create all the wealth why do they not walk away and start their own business?

If those 'billionaires' are fleecing them so badly, what is stopping them from walking away?
Because the economics of a society don’t support that
Useless platitude.

If they create all that wealth then they can take that creation elsewhere. Why do they not do so?
Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
So if the workers create all the wealth why do they not walk away and start their own business?

If those 'billionaires' are fleecing them so badly, what is stopping them from walking away?
Because the economics of a society don’t support that
Useless platitude.

If they create all that wealth then they can take that creation elsewhere. Why do they not do so?

It is the truth
Capitalists produce nothing of value
Simple Question but to clarify:

Do you think you would benefit from the government taking all of the money from the Billionaire class so that there were no Billionaires (reduce their wealth to $999M) and using it in programs (which include free health care, free college tuition, paying of student debt, universal income for all, etc..,

Keep in mind that all of the Billionaires in the US amount to 40% of the country's wealth.
Bloomberg and Styer just wasted 400 million running for President, and it won’t effect them.. now they could have given every American 1 million in charity.. I would have not complained.. but I am against Taxation with no representation

Just ONE problem with your math: 218,000,000 Adult Americans X $1,000,000 equals $218 Trillion.
Shit yea...

Employees create the wealth
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
So if the workers create all the wealth why do they not walk away and start their own business?

If those 'billionaires' are fleecing them so badly, what is stopping them from walking away?
Because the economics of a society don’t support that
Useless platitude.

If they create all that wealth then they can take that creation elsewhere. Why do they not do so?

A) do you know how much wealth the American Billionaires have?
B) Do you know how much wealth American millionaires have?

If we confiscated 100% of the wealth of every billionaire in America, we’d have enough money to run the federal government for less than 8 months…
FACT CHECK: How long would the wealth of every billionaire in America keep the government running for?

And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
So if the workers create all the wealth why do they not walk away and start their own business?

If those 'billionaires' are fleecing them so badly, what is stopping them from walking away?
Because the economics of a society don’t support that
Useless platitude.

If they create all that wealth then they can take that creation elsewhere. Why do they not do so?

It is the truth
Capitalists produce nothing of value
And yet you cannot answer the question - just assert an asinine talking point.
And if no one offered them a job?

Most people could not survive if there wasn't a person willing to buy their time.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Anyone who hires them makes a profit

WORKERS create wealth
So if the workers create all the wealth why do they not walk away and start their own business?

If those 'billionaires' are fleecing them so badly, what is stopping them from walking away?
Because the economics of a society don’t support that
Useless platitude.

If they create all that wealth then they can take that creation elsewhere. Why do they not do so?

It is the truth
Capitalists produce nothing of value

So offering a job to a person who was making no money on his own so he can earn a paycheck and buy a car or a house or groceries has no value?

Where would that person be financially if no capitalists had a job to fill?

We already know that most people cannot be self sufficient but I guess you think it's better for everyone to be a subsistence farmer that way all the "wealth" they create can go right into their stomachs

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