Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

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We have lots of jobs and wealth. Wages are are stagnant however...

Not exactly. When do you cave and admit that you are wrong about wages?

America Created 266,000 Jobs in November
JOHN CARNEY 6 Dec 2019

The imaginary recession of 2019 is over.

The U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs for the month and the unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, matching the lowest level in 50 years.

Economists had expected the economy to add 180,000 jobs and for unemployment to remain unchanged at 3.6 percent, according to Econoday.

Adding to the picture of strength for the labor market, previous jobs numbers were revised up. September’s figure was revised up by 13,000 to 193,000. October was revised up by 28,000 to 156,000. Together, that adds 41,000 more jobs than previously reported.
Average hourly wages are up 3.14 percent compared with last year, above economist expectations. In manufacturing, the average workweek increased by 0.1 hour to 40.5 hours. Average hourly ages of private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 7 cents in the month to $23.83, a 0.22 percent gain.
America Created 266,000 Jobs in November

Wall Street soars after economy added robust 266,000 jobs in November


The November hiring surge pushed incomes for Americans higher last month.
20 Dec 2019

Incomes rose by half a percentage point in November, above economists’ forecasts and much better than the soft readings in September and October. This was the strongest gain since July, according to data from the Commerce Department on Friday.

Consumer spending rose at a 0.4 percent annual rate last month, led by a jump in spending on big-ticket durable goods like autos and appliances.
The higher spending is not due to rising prices. Inflation, as measured by the Federal Reserve’s preferred price indicator, is still running well below the Fed’s 2 percent target. It came in at just 1.5 percent for November compared with a year ago.

And despite the rise in consumer spending, Americans are saving more. The saving rate edged up to 7.9 percent of after-tax income in November.

Christmas Cheer: Incomes Jumps Higher, Consumer Spending Soars


US employment remains strong, 145,000 jobs added in December
By JOSH BOAK AP Economics Writer
January 10, 2020, 7:07 PM

U.S. employers downshifted their hiring in December, adding 145,000 jobs as consumer spending appeared to aid gains in the retail and hospitality sectors

US employment remains strong, 145,000 jobs added in December


Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories
16 Jan 2020

The U.S. manufacturing sector appears to be regaining its footing, suggesting the beaten-down sector may once again be expanding.

The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia’s survey-based index of manufacturing activity soared to 17 in January, up from the weak 0.3 reading in December and well-above forecasts for a reading of 3.0.

Manufacturing Surveys Indicate Growth Returning to U.S. Factories


Merry Christmas: Retail Sales Grew at Healthy Pace in December
16 Jan 2020

Retail sales rose at a healthy pace in December, a sign that a very healthy U.S. labor market and consumer optimism is continuing to support economic growth.

The Commerce Department said Thursday that retail sales–which measures sales at stores, online, and in restaurants–increased a seasonally adjusted three-tenths of a percentage point in December compared with November to $529.6 billion. That was in line with the consensus forecast.

Merry Christmas: Retail Sales Grew at Healthy Pace in December


More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism
Written by K. Walker on February 6, 2020
Americans feel better about their personal financial situation than they did under Obama, Clinton, or even Reagan. This year-to-year number has been rising since 2018 and has hit a 44-year record high according to Gallup’s “Mood of the Nation” economic survey. Gallup reports that 59% of Americans — nearly six in 10 — say that they are better off financially than they were a year ago, which is up from 50% last year.
There has also been a sharp decline in the percentage of people who say that they are financially worse off than a year ago. Only 20% of Americans are stating that as their financial reality, and that is a record low.
More MAGA Winning: Gallup Poll Has NEVER Recorded This Level Of Economic Optimism
Well it went down 60% in contributions,so it is still going on. It has all been investigated and none of your stupid scandals about it have ever gotten anywhere in the real world. It is called taking advantage of your position to do good in the world. Horrible horrible just scandalous!! Brainwashed functional moron. LOL

If it walks like a duck......

No established above board charity sees its revenue drop by 60% on the results of one election
except for every charity run by the politician who loses, brainwashed functional moron. Actually they lose more. and the charity run by Trump was a total rip-off scam fraud LOL. Wake up and smell the coffee idiot whoops brainwashed functional idiot....

IDGAF about Trump's charity

Why don't you find me a list of well respected charities that have seen their revenue drop by 60% immediately after a single presidential election and then get back to me

and you call me an idiot yet you can't understand when I told you I didn't vote for Trump last time and I won't vote for him this time.

Really people like you who vote for anyone as long as their a democrat are the retarded brainwashed morons
I will let law enforcement take care of that instead of ridiculous pundits. I vote for the issues Americans are really stupid about that. They vote for the people they want to have a beer with and don't even know that we are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share along with giant corporations and lying scumbags who run the GOP. And I did not call you an idiot I called you a brainwashed functional idiot. About 70% of the populace...all of our cable news networks are a disgrace really they don't have any foreign reporters or offices and just sit around debating GOP garbage mainly. But at least CNN and MSNBC don't lie lie lie innuendo innuendo innuendo and never retract.the more you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc the more you become a brainwashed functional idiot. Perfect dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.

Yup you're a typical kool aid drinking democrat who thinks he knows what's best for everyone else

They "Love Humankind" But Hate Everybody They Actually Come Into Contact With, Including Fellow Leftists

Since I know that the Social Justice Warlords are lying to themselves about what really motivates them, the truth is even more anti-social than merely wanting unquestioned authority. They actually want what is worse for everybody else and they know it is worse.
12000 isn't that many considering there are millions working in some sort of maufacturing
Was losing jobs the goal?

It's an insignificant amount and businesses cut back all the time

when someone is cutting jobs another is hiring. it has always been this way.

The manufacturing industry has been in a recession and is hurting because of having to compete with China and others! While the process might be slow and painful, Trump is trying to level this playing field to bring more jobs back from overseas and to make it more expensive to buy overseas produced products. I can't think of a better way to do this than to impose higher tariffs. This is going to be good for us in the long run. Unfortunately, leftists can't see the long term gains, and have no ability for critical thinking.
Do you believe that all men are created equal? If you do, why would you care to look up somebody's butt, find out a billion dollars was in there, then penalize the hell out of their profits?

Maybe you think you know more than the Constitution's founders about treating everyone the same under the law.
So if I'm Sam Walton's grandson, according to the Constitution, I'm entitled to be born with $18 billion in the bank ?
The Left Branch of the Serpent Tree Lynches Us From the Bottom Up, While Its Right Branch Hangs Us From the Top Down

You also have to be totally against the minority freeloaders, too, or you are illogically hypocritical. Anyone who uses the false antonyms of rich and poor actually benefits the heiristocrats by contrasting them with mooching savages.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

If you're frugal and know how to shop, Anyone can get by on $15K. Especially with government assistance.

To do a little better in life, people need to take responsibility for themselves and work towards their goals. Most people don't have goals. Most want an iPhone, unlimited data, the latest shoes, the latest video game, a vacation to Bermuda, a new car, and they take on debt to make that happen. We're a very materialistic society.

Go visit and find out how to really save money and end up with considerable wealth. I did. I retired at the age of 54.

You and most other people probably won't do that. Most think it's too much work and consider living frugally a hardship.

The average person in Africa makes about $798 per year. Our bottom 25% are in the top 5% of the world.

Buy here in the good old USA, everyone is entitled to free everything without having to do anything apparently.
"Let Them Live on Bread and Water," Cackled Marie Antoinette, Laughing Her Head Off

I don't mean to discredit what you say; I mean to discredit you. If you weren't a dishonest bootlicker, you'd tell all that to the HeirHeads, a class that has no right to exist. You're not a real man unless you believe, "If we have to do it all on our own, so must the brats of the rich." America better wake up to the facts that such a clique doesn't belong in this country and that it is allied with all the other burdens on society. Only childish weaklings who hate their own Daddies become wannabe Preppies.
In the US, wealth is more powerful than government. That is by design. But some people want to change that.


They want government to have more, and more, power to control the economy. Why someone might want that depends on the person I suppose. Maybe they just haven't thought it through.

It is because they have no will to care for themselves and are really greedy, wanting to take others money by force in the hopes that they will get more for themselves, or they are plain envious and don't like the fact that other people are wealthy. There are people who support socialism or even communism.

A lot of them are just really ignorant and naïve people who think the "government" is here to help them. Lol. And there are those who want an easy life where they don't have to work too hard or at all and still have money that they didn't earn.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

If you're frugal and know how to shop, Anyone can get by on $15K. Especially with government assistance.

To do a little better in life, people need to take responsibility for themselves and work towards their goals. Most people don't have goals. Most want an iPhone, unlimited data, the latest shoes, the latest video game, a vacation to Bermuda, a new car, and they take on debt to make that happen. We're a very materialistic society.

Go visit and find out how to really save money and end up with considerable wealth. I did. I retired at the age of 54.

You and most other people probably won't do that. Most think it's too much work and consider living frugally a hardship.

The average person in Africa makes about $798 per year. Our bottom 25% are in the top 5% of the world.

Buy here in the good old USA, everyone is entitled to free everything without having to do anything apparently.
"Let Them Live on Bread and Water," Cackled Marie Antoinette, Laughing Her Head Off

I don't mean to discredit what you say; I mean to discredit you. If you weren't a dishonest bootlicker, you'd tell all that to the HeirHeads, a class that has no right to exist. You're not a real man unless you believe, "If we have to do it all on our own, so must the brats of the rich." America better wake up to the facts that such a clique doesn't belong in this country and that it is allied with all the other burdens on society. Only childish weaklings who hate their own Daddies become wannabe Preppies.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not envious of others and how fortunate they may be. I could care less.

You seem to be a bitter, angry, envious person. Good luck with that.

Envy stems from narcism. You feel like you're not getting what you justly deserve and want what others have.

I wonder what the people in a poor country feel about you and your wealth. That you're part of that elitist US rich culture where everyone is fed and work is available. That you have no right to exist in the world? That you aren't a real man because you can't tell those of America they are all HeirHeads just by being born here?

You have a fucking problem in my estimation. Good luck with that envy. It's a horrible disease.
We don’t need to take the wealth of Billionaires

But we also don’t need to bend over backwards to allow them to accumulate and maintain wealth
Check any failed nation's history, and you'll find disparity grew to proportions it is now

so the OP is being far too simplistic, because canned q's are engineered to discredit and disguise the problem , not address it in the light of day

We should take a lesson from the French Revolution. The struggling French masses rebelled, the first thing they did was gather up all the educated, intelligent, and wealthy people and executed them.......France hasn't been quite right since then.
Just Like the War of the Roses, Not Democratic at All

You believe the historical analysis written by our own guillotine-fodder? What a slavish pushover you are, being too lazy to think for yourself and picking out some self-appointed "expert" to do your thinking for you. The French Revolution was not a revolt of the masses; it was the hereditary but untitled 2% using the 98% to exterminate the idle-rich titled 1%.

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