Do you think you would benefit from taking the wealth of the Billionaires?

Do you think you would benefit from taking all of the wealth from the Billionaire class

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  • No

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I will let law enforcement take care of that instead of ridiculous pundits. I vote for the issues Americans are really stupid about that. They vote for the people they want to have a beer with and don't even know that we are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage health Care daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations. No sacrifice is too great to save the greedy idiot GOP Rich from paying their fair share along with giant corporations and lying scumbags who run the GOP. And I did not call you an idiot I called you a brainwashed functional idiot. About 70% of the populace...all of our cable news networks are a disgrace really they don't have any foreign reporters or offices and just sit around debating GOP garbage mainly. But at least CNN and MSNBC don't lie lie lie innuendo innuendo innuendo and never retract.the more you listen to Fox and Rush etc etc the more you become a brainwashed functional idiot. Perfect dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.

Yup you're a typical kool aid drinking democrat who thinks he knows what's best for everyone else

They "Love Humankind" But Hate Everybody They Actually Come Into Contact With, Including Fellow Leftists

Since I know that the Social Justice Warlords are lying to themselves about what really motivates them, the truth is even more anti-social than merely wanting unquestioned authority. They actually want what is worse for everybody else and they know it is worse.
bologna. I don't hate Republicans I'm surrounded with them. And most of my friends are brainwashed functional morons politically politically politically politically. I don't hate them I hate the lies they believe the poor schmucks. They keep voting for people that screw them everyday. Just like you LOL. Republicans are lovely people except for the fact that they believe a mountain of crap propaganda and I must say they are the people who hate because they are so misinformed with cherry-picked misinformation and character assassination. Change the channel read a newspaper from anywhere in the world that isn't published by Rupert Murdoch your scum-sucking hero.
Most of your friends are brainwashed morons huh?

Ever hear that old saying about birds of a feather?

I make it a point not to hang around with morons

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New York 26 is 73% Trump. Lovely people but brainwashed functional moron trumpsters. Just like you
You must be a moron because you cannot understand that I did not and will not vote for Trump

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Our Supply Side policies do not work and have destroyed the middle class.

Let’s move on, make billionaires pay what they used to and go back to providing needed services to poor and working Americans.
We don’t need to take the wealth of Billionaires

But we also don’t need to bend over backwards to allow them to accumulate and maintain wealth
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth
We don’t need to take the wealth of Billionaires

But we also don’t need to bend over backwards to allow them to accumulate and maintain wealth
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
We don’t need to take the wealth of Billionaires

But we also don’t need to bend over backwards to allow them to accumulate and maintain wealth
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth
That's the whole point. There shouldn't be any billionaires to begin with, because the system that created them also destroyed the middle class.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth

Who ever said it was altruistic?

People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another

No one takes the risk of starting a business with the hopes of barely breaking even because breaking even is the same as going broke

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Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

If you're frugal and know how to shop, Anyone can get by on $15K. Especially with government assistance.

To do a little better in life, people need to take responsibility for themselves and work towards their goals. Most people don't have goals. Most want an iPhone, unlimited data, the latest shoes, the latest video game, a vacation to Bermuda, a new car, and they take on debt to make that happen. We're a very materialistic society.

Go visit and find out how to really save money and end up with considerable wealth. I did. I retired at the age of 54.

You and most other people probably won't do that. Most think it's too much work and consider living frugally a hardship.

The average person in Africa makes about $798 per year. Our bottom 25% are in the top 5% of the world.

Buy here in the good old USA, everyone is entitled to free everything without having to do anything apparently.
"Let Them Live on Bread and Water," Cackled Marie Antoinette, Laughing Her Head Off


She didn’t actually say that.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

If you're frugal and know how to shop, Anyone can get by on $15K. Especially with government assistance.

To do a little better in life, people need to take responsibility for themselves and work towards their goals. Most people don't have goals. Most want an iPhone, unlimited data, the latest shoes, the latest video game, a vacation to Bermuda, a new car, and they take on debt to make that happen. We're a very materialistic society.

Go visit and find out how to really save money and end up with considerable wealth. I did. I retired at the age of 54.

You and most other people probably won't do that. Most think it's too much work and consider living frugally a hardship.

The average person in Africa makes about $798 per year. Our bottom 25% are in the top 5% of the world.

Buy here in the good old USA, everyone is entitled to free everything without having to do anything apparently.
"Let Them Live on Bread and Water," Cackled Marie Antoinette, Laughing Her Head Off

I don't mean to discredit what you say; I mean to discredit you. If you weren't a dishonest bootlicker, you'd tell all that to the HeirHeads, a class that has no right to exist. You're not a real man unless you believe, "If we have to do it all on our own, so must the brats of the rich." America better wake up to the facts that such a clique doesn't belong in this country and that it is allied with all the other burdens on society. Only childish weaklings who hate their own Daddies become wannabe Preppies.

I have no idea I'm not envious of others I could couldn't care less.

You seem to be

Envy stems from narcism narcissism. You feel like you're not getting what you justly deserve and want what others have.

I wonder what in the world?

You have a fuckin Good luck with that
Slurping Bootlickers Mispronounce Justice As "Jealous"

Why should I envy the spoiled and neurotic HeirHead weaklings? Why would I want to go through my whole life knowing, and trying to deny, that I'd be a nobody without my Daddy's money? You can identify with those spoiled Virginia Tech fodder, but it is as stupid and childish as your ten-year-old's grammar, because they have no self-identity, merely being the sons of somebody.
Why should I envy the spoiled and neurotic HeirHead weaklings? Why would I want to go through my whole life knowing, and trying to deny, that I'd be a nobody without my Daddy's money? You can identify with those spoiled Virginia Tech fodder, but it is as stupid and childish as your ten-year-old's grammar, because they have no self-identity, merely being the sons of somebody.
Va Tech's pretty bad ?
I heard Georgetown too...where they find a lot of unsuspecting clown recruits.

"Now remember. You'll get your $5 billion only after the 2 year business management degree.
And take the Hummer""
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Check any failed nation's history, and you'll find disparity grew to proportions it is now

so the OP is being far too simplistic, because canned q's are engineered to discredit and disguise the problem , not address it in the light of day


If Athletes Could Inherit Their Positions, Pro Sports Would Soon Go out of Business. The Same Goes for Entire Societies.

Then you better discuss hereditary wealth, property, position, and influence, or you, too, are avoiding the issue. Both the Left and the Right live under the self-hating delusion of "richkids on our side."
The right defends them as job creators. What do we care they are creating jobs everywhere else?

No corporation has an obligation to create jobs
Sounds like that defense doesn’t work then.

I never claimed that any corporation has an obligation to provide jobs.

They don't

A corporation has the obligation to its stockholders to make the company as profitable as possible if this country makes it impossible to be as profitable as possible it's not the fault of the corporation[/QUOTE]All the Little Piggies Went to Market

Oikonomic propaganda. Equity Is Iniquity. They can borrow from banks, instead of this get-rich-quick scheme of going public. That way, they would be a lot more mature and responsible about taking risks, which under the presently imposed system, amounts to little more than mindless high-roller gambling.
Nothing I can do about people being billionaires. They played the system that was in place.

My only concern is...why should we keep that system?

When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth

People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.
Not entitled. Just very fortunate. I don't know any babies that feel entitled. Some grow up feeling entitled. Mostly Socialists.
Socialists ?
You mean all the Walmart employees who helped build that fortune, making $20,000 a year relying on medicaid and food stamps ?

If you're frugal and know how to shop, Anyone can get by on $15K. Especially with government assistance.

To do a little better in life, people need to take responsibility for themselves and work towards their goals. Most people don't have goals. Most want an iPhone, unlimited data, the latest shoes, the latest video game, a vacation to Bermuda, a new car, and they take on debt to make that happen. We're a very materialistic society.

Go visit and find out how to really save money and end up with considerable wealth. I did. I retired at the age of 54.

You and most other people probably won't do that. Most think it's too much work and consider living frugally a hardship.

The average person in Africa makes about $798 per year. Our bottom 25% are in the top 5% of the world.

Buy here in the good old USA, everyone is entitled to free everything without having to do anything apparently.
"Let Them Live on Bread and Water," Cackled Marie Antoinette, Laughing Her Head Off

I don't mean to discredit what you say; I mean to discredit you. If you weren't a dishonest bootlicker, you'd tell all that to the HeirHeads, a class that has no right to exist. You're not a real man unless you believe, "If we have to do it all on our own, so must the brats of the rich." America better wake up to the facts that such a clique doesn't belong in this country and that it is allied with all the other burdens on society. Only childish weaklings who hate their own Daddies become wannabe Preppies.

I have no idea I'm not envious of others I could couldn't care less.

You seem to be

Envy stems from narcism narcissism. You feel like you're not getting what you justly deserve and want what others have.

I wonder what in the world?

You have a fuckin Good luck with that
Slurping Bootlickers Mispronounce Justice As "Jealous"

Why should I envy the spoiled and neurotic HeirHead weaklings? Why would I want to go through my whole life knowing, and trying to deny, that I'd be a nobody without my Daddy's money? You can identify with those spoiled Virginia Tech fodder, but it is as stupid and childish as your ten-year-old's grammar, because they have no self-identity, merely being the sons of somebody.

Envy has nothing to do with being them. It has all to do with wanting what they have. Nice try.

You really think all of them are spoiled and neurotic and weaklings, don't you? Why not just judge the character of a man and not the contents of their house.
When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth

People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.

Workers of the world unite!

How about NO?

Wannabe Marxists need to study some History.
Our country gains very little from the wealth of Billionaires

No reason to protect them


Let’s see....

What do we gain from Jeff Bezos immense wealth?

Amazon is a separate entity. The hundred billion Bezos has is only helping himself.
The Race Must Go to the Fittest, Not the Fatherest. So Daddy Bribed the Officials and Must Lose All He Has for That Crime Against Darwin's Law.

Someone could make an acceptable argument that Bezos worked for most of that, so he deserves to keep most of it and doesn't have to help anybody anymore. But the Walton Family has $200 billion and never worked a day in their lives, so no honest and intelligent person has any argument against confiscating it.

You Kennedy-loving Leftists never distinguish between people who worked for it and those who inherited it, who are all parasites. That omission of an easy debate win proves that Liberalism and Socialism were invented by the same spoiled, sheltered, and Born to Rule class of Camelot dung. Some Leftists can't deny that false-flag scheme, so they double-down on it by claiming that their heiristocratic leaders had to give up the most by becoming Social Justice Warlords, so they are the most dedicated to the cause! No, mind-slave, that's why they always impose dictatorships; their Daddies told them they were Born to Rule.

You seem to have a lot of hate towards others. Take some time in life. Go outside and breath in the fresh air. Go on a hike through the woods. Smell some flowers. Have at least one long moment of self awareness. It would do you wonders.
Take the ETF, XLE, which is the Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund. It holds oil heavyweights including Exxon, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Schlumberger, Occidental, and Valero to name a few.

Below, we compare XLK (the broad tech sector ETF) with XLE over the past 10 years. This one chart is a great illustration of why the wealth-gap is widening, even amongst investors.


This differential is even more pronounced if we look at returns over the last 5 years.

Below, you’ll see how the average tech investor is up nearly 200%, while the average energy investor has not only missed these gains, he watched his investment capital gutted by 31%.


When's the last time you got a job from a poor person?
The wealthy make a profit off of every person they hire.
It is the WORKERS who generate wealth
So what?

People willingly agree to sell their labor to an employer.

Do you really think that a business should just break even?

Running a business just to break even is a sure way to go out of business

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
So the wealthy giving a job to a poor person is not altruistic......that is how they generate wealth

People freely choose to sell their labor to an employer and if they don't like one employer they are free to sell their labor to another
"My Way or the Highway" Means That Your Way is the Low Way

Sure, I'll buy that—and the plutocrats are free to start over in a 3d World 7 Families country after the employees who created all their wealth take it all back.

Tell then if employees are capable of making wealth why do they need to work for someone else?
if all these employees are so smart, capable and hard working then why aren't they making themselves wealthy instead of working for someone else?

No one is forcing you or anyone else to work for anyone. you CHOOSE to sell your time for dollars to an employer. You do this of your own free will so quit fucking whining already
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