Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

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  • No

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We don’t need to take the wealth of Billionaires

But we also don’t need to bend over backwards to allow them to accumulate and maintain wealth
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth

With the job provided BY the employer. Derp.
We don’t need to take the wealth of Billionaires

But we also don’t need to bend over backwards to allow them to accumulate and maintain wealth
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth

With the job provided BY the employer. Derp.

No shit Sherlock

The employees are generating wealth from which they receive a small portion in return
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth

With the job provided BY the employer. Derp.

No shit Sherlock

The employees are generating wealth from which they receive a small portion in return

Good thing you live in a country that allows you to start a company and pay employees 2 or 3 times the going rate. Let us know how well that works.
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth

With the job provided BY the employer. Derp.

No shit Sherlock

The employees are generating wealth from which they receive a small portion in return
They are getting exactly what they asked for

They choose to sell their labor for an agreed upon price

And they can choose to leave a job and sell their labor to someone else

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
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We have lots of jobs and wealth. Wages are are stagnant however...

Not exactly. When do you cave and admit that you are wrong about wages?

America Created 266,000 Jobs in November
JOHN CARNEY 6 Dec 2019

The imaginary recession of 2019 is over.

The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs for the month and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, matching the lowest level in 50 years.

Economists had expected the economy to add 180,000 jobs and for unemployment to remain unchanged at 3.6 percent, according to Econoday.

Adding to the picture of strength for the labor market, previous jobs numbers were revised up. September’s figure was revised up by 13,000 to 193,000. October was revised up by 28,000 to 156,000. Together, that adds 41,000 more jobs than previously reported.
Average hourly wages are up 3.14 percent compared with last year, above economist expectations. In manufacturing, the average workweek increased by 0.1 hour to 40.5 hours. Average hourly ages of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 7 cents in the month to $23.83, a 0.22 percent gain.
America Created 266,000 Jobs in November

Wall Street soars after economy added robust 266,000 jobs in November


The November hiring surge pushed incomes for Americans higher last month.
20 Dec 2019

Incomes rose by half a percentage point in November, above economists’ forecasts and much better than the soft readings in September and October. This was the strongest gain since July, according to data from the Commerce Department on Friday.

Consumer spending rose at a 0.4 percent annual rate last month, led by a jump in spending on big-ticket durable goods like autos and appliances.
The higher spending is not due to rising prices. Inflation, as measured by the Federal Reserve’s preferred price indicator, is still running well below the Fed’s 2 percent target. It came in at just 1.5 percent for November compared with a year ago.

And despite the rise in consumer spending, Americans are saving more. The saving rate edged up to 7.9 percent of after-tax income in November.

Christmas Cheer: Incomes Jumps Higher, Consumer Spending Soars


US employment remains strong, 145,000 jobs added in December
By JOSH BOAK AP Economics Writer
January 10, 2020, 7:07 PM

U.S. employers downshifted their hiring in December, adding 145,000 jobs as consumer spending appeared to aid gains in the retail and hospitality sectors

US employment remains strong, 145,000 jobs added in December


Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories


Merry Christmas: Retail Sales Grew at Healthy Pace in December
16 Jan 2020

Retail sales rose at a healthy pace in December, a sign that a very healthy U.S. labor market and consumer optimism is continuing to support economic growth.

The Commerce Department said Thursday that retail sales–which measures sales at stores, online, and in restaurants–increased a seasonally adjusted three-tenths of a percentage point in December compared with November to $529.6 billion. That was in line with the consensus forecast.

Merry Christmas: Retail Sales Grew at Healthy Pace in December


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism
Written by K. Walker on February 6, 2020
Americans feel better about their personal financial situation than they did under Obama, Clinton, or even Reagan. This year-to-year number has been rising since 2018 and has hit a 44-year record high according to Gallup’s “Mood of the Nation” economic survey. Gallup reports that 59% of Americans — nearly six in 10 — say that they are better off financially than they were a year ago, which is up from 50% last year.
There has also been a sharp decline in the percentage of people who say that they are financially worse off than a year ago. Only 20% of Americans are stating that as their financial reality, and that is a record low.
More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism
Strong wage growth is over 5%. Current wage growth is weak...
Strong wage growth is over 5%. Current wage growth is weak...

Why? By how much should, in the ideal world, wage growth exceed that of inflation, if at all?

The 2018 inflation rate was 2.49%. The current inflation rate (2019 to 2020) is now 2.05%.
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth

People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.

Tell then if employees are capable of making wealth why do they need to work for someone else?
if all these employees are so smart, capable and hard working then why aren't they making themselves wealthy instead of working for someone else?

No one is forcing you or anyone else to work for anyone. you CHOOSE to sell your time for dollars to an employer. You do this of your own free will so quit fucking whining already
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

A company is a team, not a one-man show. We far outnumber your plutocratic slavemasters and their mooching sons, so we can crush them like grapes. You're right; it's time to quit whining. It's time to start making wine. Crunch, crunch; squish, squish.
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth

With the job provided BY the employer. Derp.

No shit Sherlock

The employees are generating wealth from which they receive a small portion in return
Corporate Inventors Need to Unionize and Force the Plutariat to Give Them 50% of the Value of These Patents

The sickest grand larceny of all is perpetrated against wimpy geek pushovers with corporate patents. A typical example was Nobel Prize winner Kary Mullis. He got one penny for ever $100 his Low IQ subhuman bosses made off his invention (polymerase chain reaction).

By the way, it could have been sold for twice as much as the $300 million the corporate cowboys got. Someone who worked for the buyers told me it was actually worth a billion, so they would have paid two-thirds of that in order to get it.

Sissyboy nerd doormat John Galt would have let his invention get away if his owners had used it to pleasure themselves instead of to fund Socialism. Americans are so antagonistic to intelligence that nobody points that out about Atlas Shrugged.
Ironically, the mythological beast Atlas is nothing but a mindless hulk known only for his brute strength.
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth

People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.

Tell then if employees are capable of making wealth why do they need to work for someone else?
if all these employees are so smart, capable and hard working then why aren't they making themselves wealthy instead of working for someone else?

No one is forcing you or anyone else to work for anyone. you CHOOSE to sell your time for dollars to an employer. You do this of your own free will so quit fucking whining already
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

A company is a team, not a one-man show. We far outnumber your plutocratic slavemasters and their mooching sons, so we can crush them like grapes. You're right; it's time to quit whining. It's time to start making wine. Crunch, crunch; squish, squish.

Damn fools who drink the Marxist kool aid are always surprised to find out what’s in it.
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth

People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.

Tell then if employees are capable of making wealth why do they need to work for someone else?
if all these employees are so smart, capable and hard working then why aren't they making themselves wealthy instead of working for someone else?

No one is forcing you or anyone else to work for anyone. you CHOOSE to sell your time for dollars to an employer. You do this of your own free will so quit fucking whining already
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

A company is a team, not a one-man show. We far outnumber your plutocratic slavemasters and their mooching sons, so we can crush them like grapes. You're right; it's time to quit whining. It's time to start making wine. Crunch, crunch; squish, squish.
You don't seem to realize that most businesses aren't owned by the 1%

They are owned by hard working people who took a huge risk and started a business.

People who work for others are not forced to do so. They can leave any job at any time and find another person who will pay for their time or they can take a risk and be self employed or start their own business

You want to demonize some small business owner who maybe makes 100K a year and who provides jobs for people in his community

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth

People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.

Tell then if employees are capable of making wealth why do they need to work for someone else?
if all these employees are so smart, capable and hard working then why aren't they making themselves wealthy instead of working for someone else?

No one is forcing you or anyone else to work for anyone. you CHOOSE to sell your time for dollars to an employer. You do this of your own free will so quit fucking whining already
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

A company is a team, not a one-man show. We far outnumber your plutocratic slavemasters and their mooching sons, so we can crush them like grapes. You're right; it's time to quit whining. It's time to start making wine. Crunch, crunch; squish, squish.
You don't seem to realize that most businesses aren't owned by the 1%

They are owned by hard working people who took a huge risk and started a business.

People who work for others are not forced to do so. They can leave any job at any time and find another person who will pay for their time or they can take a risk and be self employed or start their own business

You want to demonize some small business owner who maybe makes 100K a year and who provides jobs for people in his community

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We are not talking about taxing a small business owner making $100k a year

We are talking about taxing billionaires
People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.

Tell then if employees are capable of making wealth why do they need to work for someone else?
if all these employees are so smart, capable and hard working then why aren't they making themselves wealthy instead of working for someone else?

No one is forcing you or anyone else to work for anyone. you CHOOSE to sell your time for dollars to an employer. You do this of your own free will so quit fucking whining already
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

A company is a team, not a one-man show. We far outnumber your plutocratic slavemasters and their mooching sons, so we can crush them like grapes. You're right; it's time to quit whining. It's time to start making wine. Crunch, crunch; squish, squish.
You don't seem to realize that most businesses aren't owned by the 1%

They are owned by hard working people who took a huge risk and started a business.

People who work for others are not forced to do so. They can leave any job at any time and find another person who will pay for their time or they can take a risk and be self employed or start their own business

You want to demonize some small business owner who maybe makes 100K a year and who provides jobs for people in his community

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We are not talking about taxing a small business owner making $100k a year

We are talking about taxing billionaires
Bullshit you idiots don't even realize that the 1% does not own the vast majority of businesses

You're so blinded by your jealousy that you cannot be rational about anything

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.

Tell then if employees are capable of making wealth why do they need to work for someone else?
if all these employees are so smart, capable and hard working then why aren't they making themselves wealthy instead of working for someone else?

No one is forcing you or anyone else to work for anyone. you CHOOSE to sell your time for dollars to an employer. You do this of your own free will so quit fucking whining already
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

A company is a team, not a one-man show. We far outnumber your plutocratic slavemasters and their mooching sons, so we can crush them like grapes. You're right; it's time to quit whining. It's time to start making wine. Crunch, crunch; squish, squish.
You don't seem to realize that most businesses aren't owned by the 1%

They are owned by hard working people who took a huge risk and started a business.

People who work for others are not forced to do so. They can leave any job at any time and find another person who will pay for their time or they can take a risk and be self employed or start their own business

You want to demonize some small business owner who maybe makes 100K a year and who provides jobs for people in his community

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We are not talking about taxing a small business owner making $100k a year

We are talking about taxing billionaires
Bullshit you idiots don't even realize that the 1% does not own the vast majority of businesses

You're so blinded by your jealousy that you cannot be rational about anything

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Vast majority are small business, mom and pop

We are not looking to tax the small guys
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth

People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.

Tell then if employees are capable of making wealth why do they need to work for someone else?
if all these employees are so smart, capable and hard working then why aren't they making themselves wealthy instead of working for someone else?

No one is forcing you or anyone else to work for anyone. you CHOOSE to sell your time for dollars to an employer. You do this of your own free will so quit fucking whining already
Man Up and Take the Upper Class Down

A company is a team, not a one-man show. We far outnumber your plutocratic slavemasters and their mooching sons, so we can crush them like grapes. You're right; it's time to quit whining. It's time to start making wine. Crunch, crunch; squish, squish.

Take your meds

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