Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

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  • No

  • Other

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Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
So the system of exploiting cheap Chinese labor to increase profits can be rigged for the owners, but the workers have no rights ?

Exploiting? Those chinese workers at foxconn and other companies line up by the thousands to get a job there. The working conditions and pay are nothing like they can get anywhere else in China. It's nice that some of our companies are helping out the labor pool in other countries. Oh wait - that's a globalist view. Jeebus, I almost turned into a democrat. Ok. Now you've confused me. Do you believe in nationalism or globalism? Cuz either you're giving me a severe case of cognitive dissonance or you're just a hypocrite.

I'll take the later. It hurts less.
I was referring to exploiting American workers.

American workers are free to leave and seek employment elsewhere if they don't like the conditions of their employment. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?

IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR JOB, QUIT. Otherwise shut the hell up. Good God....
Owners Aren't Earners. Saying That They Create Jobs Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood.

If the Scrooges don't like their workers showing any self-respect, they can always move themselves and their families permanently to some Third World hellhole where the gutless workers love to get their faces pushed into the dirt by their bosses.

A real man, an Old School American, would walk into his boss's office, slam that Sissy in a Suitcoat's face down on his desk and tell him what's up with the upper class,"We do the work here; we own this place. Pay us what the union tells you to, Scrooge, or you're fired."
If it walks like a duck......

No established above board charity sees its revenue drop by 60% on the results of one election
except for every charity run by the politician who loses, brainwashed functional moron. Actually they lose more. and the charity run by Trump was a total rip-off scam fraud LOL. Wake up and smell the coffee idiot whoops brainwashed functional idiot....

IDGAF about Trump's charity

Why don't you find me a list of well respected charities that have seen their revenue drop by 60% immediately after a single presidential election and then get back to me

and you call me an idiot yet you can't understand when I told you I didn't vote for Trump last time and I won't vote for him this time.

Really people like you who vote for anyone as long as their a democrat are the retarded brainwashed morons
I will let law enforcement take care of that instead of ridiculous pundits. I vote for the issues Americans are really stupid about that. They vote for the people they want to have a beer with and don't even know that we are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share along with giant corporations and lying scumbags who run the GOP. And I did not call you an idiot I called you a brainwashed functional idiot. About 70% of the populace...all of our cable news networks are a disgrace really they don't have any foreign reporters or offices and just sit around debating GOP garbage mainly. But at least CNN and MSNBC don't lie lie lie innuendo innuendo innuendo and never retract.the more you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc the more you become a brainwashed functional idiot. Perfect dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.

Yup you're a typical kool aid drinking democrat who thinks he knows what's best for everyone else

They "Love Humankind" But Hate Everybody They Actually Come Into Contact With, Including Fellow Leftists

Since I know that the Social Justice Warlords are lying to themselves about what really motivates them, the truth is even more anti-social than merely wanting unquestioned authority. They actually want what is worse for everybody else and they know it is worse.
bologna. I don't hate Republicans I'm surrounded with them. And most of my friends are brainwashed functional morons politically politically politically politically. I don't hate them I hate the lies they believe the poor schmucks. They keep voting for people that screw them everyday. Just like you LOL. Republicans are lovely people except for the fact that they believe a mountain of crap propaganda and I must say they are the people who hate because they are so misinformed with cherry-picked misinformation and character assassination. Change the channel read a newspaper from anywhere in the world that isn't published by Rupert Murdoch your scum-sucking hero.
Agree, but to be clear all the Billionaire wealth in the US is about 40T so it would pay off the debt. Of course, the economy would tank and we would head directly toward the same demise as Venezuela.

Wow, there are few threads here with more misinformation than this one.

FORTY TRILLION? Not even close.

The minimum net worth to make The Forbes 400 list of richest Americans is now a record $2 billion, up from $1.7 billion a year ago. The group’s total net worth climbed to $2.7 trillion, up from $2.4 trillion, and the average net worth rose to $6.7 billion, up from $6 billion.…

So illegally confiscating all the wealth of the 400 wealthiest Americans wouldn't even finance our spending for one year. What do we do then?

Thanks for the clarification. You're right. I added it up yesterday but I used the wealth of a certain percentage of American's of the nation or something like that. Fucked that up.

American wealth grew to around 96T last year.

Anyways, it doesn't matter if you take it away, the economy would go into a free fall.

AND more importantly even 40T wouldn't fund the programs the socialist dems want to implement and then everyone would be broke in ten years. The math is basic enough to gain an understanding that we just don't have that kind of wealth. The dem's (especially Warren and Bernie) don't know how to add.
Bootlicking Buttboys for the Bosses' Brats

Take away hereditary money and you would have competent people running businesses instead of no-talent richboys and their boytoys. You pathetic Preppylovers desperately need to feel important and superior to the majority of people by backing these spoiled and protected walking disasters.
Bootlicking Buttboys for the Bosses' Brats

Take away hereditary money and you would have competent people running businesses instead of no-talent richboys and their boytoys. You pathetic Preppylovers desperately need to feel important and superior to the majority of people by backing these spoiled and protected walking disasters.


What the heck are you talking about?
Our country gains very little from the wealth of Billionaires

No reason to protect them


Let’s see....

What do we gain from Jeff Bezos immense wealth?

Amazon is a separate entity. The hundred billion Bezos has is only helping himself.
The Race Must Go to the Fittest, Not the Fatherest. So Daddy Bribed the Officials and Must Lose All He Has for That Crime Against Darwin's Law.

Someone could make an acceptable argument that Bezos worked for most of that, so he deserves to keep most of it and doesn't have to help anybody anymore. But the Walton Family has $200 billion and never worked a day in their lives, so no honest and intelligent person has any argument against confiscating it.

You Kennedy-loving Leftists never distinguish between people who worked for it and those who inherited it, who are all parasites. That omission of an easy debate win proves that Liberalism and Socialism were invented by the same spoiled, sheltered, and Born to Rule class of Camelot dung. Some Leftists can't deny that false-flag scheme, so they double-down on it by claiming that their heiristocratic leaders had to give up the most by becoming Social Justice Warlords, so they are the most dedicated to the cause! No, mind-slave, that's why they always impose dictatorships; their Daddies told them they were Born to Rule.
Our country gains very little from the wealth of Billionaires

No reason to protect them


Let’s see....

What do we gain from Jeff Bezos immense wealth?

Amazon is a separate entity. The hundred billion Bezos has is only helping himself.
The Race Must Go to the Fittest, Not the Fatherest. So Daddy Bribed the Officials and Must Lose All He Has for That Crime Against Darwin's Law.

Someone could make an acceptable argument that Bezos worked for most of that, so he deserves to keep most of it and doesn't have to help anybody anymore. But the Walton Family has $200 billion and never worked a day in their lives, so no honest and intelligent person has any argument against confiscating it.

You Kennedy-loving Leftists never distinguish between people who worked for it and those who inherited it, who are all parasites. That omission of an easy debate win proves that Liberalism and Socialism were invented by the same spoiled, sheltered, and Born to Rule class of Camelot dung. Some Leftists can't deny that false-flag scheme, so they double-down on it by claiming that their heiristocratic leaders had to give up the most by becoming Social Justice Warlords, so they are the most dedicated to the cause! No, mind-slave, that's why they always impose dictatorships; their Daddies told them they were Born to Rule.

So what? Somebody worked for it, and if they choose to leave that to their children, that is their prerogative. Nobody has to please you. Sounds like you are suffering from wealth envy too. Sorry, you can't confiscate someone else's money because you don't like them.
So you think it benefits us for billionaires to create most their jobs in other countries, interesting.
Why do you think everyone has to do things that benefit you?

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The right defends them as job creators. What do we care they are creating jobs everywhere else?

No corporation has an obligation to create jobs
Sounds like that defense doesn’t work then.

I never claimed that any corporation has an obligation to provide jobs.

They don't

A corporation has the obligation to its stockholders to make the company as profitable as possible if this country makes it impossible to be as profitable as possible it's not the fault of the corporation
Treason Is Not a Property Right

That whole attitude is anti-social and anti-American, as if we are mere peasants living on the nobility's land and have no right to criticize its behavior. The stockholders are parasites feeding off other people's work, so they should not have laws all for themselves. Owners aren't earners; only economic sissies let them call the shots.
But the Walton Family has $200 billion and never worked a day in their lives, so no honest and intelligent person has any argument against confiscating it.


Of Forbes wealthiest 400 Americans, how many, in your opinion, are self-made?

Why do you believe that you are entitled to what another person earned?
Treason Is Not a Property Right

That whole attitude is anti-social and anti-American, as if we are mere peasants living on the nobility's land and have no right to criticize its behavior. The stockholders are parasites feeding off other people's work, so they should not have laws all for themselves. Owners aren't earners; only economic sissies let them call the shots.

Employees enter into a contract with an employer: X work for Y pay. They are not entitled to anything beyond that. If they don't like it, they are free to quit.
So the system of exploiting cheap Chinese labor to increase profits can be rigged for the owners, but the workers have no rights ?

Exploiting? Those chinese workers at foxconn and other companies line up by the thousands to get a job there. The working conditions and pay are nothing like they can get anywhere else in China. It's nice that some of our companies are helping out the labor pool in other countries. Oh wait - that's a globalist view. Jeebus, I almost turned into a democrat. Ok. Now you've confused me. Do you believe in nationalism or globalism? Cuz either you're giving me a severe case of cognitive dissonance or you're just a hypocrite.

I'll take the later. It hurts less.
I was referring to exploiting American workers.

American workers are free to leave and seek employment elsewhere if they don't like the conditions of their employment. Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp?

IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR JOB, QUIT. Otherwise shut the hell up. Good God....
Owners Aren't Earners. Saying That They Create Jobs Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood.

If the Scrooges don't like their workers showing any self-respect, they can always move themselves and their families permanently to some Third World hellhole where the gutless workers love to get their faces pushed into the dirt by their bosses.

A real man, an Old School American, would walk into his boss's office, slam that Sissy in a Suitcoat's face down on his desk and tell him what's up with the upper class,"We do the work here; we own this place. Pay us what the union tells you to, Scrooge, or you're fired."

And you would be fired. Your attitude would only hurt yourself and your family. You should be grateful that anyone would give you a job given your terrible attitude.
except for every charity run by the politician who loses, brainwashed functional moron. Actually they lose more. and the charity run by Trump was a total rip-off scam fraud LOL. Wake up and smell the coffee idiot whoops brainwashed functional idiot....

IDGAF about Trump's charity

Why don't you find me a list of well respected charities that have seen their revenue drop by 60% immediately after a single presidential election and then get back to me

and you call me an idiot yet you can't understand when I told you I didn't vote for Trump last time and I won't vote for him this time.

Really people like you who vote for anyone as long as their a democrat are the retarded brainwashed morons
I will let law enforcement take care of that instead of ridiculous pundits. I vote for the issues Americans are really stupid about that. They vote for the people they want to have a beer with and don't even know that we are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share along with giant corporations and lying scumbags who run the GOP. And I did not call you an idiot I called you a brainwashed functional idiot. About 70% of the populace...all of our cable news networks are a disgrace really they don't have any foreign reporters or offices and just sit around debating GOP garbage mainly. But at least CNN and MSNBC don't lie lie lie innuendo innuendo innuendo and never retract.the more you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc the more you become a brainwashed functional idiot. Perfect dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.

Yup you're a typical kool aid drinking democrat who thinks he knows what's best for everyone else

They "Love Humankind" But Hate Everybody They Actually Come Into Contact With, Including Fellow Leftists

Since I know that the Social Justice Warlords are lying to themselves about what really motivates them, the truth is even more anti-social than merely wanting unquestioned authority. They actually want what is worse for everybody else and they know it is worse.
bologna. I don't hate Republicans I'm surrounded with them. And most of my friends are brainwashed functional morons politically politically politically politically. I don't hate them I hate the lies they believe the poor schmucks. They keep voting for people that screw them everyday. Just like you LOL. Republicans are lovely people except for the fact that they believe a mountain of crap propaganda and I must say they are the people who hate because they are so misinformed with cherry-picked misinformation and character assassination. Change the channel read a newspaper from anywhere in the world that isn't published by Rupert Murdoch your scum-sucking hero.
Most of your friends are brainwashed morons huh?

Ever hear that old saying about birds of a feather?

I make it a point not to hang around with morons

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
IDGAF about Trump's charity

Why don't you find me a list of well respected charities that have seen their revenue drop by 60% immediately after a single presidential election and then get back to me

and you call me an idiot yet you can't understand when I told you I didn't vote for Trump last time and I won't vote for him this time.

Really people like you who vote for anyone as long as their a democrat are the retarded brainwashed morons
I will let law enforcement take care of that instead of ridiculous pundits. I vote for the issues Americans are really stupid about that. They vote for the people they want to have a beer with and don't even know that we are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share along with giant corporations and lying scumbags who run the GOP. And I did not call you an idiot I called you a brainwashed functional idiot. About 70% of the populace...all of our cable news networks are a disgrace really they don't have any foreign reporters or offices and just sit around debating GOP garbage mainly. But at least CNN and MSNBC don't lie lie lie innuendo innuendo innuendo and never retract.the more you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc the more you become a brainwashed functional idiot. Perfect dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.

Yup you're a typical kool aid drinking democrat who thinks he knows what's best for everyone else

They "Love Humankind" But Hate Everybody They Actually Come Into Contact With, Including Fellow Leftists

Since I know that the Social Justice Warlords are lying to themselves about what really motivates them, the truth is even more anti-social than merely wanting unquestioned authority. They actually want what is worse for everybody else and they know it is worse.
bologna. I don't hate Republicans I'm surrounded with them. And most of my friends are brainwashed functional morons politically politically politically politically. I don't hate them I hate the lies they believe the poor schmucks. They keep voting for people that screw them everyday. Just like you LOL. Republicans are lovely people except for the fact that they believe a mountain of crap propaganda and I must say they are the people who hate because they are so misinformed with cherry-picked misinformation and character assassination. Change the channel read a newspaper from anywhere in the world that isn't published by Rupert Murdoch your scum-sucking hero.
Most of your friends are brainwashed morons huh?

Ever hear that old saying about birds of a feather?

I make it a point not to hang around with morons

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Another saying, with friends like him, who needs enemies? :D
Why do you think everyone has to do things that benefit you?

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
The right defends them as job creators. What do we care they are creating jobs everywhere else?

No corporation has an obligation to create jobs
Sounds like that defense doesn’t work then.

I never claimed that any corporation has an obligation to provide jobs.

They don't

A corporation has the obligation to its stockholders to make the company as profitable as possible if this country makes it impossible to be as profitable as possible it's not the fault of the corporation
Treason Is Not a Property Right

That whole attitude is anti-social and anti-American, as if we are mere peasants living on the nobility's land and have no right to criticize its behavior. The stockholders are parasites feeding off other people's work, so they should not have laws all for themselves. Owners aren't earners; only economic sissies let them call the shots.
If there were no stockholders the business would have much less capital therefore would not be able to employ as many people

There is nothing antisocial about the way business works.

If you don't want to work for a big corporation then don't

But don't be so naive

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I voted "other". It would all depend on how the revenue was used.

They would used it the same way they use all other revenue... piss it down the drain.
Liberals Are Unconscious But Obviously Effective Agents of the Right Wing

Don't be a sucker and believe that the Statists love government. Once again, those who run the government inherit their positions, either from being spawn of politiicians like Nancy Pelosi was or spawn of the economic royalty, like all the rest. John D. Rockefeller had three grandsons become governors, one of whom also became Vice President. That had as little to do with his business as if they had all become NFL players.

Therefore their dominant class instincts drive them into making government repulsive to the average American, tricking him into leaving himself at the mercy of their fellow guillotine-fodder scum HeirHeads in the private circle.
This is all a puppet show; we are all being manipulated by powerful forces of mind control.
We don’t need to take the wealth of Billionaires

But we also don’t need to bend over backwards to allow them to accumulate and maintain wealth
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?
We don’t need to take the wealth of Billionaires

But we also don’t need to bend over backwards to allow them to accumulate and maintain wealth
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

Why the Rich Are Getting Richer
IDGAF about Trump's charity

Why don't you find me a list of well respected charities that have seen their revenue drop by 60% immediately after a single presidential election and then get back to me

and you call me an idiot yet you can't understand when I told you I didn't vote for Trump last time and I won't vote for him this time.

Really people like you who vote for anyone as long as their a democrat are the retarded brainwashed morons
I will let law enforcement take care of that instead of ridiculous pundits. I vote for the issues Americans are really stupid about that. They vote for the people they want to have a beer with and don't even know that we are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share along with giant corporations and lying scumbags who run the GOP. And I did not call you an idiot I called you a brainwashed functional idiot. About 70% of the populace...all of our cable news networks are a disgrace really they don't have any foreign reporters or offices and just sit around debating GOP garbage mainly. But at least CNN and MSNBC don't lie lie lie innuendo innuendo innuendo and never retract.the more you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc the more you become a brainwashed functional idiot. Perfect dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.

Yup you're a typical kool aid drinking democrat who thinks he knows what's best for everyone else

They "Love Humankind" But Hate Everybody They Actually Come Into Contact With, Including Fellow Leftists

Since I know that the Social Justice Warlords are lying to themselves about what really motivates them, the truth is even more anti-social than merely wanting unquestioned authority. They actually want what is worse for everybody else and they know it is worse.
bologna. I don't hate Republicans I'm surrounded with them. And most of my friends are brainwashed functional morons politically politically politically politically. I don't hate them I hate the lies they believe the poor schmucks. They keep voting for people that screw them everyday. Just like you LOL. Republicans are lovely people except for the fact that they believe a mountain of crap propaganda and I must say they are the people who hate because they are so misinformed with cherry-picked misinformation and character assassination. Change the channel read a newspaper from anywhere in the world that isn't published by Rupert Murdoch your scum-sucking hero.
Most of your friends are brainwashed morons huh?

Ever hear that old saying about birds of a feather?

I make it a point not to hang around with morons

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
New York 26 is 73% Trump. Lovely people but brainwashed functional moron trumpsters. Just like you
We don’t need to take the wealth of Billionaires

But we also don’t need to bend over backwards to allow them to accumulate and maintain wealth
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?

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